Macron Vows Punishment for States Refusing Mass Muslim Migration

And this is why France and most of Western Europe is doomed. You can deny reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of denying reality.

By Pamela Geller

The hijrah (jihad by immigration) has roiled the continent and the refusal to address the root cause leaves France and inevitably Western Europe at the mercy (and there is none) of their invaders.

“Macron Vows Punishment for States Refusing Third World Migration,”

by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, September 21, 2018:

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Emmanuel Macron has said funding should be withdrawn from pro-sovereignty nations reluctant to hand more power over to Brussels, and that countries which refuse to welcome third world migrants must be thrown out of the Schengen area.

“Europe is not a menu à la carte, it’s a political project,” the French president declared, speaking at the end of an EU mini-summit on migration in Salzburg Thursday evening.

At a press conference following the meeting of European leaders, Macron acknowledged there was “a crisis and tensions” over the topic but, crying out, “Who generates them?” the former investment banker launched a broadside at nations which reject asylum seekers and those which “refuse to let boats dock on its ports”.

Taking aim at the ex-communist Visegrad states, which are reluctant to follow the West down the road of globalist multiculturalism, he lashed out at “the leaders who tell me… ‘[I] love Europe when it gives me money, when it makes my people prosperous, when it allows my workers to make better a living in neighbouring countries,’ but at home, will not take a single migrant, not a single refugee.”

“Countries that do not want more Frontex or solidarity [in housing and feeding third world migrants] will leave Schengen. Countries that don’t want more Europe will no longer [get access to] structural funds,” he told journalists.

Turning the topic to EU Parliament elections, the banking protegé said next year’s vote would be “an historic fight [and] an election like no other”, as it would determine whether “the political project led by the founding fathers [of the union] … will prevail”….

September 29, 2018 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @ adamdalgliesh:
    Hi, Adam

    Just to be fair to Macron, “self-centered, corrupt, authoritarian rulers.” would fit nearly all monarchs. I’m glad I didn’t have to live under the culture of fear that surrounded the Tudors, who had a nasty habit of torturing and killing their close friends and relatives. Mussolini? Hitler? Many popes? the kings of Spain, and ruling class of Latin America? Those were Christian rulers; the Muslims could be cruel and corrupt beyond imagination. Even so, many of those countries allowed central authoritarian figures (Ivan the Terrible, etc.) to take over, because the people without a central government could be worse than animals: the Reign of Terror in France, the People’s Crusade and ISIS. King David put it rightly, when he said,

    2 Sam. 24:
    [14] And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the LORD; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man.

    Macron strives to be the torchbearer for the “European Project”, a federal bureaucracy of elitists that he sees as the “New World Order”. He could be a new Napoleon, a new Charlemagne or a New Nero: it’s all so tantalizingly tempting. SOMEONE will one day (probably soon) occupy that throne; but I seriously doubt it will be Macron.

  2. What a dirtbag this Macron is. A real bully and imperialist. At the same time, extremely destructive for his own country, France. France has always had a problem with self-centered, corrupt, authoritarian rulers. Just ask Louis the XIV, Robespierre, Napoleon, Marshall Petain, etc. etc.

  3. @ Raphael:
    Hi, Raphael

    Merkel and Macron are both VERY unpopular:

    “Only 40 percent of the French population said they have a favorable opinion of Macron, a drop of 3 percentage points from last month and 12 percentage points from December, while 57 percent said they hold a negative opinion of the president.

    “Macron’s approval ratings, 10 months into his term, are comparable to those of former presidents François Hollande (35 percent) and Nicolas Sarkozy (40 percent), according to the poll conducted by BVA, which surveyed 1,053 people on March 21 and 22.”

    “Support for Germany’s grand coalition between Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc and the Social Democrats has fallen to an all-time low, Bild am Sonntag reports.

    “The ruling Christian Democrats and their Bavarian counterparts, the Christian Social Union, had their approval rating fall one percentage points to 29 percent while support for the Social Democrats dropped by two percentage points to 17 percent – a poll in the German paper reveals.”

    By comparison, US President Trump’s ratings today, 29 Sep. 2018, are:

    Approve 43.8; Disapprove 52.6 (Real Clear Politics Average).

  4. Macron and Merkel are nuts! They will take their countries down, and the rest of Europe with them, except possibly for Eastern Europe, who doesn’t seem to have gone totally insane…yet. So, maybe there is some hope, if they can stand up to Macron’s threats.

  5. “Countries that don’t want more Europe will no longer [get access to] structural funds,” Macron told journalists.”

    The UK’s NET contribution to the EU budget £8.6 billion will end in 2019 so soon the EU is not even going to be able to afford to give “Structural funds” to ANYONE!
    On top of this, existing members will have to pay more to make up the UK’s soon to be vanishing contirbution. 2019 marks the beginning of the end for the EU.

    The EU was supposed to stop European Countries from invading eachother, instead the EU has outsourced invasion to Africans, Pakistanis etc.

    The EU has swapped the 3rd Reich for the 3rd World.

  6. ““Europe is not a menu à la carte, it’s a political project,” the French president declared, speaking at the end of an EU mini-summit on migration in Salzburg Thursday evening.”

    I wonder how native Europeans feel about being part of somebody’s “project”. It makes them sort of human Lego® blocks. My guess is that they are resigned to their fate, burdened down by guilt over Auschwitz.

  7. looks like the real start of the end of the road. if i recall the original purpose was a free trade market. but then everyone got suckered into a political screw-up. the germans tried 1914 then 1938, frogies 18something through napoleon.
    wonder where all the whites of euro will end up with mass departures? u s of a? Canada? auss? maybe take back their colonies for white immigration.