By: Amil Imani
Make America Great Again. Just a slogan, the people of failure shout back. Failure knows only failure. To these people, the Obama-Hillary team who have failed us for nearly eight years in every aspect of our lives, failure is not only normal, it is inevitable.
The list of their failures for the loser team is so long and glaring that I hardly need to repeat them all here. So, here’s just a few to remind those who are in denial or have a vested interest in keeping the failing system in place.
For one, look at our national debt. Almost 20 trillion dollars. In just this past 8 years, the gang of failure — the you-know-who– has skyrocketed our debt to over $19 trillion. Just think about that. Are you going to let them continue burying us, our children and generations to come under this ever mounting debt?
Here at home, once well-paying manufacturing jobs have disappeared and relocated to other countries. We can no longer look at a city or a small area and not call it economically depressed. Now, huge swaths of this nation from northern New York to the great states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and many others, previously vibrant manufacturing regions, look like ghost towns.
In contrast to these losers, we competed against 17 other people on our side with winning records, some with outstanding credentials of accomplishment:
Governors, senators, a brain surgeon, and a woman CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
And we won against them. Why? Because the American people want only a true leader who is willing and able to put an end to the corrupt decay of Washington, D. C. The American people are sick and tired of letting a band of losers give away the store, not to mention what’s left of it.
The Obama-Hillary team, while making a wreck of our country, have done very well for themselves, and I mean hugely well.
Remember Hillary claiming that they were poor when they were about to leave the White House? Remember that? Okay, and now she is billing herself as the champion of the poor. You hear that too, right?
Well, this is one claim of lying Hillary you can believe. She has facts to support that. She said she was poor. So she went and did whatever it took to fix that problem. And since charity begins at home, she got right down to it. Teaming up with Billy, they raked it in for themselves to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in no time at all.
How did she do it? Did she get a patent on a world-changing invention? Did she discover a cure for a pandemic debilitating disease? No. No. Those are hard things to do and she is hardly qualified to do that kind of work. Her line is politics. Wheeling and dealing. Pay-to-play kind of thing.
How did she so amazingly make destitute Hillary hundreds of millions in no time? She gave speeches and arranged deals. That’s how.
Those who gave her and Billy millions are not known as caring for the poor. They only give a dime for a dollar. And look closely and you will see that they indeed got a dollar for their dime from the Clintons. The FBI is looking into those criminal shenanigans. But the Obama-Lynch FBI won’t complete such an investigation for many years, if ever.
That’s enough talking about the Obama-Hillary gang, the gang that has made our country a loser domestically and internationally. They know nothing other than losing. Every morning they get up and look in the mirror, they see a loser.
I wake up every morning and I see a winner. Every day of my life a winner has looked back at me from the mirror with a smile, encouraging me to go out there and have another winning day.
And I do that. And now I plan to do the same for our country. How are you going to do that with the wreck that the loser gang is leaving behind? It takes a miracle, a magician to do that? Well, you’ve got it. I’m the magician, with my miracle-working wand.
My wand is made of people. I can lead people to do miraculous feats. I’ve done it all my life, building some of the most magnificent buildings in the world by the combined efforts of tens of thousands of talented people. These men and women each brought their skill and energy to their jobs. They worked for living wages, that’s for sure. But, they didn’t go through the motion only to get a paycheck. They worked their very best and their hardest because they were contributing in building something beautiful. These men and women felt the priceless joy of working for something that no money can buy, the pride of being in a team of winners accomplishing greatly challenging tasks.
Now, the winner who looks at me in the mirror wants to do the same exact thing with our country. This time with a team comprised of millions of competent men and women who are lining up to build a better America while they are seeking a better life for themselves and their children.
I have a proven record of accomplishing great things, of confronting adversity, and still winning in the ongoing economic contest. The loser Hillary has built nothing other than a pay-for-play pseudo charity while lying through her teeth along the way and even risking our very nation’s security to achieve her ultimate ends – an undeserved place in the history books. James Comey of the FBI attributes her behavior to extreme carelessness; but we know that Hillary has never done anything that wasn’t calculated and cunning, intended to achieve her personal goals at the expense of others; even at the expense of national security through her private server.
Speaking of private server. That fits crooked Hillary to a T. She only lives to serve herself. Come what may.
So, give me your vote and let me go to work for you and with you so that we make America great again. I’m absolutely convinced that we can reverse this disastrous course and make America great again for every man, woman, and child of every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and all other variations– a variation that makes America redolent of color and beautiful.
Let’s work together to make America great again. Let’s restore America to her rightful place as the exceptional leader rather than just another amongst many nations.
We are winners. We can do it, together.
Bearer of bad news corruption pays Hillary Clinton is winning.
bernard ross Said:
hmmmm, looks like I am not the only one who says she is responsible for those murders
No one needs to make the case for Trump. He is making his own case quite eloquently. People keep telling him what he should and should not do, without acknowledging that what he is doing is working.
Most, if not all the people he upsets are people the rest of us common folk would like to upset. He keeps surprising us and he will surprise us if he becomes president.
Personally, I am tired of the status quo and am looking forward to someone who will shake things up. After eight terrible years, I am ready for Trump.
I knew Pence was a poor choice. Looks like he is the establishment choice to harness Donald. I would be very disappointed to see Trump bowing to the PC boo hoo muslim fairy tales. The problem of terror is unrelated and irrelevant to Jews and Christians, they are chopping no heads and killing folks… its all about the muslims… Trump was right when he said to ban muslim immigration, it is not about nations or locations, it is about MUSLIMS!!!!!
My main vote for Trump is to do with recognizing the natural muslim connection to terror and banning muslim immigration… further, we need profiling of muslims in the US in preventing terror. I dont want to see a europe in the USA.
Also, I am concerned that the GOP is pressuring Trump to their trade and TPP agenda of firing american workers and replacing them with foreigners, either directly or with foreign imports. My view is that if you sell in america you must benefit America… not just the 1%.
All they have to do is to say that they will ban any group or ideology shown to be connected with terror if they are afraid to say the word muslim. Pences statement obfuscates and buries the problem…. which is exactly the opposite of why I support Trump: he clearly stated the source of the problem and who should be targeted in a solution.
Wow, is no one seeing what I am seeing… the GOP party establishment is out to totally destroy Trump AND to make sure Hillary wins. They didnt come out on their own, they were activated by their handlers… those who raised them up, appointed them. This is a first, unheard of…. I dont see how Trump can win with the whole establishment of both parties and their bought media against him. Published by the NYT.
All of a sudden they care what the pres knows… in the past they were able to feed them what the didnt know… Reagan and Dubya knew little.
there is no doubt that they prefer hillary to trump, they would never have taken this risk to lose the general so late. I think its the Bush family.
the establishment GOP want to have Trump deposed or a massive hillary win… they fear they are about to lose their decades and generational hold on the party. I think its G. herbert walker bush calling in all his CIA days blackmail files…. puppets a jumping.
a winner should not be wasting time on trivial hillary robot ads when the real factual crimes are so huge and numerous. I dont understand why Trump only calls her a crook but is not enumerating the details which clearly demonstrate severe criminality and espionage OR extreme incompetence beyond imagination.
Basically, the private server was able to act as a spy’s “drop box”. In the old days the spy had to find a loose brick to secrete the papers behind… called a “spy drop” or a drop box…. from which the recipient spy’s foreign paymaster could pickup the espionage. Now hillary, and her muslim brotherhood connected advisor, have devised an internet “drop box” where they could just send classified info in emails and whoever wanted could easily get it…. every foreign intelligence agency of merit already has it plus the Muslim brotherhood. this not only resulted in the iranian spy death but also all the benghazi victims whose murderers were likely instructed of his itinerary over her emails, or humas. Her muslim connections to terror funding orgs should nail her for espionage. By pretending to carelessness and error Hillary and Huma are able to claim ignorance and unintentionality through “plausible deniablity”….. duh, gosh, i didnt know they would get that info.
If Trump gets in he must commence an espionage investigation into those who covered it all up including Morell, Comey, Lynch, Obama…. all colluded in the crime OR the cover up of the crime.
Donald appears neutered not to bring this up as a serious espionage case that would put anyone else in jail…. and that is still compromising national security with all the spies still in place.
NO, the speeches were a cover to receive the bribes and pay to play payments… the clintons made their money by monetizing for sale every area of authority they were given by the public… whether president or secretary of state they used their office to enrich themselves to the billions of dollars… the real amount under the tip of the iceberg. When pres bill sold immigrant visas through lovell law firm marketed by boo hoo muslim daddy khan … those immigrants qualifying investments were funded by saudi who also used lovell… and bill and hillary still stand to gain billions from muslim immigration to europe and USA through and from GEMS, the global muslim education facility who owns hundred throughout the world… 2 in chicago…. and who teach sharia. Bill is a director of GEMS. Hillary as SOS got millions into the foundation by approving the sale of Uranium One to the russians…. 20% of americas uranium reserves. this is only two…. we are talking of hundreds.
(note: I dont understand this article, the author appears to be Trump but another name is given… or…. when does the author end and Trump begin???????)
Looks like that ex cia director who told us “Hillary is great for security and will keep america safe” never noticed this on his watch….. I wonder if that CIA director who worked there 33 years, during the most scandalous CIA blunders, is getting paid to conveniently forget her security breaches…. while he was at the top of our nation’s……. wait for it…….SECURITY!!!… a ludicrous, absurd endorsement.