Lessons from Gaza

By Jackson Diehl, WaPo

When Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to a cease-fire with Hamas rather than a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, he surely knew that his opposition would taunt him with these words from 2009: “We must smash the Hamas power in Gaza,” he said then. “The next government will have no choice but to finish the job and uproot .?.?. the Iranian terror base.”

That Netanyahu held back from doing so is testimony to not only his prudence or the influence of Barack Obama. It is ratification of the most important outcome of the latest Gaza crisis, which is the consolidation of a new Islamist front as Israel’s principal Arab counterpart, adversary and potential interlocutor. It comprises not just Hamas but the allied, Muslim Brotherhood-led government of Egypt, with Turkey and Qatar as supporting partners.

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As a simple, pragmatic matter, “smashing” or “uprooting” Hamas is no longer an option. Not only does Hamas have the support of the region’s richest and most powerful governments, but it is preferable to the most obvious Gazan alternative, which is jihadist movements even more closely tied to Iran. [Is this true?[

This may sound like terrible news, especially to supporters of the conventional Mideast “peace process,” who have been hoping that Obama’s reelection would open the way to yet another push to negotiate Palestinian statehood. But for hawkish Israelis such as Netanyahu — and maybe even for the doves — there is reason for some quiet celebration.

First, the new Islamic front is far weaker than the post-truce celebrations in Gaza suggest. Though it survived the assassination of its military chief and managed to bombard Israel with 1,500 rockets and mortar rounds, Hamas once again demonstrated that it lacks the means to do more than frighten or inconvenience Israelis. On the contrary: The success of the U.S.-funded Iron Dome anti-missile system suggests that missiles will be a decreasingly credible threat.

Meanwhile, both Gaza and Egypt continue to face major domestic problems. Much of Hamas’s governing infrastructure has been destroyed, including tunnels that supply Gaza’s economy as well as weapons. In Egypt, President Mohamed Morsi, lionized on Wednesday for brokering the cease-fire, was facing on Friday a violent domestic backlash against his attempt to further concentrate power. Having just signed an agreement with the International Monetary Fund to prop up the teetering Egyptian economy, Morsi literally cannot afford to challenge Israel or the West anytime soon. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is similarly tied down by the civil war in neighboring Syria.

Though the Middle East is more unpredictable than ever, it’s reasonable to forecast that the Islamists will grow still weaker in the next several years. [Is this true?] In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood will be no more able to sustain an autocracy than was Hosni Mubarak, and it will be blamed for its inevitable failure to meet post-revolutionary expectations. Iran’s ability to supply Gaza militants with rockets likely will wane because of economic sanctions and the crumbling of the allied Syrian regime.

At the same time, this Gaza episode may finally finish off the stubbornly persistent notion that Israel should negotiate a peace settlement with the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority without Hamas’s involvement. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Western-backed security forces are still relevant, as Abbas will probably demonstrate this week by winning a U.N. General Assembly vote recognizing Palestinian statehood. But Abbas has less standing than ever to speak on behalf of Palestinians — and in any case has repeatedly shown himself unwilling to negotiate with Netanyahu or commit to the concessions a peace deal would require.

Rather than watch another sterile round of diplomatic maneuvering among Abbas, Netanyahu and Obama, Egypt seems bent on overseeing another attempt to broker a reconciliation between the Palestinian factions. [Yes it does.] In the short run this would prevent peace negotiations, to the satisfaction of hard-liners on both sides. But in the long run it might make a deal more possible. [Nonsense] Palestinian elections — a likely part of any internal accord — could bring in new and stronger leaders. [So what? They won’t go for peace.] Meanwhile Morsi’s government will have to choose between pushing the Palestinians toward an accord with Israel or tolerating growing instability on Egypt’s border. [No they won’t.]

Even if no comprehensive peace is possible, the new regional alignment may allow Israel and Hamas to work out a modus vivendi that benefits both sides. In exchange for more open borders and an opportunity to develop economically with backing from its new Arab allies, Hamas could agree to a more thorough and reliable truce that leaves southern Israel in peace. That’s a long way from real peace — but it’s better for both sides than going to war every couple of years. [This is idiotic. They are not interested in economic development. They are only interested in destroying Israel. When will the left finally get this through their noggin.]

November 26, 2012 | 32 Comments »

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32 Comments / 32 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    Oh I forgot you are a Boshi and majorities mean nothing to you Commie creeps. You espouse dictatorship, as long as he is one of yours or one who is against ours.

    Yep that’s it no morals, no concience..waving the banners of Mubarak , Gaddafi and Assad without conscience. Like many Israelis leaders have said , our side kills with regret,distaste and only because we are forced to. You lack human empathy and a moral compass Felix , don’t pretend you are one of us. You are the same as those whose banners you wave.

  2. @ Felix Quigley:


    Nothing to defend and for the 50th time, Mubarak was a dead man walking at age 83(? ) and dieing of cancer with other fatal physical maladies he was a goner in any case, 6mos more or less do not matter here.

    He may have repressed the MB a bit but gave them a lot of freedom as well and allowed them back into mainstream Egyptian politics with restraint and restrictions. So as their want they like the commies organized just a bit below the radar but not in Egypt where all knew what was going on and either supported them or acquiesced. Mubaraks views of Israel and Jews little differed from that of the MB, he was just smarter and whether we Jews are killed moderately by a smart so called Moderate (compared to who and what?)Arab or less moderate by a stupid Arab makes little difference in the end to the dead Jews.

    A wise rabbi once said: There 2 kinds of Arabs, smart ones and stupid ones. The stupid ones tell you straight out what they think and the smart ones tell you what you want to hear. Mubarak was a smart Arab. He stole a lot and he and his sons had a hand in every profitable enterprise in Egypt and even out of Egypt. He had the intellectuals the industrialists and the middle class support as well as the Army. Those which you call the Bourgeois of Egypt. MB have the ignorant peasants most of them illiterate and most making when they can about 2-5 dollars a day but they are the majority. Oh I forgot you are a Boshi and majorities mean nothing to you Commie creeps. You espouse dictatorship, as long as he is one of yours or one who is against ours.

    I say it again there was no logical reason to support Mubarak and if we had they would have killed him for that support by us in any event.

    Personally I welcome MB takeover in Egypt and can’t wait till they abrogate the Camp David Peace Accords. It’s those same accords that allow and even obligate America to Arm and finance the Egyptian Military. Without that treaty I don’t see congress continuing the support. Israel may also be denied similar support and I welcome that as well.

    Such an event will either bring our next war with Egypt closer or make it more remote. I can live with either option. But hey I’m no stupid dialectic materialist.

  3. But those young Jews are hamstrung by the likes of yamit 82 and his coterie clique who are as small time religious conservative as the day is long.

    Yeah the secret cabal that is running Israel is spending all their time reading and writing Israpundit. (Sarcasm)

  4. yamit82 Said:

    One thing I do understand is that with a MB takeover of all if not most of the ME,(Jordan seems to be the next one to fall), no one here is going to be talking peace process and believing that Land for Peace or any other recipe will bring peace to Israel. Once our left is silenced and reality is forced upon even our most anti Israel Nationalists segments in our population and elites, there is a chance then for your unified political and changes in doctrine political and military.
    A MB takeover of our neighboring countries will certainly present many difficult challenges but also many positive opportunities foreseen and many as yet unforeseen.

    This is true. Assad is impenetrable as was Gaddafi and they were both fatally dangerous in an absolute sense. We had not a chance of putting a hand in there as it was.
    Western culture is a weapon – can’t use it if the doors are closed. And the dictators kept the Sunnis from fighting the Shiites – a conflict which works to our advantage.

  5. yamit82 Said:

    One thing I do understand is that with a MB takeover of all if not most of the ME,(Jordan seems to be the next one to fall), no one here is going to be talking peace process and believing that Land for Peace or any other recipe will bring peace to Israel. Once our left is silenced and reality is forced upon even our most anti Israel Nationalists segments in our population and elites, there is a chance then for your unified political and changes in doctrine political and military.
    A MB takeover of our neighboring countries will certainly present many difficult challenges but also many positive opportunities foreseen and many as yet unforeseen.

    This is true. Assad is impenetrable as was Gaddafi and they were both fatally dangerous in an absolute sense. We had not a chance of putting a hand in there as it was.
    Western culture is a weapon – can’t use it if the doors are closed. And the dictators kept the Sunnis from fighting the Shiites – a conflict which works to our advantage.

    Felix – communism is the God the failed , didn’t you hear? Why don’t you fight for Socialist Capitalism and you can still take on the ‘evil’ Western Elites as an Anti-Stalinist as the elites are Stalinist.

  6. Felix Quigley Said:

    But those young Jews are hamstrung by the likes of yamit 82 and his coterie clique who are as small time religious conservative as the day is long.

    LMAO – Yeah the secret cabal that is running Israel is spending all their time reading and writing Israpundit.

    yamit82 Said:

    One thing I do understand is that with a MB takeover of all if not most of the ME,(Jordan seems to be the next one to fall), no one here is going to be talking peace process and believing that Land for Peace or any other recipe will bring peace to Israel. Once our left is silenced and reality is forced upon even our most anti Israel Nationalists segments in our population and elites, there is a chance then for your unified political and changes in doctrine political and military.
    A MB takeover of our neighboring countries will certainly present many difficult challenges but also many positive opportunities foreseen and many as yet unforeseen.

    This is true. Assad is impenetrable as was Gaddafi and they were both fatally dangerous in an absolute sense. We had not a chance of putting a hand in there as it was.
    Western culture is a weapon – can’t use it if the doors are closed. And the dictators kept the Sunnis from fighting the Shiites – a conflict which works to our advantage.

    Felix – communism is the God the failed , didn’t you hear? Why don’t you fight for Socialist Capitalism and you can still take on the ‘evil’ Western Elites as an Anti-Stalinist as the elites are Stalinist.


  7. @ yamit82:
    i’ll admit to it yamit, i may be naive (but well intentioned).
    the ’10 reasons why israel needs authentic jewish leadership’ that feiglin and sackett have as their platform, won me over. i agree with each and every one of them.
    it is OBVIOUS that the existing ‘leadership’ is anything BUT that.
    i was (and still am)putting high hopes on the jewish leadership…
    but alas, it is hard to argue with your logical and factual case presentation.
    otter said pretty much the same thing earlier (#15)and indeed that might be the solution…
    now i gotta run (warm up the boeuf bourguignon for the felines…)

  8. yamit82 Said:

    One thing I do understand is that with a MB takeover of all if not most of the ME,(Jordan seems to be the next one to fall), no one here is going to be talking peace process and believing that Land for Peace or any other recipe will bring peace to Israel. Once our left is silenced and reality is forced upon even our most anti Israel Nationalists segments in our population and elites, there is a chance then for your unified political and changes in doctrine political and military.
    A MB takeover of our neighboring countries will certainly present many difficult challenges but also many positive opportunities foreseen and many as yet unforeseen.

    This is true. Assad is impenetrable as was Gaddafi and they were both fatally dangerous in an absolute sense. We had not a chance of putting a hand in there as it was.
    Western culture is a weapon – can’t use it if the doors are closed. And the dictators kept the Sunnis from fighting the Shiites – a conflict which works to our advantage.

    Felix – communism is the God the failed , didn’t you hear? Why don’t you fight for Socialist Capitalism and you can still take on the ‘evil’ Western Elites as an Anti-Stalinist as the elites are Stalinist.


    Felix Quigley Said:

    But those young Jews are hamstrung by the likes of yamit 82 and his coterie clique who are as small time religious conservative as the day is long.

    LMAO – Yeah the secret cabal that is running Israel is spending all their time reading and writing Israpundit.

  9. @ the phoenix:

    Feiglin will not leave the Likud his ego won’t allow it. After spending 14 years playing Don Quixote, he manged to manipulate the system to get into the Knesset. Big deal!!! Look who else made it in past and present. He is no leader and I suspect not honest either at least with himself. If he were a real leader he would have either joined or founded a party where all on the political right would feel comfortable with and in 14 years be in a much better position to effect his stated agenda.

    Hypothetically were he to have succeeded within the likud he would have driven most out and would be left with a Brand name tarnished in the public eye; A small constituency and massive debt left behind by the Likud mainstream who left. His idea theoretically might have been valid if he could have gained major support within the party early on in order to change and reform the damage they have created since Begin. A tall order for the most charismatic leader but Feiglin is anything but a charismatic guy and from the results not much of a leader. He will be mostly a silent backbencher with no chance of influencing anything important as per his agenda. He will not find any allies among the other microbes.

    A total waste of time money and even some talent. IMO he has weakened the right and not strengthened them

  10. @ Bernard Ross:
    Bernard Ross Said:

    Although there are some obvious things I agree with Kahane there are others on which I do not. I am not convinced that he is not a demaguogue who uses the Torah in vanity. There is a fine line between the appearance of piety and vanity and there are commandments to refrain from using G_ds name in vanity. I am always suspicious of those who purport to know G_d’s ways and thoughts especially when accompanied with arrogance

    I was looking for a quote to explain the Arab mentality (Our desert)found it in this interview. While I agreed with most of his views I was never a follower but have met met him in person and worked with him when I worked for the Jewish Agency. I have had many conversations with him and greeted him when he brought his group to Yamit when he was considering where to plant his organization. He rejected Yamit in favor of Kiryat Arba. He used the Yamit evacuation to get for Kach a lot of publicity which helped him later politically.

    Question to you what vanity? What demagoguery? What arrogance? As a rabbinic Torah scholar who received his ordination from one of the most respected and best Yeshivas, a Sion of a long line of torah scholars his torah views are as good or better than any others.

    To that end I submit these clips I hope you will find interesting and educational even possibly entertaining.

    Rabbi Meir Kahane The Yoke of Heaven

  11. Canadian Otter Said:

    Till when? Till Feiglin leaves Likud, and nationalists rally around one single cause: sovereignty over what’s left of the land recovered with so much sacrifice in 1967. It should no longer be regarded as a ‘religious’ issue only, but one of legal rights and national security of importance for every Israeli Jew.

    couldn’t have said it any better.

  12. Canadian Otter Said:

    The World Bank has come to the rescue of Hamas, giving it $6.4 million

    Somehow this does not make sense unless there is something we dont know;business as usual? No bank funds water and sewage in a war zone.

  13. Canadian Otter Said:

    Why am I so suspicious?

    What got me more suspicious was to read how convenient it was for meshaal and haniyeh to be rid of Jabari; Perhaps the other target terrorists were also in their way. Perhaps this is what is meant by “timing” and not being aware of all the facts. Latest I read from a diplomat is how qatar is a bitter enemy of Israel: “methinks they doth protest too much”, this does not agree with history but might be the necessary precedent to something. We already know that the appearance of jew hate is necessary to control the arab street. I remember reading some years ago that there was a plan to put the gaza under egypt and west bank under jordan but I did not pay it any mind at the time. “under” does not have to mean sovereignty. It has been so odd how the status quo has “benefited” all. Perhaps the show must go on.

  14. Addendum to my post #15 – World Bank gives millions to Hamas after the war:

    “The World Bank has come to the rescue of Hamas, giving it $6.4 million to improve water and sewage services after the latest escalation in attacks on Israel.” http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/162617

    The one positive thing about Pillar of Defense was that no more IDF lives were sacrificed in order to make this war more realistic.

    Why am I so suspicious? Because if the government really cared for Jews victimized by rockets and other forms of terror, they would not be talking about Two States or another Disengagement. Their apparent concern is just not credible!

  15. @ the phoenix:
    My post @12 was held by Spam Filter for moderation since last night. I’m moderated enough already. I’d like to say certain things about the Israeli leadership, but I censor myself. ~~~~~ For a while I had the suspicion that this war took place only to have an agreement that would loosen things up a bit for Hamas, making it appear as if it was in exchange for something. While theatrical, this war was too clean, and rockets had never bothered this govt before. ~~~~~ If there is at least some truth to the article “The Gaza Operation: Less a War than an Anti-Iran Coup” on this website, it would explain something. “The plan was to chart a new future for the radical Hamas terrorists by their transformation into the legitimate voice of the Palestinian people for which they still need some grooming and more than a touch of the airbrush.” ~~~~~ Whatever is behind the war and the govt tacit acceptance of the PA’s bid at the UN, we can only guess it’s only the tip of the iceberg of machinations by int’l and Israeli elites. In the meantime Jews are threatened by roaming Gazans along the fence, an area they were not supposed to approach until now (your TB #8). Soon the rockets will resume, but Hamas will retain its gains and Abbas will have achieved a major diplomatic coup. Thanks to the ‘Israeli government’. All is going well for the elite and their plans.

    Till when? Till Feiglin leaves Likud, and nationalists rally around one single cause: sovereignty over what’s left of the land recovered with so much sacrifice in 1967. It should no longer be regarded as a ‘religious’ issue only, but one of legal rights and national security of importance for every Israeli Jew.

    (Not really…)

    INN Report: IDF soldiers stationed along the Gaza border claimed that the recent ceasefire with Hamas has tied their hands when it comes to responding to provocations along the security fence, possibly putting residents of communities near Gaza in danger. ~~~ “There are hundreds and possibly thousands of people roaming near the fence, including uniformed Hamas men,” one soldier explained. “They crossed the fence several times and went into our forces’ positions… The forces cannot push them away from the fence because they may not even fire in the air.” However, IDF forces shot and killed a terrorist who crossed the border on Sunday. ~~~~~ A terrorist apparently entered Israel from Gaza breaching a “smart fence” that warns of infiltration. The warning sounded, but was not dealt with. The terrorist reached Sde Avraham, four kilometers from the Gaza security barrier, at around four in the morning. He entered the Matzpun family home, and “began to stab the mother, who was at home with her four children; her husband was in the north with the army.”

  17. @ Felix Quigley:

    Would Assad ever have struck against Israel. Not likely.

    A- Assad Regime is loaded with 70,000 rockets and missiles many reported and thought to have chemical and Bio warheads. So they are a threat.

    B- a few Years ago Israel destroyed a clandestine Nuke reactor purchased and built by N. Korea.

    C- Syria is the conduit for Arming Hezbollah and supplies them from their own stocks besides what Iran sends them through Syria.

    D- Hezbollah has up to 60-70,000 rockets and missiles that can reach any part of Israel making them an existential threat especially in conjunction with Assad.

    E- Israel has over 200,000 rockets and missiles aimed at her just from our immediate neighbors and one can only guess how many are armed with WMD?

    Hezbollah and Syria have acquired a degree of deterrence against Israel which does limit our operational and strategic maneuverability.

    Syria has traded off Port facilities to the Russians for weapons upgrades and modernization of their armed forces.

    So don’t paint Assad as a more friendly and more beneficence opponent of Israel than anyone who replaces him.

    One thing I do understand is that with a MB takeover of all if not most of the ME,(Jordan seems to be the next one to fall), no one here is going to be talking peace process and believing that Land for Peace or any other recipe will bring peace to Israel. Once our left is silenced and reality is forced upon even our most anti Israel Nationalists segments in our population and elites, there is a chance then for your unified political and changes in doctrine political and military.

    A MB takeover of our neighboring countries will certainly present many difficult challenges but also many positive opportunities foreseen and many as yet unforeseen.

    All our neighbors will be among the hardest hit by the coming Global meltdown and Food shortages and water shortages will be the destabilizer in the region more than any conflict against Israel. Reality may even overtake Obama and force him to change if not his ideology at least his room for maneuver especially with the expected cuts in the American defense budget.

    Events will dictate policies not the converse.

    There are literally hundreds of thousands of young Jews totally frustrated with the failures of Israeli Jewish leaders. See the likes on Jews News Facebook.

    But those young Jews are hamstrung by the likes of yamit 82 and his coterie clique who are as small time religious conservative as the day is long.

    Powerless. Impotence personified.

    Felix you are full of…..!! You have not called one thing correct since you began posting on this blog.

    There will NOT be a Bolshevik Revolution in Israel or the USA. Spain were you live is another story. Europe will return to fascism rather than communism as socialism is the root of all of Eu ropes problems. I see Germany taking over Europe mostly by default.

    Sooner or later both Catalan and Basques will get not just autonomy but independence as well. You know that Europe is finished and America not far behind.

    Besides the Iranian immediate problem for us we are in a much better survival position. Size does matter and in somethings small even tiny is better than big.

  18. [This is idiotic. They are not interested in economic development. They are only interested in destroying Israel. When will the left finally get this through their noggin.]

    They never will. They are ideologically rigid and stubbornly refuse to learn from experience. hamas doesn’t care about the economic welfare of “palestinians”. They are committed jihadists whos reason for being is the genocide of Jews and the obliteration of Israel.

  19. The trio who guide Israel, that is Netanyahu, Barak (never retire) and Lieberman are just fresh from leading Israel into the trap of a US control over Sinai, and the trap of having Egypt now supervising Israel as part of the new role for the Muslim Brotherhood ACTING AS REFEREE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD which is of course Hamas, and Hamas now in control of the buffer (there is now no buffer) IS LEADING INTO THE BIGGEST TRAP OF ALL.

    Earlier we wrote just what a savagely Antisemitic Government the new Syrian Rebel Government will be:


    Would Assad ever have struck against Israel. Not likely.

    The Grandfather of Assad was very much in agreement with Zionism. It is not all as black and white as the enemies of Assad in the US Neocons have painted it.

    But the new Syrian Muslim Brotherhood now being promoted by the US and Europe, I think it is certain given the above that it will form the axis with Qatar and all others in the Arab world to finish off Israel.

    Who will be leading this…why the US Ruling Class. Now led by that great “Leftie” Obama.

    I dismiss that Obama will EVER lead a war against the Iranian Fascist Mullahs, because the US is heading with great speed over a Fiscal Cliff, and in those conditions the story line of Obama is Dictatorship in America, Dhimmis in Europe and Muslim Brotherhood Fascism in the Middle East.

    The Mullahs will in those conditions of economic doom be now and forever the ally of the US.

    Just as Mussolini was the ally of Hitler. Just as the leader of Islam Antisemitic Fascism at the time, Hajj Amin el Husseini representing all Arabs, was the ally of Hitler.

    The Israeli leaders think that if they keep on snuggling up to Obamarama, then they will be rewarded with all of that.

    They, the Israeli leaders, join in with the destruction of Assad, just as they said nary a word and stood by as Mubarak, Ben Ali, Gaghbo and Gadhafi were destroyed.

    Not forgetting Milosevic!

    But getting into bed with Obama on Syria also means that the end of the road is in sight for Israel, and I mean the end, with the only solution (what a joke that word is) being a “Samson” like last descent into the inferno.

    Obama’s talks with the Iranian Fascists will fail and Obama will reach an accommodation with the Iranian fascists, because after all Obama had a real chance to overthrow then in 2009.

    It really is curtains for Israel and no leadership is in sight. There is no party.

    There are literally hundreds of thousands of young Jews totally frustrated with the failures of Israeli Jewish leaders. See the likes on Jews News Facebook.

    But those young Jews are hamstrung by the likes of yamit 82 and his coterie clique who are as small time religious conservative as the day is long.

    Powerless. Impotence personified.

    And still all sections of the Jewish leadership remains tied to US Imperialism, otherwise the Jews would take the US Imperialist ransom bribe and hurl it back with a curse in the face of the US neocons.

    Then be free to think and act!

  20. Khatib (Much loved by the Spanish French et al) the new leader of the Syrian opposition to Assad has written:

    “The Islamic civilization clearly draws a clear distinction between Zionism as a cancerous movement and the Jews as the followers of a religion greatly respected in Islam,” Khatib wrote, but then, contradicting that statement, acknowledged ”the historic enmity between Muslims and Jews since the early days of the call to Islam.”

    But it was not respected. It stole ideology from the Jews, then introduced a whole lot of lies, a “narrative”…that word again so often ignored.

    Man lives not by bread alone but by “narrative”.

    Now what about that other narrative soon to be celebrated and here I think is where the fountain of knowledge lies, because we know where the origin of Muslim Jew Hatred lies, it is in the narrative of the Koran, but what about the other. This is the narrative of the Christian world, which is in short that the Jews rejected Jesus Christn and the Jews killed Jesus.

    Thus is it an accident that the Western World with the Vatican to the fore is following to the letter the thinking of al-Khatib, that Jews are OK if it was not for Zionism. Further amplification and clarification of this…The Vatican last week stated that the Jews were killing the “Palestinians”, the children, and that the Jews today in Israel were Herod, and the Palestinians were the innocents that the Jews are killing en masse in order to get at “Jesus”, which in this Vatican analogy (not mine) is the Palestinian child. Deep stuff but then Christian Antisemitism does run deep. In it Jesus is the “oppressed palestinians”. THAT is why phone-in people to radio shows in Europe are so hate-filled towards Israel, the national representative of the once wandering Jew.

    And in the west is this just a left thing or has a corrupted left just been tapping into a much deeper tradition of Antisemitism, that the Jew is a hated loner, as a loner both spat upon and tolerated if he keeps his place, but must never form a nation, like say the Americans.

  21. Israel has already left gaza and the only thing that will bring them back is much more terror from gaza. Israel gets a great return for maintaining hamas in its status quo. No unity with west bank, no peace deal with a PA govt that is un-elected, no expectation that peace would ensue if Israel made peace with PA. Hamas is Israels greatest PR campaign, without hamas there may have already been “peace”. They want to woo hamas to convince it to stop aggression and then force “peace” on Israel. The euros are paying a great deal for their agenda but so far no banana.

  22. Sam Goldblatt Said:

    They’ve consolidated their position,

    what position is that? The one where they must do what they are told by qatar Egypt and Saudi. the one where they lost a good deal of weapons? the one where a number of the leaders were killed? The one where they lost a good deal of buildings? What did they get? A cease fire? Is that why they were lobbing rockets all these years, to get a cease fire? My suspicion is, apart from the dancing in the street welfare clones that they do not have much to look at in terms of gain. they are getting a respite from their leaders being killed and their buildings being bombed. They are however going to be allowed to go out to sea to fish a further 3 miles and they will be allowed nearer to the fence on their side of the border. Egypt will boast to them about those great concessions they got for them from Israel. I wonder what Egypt has agreed to undertake in exchange for Israel giving up so much?

    Sam Goldblatt Said:

    they made Fatah irrelevant.

    Yes, and that was an extra bonus without an extra investment. The stronger is hamas and the weaker is fatah the less chance of unity and (LOL) “peace”. Let us hope that the current show of unity and Hamas support for PA statehood crumbles as in the past.
    Sam Goldblatt Said:

    It’s only a matter of time before Washington recognizes them and sits down with them.

    What will that gain Hamas, the recognition to arrive at what? Taking over Israel or driving them into the sea or the right to a state(which it already defacto has) which is free from attack from Israel? The right to bomb Israel? Washington will only sit down if there appears to be any agreement which Hamas can make that ends in Peace. What more can Hamas achieve from Washington which it does not already have?

  23. @ Bernard Ross:

    Hamas won the “war” politically, and that’s the only one that counts. They’ve consolidated their position, they made Fatah irrelevant. It’s only a matter of time before Washington recognizes them and sits down with them.

  24. yamit82 Said:

    They feel obliged to defend the Arabs on all the questions they raise, including the end of the Jewish state. But you won’t buy the Arabs by raising their standard of living.

    I have felt that Jews need to spend less time thinking about and reacting to arabs and more time on their own self interests. I dont care about arab interests and have no interest in buying them out. (In fact contrary to BB’s approach I think that a poor economy will get them to leave sooner. )Jewish representatives to international institutions and in bilateral relations should behave similarly. When Sarkozy says to BB I am concerned about the arabs and how they are treated BB’s answer should be “lets talk about the jews and how they are being treated”(Oh, I forgot Sarkozy is history,LOL) or when Obama wants to talk about arab refugees BB must say “lets talk about Jewish refugee’s”. When the UN talks about illegal settlement BB must say “lets talk about the legal settlement rights of Jews”. Israel should make it clear that it refuses to discuss the interests of others before accounts are settled with the jews. I never hear jewish issues being raised by any other nation or international institution. If the Jews dont discuss it then no one else will.

    Although there are some obvious things I agree with Kahane there are others on which I do not. I am not convinced that he is not a demaguogue who uses the Torah in vanity. There is a fine line between the appearance of piety and vanity and there are commandments to refrain from using G_ds name in vanity. I am always suspicious of those who purport to know G_d’s ways and thoughts especially when accompanied with arrogance.

  25. @ Bernard Ross:

    Rabbi Kahane interview with Raphael Mergui and Philippe Simonnot

    “leftist Jews despise the Arabs. I don’t despise the Arabs. Liberal Jews think that they can buy the Arabs. Jewish racists think that there can be good Arabs, nice Arabs. They believe that they can educate them to be good Arabs. What the leftist Jews call good Arabs are not what I call good Arabs. For me, the good Arab is a proud Arab. And I understand this good Arab. Because I too have national pride.
    At the bottom of their hearts, the Israeli Left has this feeling that it is not entirely natural for Jews to be living here in Israel.
    So they feel guilty. They feel obliged to defend the Arabs on all the questions they raise, including the end of the Jewish state. But you won’t buy the Arabs by raising their standard of living.

    The Arab is proud and he is concerned about the way his Arab brothers live. And when certain Jews say to the Arabs: ‘Look what we’ve done for you, all the good we have done… We found a desert here and we transformed it into a garden,’ the Arab replies, with good reason: ‘This may be true, but it was my desert and now it has become your garden.’”

  26. It may be that everything is a dog and pony show for the arab street. Perhaps a strategy is already being followed whereby egypt is taking over hamas and permanantly separating gaza from west bank. What if the show is actually a show: hamas support of abbas statehood may be a poison pill that everyone wants. Sunnis want gaza weaned off Iran(hence qatar)GOI wants no hostilities with gaza(without it the gaza has been accepted). The only problem is that hamas power is proportionate to its anti Israel stance, so too Morsi. It appears that if that power can be maintained by sabre rattling and rockets primarily fired at empty lots with return fire on empty buildings then ok. Perhaps it is Iran which is the fly in the ointment to the more docile dog and pony show. Now that the gazans have had their usual “war” they can return to rebuilding their usual mess. Perhaps gazans self delusion is how they are able to be controled. Their failures presented as victories like a child. How can living in rubble be a victory?