Israel’s NGO Transparency Law requires organizations to disclose direct and indirect funding from foreign governmental bodies • According to the Foreign Ministry, many of the organizations receiving massive funding promote anti-Israel activity.
By Shlomo Cesana, ISRAEL HAYOM
An anti-Israel demonstration
Some 24 Israeli non-governmental political advocacy organizations dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reported a total of nearly 105 million shekels ($27 million) in direct and indirect funding from foreign governments, especially in the European Union, from 2012 to 2014, according to an NGO Monitor report from earlier this year.
The organizations are required by Israel’s NGO Transparency Law to disclose funding from foreign governmental bodies. NGO Monitor collected and analyzed the data provided about donations given directly by foreign governments and those given via governmental conduits.
According to the Foreign Ministry, many of these organizations focus on Israel’s activities in Judea and Samaria, often encouraging pro-Palestinian activists and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
Some of the organizations to receive foreign government funding were B’Tselem, Gisha, The Association for Civil Rights in Israel and Breaking the Silence.
The Breaking the Silence organization, which is dedicated to exposing alleged wrongdoings by the Israel Defense Forces, reportedly received some 2.2 million shekels ($573,000) in foreign funding. The group also recently launched an exhibit in Switzerland, receiving $16,000 in Swiss government funding and sparking Israel’s condemnation.
Foreign funding is often given to organizations on a project basis. For example, left-wing organization B’Tselem’s video project received several thousand dollars in funding, while the Coalition of Women for Peace received some 38,000 shekels ($9,900) for “international activities.”
The data collected by NGO Monitor reveal massive funding from the EU and Norway, constituting 17.2% and 13%, respectively, of the total donations reported by political NGOs. Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Finland and the Netherlands were among other countries funding controversial NGOs.
yamit82 Said:
yes, I believe a few times and you provided interesting citations.
My summary is:
“esau incites ishmael to murder jacob”
a sort of DNA code written as a phrase rather than as a chemical formula expressing a DNA set of sequences. a summary of a form of programming.
babushka Said:
not neccessarily: civil strife may weaken europe as it did syria and iraq. Europe is already weak militarily in proportion to ois economic clout. The ideal is not a winner or loser but a perpetuation of instability and internal strife for many decades.
I have returned from Temple Beth Farrakahn where I atoned for my sins (for me, every day is Yom Kippur). I am now prepared to lay waste to my heckler. I will not address the ad hominem attacks as they fell flatter than matzos. This is the bovine excrement that I choose to deconstruct:
You “challange” it. Is that anything like “challenging” it. Okay, no points deducted for illiteracy. However, many points off for being appallingly inattentive.
American evangelical Christians are Israel’s most fervent supporters. Unlike American Jews, they overwhelmingly repudiate any politician who fails to support Israel. They are responsible for the fact that all the GOP candidates must pretend to adore Israel or suffer the consequences. Bush lost his frontrunner status when it was publicized that James Baker is his foreign policy adviser. All Republican political candidates pledge their fealty to Israel lest they lose Christian support.
The Gallup Poll shows that while liberals have an affinity for the Palestinian monsters, American Christians overwhelmingly support God’s Chosen. There is no comparable support for Israel found elsewhere, hence the term “best friends”.
What more do you want? You want Franklin Graham to make kishkes for you? If not for American Christians, Israel would be alone in the world (except for the Canadians who are basically Americans anyway).
Stop relying on your intuition; if it were worth a damn you would be winning every lottery. Embrace a concept that is obviously alien to you: logic.
Since you have disparaged me as being “unwise” and I happen to be one of God’s favorite people due to my sweet demeanor, I pray that the plague He most certainly will now unleash upon you is limited to Montezuma’s Revenge or a few painful canker sores.
You are a curmudgeon, which means that you are either an old fart or you are oxygen deprived. I flipped a coin and it came up “altacocker”.
babushka Said:
How would you know?
@ yamit82:
I thoroughly enjoy your belligerent, prosecutorial tone and will be delighted to submit to your Torquemada-style Inquisition when I return from synagogue. I especially relish your contention that I am uninformed and lacking in savvy. Such a perceptive altacocker!
babushka Said:
Where is your evidence that American christians are our friends? Best friend even? I know many European Gentiles who are very supportive of Israel so not all Europeans fit your characterizations of them.
I hope you can back your statement with verifiable fact. So I now challange it!!! ” American fundamentalist Christians have gone out of their way to keep us alive.”
You think you are savvy enough and informed enough to tell the difference? Based on your unsupported christian talking points I tend to doubt it.
A wise Jew should never have to choose. A wise Jew knows intuitively who he can rely on and who not… You are obviously not to be counted among the wise.
Btw are you Jewish or a christian Evangelical?
@ woolymammoth:
Are you speaking from personal experience wooly??
bernard ross Said:
Seems to be the case… We once had this discussion a year or so ago?
@ babushka:
Define Liberals? Is it possible to be a Jewish Israeli in Israel and be a patriot too? Is it not a fact that many religious observers in Israel of all colors are anti Zionist?
Left to our own devices we Israelis are capable of solving our own internal rifts and schisms, the problem arises when non Israeli gentiles and Jews stick their noses into our internal business especially when their interference and opinions are not constructive and fuel our divisiveness.
It will be enjoyable to watch the Euros become slaves of the Muzzies, but the downside is that an Islamic Europe will have enormous military and economic clout. It is imperative for Israel to maximize its intellectual resources because a huge technological advantage is going to be needed for survival.
babushka Said:
my perspective is that the greatest inciters and funders of BDS and the arab Jew killing orgs are the euros and the euro BDS churches
In fact, I speculate that if euroe were removed from the picture that the arabs and Jews would come to accommodations and understandings on their own. That is why I always encourage arab & muslim immigration to europe because if the euros are busy defending their lives they will have less time for stalking Jews in Israel.
babushka Said:
I appreciate support for Jewish zionism and Jews but not missionaries to Jews.
@ bernard ross:
If you are confining your critique to the subset of BDS that is European and Christian, great. No problem. But BDS is a worldwide phenomenon that is primarily Muslim and as such the DNA reference seems to be a non sequiter.
Even so, glad to learn that you think highly of Christian Zionists. So do I.
mar55 Said:
it appears so, thus far……. 2000 years of habit is many generations so I would not be surprised if it did have a physiological effect. We know that pre disposition to mental and emotional diseases can be carried by DNA. Like any genetic influence it can skip generations, be diluted through generations, or disappear.
mar55 Said:
dont know where she is, I have been very busy with family matters last few weeks. Thank you , and Shabbat Shalom to you and family.
@ babushka:
read my post carefully:
bernard ross Said:
bernard ross Said:
This generalization crosses into libel. The Euros are scum and always have been, but bible-believing American Christians are the best friends we have. Why smear your allies, especially when they are so hard to come by?
Here is the not-so-nuanced difference between Europeans and American conservative Christians: the Euros want us dead, while American fundamentalist Christians have gone out of their way to keep us alive.
And all they get in return is ingratitude. I take a back seat to no one in wanting Gentile anti-Semites to eat shit and die, but Gentile friends of the Jews do not deserve to be lumped in with their bigoted brethren.
Let us never conflate conservative Catholics and Southern Baptists with Presbyterians and Anglicans. A wise Jew must be able to distinguish between friend and foe.
@ bernard ross:
Thank you Bernard. It is a very interesting article. How extensive the research done and at the end it only affects 5% of our DNA. All I know according to family members I look like a carbon copy of my grandmother. They all died young in my family. My paternal grandmother at 23 (childbirth) my uncle at 43 and my father at 60. Grandfather died in his forties also. I’m 75 and own my life to our Creator and modern medicine.
An affluent environment let all our people survive childhood at a time when many children died in childhood. Genes in our DNA makes us die very young. It is interesting. Some distant cousins who I have not met personally have certain habits that are exactly my habits. To the point of the way we read a book or fold our shopping bags or even organize our clothes and many other similarities. We did not grow up together. There are no liberals in my paternal line. Fortunately.
On the other hand we have some who in their 90’s are very well and healthy. I has to be a modifier coming from their ancestors’ spouses.
Where is Dove? I miss her. She must be enjoying the weather with her family.
ISRAEL is not an easy place to win a good paying job, so for the less than qualified applicant, it is; join the ranks of the working poor or if ones character is not a very high priority, one can “join” a “progressive” , “pro peace, ngo which will pay better, much better and easy work, all the pot you can smoke and free condoms. Easy Money. Throw them out.
more evidence that the euro/christian/BDS 2000 year jew stalking habit is congenital as well as serial and pathological.
Is there sedition from the left against IL? Not to confuse with freedom of speech.
Israel needs to pass a law banning Israeli NGOs and political parties from obtaining foreign funding.
The interests of outsiders is not the same as the interests of Israel’s people. And Jews should not be minstrels dancing for the benefit of others.
Then there is the principle he who pays the piper calls the tune. If Israeli NGOs are depending on European funders who hate Jews and Israel what they do inevitably reflects the priorities of such funders rather than the reality of Israeli society.
In short, Israeli NGOs, if they have a worthy cause – should be able to solicit funding and support from Israeli Jews for their activities. If they can’t – they deserve to disappear.
Under no circumstances should they be tools to allow foreigners to change Israel more to their liking unaccountable to the country they’re ostensibly meant to serve.
Israel can defeat its external enemies. It is the cancer within that is perilous. Liberals are the malignancy that afflict both America and Israel. Deport the liberals, preferably into a distant solar system, and life would indeed be sweet.