Major Jewish donors stand by the Met

Major Met Donors Deafening Silence Is An Operatic Kristallnacht- If Bloomberg, Annenberg, Neubauer, Toll Bros. Spoke Out, Anti-Semitic “Klinghoffer” May Have Been Cancelled 

Monday, October 20, 2014 —Painfully, today is the opening performance at the Metropolitan Opera of the pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel opera “Death of Klinghoffer.”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) notes with sorrow that four Jewish foundations or entities that are major contributors to the Met Opera – Michael Bloomberg, L.P., The Annenberg Foundation, The Neubauer Family Foundation, and Toll Brothers Foundation, have thus far failed to withdraw multi-million dollar support from the Met or speak up publicly against the Met’s live performances of the pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel opera “Death of Klinghoffer.”

This can be called an operatic Kristallnacht since an anti-Semitic, Israel-demonizing opera that promotes hatred of Jews while “humanizing” killers of Jews is met with silence and inaction by most major donors, Jewish leaders, and other public figures.

The silence of the Neubauer Family Foundation is especially inexplicable:  Jeanette Lerman Neubauer’s father, Miles Lerman, was a Holocaust survivor, Jewish resistance fighter, and Chairman of the governing board of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.  The Holocaust Museum contains the Miles Lerman Center for the Study of Jewish Resistance.  Mr. Lerman coincidentally was a childhood neighbor and close friend of ZOA President Morton Klein’s mother, Sarah Griner Klein, in Tomaszow Lubelski, Poland.

If these major multi-million dollar contributors to the Met had taken a stand and stopped their funding, it is very possible that this offensive opera would not be opening at the Met today.   It is heartbreaking and appalling that Jewish foundations are continuing to support the Met when the Met is performing an opera that presents a rationale for the murder of innocent Jews.

The Met has scheduled seven more live performances of “Klinghoffer” after tonight.  We hope that these contributors will finally speak up and act before there are any further performances of this reprehensible spectacle.

Fortunately, there are many people who have spoken up against the opera – including many other Met contributors.  Our protest website, contains letters that concerned people from all over the country and the world, wrote to the Met, demanding that the Met cancel its outrageous anti-Semitic pro-terrorist performances.

Previous ZOA press releases and letters have discussed why “Klinghoffer” is so objectionable. Terrorists sing that they are “men of ideals,” and a passenger even sings that the terrorists were “nice.”  (The real passengers were terrorized, terrified and physically assaulted by the terrorists.)  Jews are referred to as cheaters, people who get fat from the poor and defilers of virgins.

Significantly, the opera totally omits the real reason why the terrorists hijacked the Achille Lauro and murdered Leon Klinghoffer – which was to blackmail Israel into freeing 50 convicted terrorists, including Samir Kuntar – who murdered an innocent 4-year old girl by smashing her head with his rifle butt against rocks, after murdering her father in front of her, and killing two other people.  Instead the opera justifies the terrorists’ cold-blooded murder of an innocent disabled Jewish American by falsely rewriting Israel’s history, and falsely portraying Jews as brutally usurping Arab land.  In fact, Arabs repeatedly massacred Israel’s Jews, and the Arab “refugees” fled of their own accord, at the urging of the seven invading Arab armies who wanted a clear path for murdering all of Israel’s Jews.  Israeli Jews urged their Arab neighbors to stay, and many did, and are doctors, lawyers, members of Knesset and even a Supreme Court judge today.

The opera also includes condemnation of Israel and America for tolerating gay people.  (Gay people are condemned to death in Palestinian Arab-controlled areas.)

Noon Prayer Vigil:  Rabbi Avi Weiss and a group of rabbinical leaders will hold a prayer vigil, beginning at 12:00 noon, at Lincoln Center Plaza at Broadway and 65th Street in memory of Leon Klinghoffer’s soul.  The vigil is an effort to assuage the pain to Klinghoffer’s soul and memory caused by the glorification of his terrorist murderers in the Klinghoffer opera.

5 p.m. Press Conference:  There will be a press conference at 5:00 PM, across the street from the Lincoln Center Plaza at Broadway & 65th Street.   Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be the keynote speaker at the press conference, which will be followed by the protest.   Mayor Giuliani courageously expelled terrorist Yasir Arafat from Lincoln Center in 1995 and turned down “blood money” from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.   Other major speakers at the press conference include Congressman Peter King (R) (who currently serves as Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence and formerly served as Homeland Security Chairman), Former NY Governor David Paterson, Criminal Defense Attorney Ben Brafman, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz (D), Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, ZOA President Morton Klein, Jewish war veterans and terror victims.

6 p.m. Protest:  At the same location, we will have a huge protest, with signs, chants and an incredible 100-wheelchair caravan, and more, to protest “Death of Klinghoffer.”

ZOA President Morton Klein stated:

“I urge everyone to attend this important protest, and look forward to seeing you there.”

Some 3,000 protesters attended the previous protest to “Death of Klinghoffer” at Lincoln Center, on September 22 (the night of the Met’s opening gala).  Speakers at the previous protest included former Governor George Pataki, Judge Michael Mukasey, Congressman Eliot Engel (D), 9-11 hero’s sister Debra Burlingame, Catholic League Pres. Bill Donahoe, and ZOA Pres. Mort Klein.

Let’s make the protest tonight, to the opening night of “Klinghoffer” even bigger! We dare not be the Jews of silence in the face of this operatic Kristallnacht.

About the ZOA

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. With offices around the country and in Israel, the ZOA educates the public, elected officials, the media, and college/high school students about the truth of the ongoing Arab war against Israel. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations through educational activities, public affairs programs and our work on Capitol Hill, and to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media, in textbooks, in schools and on college campuses. Under the leadership of such presidents as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Rabbis Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen Wise, and current President Morton A. Klein, the ZOA has been – and continues to be – on the front lines of Jewish activism.  For more information contact David Drimer 212-481-1500

October 20, 2014 | 88 Comments »

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50 Comments / 88 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:
    yamit82 Said:

    Classic Benny!

    notice the blanket on one of the Mexican band members? I collect them also, have displayed above me on a ledge as I type. You’ll need a warehouse for them.

  2. Need Your Help

    “Friends I need your help. I have written a new Opera and I need you to help demand that the Metropolitan Opera in New York stage it. It is an opera about the lynching of black people in Alabama and Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan. The opera presents the moral ambiguity of the struggle for self-determination of the Klan members against the harsh and cruel behavior of the pickaninnies. The opera is careful not to pick sides and it presents both sides with musical delight. After the Klansters lynch the darkies, they take off their hoods and paint themselves as minstrel singers to show their common humanity with the dead. I am sure you agree that this is a must performance that the Metropolitan Opera needs to stage! Write the Opera chairman today!”

    Steven Plaut

  3. dweller Said:

    Canine panting isn’t about ‘eagerness’; it’s about temperature regulation. Dogs don’t perspire. It’s the evaporation of moisture from the canine tongue that keeps the body from overheating. That’s why dogs need to drink a lot of water, and to constantly have it available (even for females, who DON’T need it to mark territory).

    You eliminated dogs not over heated but panting for a bitch in heat,

    You are panting again.

    Sit spot sit!!!!!!

  4. @ yamit82:

    “Simple question why don’t you let him answer for himself?”

    Shouldn’t have been necessary for him to answer at all. The real question is why you needed to ask yours in the first place. He had made quite clear where he lives, and it wasn’t in SF.

    “You are too eager…”

    Too eager to cut away irrelevant distractions before they lead off down tangential sidestreets?

    — Don’t see how one can EVER be ‘too’ eager to avoid that. . . .

    “you’re panting with your tongue out again!”

    Canine panting isn’t about ‘eagerness’; it’s about temperature regulation. Dogs don’t perspire. It’s the evaporation of moisture from the canine tongue that keeps the body from overheating. That’s why dogs need to drink a lot of water, and to constantly have it available (even for females, who DON’T need it to mark territory).

  5. honeybee Said:

    yamit82 Said:
    There are things I’d rather not discuss on an open forum.
    About teasing******or pleasing ???????

    I’ll let you decide.

    Yet, I have I ever displeased….very much?

    mi misión en la vida es complacer a la persona que amo y adoro

  6. honeybee Said:

    When you have some ” down time” ????

    Known as a teaser to keep your interest and There are things I’d rather not discuss on an open forum.

  7. honeybee Said:

    Where is Myer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel when we need them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They will never love us !!!!!! But we should make them Respect and Fear us.

    That breed for better or worse are gone forever….

    My mothers sister my aunt married a Jewish gangsta…. He died young left her a widow with an infant son my cousin Richard but he also left her a fortune.
    My aunt was the family black-sheep till I came along and I was very close to her like a second mom.

    Family never knew how to relate to us and we used to joke about them and their chagrin and even some fear from us. She was a tough old broad who drove when she was 91 and died a few years ago at 95… Longevity runs long in my family.

  8. yamit82 Said:

    Five or six strategically placed people with pepper spray would stampede the herd out all exits

    Now you’re thinken, Cowboy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. @ yamit82:

    Where is Myer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel when we need them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They will never love us !!!!!! But we should make them Respect and Fear us.

  10. honeybee Said:

    “Lonesome Dove”.

    I was thinking of that series when I asked.

    Five or six strategically placed people with pepper spray would stampede the herd out all exits

  11. The Lincoln Center Plaza was more than full. I have been receiving freom different Jewish organizations emails remind me to attend to the protest. It is important to keep the flame of this protest alive. New Yorkers are a noisy bunch and, since it always some cause to protest usually it is forgotten the previous one.
    This time it was so big even by NY standards. I can’t believe that it will be easily forgotten. One thing you are right. Yesterday I was surprised at the attitude of most of the participant in the class. It was not strong ideological opposition to the opera. Only one did agree with me about the wording of the title. People are interested in their business
    and only some talk about it.
    I know a group from the shul went to protest because the rabbi also went. He did not conduct his usual class after our class. His mother lives in Israel.
    It is appalling how many REALLY care for Israel. Lots of lip service and some recognition that is all.
    Rudy Giuliani is never disappointing. He is the one who when the attacks on the towers refused a donation of 10 millions to the Saudi Prince. It became public knowledge also.
    Thank you for posting it. I’m going to distribute it.
    Giuliani has been and still is very supporting of the Jews. His current wife is Jewish.

  12. @ dweller:

    From another blog:

    Robin Rosenblatt
    July 17, 2014
    11:01 am

    Those are dairy cattle!

    A $1,000 donation from each of you will solve this problem. Help Israel to feel good about one thing. Your support!

    Texas Longhorn cattle are desert cattle that solve these problems and can stop these attacks simply by threatening with their sharp horns. Support the Israel Longhorn Project help put a stop to it now.

    I need the funds for this project in 4 weeks. I am being evicted with no place to go. It will make it impossible to help Israel with this emergency.

    Johnathan Read
    July 18, 2014
    8:49 pm

    “A $1,000 donation from each of you will solve this problem.

    I need the funds for this project in 4 weeks. I am being evicted with no place to go. ”

    Seems to me that you are using this to bail yourself out of YOUR problems.

    What will you do with that donation money if you are not able to solve your own financial problems?

    No reply given to Mr Read’s question!!

  13. @ yamit82:

    A pen knife could also be employed on the upholstery. An at intermission drop you champagne all over the carpeting. And there is the Old Texas trick of “nasty stuff” on your boots.

  14. @ honeybee:
    great minds think out of the box. You are on the right track but you forget you are dealing with dumbed down “civilized Jews” and not Blacks. Now if some were to paint their faces in old black face makeup they might become inspired???

  15. @ mar55:

    Mar couple of points.

    With all the Hype about this Opera and the vociferous opposition to it, One might think that in a city such as NYC there would have been a Huge groundswell of grass roots Jewish opposition. According the the report above, there were some 4000 protesters slightly more than when that freak of nature the Past president of Iran attended the UN.

    There was not a single Big name national figure attending and speaking. Most of the biggest Jewish donors continued to support most Jews were either apathetic or supported the production whether they knew or cared about the content and it did play despite the protests to a full house.

    Some cat calls and booos from the audience is secondary to the fact that it did play to a full house and apparently the negative protests did not only deter the production but the controversy will probably insure it’s financial success.

    4000 people in a sit in at Gelb’s home day and night for as long as it takes would be more effective. Loud vociferous protests to the homes of the leading performers might rattle some.

    Jews will not protest en-mass they are wimps, and are afraid of their collective shadows at least the ones who are not in full agreement with the theme of the Opera to begin with.

    In a week a month all will be forgotten and the Jews can return to their assigned and accepted roles that of mistaking piss for rain.

  16. @ yamit82:
    Great. You are the best when it comes to finding news. I have here two newspapers and even the WSJ does not report anything about the Met with the exception of a single picture of the protestors in front of the Met. It had to be really big because something that is political it is always ignored. Only the left gets the press in NYC

    BTW the video of the sixteen years old with the Israeli flag is wonderful. What a courageous young man to stand for what he believes. It is refreshing to see a young man who cares for the truth.

  17. yamit82 Said:

    Pro-Israel protesters disrupted the opening performance of the New York City Metropolitan Opera’s production of “The Death of Klinghoffer,” a controversial opera that critics say condones anti-Semitism and terrorism against Jews.

    Take clue from Saul Alinsky!!!! Jews should not protest outside. Did you see all that beautiful Red Upholstery . Buy a ticket and piss all over the seats, damage the interior of theater. Blacks do it all the time and they get nothing but praise. Stage an anti-Semitic opera and suffer severe consequences.

  18. @ yamit82:
    In the years attending Lincoln Center performances. Not even once have I seen any media describe accurately what happened at the performance. Adams is a mediocre composer. Really awful. I have seen more than a third of the people attending a performance leave at the sound of his awful music. It was not reported. Last night was the same. I read the news this morning and saw the news last night. Except for the people demonstrating outside the Met, not a line describing the reaction of the audience. I better wait until I hear from the lady who attended the opera. By the way, the tickets were sold out. It is always the possibility that one of the big donors might have bought a large number of tickets and distribute among people in order to counter the protestors. It cannot be discounted.

  19. Pro-Israel Protesters Disrupt Anti-Semitic Met Opera
    Chants and boos mar Death of Klinghoffer’s opening night
    BY: Adam Kredo
    October 21, 2014 12:48 am

    Pro-Israel protesters disrupted the opening performance of the New York City Metropolitan Opera’s production of “The Death of Klinghoffer,” a controversial opera that critics say condones anti-Semitism and terrorism against Jews.

    The Met’s production, which debuted on Monday evening, has been engulfed in controversy for months, with pro-Israel leaders and members of the Jewish community accusing the prominent theater company of staging an offensive and anti-Semitic production.

    “The Death of Klinghoffer,” written by Alice Goodman and set to music by John Adams, documents the 1985 murder of wheelchair-bound New York resident Leon Klinghoffer by Palestinian terrorists aboard a hijacked cruise ship.

    Portions of the play are told from the terrorists’ point of view and the dialogue includes language that critics say glorifies terrorism and justifies the murder of Jews.

    Some 4,000 protesters, including members of Congress, gathered outside of Lincoln Center prior to the performance to proclaim their anger at the Met and its general manager, Peter Gelb, for agreeing to stage the controversial opera.

    The protest, which was met with a heavy police presence, also continued inside the opera house when several audience members stood up to disrupt the performance with boos and pro-Israel chants.

    “The murder of Klinghoffer will never be forgiven,” one man could be heard repeatedly shouting shortly after the opera began. His protest was met with loud applause and cheers from many other audience members.

    Boos could be heard intermittently from the crowd at various times in the performance, including at one interval following a section of the opera entitled, “Chorus of Exiled Palestinians.”

    A line of protesters sitting in wheelchairs were spotted directly outside of the Lincoln Center as multiple speakers addressed the large crowd, which could be heard breaking into chants of “Shame on Met Opera.”

    “This is a distorted work” that “supports terrorism,” said former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to loud cheers from the crowd.

    Some in attendance raised signs that read, “Opera justifies attacks on America, Israel, Jews” and “Metropolitan Nazi Opera.”

    It was a “grave mistake” on the Met’s part to run the opera, said Giuliani, who came under fire from current Mayor Bill DeBlasio for agreeing to attend the pro-Israel protest.

    Other speakers, including Reps. Peter King (R., N.Y.) and Eliot Engel (D., N.Y.), also dismissed the Klinghoffer production for what they said is its endorsement of terrorism.

    “We stand against the whole message of this opera,” King said. “This is a horrible demonstration of terrorism” that cannot be rationalized under the guise of art.

    “This is an absolute shame and a disgrace,” added Engel. “We are here saying no to terrorism, no to this opera.”

    Anne Bayefsky, director of The Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust (IHRH), said the opera is not art but pro-terrorism propaganda.

    It “communicates that terrorism can be justified,” she said. “It means that anti-Semitism is a reasonable outcome of the genuinely aggrieved.”

    However, the Met offered space in the playbill to Leon Klinghoffer’s daughters, Lisa and Ilsa, both of whom have objected to the production.

    “Terrorism cannot be rationalized. It cannot be understood. It can never be tolerated as a vehicle for political expression or grievance,” Lisa and Ilsa write in a note to viewers. “Unfortunately, ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’ does all this, and sullies the memory of a fine, principled, sweet man in the process.”

    The audience Monday evening witnessed some of the production’s most controversial moments, including odes to terrorists and scenes of “exiled” Palestinians bemoaning the state of Israel.

    “You are always complaining of your suffering but wherever poor men are gathered you can find Jews getting fat,” one of the Palestinian terrorists says to the wheelchair-bound Klinghoffer before he is murdered, cast over the side of the ship along with his chair.

    “They know how to cheat the simple, Exploit the virgin, Pollute where you have exploited, Defame those you cheated, And break your own law with idolatry,” one terrorist sings.

    “America is one big Jew,” the terrorists state at another point.

    As the opera came to an end late Monday, some of the most raucous applause from the audience was reserved for the four men portraying the Palestinian terrorists, all of whom took a deep bow as the crowd roared.

  20. @ dweller:

    Simple question why don’t you let him answer for himself?

    You are too eager, you’re panting with your tongue out again!!!

    Down boy!!!! Sit!!!!

  21. Help bring Texas Longhorn home to Israel.
    Wealthy America Jews and Israelis are allowing attacks or our ranches, cattle and people. They are allowing our pasture to be stolen; they are allowing our ranchers to continue with European cattle that don’t fit Israel desert environment. Texas Longhorn are desert cattle, they fit Israel’s hostile desert environment. They are used in America hostile deserts in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado.
    Texas Longhorn came from the Black Sea 5 to 15000 years ago. They first went East then turn back West though the great deserts of the Middle East. Arrived in what is now Israel split into two directions toward North toward Europe and South toward Africa. Cortez brought them to Mexico Texas southern border area in 1400 or 1500. In 1856, from a very few they had grown into millions of Texas Longhorn cattle. They started America’s cattle industry and helped built America.
    Robin Rosenblatt M.Sc. Hebrew University, School of Agriculture The Longhorn Project
    22 Yarnall Place
    Redwood City, CA 94063
    Tel: 650.631.9270 / 03.722.6108
    Nonprofit 501(c) 3 #74-3177354

  22. @ yamit82:

    “If you are a Jew and an Israeli what is keeping you in San-Fransisco???”

    He was probably visiting or on business there.

    Redwood City [see post #14, above] is 25 miles south of SF.

  23. @ woolymammoth:
    That is an easy one.
    “American Jews” of the yeine persuasion are experts at what they perceive as being cute, smart, presented in the form of double face making or talk while pontificating.
    Bottom line… They are disgusting untrustworthy trash, but well dressed and manicured, in cases with trailing wives showing remarkable blue hair. Not “techelet” blue though…

  24. “…Jewish foundations or entities that are major contributors to the Met Opera – Michael Bloomberg, L.P.,…”

    Can someone explain why Michael Bloomberg would stand down on this issue while prominently sticking his neck out to bring an end to the closing of Ben Gurion airport during this latest operation in Gaza. I would appreciate any FACTUAL insight.

  25. Bring Texas Longhorn cattle to Israel to help feed the children in poor communities and help defend Israel’s food production.
    Robin 650-631-9270

    Texas Longhorn cattle will teach respect for animals and in turn respect for people. Building peace and respect for each other must start at the bottom. So, I really need your help with this, please share it.

    Help Bring Texas Longhorns to Israel. Arab/Israeli cattle ranches and their passive European cattle are under attack by jackals, wolves and Arabs/Bedouin. They are stealing our ancestral pasture and grazing land.

    These cattle do not fit Israel’s hostile desert environment.

    The Israel Longhorn Project can solve these problems.

    Texas Longhorn cattle have a smaller carbon footprint; they use less water, less land and are adaptable to Israel’s very hostile desert environment. Texas Longhorn can defend themselves and their calves by simply threatening with their sharp horns.

    We are working with; The Israeli Border Police, the New Shomrim, Israel’s Agriculture Department, the Prime Minister’s office, Chaim Dyan of AMBAL, (Israel Cattle Breeders Association), and many Israeli ranchers.

    Help us reach our goal of $275,000 to start the project. A nominal donation of $250 from 1100 generous supporters will get us started.

    The problem:–yw

    Texas Longhorn cattle will allow our ranchers to use less land, feed and water while at the same time producing the same amount of beef.

    Robin Rosenblatt M.Sc. Hebrew University, School of Agriculture
    The Longhorn Project
    22 Yarnall Place
    Redwood City, CA 94063
    Tel: 650.631.9270 / 03.722.6108
    Nonprofit 501(c) 3 #74-3177354

  26. The producers and sponsors of this abomination are just too comfortable. They should be made to feel uncomfortable as soon as possible.

  27. Said:

    9/14/14, San Francisco is Anti Semite City. Sunday this was my fifth attack in 30 days in San Francisco for being an Israeli and a Jew and on the Israel Longhorn Project. First attack was by an Arab, second and third anti Semite Americans. My Israel flag ripped off my truck twice with extreme violence. The last one was damage to my truck by self-righteous Christians. So help

    What do attacks against your displayed flag on your truck by a full spectrum of Jew haters have to do with your project???

    If you are a Jew and an Israeli what is keeping you in San-Fransisco???

    You could always learn from him

  28. Leftist or liberals change Murder into death. They are not able to see the Evils of Islam. Being leftist or liberal is their personality. They would have to change their whole personality to see it as Murder. Changing one’s personality is not easy to do.

  29. I was at Torah class today and there were different opinions. One had tickets for tonight and was ready to go. Another one said
    she reserved opinion until she learned more about it. I told her I had a problem with the word death instead of MURDER.
    It was the murder of a Jew by savages full of hate.
    I heard many were going and had planned to walk out in the middle of the performance.
    It is sickening how the Met Opera has evolved since Peter Gelb’s administration.
    I hope Providence takes revenge against the people responsible for this abomination.
    Next week I’ll find out what happened inside the auditorium.

  30. The Opera will in all probability be performed. How many performances??????

    Later the furor will have died down and the Jews who protested this Opera will forget it and continue their patronage….

    Such is the world we live in and such are the dirty scumbag Jews who have no moral compass…..

    Israel in time of need and peril should expect no more even from well meaning Jews.

    Let the Jews of America fight their own battles against Jew haters and each other.

    We Jews in the State of Israel stand alone. It’s time that message begins to percolate and resonate among the Israeli people. Our ultimate survival may depend on it.

  31. 9/14/14, San Francisco is Anti Semite City. Sunday this was my fifth attack in 30 days in San Francisco for being an Israeli and a Jew and on the Israel Longhorn Project. First attack was by an Arab, second and third anti Semite Americans. My Israel flag ripped off my truck twice with extreme violence. The last one was damage to my truck by self-righteous Christians. So help

  32. “Good Jews don’t support Israel”, this was a newspaper headline in England. It could put their lives in danger on the streets of England. In America it is true for different reason. Many America Rabbi’s and Jews have divided minds, half of it supports Israel and other half supports the Palestinians. My question? Supporting Palestinians to do what? Kill more Jews, Israelis or their Arab brothers?

  33. Certainly it is in line with the Judenrat mentality and probably genetic tilt. We have nothing to seek in that ghastly garbage pile.