The media has a long history of repeating anything the Arabs say about Jews without checking. They don’t care that Jews may be killed or falsely condemned for the “crime”. It actually sells more papers to blame Jews.Ted Belman
By Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Huffington Post
The casualty list from the “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube movie continues to mount by the day. First and foremost for the American people were the murders of our Ambassador and three other patriots serving their country.
Then there is President Obama’s carefully crafted outreach to the Arab and Muslim world shredded by a choreographed dance of hate that continues to inflame anti-American passions on the Muslim street from Cairo to Jakarta. Pope Benedict XIV’s mission of reconciliation to Lebanon was lost amid the unending din of anti-West outbursts that dominated the news.
Egypt’s Coptic Christians, already reeling from the reality of a Muslim Brotherhood led-government, now fear the implications of a show-trial in absentia of members of their religious community allegedly involved with Coptic expat, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of the barely viewed anti-Islam movie.
There is yet more violence and more deaths to report, in Pakistan and inevitably, linked to Jews and the State of Israel.
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdes terrorists, who claim responsibility for a lethal attack from Sinai across the Egyptian-Israeli border, listed the anti-Islam video as its trigger.
An East Jerusalem woman attempts to stab an Israeli policeman, allegedly in retaliation for the video. Arabs protest in front of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, and the al-Jazzar Mosque in Acre.
Leading the blood libel against the Jews is Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who alleges that the video “[is tied to] Islamophobic policies of arrogant powers and Zionists. Prime suspects in this crime are Zionism and the U.S. government.” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims that the video is an “[Israeli plot] to divide (Muslims) and spark sectarian conflict.”
Why the Jews?
Largely because of the other largely unreported casualty of “Innocence of Muslims” is the reliability of the media.
Seems when he was called by an AP reporter, the filmmaker, first claimed to be Sam Bacile, a Jewish real estate agent from California and that he raised $5 million from 100 American Jews. The wires agencies ran with the story without investing the five minutes of work on public access real estate databases that would have shown that Sam Bacile did not exist.
I was one of various Jewish leaders called after those blaring headlines went viral and around the world. Of course no one in our community ever heard of the non-existent Bacile, nor his non-existent Jewish supporters. But it was too late, truth and our community’s good name and safety lost out to the almighty Breaking News.
Nakoula’s anti-Semitic cover story was eventually questioned by the Voice of America, CNN, Fox News and yes, the AP. But Islamic extremists had already pounced on the unexpected “Jewish/American” PR boost for their annual anti-American 9/11 protests. Cairo protests were quickly followed by the terror onslaught in Libya and soon violent mobs as far away as Bangladesh were railing against “Zionists” along with their anti- American animus.
The Jewish people have long, unwanted relationships with conspiratorial canards, and “Big-lie” campaigns. From the medieval blood libel that Jews murdered Christian children to use their blood to bake Passover Matzah, to the long-debunked Czarist-era Protocols of Zion, to the Internet favorite that Israel and U.S. intelligence were the puppet masters of the Sept. 11 infamy, Jews know how difficult it is to drive the stave of truth through the vampire of an ancient hate that will not die.
In our time, if respected media institutions won’t make their No. 1 job The Truth, we will all be left unprotected before ever more sophisticated and deadly screeds from our enemies.
The enemies of freedom, pluralism and human rights have detected a weakness in the West:
A failure to clearly articulate and defend our values; a failure of our political leaders to lead; and a failure of the media to take responsibility. When the trumped-up passions of “Innocence of Muslims” cool, burnt-out buildings will be repaired, diplomatic dances will reboot. But who will stand up for the freedom to disbelieve, to criticize and to mock? And who will be left standing to defend religious minorities whose sole sin is that they choose a different path pray to G-d?
The Western world and the liberal mass media wish ill will to the Jews and for that they may even have the support of the Jewish demos.
Similarly the multiple wars between IL and the Arab world have been condoned by the West who never did anything to prevent a single one.
Muslims behavior proves Pavlov theory 100%
I first heard about it being an Israeli from FOX. So much for them being an alternative to the liberal media.
No! The casualties were not caused by the movie! They were caused by muslim hatred, intolerance and savagery. Not to mention the attacks were planned well in advance. Rabbi Cooper is playing into the hands of jihadists who claim their hatred of us is a response to things we do rather than as a result of their ideology. We have to stop blaming ourselves for muslim violence.
It wasn’t shredded because there is no chance of outreach to the muslim world to begin with. There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence with a supremacist ideology.
Funny you say that Yamit. Two days ago I just sat down at a cafe to have coffee with one of my best friends, who is a Jewish lawyer.
Anyway, my friend was waiting for me. Just before I got there, a thief had stolen his Iphone, by pretending to bump into the table and drop his keys. My friend picked up the keys. He didn’t realise it was a diversion and that his phone had been stolen, until I got there.
Some other guys had seen the incident and pointed out the thief. My friend chases after them. I’m thinking the phone is gone forget about it. My friend dosent give up. he confronts the thief and says I’m a criminal defence barrister, give me my phone back and I forget about the whole thing. The criminal denies everything. He is with his girlfriend/accomplice. They try and walk away. My friend says we are staying with them.
The thief was out of our sight for about a minute, when he raced around a corner. Anyway to cut a long story short, for the next 90 minutes, the theives are trying to get away from us. They are shouting profanities at us. People in the street are staring at two men in suits chasing/following two feral lowlifes. We call 000 police emergency. The police are trying to find these two as they have been on a crime spree in Melbourne. The thieves try and get into taxis, my tenacious friend tells the taxi drivers that a crime has been committed, they won’t take them anywhere.
Eventually police turned up and arrested them. Here is where the story really gets interesting. Police technology pinpoints the intersection where the phone is. We spend about another hour trying to find the phone. The police say give up, it is a waste of our resources.
O, I should point out the urgency of the situation. If the criminal gets bail the next day, he can go back and collect the phone he has hidden.
Later that night my friend, his wife and me search another half hour in the dark. I gave up and went to a McDonalds for a hamburger. He rang me and said his wife had found the phone.
I later texted another friend and said – the moral of this story is you don’t f… with one of the chosen people because he won’t give up. You will get arrested and he’ll find his phone.
@ yamit82:
Good one!
@ Canadian Otter:
Probably due to the shortage of Jewish Lawyers.
This was a blood libel and individuals involved with the movie project who DELIBERATELY placed the responsibility for the film on a non-existent ISRAELI JEW should be sued in court.
Major US Jewish advocacy organizations such as the ADL showed quiet restraint. They called on the media to be “careful”. They expressed “concern”. And they have kept quiet ever since.