Lebanese filmmaker: ‘Palestinian’ cause is ‘fake’

‘There has never been a Palestinian entity’


In a sane world, Youssef El-Khoury would be president of Lebanon. In this world, the host had to disavow his remarks on the program, or the host and the station could have faced violent reprisals.

“Lebanese Filmmaker Youssef El-Khoury: The Palestinian Cause Is Fake, There Has Never Been a Palestinian Entity; Nasrallah Should Just Shut Up, He Pollutes the Lebanese Mind, History, and Heritage,” MEMRI, August 8, 2024:

Lebanese filmmaker and writer Youssef El-Khoury said in an August 8, 2024 interview with Lebanon On (YouTube) that Lebanon has been destroyed for the sake of a “fake cause,” because there has never been a Palestinian entity. He asked: “When has this land belonged to Palestine?” El-Khoury said that Hamas is a criminal and terrorist organization and the reason that there are so many civilian casualties in Gaza is because Hamas fighters are hiding underground and letting their people die. He added that appointing Sinwar as the leader of Hamas exposes it as an organization that does not want peace and does not care about its people.

El-Khoury said that Nasrallah should shut up and that maybe this could save Lebanon. He said that Nasrallah should be ashamed of himself and that he pollutes the Lebanese mind, history, and heritage. El-Khoury added that he is a “Hitler type” following the model of Nero, Mussolini, and Hirohito, who let their countries be destroyed before they surrendered.

It is worth noting that at the end of the interview, the host qualified that he and LebanonOn are not responsible for the views of the guests on the platform.


August 24, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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    Yes maybe they know, but who anywhere in the world would know intimately 2 million people. Their “knowledge” MUST be very limited, also who can believe an Arab…YOU…..maybe, but certainly not I…..!!

    Historically to this very second No Arab can even Tell a half-truth.
    Thry are trained from birth with threir lifestyle of dissimulation, hypocracy,

    Hudnas and shmudnas….and MUCH more, ALL of it untruthful. Their natural condition.
    o you REALLY believe anything which comes from an Arab mouth, Especially concerning the hated Jews??????

    You keep “begging the question….!!

  2. He is right. If the uninvolved civilians in the Gaza Strip, like in Lebanon, would stop protecting the terrorists, the war would be over in a jiffy.