Likud at 30 seats in latest Ch. 14 Poll

Peloni:  As all data points, a single poll is just a single point of data, but this is a sizeable improvement, one which will hopefully be supported by future polls and election results…hopefully

T. Belman. This poll was conducted by Channel 14, the only right wing pollster of all the channels. Their polls tell a completely different story.


Shlomo Filber’s Direct Plus survey on Channel 14: for the first time since the war, Likud with 30 mandates.

Match for Prime Ministership: Netanyahu by a huge margin from Gantz – 46% compared to 27%.

Likud Reaches 30 Seats for First Time Since Oct. 7, per ‘Channel 14’ Poll

August 31, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. PELONI-

    It could be that in the next election if trends hold, the critically placed Right Wing Party of Liebermann would be included in Govt.

  2. @Edgar
    I agree, it makes no sense at all. But this could also be an issue within the polling method used. The two questions might not be raised with the same pool of voters, or the wording on one question might be less carefully written to avoid an implied bias, or one of the questions might be asked over time, ie a rolling poll, while the other is a snapshot poll, etc. I have no great faith in polling, to be honest, but a famous polster in the US once noted that polling is 80% science and 20% art, and it is the 20% which causes all the glaring discrepancies which exist between the various polls.

    Not to worry, by the time of the next election, they will have the great dissimulator Bennett riding higher than all the others, as he gave them everything they wanted with a smiling face and a claimed Right wing credential, and it is my guess that it is he that they will try to put forward once more to do the dirty work of the American Deep State and the Israeli Left, as he capitulates, procrastinates, and acts against the very voting base for which he campaigns. Hopefully I am wrong in this, but I doubt it.

  3. Adam-


    Question to ALL;

    If 46% chose Netanyahu as Premier, then why would a single one of them vote for a NON right Wing Party allied with LIKUD??????????

    This qould be QUITE ILLOGICAL, and, in fact just crazy.

  4. I ave a feeling that a whole article has been left out here. I would like to see the full article about the Channel 14 poll, not just the headline.