Mandelblit leaked classified and sensitive information to Efi Neve in the midst of the investigations into the Netanyahu files

Peloni:  In this expose, it is revealed that Mandelblit explained to the head of the Bar Association at the time that the crimes for which Bibi was being investigated were not criminal, even though Mandelblit later indicted Bibi for these same crimes following the pressure from the prosecutor’s office to do so.

The information was leaked at a time when Effie Neve was head of the Bar Association and Mandelblit served as Attorney General. Mandelblit shared sensitive details with Neve as well as his conclusions – mainly regarding the gift file (1000) .“Bibi is not a criminal,” perhaps happily, he told Neve. Emphasis: on- Despite his personal-professional position, Mandelblit succumbed to pressure from the prosecutor’s office and filed an indictment against Netanyahu also in case 1000

Yoav Yitzak | News1 | May 28, 2024

Dr. Avichai Mandelblit , while serving as legal advisor to the government , leaked classified information from the investigations into Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s files to attorney Efi Neve , when he served as head of the Bar Association, and this in the midst of the investigations into the cases that were on the agenda: the gift file ( 1000), the Netanyahu-Moses case (2000), and the Bezek case (4000).

According to the law, it is forbidden for a civil servant – let alone a senior official – to give sensitive information, certainly there is a strict prohibition to give certified information about criminal cases that were about to be decided.

News1 learned that Mandelblit used to talk very freely with Neve, whom he considered a close friend, and shared with him sensitive details from the investigations as well as his insights. “Bibi is not a criminal,” said Mandelblit to Neve, perhaps hedonistically, but this does not justify filing an indictment (in case 1000).

Mandelblit expressed his position to Neve – as mentioned during the period when the investigations were still ongoing and a decision had not yet been made – according to which a clear distinction should be made between the gifts Netanyahu received (cigars) and the gifts his wife received (champagne, jewelry). He pointed out that the explanation for this does not point to a criminal offense, but to other reasons (which we refrain from detailing here, J.Y.).

In his conversations with Neve, Mandelblit expressed a deep and careful understanding of the personal situation Netanyahu is in, and repeatedly stated that he does not see a criminal problem in the gifts Netanyahu received from friends. This is not a matter for an indictment – even if it stinks and is disgusting, and there is no place to file an indictment against Netanyahu in the gift case, he stated his position.

Despite his personal position – which he expressed as mentioned in personal conversations with Neve – Mandelblit eventually succumbed to pressure from the prosecutor’s office and filed an indictment against Netanyahu in the gifts case as well. Neve used, as we know, to record all his conversations…

News1 also learned that Mandelblit also shared with Neve a sensitive incident that he himself experienced at the Prime Minister’s house, while serving as the Cabinet Secretary. For obvious reasons we will not go into detail here. In addition, Mandelblit talked with Neve about other criminal matters that were on the agenda at that time.

  • Mandelblit’s response was requested. If and when it is given – we will be happy to publish it.
May 30, 2024 | Comments »

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