LIST IS IN! Top Three Surprising Republicans On Trump’s VP ‘Shortlist’ Revealed

T. Belman.  Don Jr recommended Tucker Carlson.

The process of selecting a vice presidential candidate is currently underway after former President Donald Trump’s significant defeat in the Iowa caucuses on Monday. According to representatives, the Republican leader has now reduced his list of potential running mates to a final three candidates.

According to insiders, the decision is being made between Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY), U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), and presidential candidate Nikki Haley. The rationales, advantages, and disadvantages differ for each option, but individuals in close proximity to Trump assert that he possesses justifications to feel that each option would contribute positively to his race against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Rep. Stefanik has been included in the list for two primary reasons: firstly, her unwavering allegiance to Trump despite significant political and legal challenges, and secondly, her skill in dominating the news cycle by highlighting problems that are advantageous to Republicans. She became the inaugural sitting member of Congress to publicly support Trump and intends to join him in campaigning in New Hampshire during the last weekend prior to the state’s primary voting.

“She’s a killer,” President Trump previously told attendees at a Mar-a-Lago event, a sentiment echoed by former advisor Steve Bannon, who remains close to Trump.

Vance, who has always supported Trump, may be seen as Stefanik’s counterpart in the Senate. Unlike the House leadership, who have all publicly endorsed Trump, the Republican caucus in the Senate has maintained some distance from him. According to supporters, the Ohio Republican’s populist stances on immigration and international affairs align well with the America First goal of a Trump government.

“I’d love to see a J.D. Vance,” Donald Trump Jr. recently told Newsmax. “People who are principally in alignment as well as aggressive.”

Haley, who is still in the presidential race, is considered the underdog as she faces President Trump in New Hampshire. According to recent surveys, she is significantly behind, trailing by a large margin. Although she successfully united the anti-Trump faction of the GOP, Haley ultimately served as Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations. As a result, she could be an ideal choice to appeal to moderate and swing voters, particularly suburban women who find it challenging to endorse the former president. Nevertheless, Haley’s assertive stance on foreign affairs would be challenging to convince the MAGA base of.

“I would not only not vote for that ticket, I would advocate against it as strongly as I could,” Tucker Carlson said at a recent event. “That’s just poison,” Carlson added, blasting Haley as “not left, but … neoliberal in the darkest, most … nihilistic way” and saying she “has no real popular support.”

January 20, 2024 | 25 Comments »

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25 Comments / 25 Comments

  1. I saw last night a blogger/podcaster/pundit claim that Trump had advancing dementia. That hasn’t seemed to bother the Democrats for the last three years, so why now? The Dems will use any lie or slanderous slur to gain victory. Look for more of it.

  2. Here is a post I saw on Twitter:

    Trump is incompetent, dishonest, hurts conservatism and governs like a big government authoritarian:

    He’s pro-big government, largest stimulus in American history, paid people not to work, wanted it even bigger, attacked Republicans like Thomas Massie who tried to keep the dollar amount in check. Ironically, he called Republicans RINOs for wanting less spending.

    Added more debt than any President in American history (even before Covid, he was on track to add more debt than Obama). He’s a big spender, the biggest, actually.

    Grew the deficits more than Obama. He’s fiscally irresponsible and spends like a drunken sailor.

    Printed more money than any President in history, which combined with the Covid lockdowns halts in production and crippling of our supply chains, kicked off the worst inflation in 50 years.

    Deported fewer illegal aliens in his 4 yr term than Obama did in either of his 4 yr terms, he talks a big game on immigration but it’s all red meat for the willing and gullible.

    Worked with Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to personally approve the largest amnesty bill in American history, which thankfully was defeated in the Senate. He betrayed his base on immigration, a key pillar of his 2016 campaign.

    His authoritarian, draconian Covid lockdowns were the greatest deprivation of civil liberties in American history.

    Put fiendish, insane, bio-tyrant Fauci in charge, refused to fire him, did everything he said, gave him a medal his last day in office.

    Still says the vaccine was great, and he handled covid perfectly.

    He used the bully pulpit to attack governors that tried to open their states (like DeSantis & Kemp). Sent legal missives from the White House to compel them to close back down once they re-opened.

    Forced the FDA to approve the vaccine on 90 days safety trials when it usually takes 10 years, then lied to his constituency and told us all it was 100% safe and effective when there was no way he could have known that – how many people got blood clots, heart attacks, stokes, myocarditis?

    Said use the government to take people’s guns first and then go through due process later.

    Caused the GOP to lose every election since 2018.

    Turned AZ & GA blue.

    MI, CO, WI, PA, AZ state GOP are all going broke or bankrupt.

    Sided with woke Disney to attack Ron DeSantis over teaching sexual matters to K-3rd grade. Because Disney has been one of his largest donors.

    He’s an elitist, globalist that said Klaus Schwab is doing a great job and sent Ivanka to be a WEF Young Leader.

    He can’t fight woke & ESG because he’s in bed with Blackrock. He said the word woke is ‘stupid because nobody knows what it means’.

    Answered ‘what is a woman’ like Ketanji Brown Jackson.

    Said he’d expose Saudi involvement in 9/11, never did any of that, but then ended up doing business deals with them that enriched he and his SIL, Jared Kushner, and now he’s golfing buddies with the Saudi regime.

    Said Pelosi is strong, smart and tough, that he liked her and wanted her to be Speaker of the House and would help whip votes for her.

    Said he likes Gavin Newsom because he’s nice to him, so he won’t say bad things about him (his son is engaged to Gavin’s ex-wife).

    Said NY is better than FL (called Florida a wreck, dump, etc).

    Said Cuomo is better than DeSantis.

    Said far-left Democrat Stacey Abrams would be a better governor than Republican Brian Kemp.

    Constantly praises anti-American communists like Xi Jinping and praises Putin & Kim Jong Un, has great respect for authoritarian dictators.

    Donald Trump is a NY Liberal, pretending to be a conservative, with big government tendencies and authoritarian instincts.

    Definitely not ‘far-right’ and certainly not conservative. His MAGA base has been deceived and many are too gullible to see it.

    The politicians endorsing him know all of this full well, they’re just afraid to cross him. People need to stand up and call this out.

  3. Carlson delegitimizes himself for the reasons you stated in your other comments. I also stand by my comment that he has zero credentials and is nothing more than a crackpot talk show host. It would be no different than making Alex Jones his running mate.

    You completely underestimate Carlson’s political potential by using such silly claims as an attempt to deligitimize him –

  4. Peloni is completely correct with all of this.

    I wish this were true. His opposition to foreign entanglements would have him close the door to Israel even in her moment of greatest need. While this isolationist position is not uniquely antisemitic, it is informative of the disregard with which he would cast off America’s alliance with Israel, an alliance from which the US has greatly benefited and continues to do so.

    The abuse with which he castigates Jews who differ with him on this point, and his use of the dual loyalty canard, which is cited in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism, does however demonstrate Carlson’s unappologetic embrace of antisemitism. This has nothing to do with the Deep State, nor for Forever Wars.

    He also failed to challenge either Kanye or Candace Owens for their candidly antisemitic remarks, while Carlson actually agreed with many of Owen’s antisemitic views and specifically brought Owens on his show after she made a fool of herself supporting those views with outright lies about Arabs being housed in apartheid like areas of Jerusalem – and this too Carlson failed to comment.

    As Amb. Friedman noted, Carlson should appologize for his outrageous comments, but Carlson won’t do so because he doesn’t perceive them to be outrageous.

    This is all quite irrelevant to the fact that Carlson has interviewed abt

  5. You mean Iowa.

    The report is in error .Trump won Ohio by a landslide with 51% of the vote. De Santis got 26% Haley 19%.

  6. @dreuveni

    So maybe a Dem as VP?

    An interesting possibility but unlikely at best I would argue.

    Do recall that some have considered Kennedy as a strong consideration for VP. Kennedy has provided a strong voice of reason in the face of the ongoing pharmaceutical tragedy which has been waged against the world, and he is an absolute opponent of the Deep State. So too, he is an earnest Liberal who holds liberal values while also loving the country he cares to save from the impinging disaster to which his own party is dooming the nation. These comments about Kennedy are actually quite uniquely attributable to him alone as Dem. He is not one to travel with the heard nor one to easily part with views upon which he holds a strong opinion.

    This being stated, Kennedy, I would argue, has no chance of becoming the VP under Trump, despite Trump’s very strong opinion of the Kennedy family, including Kennedy’s father and uncle. While Kennedy is opposed to the Deep State tyranny, he still holds firm to the old liberal values which see govt as being the solution for every problem rather than govt being the problem itself. Kennedy is supportive of big govt being run efficiently by employing significant regulation and oversight, and seeking prosperity thru taxation, while Trump is opposed to big govt, reducing govt regulations and oversight, and seeking prosperity thru expanded opportunity.

    While Trump likely has a great deal of respect for Kennedy, Trump is a conservative, and Kennedy is not, and such distinctions in political philosophy would seriously contrast with Trump’s vision of the future. It would in fact be inconsistent with Trump’s policies to choose a Dem, even an honest Dem such as Kennedy, as VP. While there are many old liberals who have defected to join Trump’s movement, Trump is not an old liberal himself, nor is the majority of his base. Hence, while it would be less of an impossibility than choosing someone such as Deep State Haley, I wouldn’t put much hope on Trump choosing Kennedy or any other Dem as his VP. Just my own thoughts of course.

  7. @John Galt III

    Anti Semite? No, sorry, he is just opposed to the endless wars the Pentagon keeps having and losing.

    I wish this were true. His opposition to foreign entanglements would have him close the door to Israel even in her moment of greatest need. While this isolationist position is not uniquely antisemitic, it is informative of the disregard with which he would cast off America’s alliance with Israel, an alliance from which the US has greatly benefited and continues to do so.

    The abuse with which he castigates Jews who differ with him on this point, and his use of the dual loyalty canard, which is cited in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism, does however demonstrate Carlson’s unappologetic embrace of antisemitism. This has nothing to do with the Deep State, nor for Forever Wars.

    He also failed to challenge either Kanye or Candace Owens for their candidly antisemitic remarks, while Carlson actually agreed with many of Owen’s antisemitic views and specifically brought Owens on his show after she made a fool of herself supporting those views with outright lies about Arabs being housed in apartheid like areas of Jerusalem – and this too Carlson failed to comment.

    As Amb. Friedman noted, Carlson should appologize for his outrageous comments, but Carlson won’t do so because he doesn’t perceive them to be outrageous.

    This is all quite irrelevant to the fact that Carlson has interviewed abt number of Jews on his program.

  8. @Laura

    [Carlson] has zero credentials and he’s a clown

    Curiously, this is exactly what was stated about Trump. You completely underestimate Carlson’s political potential by using such silly claims as an attempt to deligitimize him – notably such tactics would only work on those who have no interest in him at all. In any event, Carlson’s lack of ‘credentials’ would be the last thing which would keep Trump from choosing him as all the credentialled appointments and allies which Trump has aligned himself with over the years came to betray Trump and the American people. Specifically as a result of this, such credentials as might impress you will hold little weight with Trump going forward.

    [Trump is] unprincipled, lacks any real convictions and is wishy washy,

    Trump is not unprincipled. You just don’t agree with his principles. There is a difference. Regarding Israel, Trump saw Israel as a strong US ally which was capable of acting as America’s anchor in the Middle East which could stabilize its association with the local Sunni actors while galvanizing a manageable opposition to Iran. None of this will change in Trump’s second term as none of it was based upon trivialities, whims, or personalities, despite your consistent claims to the contrary.

  9. I’m guessing Trump will pick someone no one has thought of and wait as long as possible to announce it to give the left less time to apply Alinskite tactics.

    “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it.” – Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”

  10. Carlson?

    Best interviewer on the internet. He hates the Deep State and exposes it every week. Hope he stays there to do that. That is his most effective job. Also, his obsession with UFO’s would backfire on him most likely.

    Anti Semite? No, sorry, he is just opposed to the endless wars the Pentagon keeps having and losing. He has interviewed dozens of Jews and has always welcomed their intellect, opinions and knowledge. He wants Israel to fund its own military along with the rest of the World. If Israel wants to buy F-35’s and Apache helicopters with its own cash he’s cool with that but doesn’t want any taxpayer money doing it.

    I’m huge supporter of Israel and agree with many, many Israeli’s that Israel needs to cut the US funding of Israel’s military so that the US has far less influence over Israeli diplomatic and military policies and can’t blackmail Israel. Don’t believe me then read Caroline Glick on the subject. Ted Belman probably agrees with this – that’s just a guess.

  11. The report is in error .Trump won Ohio by a landslide with 51% of the vote. De Santis got 26% Haley 19%.

    So he beat both combined by 6%. A Huge victory.

  12. DeSantis

    Hope he doesn’t stoop that low by being associated with Trump. He would safer keeping his distance from Washington DC. If and when he loses the nomination hope he says, thanks, I will be going back to continue doing a great job as the Governor of Florida.

  13. he also mentioned Desantis as a possibility.

    Yes, but here is the honest rub with Desantis. He has betrayed the MAGA base in the most spectacularly craven manner. His signature limited any inspection of election fraud in Florida to his own state govt. While some have castigated Trump for undermining Desantis’ credibility for a future presidential run, nothing diminished Desantis’ chances more than his willingly and knowingly having supported the Deep State election fraud apparatus in Florida as he did last May when he signed into law his infamous ‘election reform’ bill, SB 7050. If election integrity is the way for America to take back the control of its govt, and Trump has personally stated that this is his position and it is clearly supported by the rank and file of his supporters, then Desantis has specifically betrayed this most basic policy plank in Trump’s platform.

    Though it will disappoint many of Desantis’ supporters, Desantis poison pilled himself permanently by making this deal with the Deep State. Notably, Desantis chose to do so while having a 70% majority in both his State House and State Senate. So, perhaps the deal he struck while passing this bill was less of a break with his own ideology than some might claim. Notably, as I have referenced many times now, as a member of the US Congress, Desantis supported the fast tracking of Obama’s Trans Pacific Partnership bill which set globalist ideals over the those of the US and would have economically devastated the US had it passed. Thankfully enough, Trump won the 2016 election and with it ended any chance of the TPP being passed, with or without the efforts of those such as Desantis who supported fast tracking this Make America Weak Again legislation.

    In short, Desantis is out.

    I would suggest that Don Jr is trying to galvanize a consolidation of the party by floating these incompatible choices as VP. But time will tell as in all things if this is true.

  14. I would not be so sure about Trump supporting Israel if he is to get a second term. Not only is he unprincipled, lacks any real convictions and is wishy washy, remember how he attacked Bibi for building “settlements” and he is also inclined to be a dealmaker. He also would not have to worry about reelection. DeSantis OTOH is a principled defender of Israel. Things might be even worse for Israel during a second Trump term than with Biden because at least the GOP would resist any 2-state plan enforced by a Biden administration. If Trump forces a 2-state final solution, the GOP would behave like the Trump lackeys they are and line up in lock-step with Trump against Israel along with all of his cult followers.

  15. Agreed. I’m shocked that anyone here would be endorsing Carlson. Not only for the reasons Peloni mentioned, but also because he has zero credentials and he’s a clown. Picking fucker Carlson would only show that Trump can’t be taken seriously. This is nothing more than a grand reality show for Trump and has been all along. At least Niki Haley supports Israel. Anyway, the primaries aren’t nearly over yet. Recall Biden lost IA and NH and his political career was considered all but finished at the start of 2020. But if it is over, I plan on writing in Ron DeSantis.

    Carlson is an isolationist, and an antisemite. Trump’s world view includes plans to strengthen Israel while Ca

  16. @Peloni Yes, Haley would be a suicidal choice. He must pick someone who won’t be any improvement from the globalist perspective or he will be just asking to be deposed, impeached or worse.

  17. @Peloni
    In the same interview that Don Jr. said Tucker would be great, he also mentioned Desantis as a possibility.

  18. According to insiders, the decision is being made between Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY), U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), and presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

    I would take odds against all three, with Vance being the only outside possibility. As Carlson explained, Haley would galvanize a civil war within Trump’s own base as she is hook, line and sinker tied to the Deep State – placing her one heartbeat away from the presidency is not in the cards, and Trump stated this openly earlier today.

    As to Carlson, despite Don Jr’s unfortunate endorsement, this is not going to happen. Trump is an internationalist, despite the best efforts of some to describe him as an isolationist. Carlson is an isolationist, and an antisemite. Trump’s world view includes plans to strengthen Israel while Carlson’s includes plans to abandon her even as she is being attacked. Though there is significant overlap in Carlson’s protectionist America Only perspective, it is clearly inconsistent with many aspects of Trump’s America First project, and I would argue that there are too many such aspects which distinguish these viewpoints for Trump to tap Carlson as America’s future leader.