by Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East analyst & commentator

Israel has for decades crept in against attacking terrorists with little mouse steps called “restraint”. Most of Israel’s governments have meekly waited for an attack and then they respond with meaningless little mouse steps that do NOT crush their enemies decisively. Rather they encourage more terror by turning the meek cheek and teaching the Muslim Palestinians (both terrorists and the civilian population) that there is no price to pay for killing Jews.

We must all recall the Rabin-Peres years where the little mouse steps against terror were air or artillery strikes against empty buildings – usually with a prior warning call from Shimon Peres to the PLO to abandon the intended targeted then emptied buildings before the incoming IDF strike.

It was a way to trick and pacify the angry Israeli people but, not crush the Palestinian Terrorists.

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It was a partnership made in Hell along with the pro-Arab U.S. State Department leading the orchestration. First the collusion was with Yassir Arafat; now it with Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) – Arafat’s 40 year companion and financier in terror. The U.S. and Israel also armed Fatah with weapons and ammunition and the CIA trained the Palestinian Authority’s Police Force, many of whom were also terrorists – especially during the various “intifadas”.

Each time the weak response generated a greater confidence among the terrorists leadership that they could successfully mount greater operations against Israeli citizens – with impunity. They had not so secret partners at the highest levels of Israeli government and they thought they could count on that protection.

It’s happening again as Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert together planned and carried out a “coup d’etat” against the 10,000 Israeli people who made their homes in Gush Katif/Gaza. Sharon was advised time and again that a “judenrein” (Jew-free) Gaza would become an operational Global Terror Base for not only the Muslim Arab Palestinians but also dozens of other terror organizations such as Islam al Jihadi, Hamas, Fatah, Al Aksa Martyrs’ Brigades and, of course, Al Qaeda. Which, of course, is exactly what happened.

Clearly, Olmert, among others, should be indicted, tried and jailed for treason, for crimes against the Jewish people. As for Sharon, he too should be tried, in modified absentia, given that he lies as a semi-rotting corpse kept alive by machines. The once unthinkable crimes of this once great hero continue to affect the lives of Israelis and he should be put on trial as a betrayer of his nation’s trust.

(Note! I say this as a once great admirer and friend of Ariel Sharon.)

Whatever he once did for the nation as a charging General has long since been erased by choice. It is said that a man can achieve or lose Olam HaBa (the world to come) in a split second and Arik Sharon has clearly lost passage into Olam HaBa for all time.

The horrible Leftists playing the role of subversive Fifth Columnists, having invariably restrained the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) from executing a crushing response to Terror have always wound up pleading with the Terrorists for forgiveness and to cease and desist their dastardly acts of Terror. Thus, we have Oslo, Barak’s retreat for Lebanon’s security buffer zone, and Gaza – with more to come IF Olmert and the “eminence gris”, Shimon Peres, assist the terrorists by surrendering more Jewish Land, more weapons and more money to the P.A.

Each time the expectations among the Arab Muslims grew exponentially, as they saw the pacifistic Israeli Left tremble, apologize for winning and demanding nothing from the vanquished. The Islamic creature fed on this weakness of the Jewish Left and grew to a point that it could well overwhelm Israel’s defenses.

If I were in charge, I would strip the so-called authorities of their powers, sentence them to something like 50 lashes and send them out into the wilderness to live out their days. These are the lepers of Jewish society and should be treated as dangerous untouchables.

Islamists/Arabs/Muslims cannot be treated with kindness – which they perceive as weakness, vulnerability and the invitation to attack – again. Treat them as they treat each other – with unyielding cruelty – much the same as the Muslim Turks treated the Arab and Muslim population of the Turkish Ottoman Empire for 400 years. The Allies liberated the Ottoman Empire in WW1, creating a bunch of new free Muslim countries out of the former Ottoman Empire – all of which became radicalized under new dictators.

Treating the Muslims with respect and kindness only causes them to have contempt for the weak-kneed Leftist Jews. This leads to their accelerated hatred and visions of avidly contemplated Genocide as soon as they have the power to do so. Clearly, they have the same plans for American Arabists and the Europeans.

Apologetic little mouse steps do not civilize Islamists but, rather only increase their vicious expectations of enslaving others.

May 25, 2007 | 3 Comments »

3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Emanuel A. Winston is a noted right wing analyst who has written extensively on the Israel-Palestinian/Arab conflict. He has in another article advocated that the two state solution paradigm should be abandoned in favour of Israel annexing Gaza and the West Bank and force the Palestinians from those territories into Jordan which is comprised already of a majority of Palestinians in addition to the fact that it is much larger then Israel, Gaza and the West Bank combined.

    In this article however, Winston approaches the extreme edge of the right wing with his advocating:

    Islamists/Arabs/Muslims cannot be treated with kindness – which they perceive as weakness, vulnerability and the invitation to attack – again. Treat them as they treat each other – with unyielding cruelty – much the same as the Muslim Turks treated the Arab and Muslim population of the Turkish Ottoman Empire for 400 years. The Allies liberated the Ottoman Empire in WW1, creating a bunch of new free Muslim countries out of the former Ottoman Empire – all of which became radicalized under new dictators.

    Treating the Muslims with respect and kindness only causes them to have contempt for the weak-kneed Leftist Jews. This leads to their accelerated hatred and visions of avidly contemplated Genocide as soon as they have the power to do so. Clearly, they have the same plans for American Arabists and the Europeans.

    While few can argue that there has been much Muslim on Muslim cruelty, Winston has perhaps lost it in suggesting that the West or American and Israel in particular deal with the Palestinians/Arabs with unyielding cruelty. It just won’t happen.

    One does not need much of an imagination to know just what the world would have to say and what the world would do to Israel if she adopted a policy of unyielding cruelty towards the Palestinians regardless of how strongly the case for such cruelty might be made. The double standard Israel labours under is not about to be lifted or eased by the world.

    It seems that as Winston wrote this article, his frustrations with the Israel-Palestinian/Arab conflict and attendant very difficult circumstances Israel is continually forced to deal with have gotten the better of him. I expect that once Emanuel Winston has a chance to take a deep breath, he will return to his more balanced, practical and usually compelling right wing views on the situation.

  2. First a comment on jerrylaury’s comment: Unless you would like to be considered an agent provocateur, please never suggest rebellion against a Jewish government. Zealots caused the destruction of Jerusalem with that tactic 2000 years ago. The downfall of the current government under its own weight of corruption and ineptitude is a certainty if it can be kept from implementing its most destructive plans.

    That being said, and returning to the thesis of the piece on which we are commenting, the trick in the geopolitical matter of Muslim perception of Jewish weakness is to wait patiently. Politics is local, so when members of Labor and Kadima have their homes destroyed, they will change their tune. “Not me” will disappear and be replaced by “Us” soon enough.

    The “Us” attitude will emerge when local politics will need to reject pressure from the US, Europe, and mostly Russia. It is not so much the US that is restraining Israeli action; it is Russia. They have no moral compass except for the Almighty Dollar. Any action is justified if the Russian government and arms industry profits. Israel buys no Russian arms. Militant Arabs buy more arms than Arabs at peace – bottom line. Russia is soooo big that it feels safe from the effects of most Muslim hissy-fits, but atomic weapons neutralize that feeling of security, so Russia will join the West for a moment in preventing Iran from obtaining a bomb, but then will return to supporting militant Islam. What a hungry individual Russian will do in terms of turning over radioactive material to militants is of course unpredictable.

  3. It is obvious that Israel is controlled by the most viciously corrupt, incompetent and treacherous group of politicians imaginable. What will it take for the Israelis to wake up and take to the streets in rebellion against their government? Possibly a nuclear attack or similar catasrophe

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