Massive protests hit Israel after six hostages killed

T. Belman. I do not think we should give up our goal of victory as emphasized by Netanyahu many times. These protestors would have you believe that there are enough hostages alive to warrant giving into their demands. I think otherwise.

A majority of Israelis support the goal of victory. Over 700 IDF soldiers have lost their lives to the cause of winning. We must not let them down.

Israel’s survival depends on it.

September 2, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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  1. Just watched a young chap – the cousin of one of the hostages who was executed – holding forth on his hatred for… Netanyahu. But no mention of Hamas…

    Aside from all other considerations, which we have discussed below, what the demonstrations indicate is that the protesters are mindlessly insulting all the young soldiers who have given their lives during this war.

    I’m sure that Israeli intelligence knows who the leftists responsible for this mayhem are, and they should with the utmost speed find them and take them out of the action. The word “treason” springs to mind…

  2. IMRA. Strike is illegal.

    Labor Court Frees 10 Million Israeli Hostages – US Leverage Declines?
    Dr. Aaron Lerner 2 September 2024

    At the insistence of Treasury Minister Smotrich, the Labor Court made a ruling today on the legality of the “solidarity strike” for the hostages.

    The Labor Court ruled that the trike was an illegal political strike. “.regarding the classification of the strike according to the ruling, whether it is an economic strike or a political strike, it is clear that this is a political strike. The statements made by the chairman of the Histadrut, who clarified that the reason for the strike was ‘we cannot stand by while our children are being killed in the tunnels in Gaza, this is unacceptable,’ are sufficient to make this determination.”

    This decision removes the threat of additional strikes if and when Israel finds it necessary to reject a Biden Administration “final compromise deal.”

    Extensive press coverage notwithstanding, the relatively small turnout of the public for the various protests across the country over the past day – less than an average Saturday night during the judicial reform protests – has also served to significantly reduce the perceived public cost of opting to give preference to Israel’s future.”

  3. Soros and Ehud Barak likely culprits.
    Just another excuse to bash Bibi when in fact it was the Woke, useless IDF Leaders who totally caused October 7th by their malfeasance, ignorance and stupidity

  4. These protesters are a disgusting disgrace. They are giving aid and comfort to hamas, hezbollah, Iran and all of Israel’s enemies. hamas just executed 6 hostages and these people want to reward them with a deal which allows them to get away with it and still have the ability to commit future atrocities. I do give a pass to the hostage families whose attitudes I can understand. They cannot be expected to weigh this issue rationally. However, Israel’s PM has to make decisions for the greater good of his nation. A ceasefire deal would be a disaster. What would they have Bibi do to get the hostages back? Should he end the fighting, release hundreds of hamas terrorists from Israeli prisons, withdraw Israeli forces entirely from Gaza, allow the remaining hamas terrorists a free pass? Those are some of hamas’ demands. And even if Israel agreed to such a lopsided deal, they still would not get all of the hostages back, hamas would keep some for insurance, using them as human shields to protect themselves from being hunted down. I find it hard to believe the majority of Israelis agree with the protesters. I would bet that these protests are being organized and funded by left-wing groups in America.

  5. Totally irrational… Someone (or some group) is behind this type of reaction… and whoever or whatever it is, has no intention of benefiting Israel. Another snake to behead…