Mandate for Israel

By Ted Belman

Over three years ago I came across a new demographic study by AIDRG which argues that for the foreseeable future Jews would outnumber Arabs in Israel, Judea and Samaria by a ratio of 2:1. This fact gave rise to the suggestion that Israel should favour a Jewish One-State Plan. I became an immediate convert and wrote Israel, From the Mediterranean to the Jordan. I made the acquaintance of Mike Wise, Yoram Ettinger and Bennett Zimmerman who were the driving forces behind it.

Over the years the study has been strengthened and the plans for the Jewish state developed. HaTikva was formed with this goal in mind.

Of late I have argued that Gaza shouldn’t be conquered until the peace process was aborted and Israel took matters into its own hands. Now is the time.

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Mandate for Israel

    Israel must now affirm in its entirety the Mandate for Palestine (Land of Israel) as approved unanimously by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922 and by the United States on December 3, 1924. The Mandate for Palestine established the area west of the Jordan River as the national home of the Jewish people. The Mandate guaranteed civil and religious rights to all inhabitants of the land and political rights were granted to preserve the national home of the Jewish people in perpetuity. Israel can now extend its sovereignty and democracy to the entire Judea and Samaria region.

    Highlights of the MANDATE for ISRAEL

    * Israel affirms the Mandate for Palestine.
    * Israel’s democracy and law will be extended to the entire Judea and Samaria region.
    * Full civil and religious rights will be granted to all inhabitants of Israel.
    * All residents of Judea and Samaria will become permanent residents and elect local municipalities.
    * All Israeli political parties and elected and appointed officials must affirm Israel as the national home of the Jewish people.
    * Citizenship standards will be created including a pledge of allegiance to Israel as the national home of the Jewish people.
    * Electoral reform will divide Israel into districts to insure local representation.


We must rededicate ourselves to national survival, freedom and independence. For too long have we depended on the West to protect us and to advance the peace process, to no avail. We must strike out the Hellenists among us, the doubters and the weak of heart. We must become masters in our own house and advance a peace plan, made in Israel.

The Mandate for Israel is simply a renaming of the Mandate for Palestine and takes its legitimacy from it.

December 25, 2008 | Comments »

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