Liberman: We won’t back formation of a right-wing government

Yisrael Beytenu chief blasts Likud’s opposition to unity government, warns establishment of right-wing gov’t will lead to theocracy.



Former Defense Minister and Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avidgor Liberman said Friday that his party would not support a right-wing government, condemning the Likud party for ruling out a unity government with the center-left Blue and White party.

“The cat is out of the bag,” Liberman said, after a Likud internal party memo was published by Israel Hayom Friday morning, telling party officials not to speak in favor of a unity government.

“Netanyahu…made the headlines this morning with his declaration that he will not form a unity government. The assumption is that he will be able to form a narrow Netanyahu-led government with the support of Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, Rabbi Peretz, Deri, and Litzman, who are pushing for a theocratic state,” Liberman continued, alluding to reports Thursday that Netanyahu has offered two ministries to the United Right, and a senior position to Otzma Yehudit candidate Itamar Ben-Gvir, if the United Right allies itself with Otzma Yehudit – and not the New Right.

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Liberman recommended Netanyahu as premier to President Rivlin after the April 9th election, only to refuse to join a new Netanyahu-led government unless it agreed to pass his haredi draft bill.

Since then, the former Defense Minister has accused Netanyahu of allowing haredi and right-wing lawmakers to turn Israel into a theocratic state based on traditional Jewish law (Halacha), rather than civil law.

“On the 17th of September,” Liberman continued Friday, “every Israeli citizen will need to ask himself one question: What kind of state do I want to live in: A Jewish state, or a theocratic (halachic) state in which a crazy group of rabbis will impose religious coercion, will extort the government, and force upon us a way of life based on the rules set in the time of King David and King Saul? A narrow government would be a great misfortune, and we won’t enable it.”

July 26, 2019 | 75 Comments »

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25 Comments / 75 Comments

  1. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    SOURCES…. Keep your eyes open le I did. I read Arutz7 about 5-6 times a day to see the changed main article and other ongoing news. Everything I wrote was n Arutz at some time or another. I cant be expected to keep them in a folder for you to mull over a year or two later.. I wouldn’t know how and having interest in doing it. It was just news…

    Sorry, You need not take my word, but please don’t suggest that I made it all up. There are lots of ways to find the data if you know your way around the keyboard as you evidently do.

  2. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Well I have only repeated what I read in the news items also. WiKi is bit unflattering.. mainly repeating the allegations against her, and the court dribble, they gloss over the real facts. In her position, and with her First Lady unpaid post she hasn’t the time (although she has the inclination) to spend another 30 solid hrs. of interrogation like she did not long ago, so her lawyers try to get her out of whatever the cheapest way possible. That Menny Naftali , even though the Leftist courts awarded him money, (for what? she hardly ever saw him and he was in charge of his own work) has been recognised as pure con. The guy was a crook. As soon as he was fired, the bills went down by over 300% ….The expensive (reputed $100,000 over a period of years) meals are most likely for visiting dignitaries all over the world, whose food preferences can’t be done by the house cook. (And the heads of state often come with senior ministers and major business tycoons etc…A meal could easily come to a couple of thousand)… He’s on a tight budget. ,

    Netanyahu didn’t make Israel the powerhouse that is now is, by his charming smile alone. Entertainment would be an automatic throw-in.

    And they are BOTH hated for being so successful… Israeli political hatred ruined Israel during the Roman times. Jews haven’t changed…(Converted Jews have always been the persecuted Jews worst enemies…worse even than the Christian despots).

    For Heaven’s Sake, they followed the delivery boys from an expensive ice-cream shop so that they could accuse them of being extravagant.. It was a “scoop” (pun intended) I don’t suppose any PM or wife in the whole world eats cheap ice cream.. Nothing is too petty for their enemies….the press.
    But it also shows that she is a working educational psychologist, and donates most of her time to poor, abused and handicapped children, which whom she has been associated most of her qualifying and qualified life., She likely has not a spare oment in her day.

    Recently a religious” , woman doing cleaning, sued her, for mental stress, and abuse and all sorts of imaginary slights. I dont know what happened with the cse, but proof was shown by investigators, that Sara had seen her only 2-33 times for a few minutes during her 3 week s stay at the P.M.s home, Sara was away with the PM, kust about all that time, and the case was fraudulent from the beginning.

    Thats the sort of thing she has to put up with, which I’s sure she didn’t bargain for when she got married.

  3. @ Bear Klein: Bear, the following passage from the same article suggests that the author is a leftist who may be biased against Shaked and Bennet, and the right generally.

    sidelined the last vestiges of the old National Religious Party, in favor of a more energetic version even less beholden to democratic rule [italics added] and willing to toy publicly with explosive ideas — like backing vast judicial reform and pushing an aggressive plan to annex settlement blocs.

    The idea that the national religious camp is opposed to “democracy,” and that judicial reform and the annexation of settlement blocs are “explosive ideas” certainly reflects the views of the left, which claims that unlimited power in the hand of the unelected and self-appointed judiciary is “democracy”–an example of Orwellan “turnspeak” at its worst.

  4. @ Edgar G.: Certainly hope your right, Edgar. I didn’t know that Sara spends most of her time helping poor and sick children. That’s certainly not the way the Israeli press describes her! Where can I find more information about Sara’s work with children?

    The Israeli press describes her as a stuck-up cow who spends her time ordering fancy meals, ordering lavish additions to the Netanyahu’s private residence, illegally billing these personal expenses to the state, failing to pay her and Bibi’s creditors, mistreating her servants and employees, and soliciting gifts of expensive jewelry. Yes, and the press also depicts her as keeping a close watch on Bibi and being jealous of Shaked. I am aware that all this may be fake news invented by the press and/or politically motivated leftist prosecutors. Please tell me where I can get a fairer and more accurate view of Sara Netanyahu.

    I was only repeating what I read in Israeli newspapers. I am not an omniscient person who can always tell when news is real and when it is fake.

  5. Right in uproar over Netanyahu’s Palestinian building plan
    By Tovah Lazaroff

    The Israeli right is in an uproar over a KANN report that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a security cabinet meeting to promote a Palestinian building plan for Area C in advance of a visit by US envoy Jared Kushner.

    “If it’s true that this is an American demand, then we expect our government to say loud and clear – enough!” Gush Etzion Regional Council head Shlomo Neeman said.

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    The prime minister “must stop the delusional demands of our great friend [US President Donald Trump]” who, if he is a friend, would understand.

    Neeman called for the government to annex Area C of the West Bank, rather than paving the way for Palestinian development there.

    MK Ofir Sofer (United Right) accused Netanyahu of abetting the Palestinian Authority take-over of Area C with the financial support of the European Union. Sofer called on right-wing voters to prevent the prime minister from moving to the left of the political map after the September 17th election by supporting his party at the polls.

    “We need to be as strong as possible,” Sofer said.

    Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz and Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan said that they hoped Netanyahu Palestinian construction plan, does not, heaven forbid, signal the direction the government will take after the elections.
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    They warned that the PA was already carrying out a massive amount of illegal construction in Area C, with the “clear goal of establishing a terrorist state in the heart of the country.”

    The right-wing NGO Regavim, which is in the midst of campaign against illegal Palestinian construction in Area C, also denounced Netanyahu’s actions.

    “We hope that this report is inaccurate and that the cabinet did not focus on approving a plan that plays into the hands of Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas, a plan that will serve as the silver platter on which he will be handed the terrorist state in the heart of Israel he has dreamed of establishing.”

    The KANN report follows the Israeli demolition last week of 12 permanent Palestinian buildings in Wadi Hummus because they were built within 400 meters of the security barrier.

    The Obama administration had pushed Netanyahu to approve Palestinian construction in Area C of the West Bank as a gesture to the Palestinians. Israel has created numerous plans for Palestinians in Area C, but has approved very little construction. The Trump administration has not publicly chastised Netanyahu for the lack of Palestinian building permits, nor has it criticized it for continued settlement building.

    Yet according to KANN, the Civil Administration has also delayed a planned meeting this week of the Higher Planning Council for Judea and Samaria, which was set to advance settlement building..

    Kushner arrives in the Middle East, in part to advance the political part of the Trump administration’s peace plan. Arab states and European ones have warned the US that the plan should not deviate from the agreed upon parameters of two-states for two peoples.

    The Trump administration has said it does not feel tied to those parameters.

  6. @ Adam Dalgliah:

    I have never believed for even a second, that Netanyahu’s political actions are IN ANY WAY due to his wife’s influence. That’s all News Outlets crap….They are sitting ducks..she devotes all the time she has to spare on poor and sick children GRATIS… So that is my answer. It is highly ridiculous to believe that Sara N. Is jealous of Shaked, in a female manner, re her husband,..A world renowned statesman, brilliant at untangling complex international relationships, and weaving others.. etc. The belief that they originate at Sara’s kitchen table….. a 60 odd year old apolitical sheer…….Well Adam you know I like you and would never insult you with words…. BUT……..!!

    In your favour, I MUST say…that when you “put your foot in it”… you do it BIIGG….!!!

    That’s my opinion.

  7. Reported all over that Bibi is approving 700 Arab Housing Units in Area C plus 6000 Jewish ones to accommodate the Trump Plan in Area C of Judea/Samaria

    If true many right wing voters will be horrified. The Likud will NOT live this down if true. Shaked’s “Special Right” list will take many votes from the Likud.

    So if this is true what else is the Trump Plan that will horrify Israeli voters? There is a plan for train from Gaza to Judea/Samaria splitting Israel in half. Another total NO GO disaster waiting to happen.

    Bibi needs to overtly and unambiguously kill the idea of building home for Arabs, while at the same time they are illegally building and taking over parts of Area C.

  8. @ Adam Dalgliah:
    An article that goes into greater length’s why Bibi maybe opposed to Shaked & Bennett. I cut and paste a small part.

    Snce first taking control of Jewish Home in 2012, Bennett has always pitched himself as the right-wing force keeping a flaky Netanyahu from drifting leftward. “We need a strong Jewish Home to keep the government on the right path,” he had argued during both the 2013 and 2015 election campaigns, and again, ahead of the April election.

    Unveiling the New Right party last year, the pair slammed the premier for a series of policy decisions they denounced as having “strayed from the path of the right.” In so doing, Bennett and Shaked appeared for the first time to be making a bid to replace him — or at least to run an election campaign that directly challenges him.

    Now, concerned that a New Right-URWP merger under a reinvigorated Shaked will take away votes from Likud, Netanyahu and his wife Sara have not just pushed for a different sort of right-wing union, but have worked aggressively against the merger.

    While he wants to save right-wing votes, such as those for Otzma Yehudit, from oblivion, the union headed by Shaked could end up being a direct threat to his own support. It may boost the right-wing bloc somewhat, but it is just as likely to drain support from the Likud in favor of the new United Right, with many Likud voters likely amenable to Shaked and the type of party she is forming.

  9. @ Adam Dalgliah:
    If Bibi said adding Kahlon meant that exhausted adding anyone to the Likud, it should have been phrased there is not enough desire to add these people and parties. He just had removed a Likud MK to be replaced by a “Russian” immigrant. They had added Ben-Givr previously and according to some had been willing to add Ben-Givr and Noam if they merged with the United Right in lieu of Shaked/Bennett.

    Bibi is politically scared of Shaked and he is trying to keep her from climbing too high. He is done this with others in the Likud previously who showed the possibility of replacing him.

    The other possible reason for this message is that Amir Peretz the head of Labor has moved his party a slight bit towards the center by merging with Gesher (Levy) who on issues of Nationalism is on the center-right. Peretz has hinted that at the right price he might willing to join in a coalition with the Likud.

    So in other words if the Right/Religious do not get 61 seats without Liberman in lieu of a coalition with Blue/White perhaps Labor would join. The hint included that Peretz would like the Justice Portfolio to safeguard Israeli democracy. Bibi badly wants to keep this within the Likud, as the Justice Minister also controls the Legislative Agenda. So Labor would be very powerful. This would be a real problem for anyone with a right wing agenda. The cost of taking Labor into the coalition would likely be less than Blue/White.

    The trouble for Bibi is that if the Justice Minister is not a loyalist of his, the chances of him getting charged while in office are greatly increased. The staler the cases against him get the less likely he is to be charged and/or convicted.

    Feiglin will never merge with Otzma as he is categorically opposed to them on many issues.

  10. Likud: Right in danger following unity agreement

    Likud party says agreement between New Right, United Right will still cost right 5-6 seats in upcoming elections.

    Frankly, I think its weird that Likud is opposing this merger, even tho ugh the united Right parties have all agreed to recommend Bibi for Prime Minister.

    Also weird that Likud says he will not accept any Feiglin or Ben-Gvir candidates on the Likud list. They that adding Kahlon’s people has “exhausted” the Likud’s ability to add new parties.

    Bibi,in a separate statement, said he wanted Otzma and Zehut to run together on a joint list, since he believed they would cross the 3.25 threshold together.

    Bear and Edgar, please share your opinions as to whether all of this hostility to Shaked on the part of Bibi is political or just a reflection of Sara’s sexual jealousy of Shaked.

  11. @ Adam Dalgliesh:Shaked clearly does want them to join. Feiglin does not. Otzma is offended that they are now being asked to join. Since the lists must be finalized this Thursday time is running out.

    Bibi did not want Shaked to head the list. His wife is on tape with Rafi Perez’s wife trying to convince her not to let Shaked lead the list.

    A lot of hot air politics going on. I believe Shaked but since this merging is always complicated she prioritized the largest partners first. Now she trying to the other potential partners. Feiglin in the interview said he believes were too different from Smotrich & Company. Then he said look their list is full anyway. So their seemed to be an inch of an opening maybe. He seemed offended that Shaked was not interested in not just joining with Zehut. He was comfortable with this.

    He has painted himself into a corner now as is his way. Feiglin will not likely pass the thresh-hold if he runs by himself. Otzma seems to making union with a brand new Religious Party (NOAM) whose first known platform is against the LGBTQ community.
    Bibi supposedly was trying to get Oztma &NOAM to form a union with the United Right in lieu of Shaked.

  12. @ Sebastien Zorn:Actually politicians regularly welcome New immigrants, so do regular citizens. When their is a plane full of immigrants it has become customary to have a big ceremony and huge Welcoming Committee full of big shots. Though I believe it is not every plane with ceremonies.

    Join us at the”
    Wednesday, August 14, 2019

  13. @ Bear Klein: Bear, according to today’s Arutz Sheva, Shaked said she does want both Feiglin and Otsma Yehudit to join the Joint List United Right that she has now successfully negotiated with Jewish Home.

    It also says that the Likud (not Bibi personally) has issued a statement opposing the formation of this joint Shaked-Rabbi Peretz-Smotrich list. Don’t know why. Earlier, Bibi said he did want the rightwing parties to unite. All very confusing. Everyone seems to be talking out of both sides of their mouth.

  14. @ Bear Klein:
    I guess Bibi will be camping out at the airport, then. I wonder if any of the other candidates will get the same idea. This sounds like the plot of a political satire.

  15. @ Sebastien Zorn:Yes if you make aliyah and thus become an Israeli Citizen and are residing in Israel you may vote immediately.

    So if one wants to vote they must make aliyah and move to Israel before Sept. 17 2019.

  16. Just saw Feiglin interviewed on Channel 13. He says he is running alone.

    The Special Right List have reserved places ONLY for New Right and United Right. candidates. Their agreement says additional spots for Ben-Gavir or Feiglin must be negotiated with the Likud. The last election was the same. This practicality means only Ben-Gavir has a chance to be included. Feiglin and Bibi are political enemies.

    They also agreed to choose Netanyahu as the PM choice with the formation of a Right Wing Government. Meaning if tried to form a unity government they are not in agreement of choosing him to PM.

    Bibi trying to get “Russian” votes went and welcomed the 121 new Olim (immigrants) at the airport that just arrived from the Ukraine. He was pictured greeting each one as individually as they departed the plane. He got a lot of press from this.

  17. It is OFFICIAL New Right and United Right have formed a union called “Special Right”. They are leaving open spots for Feiglin (Zehut) and Ben Gavir (Otzma).

    The top four of the list in order are: Shaked, Rafi Peretz, Smotrich, Bennett.

  18. @ Sebastien Zorn:The IDF determines the needs of whom they need to draft. The ploy to switch from the IDF to the government was so that the UTJ/Shas could keep the draft at ZERO with the threat of shutting down the government. The draft Liberman proposed and had written with the IDF was very soft and previously had been agreed by the Haredim. One of the UTJ Mks was against however. The UTJ/Shas got more seats than before so they thought Liberman would cave and they were very very wrong.

  19. Lieberman is not on the right. He wants a unity government with Blue and White that excludes the Haredim and Right.

    Glick: ““The ostensible reason for his refusal to reach a coalition agreement with Netanyahu is his insistence that Netanyahu pass a draft law from the last Knesset that would require the ultra-Orthodox community to fill specific quotas of draftees annually. Liberman’s position made little sense on its merits. The ultra-Orthodox parties agreed, during the course of the negotiations, to fill draft quotas. But they insisted that the quotas be determined annually by the government, rather than by law. This made sense, since the Israel Defense Force’s requirements change from year to year. By making the number of conscripts a function of a government decision, the number can be raised or lowered, depending on military requirements in a manner that would be impossible if the quotas are fixed in standing law.

    Lieberman’s rejection of the ultra-Orthodox parties’ counter-offer is proof that his demand was not substantive. It was instrumental. Liberman demanded something that made no sense in order to prevent anyone from giving him what he said he wanted.

    Liberman did this because what he really wanted was to bring down Netanyahu, and so force Israel into another three months without a proper government, and force voters back to the polls just after they finished the last elections.”

  20. In short, forget about LIeberman. If the entire Right doesn’t unite, that’s all she wrote.

  21. @ Bear Klein:
    Caroline Glick explained why a reasonable draft law is not something that LIeberman would support.

    “The ostensible reason for his refusal to reach a coalition agreement with Netanyahu is his insistence that Netanyahu pass a draft law from the last Knesset that would require the ultra-Orthodox community to fill specific quotas of draftees annually. Liberman’s position made little sense on its merits. The ultra-Orthodox parties agreed, during the course of the negotiations, to fill draft quotas. But they insisted that the quotas be determined annually by the government, rather than by law. This made sense, since the Israel Defense Force’s requirements change from year to year. By making the number of conscripts a function of a government decision, the number can be raised or lowered, depending on military requirements in a manner that would be impossible if the quotas are fixed in standing law.

    Lieberman’s rejection of the ultra-Orthodox parties’ counter-offer is proof that his demand was not substantive. It was instrumental. Liberman demanded something that made no sense in order to prevent anyone from giving him what he said he wanted.

    Liberman did this because what he really wanted was to bring down Netanyahu, and so force Israel into another three months without a proper government, and force voters back to the polls just after they finished the last elections.”

    and LIeberman said as much himsel more recently:

    “Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman said that he plans to force the Likud and Blue and White parties into a unity government, and leaving out both right-wing and ultra-Orthodox parties.

    Speaking to Israel’s Channel 13 television, Lieberman said, “We will force a government with the Likud and with Blue and White, which will be an emergency government, a national-liberal government. And we will do everything to block the haredim [ultra-Orthodox], who will not be allowed into the government.”

  22. @ Bear Klein:
    If so, then Bibi must include Shaked if the polls are correct or else lose his slim majority. If the opposition is mainly just anti-Bibi then there is no way to split their base. Shaked must understand this as she says she has no interest in how the left builds its coalitions but is concentrating on uniting the right. She is a master problem solver who thinks outside the box. Now, that she is in charge, I think she will find an innovative way of solving it. Look how she just solved the recent impasse and is now at the head of United Right technical bloc which seems impassible to everybody else. Peretz wasn’t going to give up his spot, no matter what, it seemed. Look at all her reforms as Justice Minister. Truly awe-inspiring.

  23. @ Edgar G.:
    Do they live in apartments? Do they pay mortgages, taxes, maintenance? Healthcare is not free here. I’m glad it is there and I wish we had that system though I can’t stand Sanders and will vote to re-elect Trump.

    Foods like bread create addictions among weight-gain prone people. One can’t just have a little. You have to eat nothing but foods that are mostly water like vegetables, leafy greans. artichokes, asparagus, okra, cabbage, bok choy, brussels sprouts, cauiflower, broccoli, carrots, celery, peppers apples, citrus fruits, berries, mangos, persimmons, pears, and optionally a modest amount of eggs, dairy, seafood, meat, fowl.

    In other words, you have live on cardboard, say goodbye forever to all the foods everybody loves.

    You are clearly not weight-gain prone. I am envious.