Make Room for Islamistgate: The Obama Administration’s New Scandal

By Barry Rubin, PJ MEDIA

Up to now the Obama Administration has faced three big scandals—the IRS, the bugging of AP and Fox, and Benghazi. And now here is scandal Number 4:

For the last four years the Obama Administration has conducted a major “outreach” program to Islamic groups in the United States and in the Middle East. Patrick Poole has been investigating this project and in a comprehensive article now presents the full scoop and scope of what’s been going on. His article, “Blind to Terror: The U.S. Government’s Disastrous Muslim Outreach Efforts and the Impact on U.S. Policy” in the new, Summer, issue of MERIA Journal is a gamechanger. 

You may think that you know about this subject but it goes far beyond what you have heard about. The majority of groups and individuals promoted by the Obama Administration have been radical Islamists, particularly Muslim Brotherhood cadre, and more than occasionally people involved in terrorist activity.

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Moderate Muslims have been neglected and isolated by this project which has helped the radicals, Islamists, and pro-terrorists gain hegemony in the Muslim community in America.

Again, you may think that you know this story but it is far more extensive than has ever before been revealed. Often, the White House and FBI have granted access and worked with those who were simultaneously being investigated on serious charges of terrorism.

The whole “outreach” program has been a farce and it would be charitable to describe it as incompetent on the part of the Obama Administration.  Patrick Poole pulls all of the material together for the first time and shows serious flaws that have endangered Americans in scores of cases.

Radicals have been given credentials as moderates, been provided with information that should have remained secret, been allowed to advise and influence U.S. policy. The kind of government mishandling of terrorist threats that characterize the Fort Hood case and the Boston bombing has been business as usual.

Here is a portion of Patrick Poole’s article:

    “When President Obama hosted his annual Iftar dinner in August 2010 to commemorate the Muslim celebration of Ramadan, the list of invitees published by the White House was curiously missing the names of several attendees – all of whom were top leaders of organizations known to be purveyors of jihadist ideology and implicated by federal prosecutors in financing terrorism.

    “But it wasn’t like they had crashed the party. In fact, one of the individuals missing on the official White House list, Mohamed Majid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), was pictured in a news service photograph sitting at the front table just a few feet from the president as he spoke When Majid was hailed by Time Magazine in November 2005 as a “moderate Muslim cleric” that was helping the FBI fight terrorists, he quickly published an open letter to his congregation on the mosque’s website assuring his congregants that he was doing no such thing stating that his relationship with the FBI was a one-way street only to communicate Muslim community concerns – not to report on individuals suspected of terrorist activity.[iii]

    “It was just a few years ago the Attorney General of the United States was canceling Muslim outreach events for the sole reason that Majid would be present at the meeting, because the Department of Justice had just named ISNA as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history.

    “But Majid’s connection to terrorism goes back even farther than that, since the offices of the mosque he leads, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center, were raided by U.S. Customs authorities in March 2002 in a wide-sweeping terror finance investigation. In an affidavit requesting a search warrant for the raids, Customs Agent David Kane testified that Majid’s mosque was being used to launder hundreds of thousands of dollars for the targeted terror finance network that shared offices withADAMS.An appendix to the Customs Service affidavit also names eleven ADAMS Center officials as targets of their terror finance investigation.And yet Majid and the ADAMS Center are still considered legitimate outreach partners by the FBI.

    “This was just the most recent episode in the disastrous attempts at outreach to the Muslim community since the 9/11 attacks. And with the release in 2011 of President Obama’s strategic plan to combat “violent extremism” to expand outreach to these same terror-tied groups, the present administration seems intent on compounding the disaster wrought by previous administrations.”

The results of this investigation should be a serious embarrassment for the Obama Administration and should be distributed as widely as possible. It involves the expenditure of millions of dollars of taxpayer money and the promotion of the forces most dangerous to American interests and to the American people in the world today.

June 4, 2013 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Only IL has the right to complain. Americans and the mass media were warned in advance that the Pr. was going to transform this country. His Islamophilia is part of it. Apparently he does care to bring Islamists in the vortex of the country. At the American expense. How dumb can they be!

  2. As Nicholas Kristoff of NYTIMES has said before the Alabama primaries (2008) of the muezzin call to prayer which Obama canted in perfect Arabic cadence and was sweetest sound he heard at evening time, “Better not tell it the voters in Alabama!”

  3. Obama is not stupid. He is a Black man. To understand that is to understand the Obama presidency.

    Before I go further let me say I can expect a howl of anger from ultra liberal white men for my addressing a problem in racial terms which is considered not acceptable. I leave myself open to the charge of bigotry and racism. Those two terms are customarily thought, mistakenly by the uninformed, as synonymous which is erroneous. Let me clearly state the difference this way: Yes , I am a bigot–in that I have come to hold very strongly views that I think are true and no, I am not a racist, in that I do not believe that the biologic taxonomic divisions by race in any way implies one race is superior to another. That said, here is my argument: Virtually all Black men , no matter the station in life, do not go through one day without the thought or suspicion that in some way they have been the object of a discriminatory act, even if untrue. That is the way of any man in a racial minority. It pervades all their thought and their appraisal of the world they live in. Their identity is who they are and they are well aware their identity is visibly obvious. We know little about the developmental social forces that structures the identity of race. We know less about how it develops in a black man from childhood who encounters an awareness of race and the privileges of Whites by daily personal encounters in which the meaning of race and discrimination is made visible and impresses the construction of mind and thought. The understanding of what is Black and what is not has a powerful force on a Black man’s development from adolescence into adulthood. It has been Black churches that have been the major venue for the resistance against discrimination, and oppression, for black adults and children as well for the psychological and beneficial effects on the formation if identity.

    The point I want to make I make with every objective motive I can muster: Obama is not a mystery. He is a black man who has come to have the power to accomplish programs and propose legislation mainly intended to aid the underclass, the disadvantaged and the poor. It is apparent in his policies, his legislative accomplishments, the selection and appointment of advisers and high-level personnel in the halls of government and lastly his apparent proclivity to exhibit patience if not preference to The Muslim Community. All else is secondary and as President he is coping as best as he can with all the supporting forces at his disposal as he was not presidential timbre to begin with. Our only recourse is to hold on and maintin a sense of apprehension for the next three years.

    There will be critics who will charge this way of understanding Obama is overly simplistic, if not clearly erroneous. I cannot help that. But on the principle of Occam’s Razor when you have two competing theories to explain events, the simpler one is the better.

  4. Hussein remains always equal to himself. One should not be surprised by his behavior since he showed his colors from the very first mandate.

    Among other reprehensible performances, he declared that the United States are no longer a Christian nation; he shamefully bowed to Saudi King; he wanted the NASA to find a way so that Muslim nations to help them feel good about their “””historic contribution to science !!! ???””

    As Joseph Farrah said: I have come to the conclusion that nearly everything Barack Obama does under the color of his authority as president is designed to weaken our country economically, militarily and morally. […] Obama isn’t stupid. Obama is at war with America.

    An in another article, he wrote: It’s in Barack Obama’s nature and character to do “whatever is necessary” to prevail over his enemies. And his enemies include the Constitution of the United States</strong>.

    There is no doubt that the Obama’s sole agenda is the fall of the United States and the rise of islam.

  5. @ Yidvocate:

    That the stupid Americans voted him into power, not once but twice!!!

    These kool-aid drinkers and their friends from MSNBC (or better yet LSNBC), the New York (Times) Slime and the rest of the liberal left media should all wake up one day with one m f en hangover that won’t quit. Assholes all.

  6. No surprise here!

    What did you expect from the Islamist-Enabler-in-Chief?

    This is the guy who wrote that he will “stand with the muslims should the political winds change in an ugly direction” (Audacity of Hope, p.261)and for whom the prettiest sound is the muslim call to prayer. That’s audacity!

    So what is so surprising?

    That the stupid Americans voted him into power, not once but twice!!!