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December 2, 2020 | 4 Comments »
I take issue with the deceptive headline above. Mr. Levin most assuredly did NOT in any manner say or suggest the Supremes will enforce the Constitution and “stop illegal votes.” If anything, his description of what’s gone on so far in the Supreme Court and the various state courts gives us strong reason to doubt that even the Supremes will step up and fulfill their oaths. While Mr. Levin makes clear what SHOULD happen, his commentary strongly suggests it will NOT happen. Please be more accurate in headlines so that we with little time do not waste it, expecting to read something that isn’t there.
@ Laura:
Sean Hannity seems to still be with us; but Laura Ingraham has definitely jumped ship. She even seems to be re-scripting her persona. Check this out. After prematurely and repeatedly accepting Biden’s pretended presidency, she said:
“Laura Ingraham proposes GOP-AOC alliance to oppose Joe Biden’s ‘globalist cabal’
November 19, 2020
Concerning an electoral “conspiracy”, that is probably difficult to prove. What is unmistakable, is that the six conglomerates (including Fox) that control the US news media have converging interests with the IT billionaires, globalists and foreign actors such as the Chinese Communist Party.
Levin explained what the Supreme Court should have done but did not. There is no indication that any of these cases will even reach the Supreme Court.
Was FOX a party to the fraud? They waited and waited all night to call Florida and other states where Trump was far ahead with over 90% of the votes counted. Yet they called Arizona as soon as their polls closed. What did FOX know about the fix? Were they told to wait on calling Florida in case the dems needed to steal that state?