“Sherlock Holmes” was a fictional character created by author Conan Doyle. He was not a real person, unlike Einstein. Removing the Gaza population and resettling elsewhere would obviously be in Israel’s interest. Allowing the Gazans to govern themselves would not be in Israel’s interest, because the Gazans have all been brainwashed, or have brainwashed themselves, to beklieve that Israel is evil and that it is their sacred duty to Allah to wipe it out. However, because of Israel pariah statusin the world, Israel cannot accomplish this.
Uncommon common sense.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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“Sherlock Holmes” was a fictional character created by author Conan Doyle. He was not a real person, unlike Einstein. Removing the Gaza population and resettling elsewhere would obviously be in Israel’s interest. Allowing the Gazans to govern themselves would not be in Israel’s interest, because the Gazans have all been brainwashed, or have brainwashed themselves, to beklieve that Israel is evil and that it is their sacred duty to Allah to wipe it out. However, because of Israel pariah statusin the world, Israel cannot accomplish this.
Uncommon common sense.