Making Sense of the Israel-Hamas War with Daniel Pipes

By Daniel Pipes, MEF                                                   17 January 2024


January 17, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Caroline Glick was sharper than Daniel Pipes . Mr Pipes has elaborated a theory of willful defeat that would serve Hamas .He just forget that as long as Hamas avoid total destruction , the willing accomplices of Hamas ( UN -EU – ONG – Mainstream Mass Medias CNN Al Jazeera Christine Amanpour NYT Thomas Friedman David Ignatius Roger Cohen..the Soros ) will decide that the laurels of victory belongs to Hamas and not to Israel doomed to miss victory . All these people are puppets of the State department and the democrat party . Hamas status is well preserved unless Israel does not stop til the job is fully done

  2. I disagree with Pipes theory concernong Hamas’ motives. I don’t think they want to suffer a military defeat by Israel, One of their motives is to obtain “humanitarian aid” by attacking Israel. Every time they attack Israel , they scream “genocide,” and claim their people are starving. Massive amounnts of :humanitarian aid” quickly pours in. The Hamas posses take a lion’s share share of the :aid” for themselves. As a result, they are billionaires. But there is enough loot to triclke down to the rank and file terrorists, such as the laege number employed by UNWRA (this organization is another source of loot.) Apparwntly there is even enough to fill the shelves of numerous shopkeepers and their stalls, who are able to sell the “humanitarian” produce to “ordinary” Gazans at bargain-basement prices. Many observers before the Oct, 7 war, and even some who have been to Gaza during the war, that nearly all Gazans have access food. water. fuel and all manner of consumer goods. The roads in Gaza are crowded with cars driven by motorists with the cheap petrol that is supplied as “humanitarian aid.” Big traffic jams the norm.

    I have barely scratched the service of this massive scam. All that concrete that they conned from “humanitarian” donors has been used to create the incredibly complex tunnel complexes, which make it nearly impossibel for them to be defeated in war, Israel has neither the money or the manpower (and woman power) to locate all of them. At some point they will have to withdraw most of their reservists from the conflict, or face total economic collapse. That too will be a win for Hamas.

    While this massive “humanitarian” con is one motive for Hamas’s attacks on Israel, of course their original goal, affirmed in their charter, is to destroy Israel.
    A third, closely related goal, is to make “Palestine” a “wakf” or land held in trust for all the Muslims of the world, whose revenues can only be used to benefit Muslims.

    More later.