Mark Levin is fired-up on Hannity! Targets the Biden crime family.

December 11, 2020 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @ Enzo:
    Hi, Enzo. You said,

    “There cannot be matters of opinions or preference of fashionable trends when it comes to the principles enshrined in a constitution.”

    Perhaps unfortunately in the present case, the US Constitution actually DOES enshrine a place for the “opinions or preference of fashionable trends” to decide issues before the SCOTUS. Slavery, for instance, was tolerated entirely for some 80 years, until it became “unfashionable” in the northern states during the Civil War. Abortion, on the other hand, was forbidden during the 180 years that it was “unfashionable”, then allowed by SCOTUS.

    This did not happen by accident; it was by design, that cases before the highest court of the land be determined by the freely expressed, independent opinions of a small college individuals.

    In effect, the justices of the US Supreme Court have allowed themselves to be checked by the “higher court” of popular opinion. While not a perfect way to “run a country”, it is truly “democratic”; and we are, after all, supposed to be a democracy. The job of you and me, Enzo, is to let SCOTUS know, on Israpundit and elsewhere, the it is truly the will of the people to not allow our president to be chosen by (WARNING: The following contradicts the desires of the “Masters of the Universe”)

    — F R A U D —

  2. @ Michael S:
    Thank you Michael for your reply and for your perspective. Unfortunately this is not the way of running a country but only a self disrupting anarchy. Much of this, if not all of it, we owe it to the left, the corrupting and uncompromising, dictatorial and violent left, who sees the need of manufacturing every few years, a pseudo “revolution” when things are just running smoothly, just to remind the peaceful majority that they still exist and the silent majority must surrender to their blackmails. In a democracy and in any nation, there must be some principles that are just, true and moral in absolute, not subject to opinion. Those are the eternal anchor for all the people. In the US as in all democratic countries, it is the Constitution which represents the ethics and the eternity of the country, and it must be defended and protected at any cost. There cannot be matters of opinions or preference of fashionable trends when it comes to the principles enshrined in a constitution. He/she who cannot or doesn’t want to respect the supreme chart of the state must be forcefully punished and sent to jail. Society should decide very quickly that it has no need and no use for such a rebel and traitor.

  3. @ Enzo:

    Hi, Enzo

    Scott Adams, the creator of the cartoon “Dilbert” explained it pretty simply: The USSC justices are human. Though most of them are “Constitutionalist” in their general bent, they tend to not want to get too far ahead of the citizenry. Now, my own words:

    The US is violently divided — the CITIZENS, even more than the Supreme Court justices. Half of them firmly believe that the Lamestream narrative is “truth”, while the other half firmly believe it is complete nonesense. Half believe it is OK to kill babies; the other half think that is abominable. Half believe there are 72 sexes, and “anything goes”; the other half think such things are sick, perverted and destructive of society. Half believe there is a God and absolute principles; the other half believe they themselves are gods. These are firmly held convictions; and they are held with the force that, as Rush Limbaugh has said, they cannot coexist as a people. The Supreme Court, for all their wisdom and virtue, are creatures of the ivory towers, who do not want to “stir up the crap” around them.

  4. @ Michael S:
    While I also believe that the Supreme Court will fail Trump and the Republicans, for the life of me I cannot understand what reason could they have for such a despicable action. What interests are they protecting? Certainly not the Constitution and the rights of the American people. Can anybody explain?

  5. Are we taking bets? Odds are, the Supreme Court is about to undermine its integrity as well. The only question I have left, is whether Amy Coney Barrett will go full Roberts or only half Roberts.