Marxist Globalism Will Not Survive


In the end, Marxist globalism will fail.  The Machiavellian push for One World Government will fail.  The World Economic Forum’s master plan for a small cabal of egomaniacal “elites” to rule over Earth’s eight-billion-plus inhabitants will fail.  Why?  Because those who conspire to foist such despotism upon the rest of us have no meaningful vision for the future.

Surviving in tiny apartments in mega-metropolises, owning nothing of our own, subsisting on a diet of bugs and Soylent Green, anesthetizing our minds with narcotics and virtual reality, and remaining in a perpetual state of fear over man-made “climate change” is no way to live.  Existence without struggle, adventure, growth, or purpose is hollow.  “Shouting your abortion” and volunteering for government-assisted suicide inspire no-one.  Self-censoring speech breeds conformity, not creativity.  Obsessing over what is “politically correct” leaves no space for original thought.  Constantly worrying about being punished for spreading “disinformation” or being “cancelled” for offending the State is psychological torture.

The future that globalist “elites” wish to impose upon the rest of us is devoid of personal meaning.  It is bereft of innovation and art.  It is a death sentence for imagination.  It drowns the soul in dread.

A powerful alliance of central banks, espionage agencies, multinational corporations, and oppressive governments will continue to demand that the human race “voluntarily” accept the new digital cages being built around them, but we humans cannot be controlled forever.  Rebelling against our masters is in our nature.  Seeking our independence drives us into the wilderness.  Risking everything for freedom is what makes too many of us feel most alive.  The globalists can torture, intimidate, imprison, and murder us without mercy, but, in the end, they will fail to do anything other than steel our resolve and forge an implacable spirit among the populace.  Marxist globalism will not survive.

One of the reasons it will not survive is that it is simply the reimposition of monarchy and aristocracy in twenty-first-century clothes.  Royal prerogative and noble privilege have been refashioned as bureaucratic, financial, or scientific “expertise.”  Secretaries-general of international bodies, directors of clandestine organizations, corporate officers, and central bank governors are just modern tsars and princes wielding high-tech, digital swords.  Before the fall of most dynasties around the world, a peasant who asked, “Why should I do what you say?” would be told with the help of a firm whip or rod, “Because I am your lord, and you must obey.”  Today, when a commoner asks, “Why must I use fiat money, close my business for COVID, or allow school counselors to give my child puberty blockers behind my back?” a government representative insists that we are not qualified to question the “experts.”

Putting a title before someone’s name — especially the word, “doctor” — is used to evince authority in the same manner as a king bestows privilege upon a baron, count, or duke.  Just as aristocrats are not genetically superior to those they seek to “rule,” “experts” are not any more immune to errors in judgment than those they seek to regulate.  As a reader going by the name of “Grandpa” recently observed, “In my lifetime, ‘science’ said a frontal lobotomy was the cure for a host of mental illnesses.  ‘Science’ said we would be a frozen world by 1980…Now, ‘science’ is saying a man can become a woman and a woman a man.”  Science, as Grandpa suggests, is often no more than a heraldic shield used to deflect criticism while demanding unearned respect.

Another reason Marxist globalism will not survive is that it stands for no principle beyond the pursuit and exercise of raw power.  It is a religion that glorifies a handful of global “elites” as gods and demands that everyone else accede to their philosophies as gospel truths.  However, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and their fellow WEF enthusiasts are false prophets who serve no greater interest than their own.  They have made themselves into globalist idols for mindless followers to profanely worship.  And like all false idols, they will lead their acolytes to their own demise.

It is important to appreciate that the World Economic Forum is filled with members who bear little resemblance to the rest of us.  Even in our present age, when religious conviction and belief in God have been in decline, the vast majority of human beings acknowledge the existence of a higher power influencing their lives.  WEF-fers, in contrast, are predominantly atheists.  When they describe our universe, they rely entirely upon an incomplete understanding of our physical reality, and they leave no room for a spiritual realm that complements our existence.

As such, it is quite normal to hear WEF-fers describe the world as a product of either determinism or randomness.  In a deterministic world, everything that has ever happened or will happen in the future is set in stone by a long sequence of causal variables well beyond our control.  After the Big Bang, subatomic particles form elements; matter coalesces into gas, dust, planets, stars, and galaxies; new molecular compounds take shape; proteins and nucleic acids form biological life; and living organisms behave according to their genetic blueprints.  In other words, everything that happens around us is already determined by an exceedingly complex but predictable mathematical interaction of chemical reactions, gravitational forces, and energy transformations.  In this deterministic worldview, from the moment of the Big Bang, there was never any doubt that the universe would eventually produce “Weird Al” Yankovic, long lines at the DMV, and a global frenzy over the Macarena.  That seems like an absurd, Douglas Adams-inspired universe to me, but that’s how many of the WEF-fers see things.

Those who instead embrace a quantum mechanics understanding of the universe insist that absolute randomness drives everything.  In every event in nature, a probabilistic function exists that reflects a range of possible outcomes, and when one of these outcomes is observed, it becomes reality.  Again, free will and personal agency are essentially replaced with a complex mathematical sequence of pure chance.  I find this philosophical reliance on our incomplete understanding of the physical universe equally humorous.  I often imagine George Carlin delivering a stand-up routine in which he is trying to ascertain whether the whacky obscenity about to drip from his lips has been thirteen billion years in the making or is so outrageous that it will collapse all other alternate realities in the multiverse.  Who would have thought that mathematical probability would eventually lead us from the Big Bang to Carlin’s “seven dirty words”?

This all might seem a little funny, but when we understand these worldviews as part and parcel of Marxist globalism, they are deadly serious.  Davos “elites” do not believe in God, free will, or any metaphysical or spiritual component to our reality.  They are nihilists who regard existence, virtue, and morality as entirely meaningless.  Even though they have come to such a dark conclusion, they still insist on amassing tremendous power and ruling over the rest of us.  They believe in nothing yet are incapable of entertaining opposing points of view.  Their colossal narcissism precludes them from exercising genuine empathy.  In other words, WEF-fers suffer from an incurable god complex.

I don’t think I’m alone in concluding that if the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world don’t believe in God or free will, then there is no reason to sacrifice our children in Ukraine, live in poverty to fight “climate change,” censor our speech, or do anything else that our global tyrants say.  I will not follow “leaders” who believe in nothing but the preservation of their own power, wealth, and privilege.  I suspect that billions of others feel the same way.

June 1, 2024 | 39 Comments »

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39 Comments / 39 Comments

  1. @Laura

    The only nazis I come across are rabid Jew-hating, pro-hamas Russians.

    Really? Have you read some of the material behind Azov? Have you read the article in Haaretz about Cossack House, which was the center of the Azov movement where portraits of WWII war criminals adorn the walls, and children are taught to purify the White Race? Do you think that the Jews are counted among the White Race by Andriy Biletsky, the founder of Azov? Then check out Oleh Tyahnybok, and after him, look up Andriy Parubiy. And of course the Nazi insignia which adorns all the good Ukrainian uniforms should repel us, even if it doesn’t repel the Ukrainains who wear them.

    Oh, and have you heard the most recent news from Ukraine where Zel is now sponsoring Hamas? Yes, Zel who begs the world for money to pay his light bills will now be sending Hamas “monetary aid” according to Kan news:
    Zelensky against Israel: We will do everything to stop it in Gaza

    Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky criticizes Israel for the operation in Gaza and says that his country is ready to provide monetary aid to the residents of Gaza. Zelensky, who is visiting Singapore, divided what has been happening since the October 7 massacre into two periods…After Israel was in the territory of Gaza, a humanitarian crisis arose there and Ukraine said that we are ready to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza and international law must be respected.”

    At this stage, Zelensky criticized Israel and declared: “Ukraine recognizes two states, Israel and Palestine and will do everything for Israel to stop to end this conflict and so that civilians are not harmed.”

    We have enemies aplenty on both sides of that war, among men of both small and great statures, and we should not pretend that our enemies are uniquely aligned in one center, region or country in Europe, nor even easter vs western Europe. Indeed, our history makes the pattern clear that our enemies are ubiquitously placed among the Europeans, though I have to admit that Hungary has singularly come to surprise me over the past years, again and again.

  2. The only nazis I come across are rabid Jew-hating, pro-hamas Russians. Ukrainians I come across support Israel.

    Yes, well tell that to those American oligarchs which are profiteering off of the coup which the Americans coordinated with the nazis and nationalists in 2014.

  3. @Felix,

    Svoboda has been led by a man named Oleh Tyahnybok

    Relatedly, Oleh Tyahnybok was the co-founder of the Nazi Svoboda party, and his partner in founding that Nazi group was none other than Andriy Parubiy. Parubiy, for those who are unaware, was the Commadant of the Maidan, where he was in control of the Nazi forces who fired on the crowd and police back in 2014 which set off the coup. He also controlled the building, Hotel Ukraina, from which the shooting originated, and based on forensics carried out by Western sources, it was Paraibiy’s apartments in the Hotel Ukraina to which the shooting was sourced. Just prior to the coup, Pariubiy overthrew arsenals in Western Ukraine and made it clear that they were not going to back down no matter what. As I have complained previously, Parubiy was made head of the state security apparatus, the equivalent of the domestic and foreign NSA in Ukraine, a position from which he was aware of, if not involved with, the Oddessa Massacre which made the civil war in Ukraine unavoidable. Following the election of Poroshenko, Pariubiy left the Ukrainian NSA and became speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, a position which he held for 5 years til he stepped down, all the while making it very clear that he never changed his political interests from that which he held during the formation of the Nazi Svoboda party.

    Likely you know about all of this, but others may be unaware.

  4. Peloni it is very impressive the way you introduced Biden and his profiteering son and family in real technicolour into these political events.

  5. This give coverage of the role of this right wing Bandera movement that emerged in the Maidan

    “Since 2004, Svoboda has been led by a man named Oleh Tyahnybok. His career in Ukrainian politics has been one built upon a platform of hate (against Jews, Russians, Communists, all non-Orthodox Christians, and any ethnic minorities in the country) and ultranationalism. As of 2017, Oleh has submitted 36 motions to the Ukrainian parliament, all of them promoting hate. These include opposition to the adoption of regional languages, support for further recognition of Nazi collaborator groups during World War II, the regulation of political involvement for communist officials, and demands to make communism in Ukraine illegal (Shekhovtsov, 2011). His personal conduct, while unsurprising to those familiar with his politics, underscore his true loyalties as well; in 2004, while at the grave of a Nazi sympathizer of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Oleh made televised remarks such as “[You are the ones] that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most” (Kuzio, 2004) and “They were not afraid and we should not be afraid. They took their automatic guns on their necks and went into the woods, and fought against the Muscovites, Germans, Jews and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state” (Shekhovtsov, 2011). Despite Oleh’s revolting history, he has still been welcomed with open arms by multiple American politicians, most notably and frequently U.S. Senator John McCain (Taylor, 2013).”

  6. @Laura

    We have our own natural gas, an abundance. We don’t need any from Ukraine.

    Yes, well tell that to those American oligarchs which are profiteering off of the coup which the Americans coordinated with the nazis and nationalists in 2014. Indeed, perhaps you might explain why the boards of Ukraine’s gas assets were taken over by unqualified children of American oligarchs, from the Biden’s to the Romney’s to the Soros’ and others.

    As far as this being “marxist claptrap”, the Marxists claptrap leveraged against the US was only described as Marxist claptrap because it wasn’t true, whereas the US move on Ukraine’s gas holdings is completely factual. In fact, while the US coordinated the February 2014 coup in Ukraine, Biden was reported by Nuland during her exposure of the coming coup that Biden would be coming to Ukraine to finalize the situation which she was organizing with the Nazis and the coup. In the time between the coup and Biden’s visit in late April, Biden’s cokehead son as the notorious bagman of the Biden crime family, was employed as a direct buy-in by the Big Guy into Ukraine’s gas holdings.

  7. @Bear

    I know you will keep denying Russian motivation and rationalization of its military land grabs of former territories.

    Actually, all I did was to point out the violations which the Americans made to the BM which were extreme in their extent and predated the Russian occupation of Crimea. So while you describe this as a rationalization, it is not. The facts simply are what they are. If you can explain how the US peddling $5Bn in Ukraine was not exerting economic influence on that corrupt nation, I would like to hear the explanation, or rationalization if you prefer that term. The same regarding the US coordinated coup vis a vis military coersion of the country. Both of these actions taken by the US, which predated the Crimean occupation were in stark violation to the BM. So again, its not a rationalization, it’s just the facts as the are known to have taken place.

    As to your comments being marked as spam, I don’t know why they were held back. Sometimes repeated posts are recognized as spam, but to be honest, I can’t tell you why. As I have noted to others, if you bring it to my attention, I will release your comments so long as they are not in violation of the site policies of 400 words and 5 links.

  8. Peloni, Thank you for re-posting my comments, after my complaint.

    So complaining does work to a reasonable extent.

    I know you will keep denying Russian motivation and rationalization of its military land grabs of former territories. We will never agree on this subject. You will keep denying my words say what they do.

    So I have no further interest in wasting time on this now. I frankly do not know why I have wasted so much time on this already. Have a good day!

  9. @Bear,
    Both of your comments have been posted and neither of them address the false claims you originally made suggesting that Ukraine had nuclear weapons which were traded for guarantees of security. So while you claim that you will not post a further response, I maintain that you have still not posted a relevant response to your false claims about Ukraine’s supposed nuclear arsenal which was first a Soviet arsenal and next a Russian arsenal, but never an arsenal under Ukraine’s control to threaten anyone.

    Regarding your attempt to pivot to other matters, you claim that the occupation of Crimea was the initiating violation to the BM, even though the BM prohibited the economic influence pushed on Ukraine with the $5Bn, as well as the US planned overthrow of the Ukrainian govt, both of which we were informed about by the Undersecretary of the US Sec. of State, Victoria Nuland.

    So feel free to not respond to the current false claims you made even as your pivoting responses to the initial false claims about the nukes also failed to respond to that false claim.

    Notably, the BM did not simply address the security needs of Ukraine, even as it seems that this is the limit of your understanding of the document or those whom you cite.

  10. These remarks sound like marxist claptrap. We have our own natural gas, an abundance. We don’t need any from Ukraine. Neither we nor Ukraine started the war. Stop making excuses for Russian imperialism. In fact its Russia that wants Ukraine’s gas assets, that’s one of the reasons they invaded along with reestablishing the Russian empire. The right and far left these days have converged on foreign policy matters in that they both blame everything on America and that we’re the bad guys. Never mind our military is shrinking. When I see or hear discussions about foreign policy, I can’t tell whether the anti-American rhetoric is coming from a right winger or left winger.

    American profiteers command Ukraine’s great gas assets, and the American p

    whose existence depends upon American largess and the whims of the American Power Oligarchs

  11. The image of Ukraine being invaded by Russia despite its security assurances and being left largely to fend for itself in this conflict may trigger a resurgant interest in nuclear weapons. Some evidence of this has already begun to emerge, for instance in Japan, where the former prime minister Shinzo Abe argued that “Japan should break a longstanding taboo and hold an active debate on nuclear weapons – including a possible ‘nuclear-sharing’ programme.”

  12. Now my responses were deleted?

    This is a waste of time.

    Moderator asks a phony question that was well answered previously and pretends no answer was provided. Then it is elaborated on further and the answer which was posted at first, then disappears.

    Sounds like a Russian election lock up the main opposition and then claim their was a fair election.

    Weak just like the Pro Russian Arguments. Ukraine is a sovereign that was attacked by Russia without provocation.

  13. The image of Ukraine being invaded by Russia despite its security assurances and being left largely to fend for itself in this conflict may trigger a resurgant interest in nuclear weapons. Some evidence of this has already begun to emerge, for instance in Japan, where the former prime minister Shinzo Abe argued that “Japan should break a longstanding taboo and hold an active debate on nuclear weapons – including a possible ‘nuclear-sharing’ programme.”

  14. @Peloni read the links to my comments (plus my comments) about Ukraine. Everything is answered. I will not engage further because it is a huge waste of time.

    The Budapest Memorandum consists of a series of political assurances whereby the signatory states commit to “respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine”. But the meaning of the security assurances was deliberately left ambiguous. According to a former US diplomat who participated in the talks, Steven Pifer, it was understood that if there was a violation, there would be a response incumbent on the US and the UK. And while that response was not explicitly defined, Pifer notes that: “there is an obligation on the United States that flows from the Budapest Memorandum to provide assistance to Ukraine, and […] that would include lethal military assistance”.

    Russia first broke its commitments under the Budapest Memorandum in 2014, with its annexation of Crimea and aggression in eastern Ukraine.

    The image of Ukraine being invaded by Russia despite its security assurances and being left largely to fend for itself in this conflict may trigger a resurgant interest in nuclear weapons. Some evidence of this has already begun to emerge, for instance in Japan, where the former prime minister Shinzo Abe argued that “Japan should break a longstanding taboo and hold an active debate on nuclear weapons – including a possible ‘nuclear-sharing’ programme.”

    Dance, spin, misinterpret, it does NOT change the fact that a Sovereign Nation Ukraine without provocation was unilaterally attacked by Russia. The reason was expressed by Putin more than once he felt the greatest crime of the 20th Century was the breakup of the Soviet Union. He intends to reestablish that land control under or in the Russian Federation.

    He has rationalized it and so have other pro Russian Imperialists but is a simply naked bold land grab! No many ways or lies are used to try and justify it!

  15. @Bear

    Dance, spin, misinterpret,

    You are dodging again. Please respond to your errored commentary on the ‘backfiring’ of Ukraine having given up ‘its’ nukes. The misinformation which has been spread, not just by your current commentary, on the topic of the BM is repeated quite often and when challenged, those putting forward such false assertions continuously fail to address the lack of veracity in the claim that Ukraine gave up any defensive shield in signing the BM. Perhaps you will continue to evade addressing this reality, but it nonetheless remains the truth of the matter.

  16. Dance, spin, misinterpret, it does NOT change the fact that a Sovereign Nation Ukraine without provocation was unilaterally attacked by Russia. The reason was expressed by Putin more than once he felt the greatest crime of the 20th Century was the breakup of the Soviet Union. He intends to reestablish that land control under or in the Russian Federation.

    He has rationalized it and so have other pro Russian Imperialists but is a simply naked bold land grab! No many ways or lies are used to try and justify it!

  17. The Budapest Memorandum

    It was based on the premise that the opposing sides would honour the agreement. All of the significant events of the February 2014 Coup, before and after the coup, meant that the Budapest Memorandum was broken by America, Europe, NATO, and by all sides and given effect in the 2014 coup. These Imperialists and Ukrainian Fascists broke every principle of the Budapest Agreement.

    Russia on every conceivable principle was totally within its rights to invade Ukraine right then and put an end to the war and aggression taking place in plain view against Russia. Russia did not break the Budapest Memorandum. The Fascists and Imperialists did. But Russia still did not declare war. Like Israel and Hamas up until October 7 Russia tried again for peace. That was a major mistake. It gave the opening for the Imperialists to arm the Fascists and build an army geared for war with Russia.

    Next … the Minsk “Agreements” … Russia seeking peace a fruitless task against American NeoCon Imperialism and proxy Nazis

  18. The Budapest Memorandum of 1904 was a carefully written document and contained the following:


    prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5] ”

    I intend on future articles that Russia at every stage acted in self-defence according to the UN Charter…

  19. Peloni

    Thanks. I can only touch on this. There is much evidence that Lenin and Trotsky were very aware of the lasting power of nationalism.

    They would oppose any World Government idea out of hand.

    McGregor had an idea of the power of these lies in all shades against Putin.

    More I hope later

  20. @Felix

    Can you show once when marx Engels Lenin or Trotsky made a call for One World Government

    So your interpretation of Trotsky’s permanent revolution, going from one nation to the next, would not lead to a Trotskyist (for a lack of a more clear description) govt over all the nations? Is this your position? Serious question for you.

  21. In the end, Marxist globalism will fail. The Machiavellian push for One World Government will fail

    That sentence is false

    Can you show once when marx Engels Lenin or Trotsky made a call for One World Government


    It is lies. Lies within Lies.

  22. @Bear
    The Budapest Memorandum is quite different from what you describe in subtle and significant ways.

    Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and so was Russia in 1994 they signed the Budapest Agreement

    It was actually signed by the US, Britain, Russia and Ukraine.

    among other things acknowledged the sovereignty of Ukraine and its borders.

    The ‘among other things’ included Ukraine’s economic, diplomatic independence, as well as a commitment by Ukraine to uphold the rights of its minority populations.

    Ukraine would give all its nuclear bombs to the Russian Federation.
    This has turned out to backfire because if Ukraine had nukes Russia would be scared to attack

    This is completely misrepresented, and is commonly misrepresented in the press. Ukraine never had control of the nukes, not one missile, not ever. The operational control mechanisms of the nukes was handed over from the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation, and this is not a point which can be disputed. So whereas Ukraine had physical possession of the nuclear missiles, they could not employ them, and no one would be easily threatened by a nuclear weapon which could not be fired or detonated. Kuchma, who was a clever and corrupt sort of fellow, recognized the value of what he had in the nuclear arsenal was not in their potential to threaten anyone, but in the potential that the nuclear material might be sold to rogue actors. Recognizing this fact, after striking an agreement with Russia and the West to release the missiles, he canceled the agreement and resold them for a greater price a second time. In any event, the missiles never presented any potential threat to Russia, as Russia was the only one who could actually fire the missiles. So suggesting that Kuchma’s two sales of the missiles backfired is completely mischaracterizing the fact that Ukraine was itself never in a position to do more than it did – namely gain a good price for a high commodity item in the form of its possession of Russian nuclear weapons.

    Following the signing of the BM, the US used its economic assets ($5Bn) to completely leverage an undue influence in Ukraine, which was in opposition to the BM, even as this influence gained some, though hardly an overwhelming, effect. The US State Dept’s role in the overthrow of the legitimate Ukrainian govt in 2014 was a further and final evisceration of the BM, following which the Nazi-Nationalist govt which came to power eviscerated the rights of minorities, thus crushing yet another main tenet of the well defunct BM.

  23. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and so was Russia in 1994 they signed the Budapest Agreement which among other things acknowledged the sovereignty of Ukraine and its borders. Also included in the Agreement is that Ukraine would give all its nuclear bombs to the Russian Federation. This has turned out to backfire because if Ukraine had nukes Russia would be scared to attack and through force of arms take its sovereign territory in violation of its Agreement.

    Some Russian Nationalists or their supporters attempt linguistic games or use pretend logic or arguments to justify Russia’s attack on a Sovereign Ukraine and the attempt to capture this country or large parts of it and make it part of Russia. Truth is Russia wants Ukraine as part of Russia as part of their imperialistic goals..

    Putin’s decision to invade is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum, a key instrument assuring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The memorandum was struck in 1994, following lengthy and complicated negotiations involving the then Russian president Boris Yeltsin, Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma, US president Bill Clinton and the then British prime minister John Major.

  24. The memory wars of Ukraine and Russia are quite fatiguing to discuss, and in fact neither of the proponents of either side are willing to accept the reality which is really at heart of the matter. The disputed realities between the two camps, while the foundation of each was developed in only the past couple hundred years, is based upon when the relative history actually began and about what region of Ukraine is actually being discussed. And in the end, the answer to this endless debate between people who don’t listen to eachother has no real relevance as to how we arrived at where we are today. Which is why the debate is really not worth the effort, though it is still an interesting historical topic.

  25. @Laura

    Ukraine is a sovereign nation not belonging to Russia.

    Sovereign nations have established borders, independent national institutions, and provide for their own budgetary needs from their own financial sourcing. Ukraine fails all of these. Russian forces sit within her borders, American profiteers command Ukraine’s great gas assets, and the American people pay for the Ukrainian war and their civic budget, with a bit on the side to grease all the corrupticrats at the top. While Ukraine does not belong to Russia, it also does not belong to itself. This should be telling lesson for all nations who come under the interest of the US State Dept, something alike the warning about Greeks bearing gifts.

    In fact, the Ukraine model is exactly how the US would prefer to have Israel situated, as a failed state, whose existence depends upon American largess and the whims of the American Power Oligarchs. Thankfully, Bibi is not so ill advised as to turn Israel in the the latest remonstration of Ukraine, as Gantz and his clique of American sycophants would most likely be quite quick to do.

  26. Excellent link, Bear

    If Putin thinks the Russian language needs “defending” in Ukraine, he is admitting that Ukrainian is a separate language (and the Ukrainians are a separate people).

    Putin speaks the language of violence, and it is the only language he seems to listen to.

  27. To correct the comments of someone here is either ignorant of history or lying, or both for ideological reasons I assume.

    The Ukrainian language was banned in the Soviet Union.

    This traces back to the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union when Moscow consistently banned the Ukrainian language, restricting, persecuting, sentencing, and even executing Ukrainian artists, writers, and poets.

    Or if someone wants a full history of Ukraine including its language.

  28. Fuck Russians and the commie chinks. Ukraine is a sovereign nation not belonging to Russia.

    Felix, I still would like to know why you stand on the side of the Russian and Chinese enemies of Israel.

  29. Laura you must say if there’s any part of that you don’t agree with.

    If there is day so.

    We really cannot make up our own history

    There is such a thing as objective truth in history telling.

  30. Laura

    We will only have more confusion if we talk on generalities

    Ukraine seems to be totally Russia in its history it’s language, religion and people.

    In Ukraine everything focuses on the Coup of February 2014

    If you deny any aspect of that coup as Peloni has outlined them we have to stop talking.

    The coup had a dramatic effect on all things Ukraine.

    The first statement of the new government created by the Coup was to deny Ukrainian Russian speakers the right to speak Russian language.

    This was followed by bombardment of russian speaking areas by the Ukrainian now right wing army.

    This caused great dismay in the Russian speaking population

    So Laura so far we have a very unconstitutional coup

    Followed by banning of a language

    Followed by genocide

    All guided by the American Imperialism presence.

    Do you accept all that?

    Is that not a denial of racial differences? Citizens who speak Russian. Ukrainian citizens, their own citizens.

    All backed by America and Europe

    Who were the globalists then???

    Surely a vivid example of trampling on the rights of the Russian speaking people in Ukraine!

    I would prefer if like me you deal with specifics.

    Let us talk about Zelensky.

  31. The globalists’ efforts to create a worldwide dictatorship with them in charge may very well ultimately fail, but what we all need to wonder and concern ourselves with is just how much death and destruction the globalists will cause before their scheme collapses. I am afraid they will not go down easily or quietly.

  32. This is preposterous.

    You have left out another category. Zelensky is an ultra right surrogate of American Imperialism whose aim is to rule the world. Including Jews.

    American imperialism isn’t the problem. Chinese, Russian and islamic imperialism is. China has a bigger navy than we do. Our military spending is less than 3% of our GDP. China is increasing it’s military spending and expanding its global reach, including our hemisphere. China controls both sides of the Panama Canal. This China/Russia/Iran access of evil is arming hamas, hezbollah etc. but for some bizarre reason you think the threat is so-called American imperialism and Ukraine and Zelensky.

    I do think that the Biden regime is a danger, but it’s because he’s actually ceding American power to the axis of evil. That is the goal of the great reset, to reduce American economic and military power and create “equity” with the rest of the world. Felix, you are not getting it that the people running our country are NOT in favor of American imperialism, they want an end to American world leadership, they want an end to American exceptionalism. They are working to destroy us from within and without. They are marxist idealogues.

  33. Laura you can shout your generalities. Can you be specific?

    “The marxist globalists have aligned with muslims to wage war on the Jewish state, each having different purposes and using each other for their own ends. For muslims of course it is a religious mandate set forth in the koran that anything once islam is forever to remain islamic and the rest to eventually be conquered by islam. For the global left the “Great Reset” is about doing away with the existence of nation-states and Judeo-Christian western ideals in favor of a one world marxist totalitarian government. America and Israel are their number 1 and number 2 targets since they stand in the way of these two totalitarian ideologies. Zionism/Jewish nationalism is abhorrent to islam and marxism. The American constitution and our ideal of individual liberty is likewise abhorrent to them. If and when they destroy us the marxists and muslims will then go at each other.”

    So what about Putin and Zelensky? You love the latter hate the former.

    You have left out another category. Zelensky is an ultra right surrogate of American Imperialism whose aim is to rule the world. Including Jews. If Biden wins in November that will get worse for Jews. Nowhere did you deal with that because you are a creature of the essence of world dictatorship which is American Imperialism.

    Every word you write seeks to obscure and distort that reality.

    That’s the hidden message in your confusing messages to the world.

  34. The current de facto alliance of convenience between Islamists and way out Marxists is certainly peculiar because from the French Revolution till the fall of the USSR, the Left was strongly anti – clerical.
    The UN was a creation of the USA – Wilson in 1919 and then FDR since 1945. It was a way to assemble all the governments and read them the Riot Act – after having asked them whether they had anything to say before passing sentence. As such it would be more formal and procedural so apparently more “just” than deals struck over drinks in palace anterooms.
    Do remember that in the same way that the Globe is one system of air and water despite obstacles, so itis one system of trade despite obstacles. As much was proven by the Putin invasion of the Ukraine which upset food prices across the entire World and then again by the said war upsetting the gas fuel prices. If you do notike that the Wall Street crash in 1929 rippled round the World causing no end of problems. If as in the inter-war / the entreguerres of the 20’s and 30’s we see a US retreat from the World inneo-isolationism then US might well wake up to China on its doorstep and no allies to act as forward bases. Remember how it was Hitler – even if a bit ridiculously – who declared war on the US.

  35. Marxist globalism may be crap but it may be around for a long long time. Have you read 1984? What’s the most important takeaway? No happy ending thank you so let’s not be cavalier. As for hope, and I’m glad you asked Laura, in his recent must read book The End of Everything Victor Davis Hanson quotes Thucydides, “Hope, dangers comforter, may be indulged in by those who have abundant resources…; but it’s nature is to be extravagant, and those who go so far as to put their all upon the venture see it in its true colours only when they are ruined.”

  36. We can only hope. The marxist globalists have aligned with muslims to wage war on the Jewish state, each having different purposes and using each other for their own ends. For muslims of course it is a religious mandate set forth in the koran that anything once islam is forever to remain islamic and the rest to eventually be conquered by islam. For the global left the “Great Reset” is about doing away with the existence of nation-states and Judeo-Christian western ideals in favor of a one world marxist totalitarian government. America and Israel are their number 1 and number 2 targets since they stand in the way of these two totalitarian ideologies. Zionism/Jewish nationalism is abhorrent to islam and marxism. The American constitution and our ideal of individual liberty is likewise abhorrent to them. If and when they destroy us the marxists and muslims will then go at each other.