‘Mask bill’ would make it easier for police to stifle protests

[Why not simply make it an offense to wear a mask? Then there is no defense. Unfortunately it is not so simple. All Palestinians could don masks to make it impossible to separate the trouble makers from them.  Ted Belman]

The bill says that if someone wears a mask so that he or she is unidentifiable, it is reasonable to suspect that they seek to disturb the peace.


maskedProposed legislation could allow masked demonstrators police suspect to be violent to be more easily prosecuted.

The proposal by Bayit Yehudi MKs Yoni Chetboun and Ayelet Shaked and Likud MKs Ze’ev Elkin and Yariv Levin is a response to recent riots by Arab protesters, in which police had a difficult time arresting those who wore masks.

According to current law, police can arrest those taking part in an illegal gathering that they suspect could disturb the peace, but the burden of proof is on arresting officers to provide evidence to prosecute those who are planning violent riots.

Chetboun called this situation a “revolving door, in which suspects are arrested and then freed after 48 hours without being put on trial, which makes the arrest ineffective. Police officers say their hands are tied in dealing with such gatherings.”

If the MKs’ initiative becomes law, the burden of proof would be on the suspects in cases in which the demonstrators’ faces were covered. They posit in the bill’s explanatory section that if someone wears a mask so that he or she is unidentifiable, it is reasonable to suspect that they seek to disturb the peace. Such a change would make arrests an effective deterrent, they wrote.

“The fight against terrorism begins with giving effective tools to the security forces and not tying their hands. The revolving door policy…is oil in the wheels of the terrorist machine. This is a legal farce that must be stopped,” Chetboun said.

According to Chetboun, “terrorism is rampant and the security forces’ hands are tied. This bill will make an important change that will allow them to take a stand against the upsurge in terrorism.”

November 14, 2014 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. it is reasonable to suspect that they seek to disturb the peace.

    or to be engaged in terror, a suicide bomber, etc

    Such a change would make arrests an effective deterrent, they wrote.

    or perhaps it might make it easier to shoot them dead, giving presumption of guilt to the state.

  2. @ Bert:

    A cheap bullet is more sensible they will be put out of action like permanently…

    Mortal enemies cannot be left to try again or breed more terrorists. Two options drive em out or kill-em.

    I really am serious.

    “In that day will I make the chiefs of Judah like a pan of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire among sheaves; and they shall devour all the peoples round about, on the right hand and on the left… And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:6, 9

    Joshuah gave the Canaanites 3 options: Make peace (vassalage and tribute) leave the land or fight to the death. No fourth option was offered.

  3. When it comes to Arab terror Jewish minds go blank. Long ago I suggested to Israel authorities that they prepare to spay masked Arab rock throwers with my “chicken soup”recipe. A solution of glue, skin irritant, water proof dye that shows under ultra violet light, sugar to attract insects, itching powder, and a horrible odor. A shielded vehicle with a water cannon would move among the stone throwers and spray them. Their masks would now cling to their skins while they suffer greatly. This is a safe, cheap, easy way to inflict suffering on these hoodlums. No capture and release. Any masked hoodlum is a target. Of course the cowardly Israeli authorities chose to hide out and never respond.