Large Majority of Americans Support Israeli Operation in Rafah: Poll

By Matthew Xiao, FREE BEACON APRIL 30/24

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Getty Images)

A Monday poll found that nearly three-quarters of Americans support Israel’s planned military operation to enter the city of Rafah in southern Gaza and eliminate the remaining Hamas terrorists there.

Seventy-two percent of Americans think Israel should “move forward with an operation in Rafah to finish the war with Hamas, doing its best to avoid civilian casualties even though there will be casualties,” while 28 percent believe the Jewish state should “back off now and allow Hamas to continue running Gaza,” according to the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.

The poll results showed the Rafah operation is supported by a majority of American adults across all age groups, including 84 percent of those aged 65 or older and at least 70 percent of those between 35 and 64. Even among Americans aged 18 to 24, the group least willing to back the operation, 57 percent said Israel should move forward with it.

“The idea that we will halt the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question,” Netanyahu said. “We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there—with or without a deal—in order to achieve the total victory.”

May 1, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @Ken
    Thank you for your insightful post. Political violence is the death knell of any liberal democracy, so toleration for this disease to enter the body politic of any nation demonstrates the failing state of the rights of its citizens. The basic expectation of any citizen should be that the law protects them from such open brigandry, and when instead the open brigandry becomes routine and protected by the govt, it becomes obvious to all that are affected that they don’t live in Kansas in anymore, so to speak. Hence, I can not reinforce the validity and importance of your comment strongly enough. Political violence can only be answered with more violence, and a strong argument is never determined by such betrayals of societal norms. As Trump stated yesterday, order must be restored, but only the govt can provide the order required to achieve this.

  2. The simple dictionary definition of the noun, terrorist, is:
    A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    There really is no reason to make it any more complicated than that.
    A terrorist is a criminal who willfully commits acts of terror that instill extreme fear in his victims, even to the point of the dread of death.
    I realize that not every country has a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, like the U.S., but every law-abiding citizen in a civilized country should at least be guaranteed the basic right of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    If a group or individuals unite to deny or revoke that inalienable right they should be imprisoned, deported, or executed.
    No group that seeks to force their will on the law-abiding citizens of a sovereign nation should be allowed to continue to exist.
    All civilized nations should work together to pass and enforce extreme laws against these activities.
    This issue should be number one on the agenda at the United Nations because it would solve many other problems.
    But that will not happen with such an impotent group of anti-Semitic nations.
    Rats need to be exterminated before they spread their diseases to the whole world.

  3. The poll indicates that Israel should finish off Hamas. They forget that every terrorist is either a shahid or a civilian at death.

  4. Being opposed to Hamas is not “right wing” as many on Israpundit often suggest. This poll shows that. It has always been part of the essence of socialists even communists to oppose fascist forces, especially antisemite ones!