Protests against the detention of Palestinian activist and Columbia student Mahmoud Khalil By SWinxy – Own work, CC BY 4.0
If I heard and read right, the alleged leader of the antisemitic mobs at Columbia Mahmoud Khalil was born in Syria, holds an Algerian passport, and calls himself a “Palestinian.” Which is it?
I get the “Algerian passport” part. Possibly the longest chapter in my long book on the invention of the “Palestinians” is on the pivotal role of Algeria in inventing this antisemitic lie. Before the war in Vietnam in the 1960s became an international cause célèbre, the world’s focus in the 1950s was on Algeria during its intifada-like terrorist rebellion against the French.
It was the French who had created Algeria, starting with the invasion of the regency city-state of Algiers in 1830, and they drafted the boundaries of this large country. The “jihadic” revolution against the French in 1954 took center stage in that decade among many indigenous peoples throwing off their European overlords in gory, terroristic violence. Algeria was the focus of the Marxist Frantz Fanon, a member of the Algerian Front de libération nationale (“FLN”). In his The Wretched of the Earth, he glorified Third World terror horrors against their European masters.
I have invented the term “jihadic” because the rebels did not see themselves as patriotic “Algerians.” Instead, they defined themselves solely as Muslims. All serious historians writing on the uprising routinely referred to the rebels not as Algerians but Muslims.
Image: X screen grab.
However, in 1954, the leaders in Algiers, after over 120 years of exposure to French culture, had the wits to cast their rebellion in political terms to win over the Leftists in France, such as those two contemptible fools Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Describing their violence as religion-motivated would not attract those two and their soulmates on the Left Bank. Instead, theirs would be known as a Third World war of national liberation.
Hence, the rebels created the FLN, which became the darling of the international left and was the model Muslims in the Land of Israel adopted when they created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964, two years after Algerian independence. In 1966, the trendy film community at the Venice Film Festival celebrated the pro-FLN, pseudo-documentary The Battle of Algiers by Italian Jewish progressive filmmaker Gilo Pontecorvo. That movie won the Golden Lion and later was nominated for an Oscar in Hollywood.
The PLO’s most important terror cell was Fatah, a name Arafat and his seven co-founders chose because it means “conquest” and because its letters could, in reverse order, be seen as an acronym for “Palestinian Liberation Organization.” The founders, all raised in the Muslim Brotherhood, had disagreed over the extent to which Islam would be their ideology versus a political-nationalist struggle. Fatah was thus chosen to please both factions. Fatah is the title of the 48th sura in the Koran and in context means “conquest of the infidel,” which pleased the religious faction, and the acronym satisfied the Leftists.
In sum, the name Fatah was camouflage for jihad.
All of this brings us back to Mahmoud Khalil, the Democrats’ current poster boy? He clearly has been in contact with the Algerians, where the FLN still rules. In 1974 as well, Yasir Arafat spoke to the UN General Assembly, officially invited by the President of the Assembly Abdelazziz Boutiflika, before his election a leading FLN terrorist and later president of the country. The morning before Arafat spoke, he flew into JFK on an Air Algérie airliner and cleared passport control with the Algerian diplomatic passport given him.
Khalil’s dubious and slippery national identity reflects the truth that the so-called “Palestinian war for national liberation,” just like the Algerian war for independence, is a smoke screen cloaking the eternal religious jihad. It is Islam’s mission to conquer the whole of mankind because Muslims believe that all of mankind’s manifold religions are wrong. They believe theirs is the correct religion and Muslims have the obligation to rule over the whole world and to oppress and humiliate non-Muslims who refuse to convert.
In his first term, President Trump was falsely accused of calling for barring all Muslims from entering the US when, in fact, he had called for barring only those from countries where violent Islamic fanatics were prominent. However, if he’d actually been able to bar them all, no harm would have been done.
To the contrary, this would have only strengthened America against this imperialistic, predatory faith community, which today is swallowing up Western Europe and wants to do the same to the USA.
There are some 3,000 mosques in the US, financed by the Qataris, Saudis, and Kuwaitis, all of them on Fridays echoing with angry sermons about the perfidy of the Jews and Christians. Check out’s archives of sermons in these houses of worship, places that also foster polygamy, which is illegal in every state.
That is the Muslim technique of conquest; not by gun-toting soldiers invading with military-grade weapons but through unarmed Muslims, whose principal war-fighting “equipment” are the wombs of their multiple wives.
As the Algerian “war of national liberation” was underneath really more of the jihad against infidels, so the Algeria-aided “Palestinian” Mahmoud Khalil is another jihadi in disguise in Islam’s war against Israel-supporting America.
Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on
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