Dr. Naomi Wolf sheds light on the lies and criminality of Dr. Rochelle Wallenski the disgraced head of the CDC

Blessed cooperation between Steve Bannon War Room and Dr. Naomi Wolf from the Daily Clout




One good thing, which the psychopaths who orchestrated this PLAN-DEMIC didn’t anticipate happened as a direct result of their hideous criminal activity. They brought together organizations from the “far right”, Steve Bannon from the War Room, with Dr. Naomi Wolf from the Daily Clout in the “far left” of the political spectrum.

Their “in your face” criminal activity resulted in a natural consolidation and migration of the TRUTH, FREEDOM, HEALTH warriors, like Steve Bannon with Naomi Wolf and many, many others. Slowly but surely the fake lines of demarcation between the LEFT and the RIGHT are disappearing, making room for new, more natural lines in the sand, pro HUMANITY people of TRUTH and INTEGRITY, vs those who hate humanity, support LIES, GENOCIDE, TOTALITARIANISM and FASCISM. Another example of this phenomenon occurring is Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who is being ridiculed by the ESTABLISHMENT LEFT, but finds a welcoming home within the camp of the freedom warriors.

I would like to add something to what has been discussed in these two videos. There is no doubt that Pfizer under Bourla and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) under Rochelle Wallenski committed one of the greatest GENOCIDES in the history of mankind. The real results will be felt in 5-10 years and in future generations when billions of people who would survive this mass genocide will not be able to procreate because of defective genetics, caused directly by the mRNA injectables.

Israel and the Jewish people are at a cross roads. We have some hard choices to make. As Israeli officials bestow honours on mass murderers the likes of Albert Bourla from Pfizer and Mr. “Science” FAUCI, the world is awakening and seeing Israel and the Jews associated with the sinister forces of EVIL and DEPRAVITY. I believe the to this list of evil monsters Dr. Rochelle Wallenski will join in the near future. The people of Israel will have to rise up against their government and the evil Ministry of “Health” who choose to see no evil and hear no evil. Grass Roots movements must stand up and say loud and clear to the international community…NOT IN OUR NAME…

Failure to react NOW in the face the COVID19 “Vaccinations” mass genocide, will result in a new wave of anti-Semitism, which for the first time in history, will be based and anchored in true factual historical events.

Our despotic politicians turned the people of Israel from HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS into LAB RATS of the Pfizer criminal entity. This PLAN-DEMIC helped consolidate in Israel the Corporate Totalitarianism, otherwise also known by the name FASCISM.

Lastly, I want to mention that despite their heinous crimes, Bourla, Fauci and Wallenski aren’t the ultimate criminals in this mass genocide. Thanks to the diligence of Sasha Latypova, Robert F. Kennedy Jr and others, we now know that this mass genocide was initiated by the American Department of Defense agencies DARPA (Defence, Advanced, Research, Projects Agency) and BARDA (Biomedical, Advanced, Research & Development Agency), as early as 2010 during the Hossein Obama reign in the WH.

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I am finally concluding this Substack with the legendary freedom fighter Dr. Tess Lawrie reciting the Margaret Anne Alice poem… MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE.



May 10, 2023 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. I’ve been saying what Mr. Weiss wrote for a long time. Not only are the Pfizer criminals Jews, but many surrounding Obama, Biden, and other government bigshots Jews. We are again in big trouble.

  2. There is no doubt that the criminals Weiss mentions committed crimes against humanity. Included in this selection of malefactors would be almost every government member of governments throughout the world. And so we must ask: how exactly are we to follow Weiss’ recommendation not to let them get away with it? Are we to hold a series of Nuremberg trials? Or is there some other way to deal with these creatures? Enough with the heart-stirring rhetoric, Mr Weiss, and more with specific recommendations about how to deal with the evil you have described.