Martin Sherman’s plan for “compensated emigration” works in theory but not in practice

By Adam Dalgliesh

My thesis in all my comments to Martin Sherman’s articles on compensated emigration has been that Dr. Sherman’s proposal is morally justified, and would certainly ease Israel’s security problems if it could be implemented—but that it cannot be implemented and will not be implemented for the foreseeable future. My attempts to elicit a response to my critique from Dr. Sherman have gone nowhere. On the other hand, Dr. Sherman’s columns have certainly stimulated my thinking about the important issues he has raised, and have challenged me to try to come up with my own proposed “solution” to Israel’s security and demographic problems.

Before getting into my own proposals, I will explain why I think Dr. Sherman’s won’t work, at least not in the foreseeable future. He writes that

All we need now is leadership with sufficient political will, intellectual daring, and ideological commitment to undertake what must be undertaken.

All that needs to be done? This would be a truly gargantuan task, requiring years of active and determined political struggle. Israel’s ruling elites would have to be removed from power, and the fundamental political structure of the country radically reformed, as an unavoidable prerequisite to ever bringing to power an Israeli leadership with as Dr. Sherman puts it,

sufficient political will, intellectual daring, and ideological commitment to undertake what must be undertaken.

At the present time, Israel is ruled by an entrenched bureaucracy and lawyerarchy that is self-appointed and not accountable to either the Israeli public or to the elected politicians who form its visible, ostensible government. It has acquired absolute power over the years, and has reduced Israel’s elected politicians to puppets and window-dressing. As a result, there is no realistic possibility that Dr. Sherman’s proposals will ever be implemented without a major political revolution in Israel.

This deeply entrenched bureaucracy consists overwhelmingly of “leftists” who have internalized anti-Israel propaganda, and believe that Israel is the aggressor and the guilty party in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Several members of this ruling elite have written publicly that Israel is a “racist” society, and that Israeli policies, not those of the Palestinian political-terrorist organizations, are the primary obstacles to peace. Some of them have even affirmed Arab claims that Israel was conceived and born in “original sin” by an aggressive conquest and theft of Palestinian Arab’s land and the expulsion of the Palestinian Arab people to make way for Jewish “settlers.” Some of them have characterized Israel as a “settler-colonialist” society—a Marxist erm for an illegitimate country created by European “settlers” at the expense of the country’s legitimate, “indigenous” population. As a result, they believe that only Israeli concessions to the Palestinian Arabs, such as territorial withdrawals , including unilateral, unreciprocated withdrawals, and humanitarian aid can bring peace and give Israel international legitimacy.

Even making a beginning toward accomplishing the political revolution that is need to remove from power this appeasement-oriented and collaborationist ruling elite would require as the first order of business a detailed, documented disclosure of the institutional mechanisms (appointment committees, etc.), by which this illegitimate, undemocratic de facto government” maintains and exercises its power. It would also require a full disclosure of the identities and political backgrounds of all of the individuals who make up this hidden collective dictatorship. This in turn would require at least one book-length expose that was widely circulated, and a constant flow of newspaper columns, radio and television commentaries, etc. revealing this intolerable situation and demanding change . Then a political party would have to be formed, or an existing one taken over, that would have as its primary focus the removal of all individuals belonging to this elite from positions of power and influence, and their replacement by true Israeli patriots. The usual mass street demonstrations and public rallies that have been a regular feature of Israeli politics for years, but this time focused exclusively on this issue, will also be needed.

Regrettably, to date the only Israeli journalist who has even made a beginning toward revealing the character and doings of Israel’s hidden ruling elite is Carolyn Glick. But even Ms. Glick’s efforts have so far only scratched the surface, and have not been sufficiently “in depth,” thorough and detailed to make a difference. Ms. Glick should do even more—and the hundreds of Israel politicians, journalists, scholars and artists on the “right” of the Israeli political spectrum, all of whom have hitherto been silent on this vital issue, should join her efforts.

However, these internal obstacles toward the realization of Dr. Sherman’s proposal are only one, and perhaps not even the most formidable, of the obstacles to its realization. Even greater are the external obstacles created by the great powers and the entire “international community.” No nation would dare to assist Israel in

the relocation/rehabilitation of the non-belligerent Gazan population to third party countries,

as Dr. Sherman puts it since if they did, the full weight of the wrath of the Arab/Muslim world. The rulers of the 57 Muslim countries do not want a “solution” to the Israel-Palestinian conflict because they don’t want Israel. Even worse, the reaction to any attempt by Israel to relocate the Arab populations of Gaza , Judea and Samaria outside the borders of “Palestine” would lead to a massive hue and cry against Israel for “ethnic cleansing.” This has been defined as a war crime and a near relative of “genocide” because of the anti-Serb hysteria generated by the “international community” sand the international media during the Balkan wars of the 1990s. While the allegations of “ethnic cleansing” by the Serbs were unfair and untrue, they are believed by nearly everyone. And the idea that any transfer or relocation of populations as a means of resolving an ethnic -based war is a war crime is also greatly unfair. (Not that long ago, in 1922, the Nobel Prize was awarded to a diplomat who helped to oversee the “ethnic cleansing” of Greeks from Turkish territory and the “ethnic cleansing” of Turks from Greece as a means of ending a Graeco-Turkish war).

Yet the banning of “ethnic cleansing” has been incorporated into international law by the “International Criminal Court,” and the special international court established to try the alleged war crimes in “the former Yugoslavia.” However politicized and unjust these court of “justice” may be, Israel would have to deal with the consequences of the case law that they have created if it ever attempted to relocate the Arab population of Gaza outside of “Palestine.” Harsh economic sanctions, complete diplomatic isolation and an arms embargo against Israel would be the probable result . The United States would almost certainly participate in these measures. Military intervention by one or more of the great powers to protect the “Palestinians” from this supposed Israeli outrage would be quite possible. Certainly the great powers would do absolutely nothing to discourage Arab and Muslim nations from mounting a military response to any such Israeli relocation attempt.

This extreme international hostility towards resettlement of the Palestinian Arabs can eventually be overcome, but it will take much time and skillful, intense and prolonged diplomacy and counter-propaganda to accomplish this. This brings us back to Point Number One. Only an Israeli government that did not internalize the libels against Israel, and that was shrewd, tough, and absolutely committed to Israel’s survival could accomplish it. Therefore, Israeli patriots need to concentrate their efforts, now and in the foreseeable future, on the Herculean task of replacing Israel’s current appeasement-oriented ruling class with a band of patriots absolutely dedicated to doing whatever is necessary to secure victory, peace and security for Israel.

In my next column I will attempt to outline my long-term plan for achieving these goals. I agree with Dr. Sherman that resolving Israel’s demographic problem is one of the means necessary to achieve them. But unlike Dr. Sherman, I do not think that there is a “simple” solution to this problem, or one that can be implemented quickly. It must be done very gradually in connection with other measures for improving Israel’s security and at least reducing the occurrence of terror attacks.

Part II will be coming soon.

June 14, 2018 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. @ adamdalgliesh:

    Actually my plan is fully in accord with your idea here. I have been sick over the past week, which has delayed somewhat my completing a column that I hope will clarify my position somewhat. I have now sent it to Ted, and hope he will publish it soon. I will then write and send to Ted a third column in which I hope to finally present my plan to gradually resolve Israel’s public relations, security, demographic and internal political problems, which in my view are so interconnected that only a long-term, interconnected approach will give Israel permanent peace, security and international legitimacy. Please be patient and wait for these two columns to appear. Thanks, Edgar G.

  2. @ Edgar G.:I believe that a well planned, continuous toughening of conditions by Israel would do more to convince the Arabs to get out of the way, back to their original lands, than the likely generational actions that the writer proposes. Added moving expenses would be a welcome bonus but not the reason.

    Of course to do this successfully would first require nullifying the background oligarchs. I am eager to read the next part in which the writer will explain the method. He obviously knows what he wants to say and knows how to say it. That I disagree with some of his methods and projected international outcomes is just natural. Actually my plan is fully in accord with your idea here. I have been sick over the past week, which has delayed somewhat my completing a column that I hope will clarify my position somewhat. I have now sent it to Ted, and hope he will publish it soon. I will then write and send to Ted a third column in which I hope to finally present my plan to gradually resolve Israel’s public relations, security, demographic and internal political problems, which in my view are so interconnected that only a long-term, interconnected approach will give Israel permanent peace, security and international legitimacy. Please be patient and wait for these two columns to appear. Thanks, Edgar G.

  3. How about using some of the wealth and accrued interests plus punitive damages that were stolen from the expelled Jews from Arab countries to,”buy out ” the Arabs in the land. The rest can be used to Bankrupt said lands. Just a thought.

  4. @ Edgar G.:
    I understand that you do not trust Arabs. This not without good reason.

    I believe that believe that you have zero chance of removing all the Arabs from Israel. Many Arabs have shown themselves to be loyal to the state (e.g. Druze). So my concept is to be provide a carrot for those Arabs who wish to co-exist with the Jews in a productive manner. Your concept makes all the Arabs band together as proactive enemies because there is no way for them to live a normal life in Israel.

    Yes, there are cases were Arabs have become traitors. Yes even under my proposal it could happen again.

    Your idea of removing all the Arabs no matter what they do or how they act will never have a chance in Israel. It is like the wishful thinking of the left with the two state solution. Just not going to happen.

  5. @ WB:

    To me that comes under the heading of “Stupid is as Stupid does”… There have been dozens of cases of Arabs, lifelong friends of Jews, one day murdering them. In the old days of the Halutzim, there were several stories of how Arab and Jew were growing up together, in and out of one another’s homes, working in the fields together, and one day the Arab would be gone, and his lifelong friend would be lying in a pool oif blood with his or her sexual organs stuffed in the mouth, and the rest of the body mutilated. I’ve actually got a book since early youth, which gives the names, tells the stories, and shows the pictures. Just recently in France, wasn’t an old Jewish woman, murdered by her many year next door Moslem neighbour.friend..? The guy I think , was caught.

    Don’t you read the news on Arutz 7, where there have been reports of terrorists who were normal people for years, and one Friday night became inspired by the imam and the bext day, made a video and went out and stabbed a Jew. Members of a race who can do things like that on such a casual basis can NEVER be trusted with your life, not matter how CLOSE a friendship. You don’t know what’s going on in their minds behind their friendly smiles, but you DO know what mainly members of that race like to do……. Goyim might curse and insult, but Arabs kill and maim…..

    “Respect, but suspect”

    So you can do what you want , take your chances as you wish, but I reserve the right to act with common sense and cautions, especially where any kind of Arab is involved. Likely with you, the time wasn’t right, or inconveniet for your dear friends.

  6. @ WB:

    For paying the Arabs, I’ve seen the sum of $200 BILLION quoted as being easy to do and only a fraction of Israels GDP. Netanyahu could but a lot of cigars with that kind of money. After this monstrous figure appeared, there were several post showing that if thre Arabs went to Jordan a house would cost $40,000 and if to Egypt, a similar house would be $20,000.

    Better I believe, to keep the status quo, but tighten the screws considerably, and seeing that a large number of Arabs have often expressed their desires to emigrate if given the chance, even with present conditions, , I think it would be a lot more efficient, and MUCH cheaper, to make life more difficult, the way that the PA is doing with Gaza. Ask Gazans and you’d find that 100% would skip off if they were allowed.

    But there must be no political nonsense about it, nor Supreme Court skullduggery instigated by ….who else…JEWS….!! The Labour Party should be kept in check because of their propensity for malicious fake news and spiteful legal nonsense. Gabbay should learn to smile, and Herzog should stop worrying about how thin his neck is. For him, it’s easier to hang him from a lamppost, Livni should also try to smile although in her case, she has little reason. A failure all round in life and politics. Maybe she has money, I don’t know or care.

  7. Edgar G. Said:

    I do not accept Bear Klein’s allowing Arabs to apply for citizenship under any circumstances

    I live in Israel and for more than 14 years have had regular interactions with Arabs – both ‘Israeli’ Arabs and the others. They should have equality in our courts, bureaucracies, but not in our government. There are precedents for this. For example, Switzerland.

    Only the hostile Arabs should be excluded or deported… exactly as Rabbi Kahane wrote in ‘They Must Go’.

  8. What will it cost to maintain the bloody, slow-death ‘Status Quo’? More than the cost of paying the hostile Muslims to leave.

  9. One thing, in my strong opinion, Martin Sherman’s “moral” plan of “paying off” the Arab infiltrators and illegitimate residents, (who have no legal Title Deed to property which is either factually owned by the State or by earlier private purchases of Rothschilds, JNF and others)….. is not “moral” and cannot hide it’s weakness and sycophancy behind the word “moral”.

    Another point is that the writer’s suggestion to remove the shadowy power structure figures who really rule Israel, cannot be done the way he suggests. A huge vacuum would be created. It would mean closing down of forcing sales of huge media and other institutions. The gap would have to be instantly filled by competent people armed with many millions for their forced purchases and the know-how to run them. It might be easier to force these shadows to desist permanently by stringent legal means, and just run their enterprises normally , because they all are running some legit business through which they conduct their Deep affairs.

    I believe I have the general concept in my head, but it’s not coming out properly on paper.. The task you set is so enormous that it could be a generational effort, a “from father to son” taking up the task in his turn. A large totally dedicated involvement.

    It might be easier -fantastic as this sounds- to close down and clear out the whole country and start again by having a very stringent examination board to allow in, only those who are “clean”.. in other words….impossible.

    I do not believe that there would be unanimous opposition against Israel urging the Arabs out of Israel. Many even most, seem to want to go, according to constant polling, And to expect EVERY country to join in in opposition to this move, is fallacious in a sense.That the US would so include itself is highly doubtful, I just don’t believe that they would turn against Israel to the extent that they would stand by and see Israel destroyed by it’s (and their) hated enemies.. The present Administration is too fixated on “calling a spade a a spade”, and natural truth would undoubtedly be fought out by their reps in the international fora. In the same vein, it is inconceivable that the “Great Powers” would stand aside and allow 57 Arab nations and other supporters pour in and overwhelm Israel with not one effective move to stop it. The Evian Conference all over again…Impossible.

    I believe that a well planned, continuous toughening of conditions by Israel would do more to convince the Arabs to get out of the way, back to their original lands, than the likely generational actions that the writer proposes. Added moving expenses would be a welcome bonus but not the reason.

    Of course to do this successfully would first require nullifying the background oligarchs. I am eager to read the next part in which the writer will explain the method. He obviously knows what he wants to say and knows how to say it. That I disagree with some of his methods and projected international outcomes is just natural.

    I do not accept Bear Klein’s allowing Arabs to apply for citizenship under any circumstances.

  10. Nor was this just a personal preference. Ben-Gurion put the issue to a vote of the yishuv’s leaders. If any vote may be said to have made the new state of Israel, it would be this one. It was closely contested—decided, indeed, by a margin of one.

    This was Ben-Gurion’s finest hour. Four of the ten didn’t budge from their opposition to the declaration (including two from Mapai, his own party), but he persuaded the other five, who had either wavered or opposed the declaration, and they backed his position. Now there were six supporters against four opponents. The American proposal was rejected.

    Ben-Gurion thus won this “dramatic vote, perhaps the most important in our history,” and he won it alone.

    Some are always scared or overly cautious to act in Israel’s cause but those that act like the builders of the settlements today further Israel’s cause.

  11. @ adamdalgliesh:
    Wow that was the longest run-on sentence in history!

    Israel needs to act in own self interest and not be scared of disapproval. Yes, things are not done in a vacuum. There are those that were too scared to act when deciding whether to announce the State of Israel (a few voted no).

    If Ben-Gurion had not been the brave leader with foresight Israel might not exist. Israel needs brave leaders now who will lead Israel into once and forever in destroying the concept of a Pal State in the middle of the Land of Israel, west of the Jordan River.

  12. Bear, B-G did in fact take international opinion and foreign support into account when he persuaded his somewhat reluctant and fearful colleagues in the Jewish agency to declare Israel’s independence. Although U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall did attempt to badger Israel not to declare its independence, Ben-Gurion relied on a promise that President Truman had given to Chaim Weizmann, (Israel’s first President) two months earlier, that he would recognize a Jewish state. Truman more or less kept this promise when he announced something he called “de facto” recognition of the Jewish state within minutes after it was declared. Relying on Truman’s promise in the face of his Secretary of State’s adamant opposition to a Jewish state was a gamble, but it was a calculated risk that paid off. Ben Gurion also knew that Russia had promised to support a Jewish state, despite the Communist’s anti-Zionist views, because Stalin wanted to push the British out of the Mideast and was prepared to acept Jewish support in order to accomplish it. He knew that Russia’s ally, Czecho slovakia, was supplying Israel with massive shipments of arms. He knew that Golda Meir had managed to collect a huge amount of money from Jewish millionaires and had somehow managed to smuggle it out of the U.S. under the noses of the State Department. that was being used to finance the arms shipments. He knew that much of the American public was sympathetic to the establishment of a Jewish state. He knew that a Jewish “smuggling ring” was managing to deliver U.S. military suprplus weapons to Israel despite a state department ban. He knew th France was propared to recognize the Jewish state, if only to get revenge on the British for “biffing them out” of Syria. He knew that the French were secretly supplying Israel with small amounts of arms. He knew that the UN General Assembly, with the backing of the majority of its member states, had voted to accept the formation of a small Jewish state six months earlier. He knew that Russia and France were among the countries voting for the resolution. Although the resolution called for a tiny Jewish state with indefensible borders, B-G and the entire Jewish Agency had decided to support it, because it at least gave some international legitimacy to the formation of a Jewish state. Ben-Gurion and his colleagues believed this international legitimacy was necessary if the Jewish state was to survive. And they were right to think this.. In other words, Ben-Gurion and his colleagues only decided to go forward with Jewish independence because they knew that, although it would be a fierce struggle and there was no guarantee of victory, they had just enough support to win their war of independence. This is still the approach Israel needs to take in regards to international support.

  13. When Israel declared the state there were people who were scared in the leadership because of negative repercussions to come (USA Sec of State had told Israel not to declare state) but Ben Gurion led the day and Israel is now 70 years old.

    So saying things can not be done because it will be difficult or piss off some UN types is simple an exercise in defeatism.

    I am interested in hearing in solutions not we can not do that or this. There are doers and there are those that do not because they are stuck in the world of fear.

  14. Israel needs to act to solve its problems and not just react to problems or say we can not fix things because the UN will not like our ideas.

    Ben Gurion said, “It matters what the Jews do not what the Goyim say.”

  15. To find out if it will you need to start the process. Then you do it by areas to see if it will work and learn lessons of difficulties. This is what a business such a franchisor does when they expand. Below is an outline of a plan that could be implemented borrowing on some of Martins concepts and some of Bennett’s. A staged implementation.

    New Paradigm for long term peace and stability for Israel

    If you want peace it is time to forget being politically correct and proportional in fighting Palestinian terrorism. It is time to be determined to win the conflict decisively and not just say the conflict will continue forever. It is not acceptable that every few months or years that Palestinians shoot rockets at Israelis, blow up bombs, kidnap children or resort to other forms of violence against Jews in Israel.
    Two states in the Land of Israel west of the River Jordan is a formula for war not peace. The Palestinian (Arabs) have for 100 years not accepted the permanent presence of the Jews.

    Israel has a legal, historical and moral right to the land of Israel west of the Jordan River.

    1. However, except for a small amount of people on the right Israelis do not want to incorporate large amounts of Arabs into Israel. The public does not want a bi-national state.

    2. To be able to buy Arabs properties and facilitate their peaceful emigration (buying them out) the terrorists must be jailed, deported or killed otherwise they will exact revenge on the families of those leaving or those leaving before they actually leave. They have a death sentence for selling properties to Jews.
    Once you accomplish number 2 above an NGO working with the government should start enacting an humane assisted program of Arab emigration starting with East Jerusalem and Arab villages in Area C near Jewish Towns. Learn as you go and what problems come up. This will be fraught with problems imagined and not imagined. Just like a franchiser learns by first working on a few locations before expanding widely.
    Apply Israeli Civil Law to Area C (annexation).
    Help the Arabs there emigrate.
    Register the people there. Ask do you want to stay and demonstrate loyalty to the Jewish Democratic State of Israel.
    This will require learning Hebrew; your children will be required to provide civil national service at age 18 to 20.

    Arab residents will be required to inform on anyone planning terrorist acts including family members. This will be a condition of residency!
    If after 10 years of residency they wish to apply for citizenship they may. There then will be at least a two year period to investigate if they have successfully fulfilled the requirements of residency prior to bestowing citizenship. If they and their immediate family have met the conditions citizenship can be bestowed upon them.
    Once Israel has successfully integrated Area C it can then work on Areas A and B. Unless you can be sure you know how to successfully help Arabs emigrate overseas and integrate others why would anyone in their right mind make the approximately 1,500,000 Arabs (of Area A/B in Judah & Samaria) Israeli residents yet alone citizens. This is a terrorist’s dream, to be able to freely travel all over Israel with an Israeli ID card.
    Walk before you run and go step by step in this super risky proposition of incorporating a massive amount of Arabs into the State of Israel. If you can be highly confident that you can help large amounts of Arabs emigrate then you could start annexing parts of Area A (a City at at a time). Israel should NOT bring an Arab Trojan Horse into Zion. If you can NOT make sure a large amount of Arabs will emigrate, not do annex these areas and make these people residents!

  16. @ ms: I think it absolutely essential to continue to expose he perfidy and aggression of the Palestinians. But I think this expose should always be conjoined with an expose of the Israeli government’s appeasement of the Palesinian aggressors, and the people and institutional mechanisms that are behind this appeasement policy.

    My alternative plan for coping with the hostile international community will be the focus of my next column.

  17. @ ms: At least in the early, preliminary stages of this proposed journalistic-political campaign, vast resources will not be needed. Journalists and scholars of good repute are usually get books and articles published without vast resources. As the campaign develops, of course, energetic fund-raising efforts will be essential. But it is always much easier to raise funds for a campaign that has already been begun than for one for which no work has been done.. Even archeologists understand this! Usually, they do some initial spadework which they publicize. Then, they do energetic fund-raising, stressing to potential donors to continue and eventually complete the dig.

  18. Are you suggesting the the “Palestinian” issue which is a central plank in these pernicious elites platform be left unaddressed.

    If so, what perfidy do you wish to “expose”

    If not what alternative paradigm do you suggest – particularly as you seem to assert that acceptance by the international community is a overriding concern?

  19. You write:

    “Even making a beginning toward accomplishing the political revolution that is need to remove from power this appeasement-oriented and collaborationist ruling elite would require as the first order of business a detailed, documented disclosure of the institutional mechanisms (appointment committees, etc.), by which this illegitimate, undemocratic de facto government ; maintains and exercises its power. It would also require a full disclosure of the identities and political backgrounds of all of the individuals who make up this hidden collective dictatorship. This in turn would require at least one book-length expose that was widely circulated, and a constant flow of newspaper columns, radio and television commentaries, etc. revealing this intolerable situation and demanding change . Then a political party would have to be formed, or an existing one taken over, that would have as its primary focus the removal of all individuals belonging to this elite from positions of power and influence, and their replacement by true Israeli patriots.”

    All it needs is a gazillion dollars – from whom?

    This is a wish list not a operational plan

    On elites see: