Lara Trump: ‘We are leaving nothing to chance’ this election

By Miranda Nazzaro, THE HILL APRIL 7/24

Republican National Committee (RNC) co-Chair Lara Trump argued election integrity is “vital” in this current cycle, vowing to dedicate resources to ensure nothing is left to “chance.”

“But when you talk about election integrity, it is vital. It is the No. 1 thing that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, which, of course, Donald Trump himself will do for us,” Lara Trump said Sunday during Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“We are ensuring that this election, we are leaving nothing to chance,” she continued. “We never before at the RNC have had an Election Integrity Division. All of our resources, we can put into this division as needed.”

She pointed to former President Trump’s campaign’s fundraiser a day earlier, in which her father-in-law was expected to rake in about $50 million. Some of that funding will help ensure poll workers are trained and lawyers can be in every necessary voting precinct, Lara Trump said.

“We are making sure that we leave nothing to chance, because we have to understand the importance of this election,” she said, adding later, “People are not sitting on the sidelines anymore. They understand what’s at stake. It’s a must-win election. And from the election integrity perspective, we’re focused on it like a laser at the RNC.”

RNC Chair Michael Whatley, who appeared Sunday alongside Lara Trump, said the committee is working with state legislatures, boards of elections and secretaries of states to ensure “we get the rules of the road right.”

“And if they’re not, we’re going to go file lawsuits. We have already filed over 80 different lawsuits in 24 states to make sure that we have the ground ready to go for safe elections,” he said, adding later, “What we want are fair, accurate, secure and transparent elections. And when we have it, then we’re going to protect the sanctity of that ballot. We’re going to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

Whatley and Lara Trump were both endorsed by the former president and were elected as the RNC’s newest leaders last month.

The two have made election integrity a central focus for the RNC in the wake of continued skepticism over accurate election results.

In an earlier interview on NewsNation’s “The Hill Sunday,” Whatley sidestepped questions over if the 2020 election was stolen and turned his discussion into ensuring election integrity.

Asked if if the 2020 election was stolen, he said, “I think there were irregularities. I think there were issues that we saw across the country. We need to have election integrity.”

“So that we do not have drop boxes, for example, that we have voter ID, for example, that absentee ballots have to have a witness signature, have to have a signature by the voter,” he continued.

When pressed again if the 2020 election vote count was “accurately counted” or “rigged,” Whatley pointed to his vote for former President Trump.

“Look, I was a member of the Electoral College. I proudly cast my vote for Donald Trump, the Electoral College number came back,” he answered. “Joe Biden is the president, and we are working all day, every day now to make sure that we’re going to win this election in 2024.”

April 9, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Thank you @Peloni for explaining that granular detail about some of what went wrong in 2020. I have been following Jay Sullivan and the Omega project. They have fractal computing which has identified thousands of ballots prior to an election which have a zip code that is different from these individuals after the election. In other words, Election boards can just change zip codes and create thousands of fake ballots.

    Fractal computing works with property records at amazing speed. They can identify addresses that are listed on ballots which are laundromats, banks, vacant lots, etc. They have tried to help a number of states clean up their voter rolls. Sullivan says the problem of dirty voter rolls is not just a problem in one or two states, it occurs in many states regardless of the party of the governor or whether it is a red or blue state.

    Fractal computing is extremely fast processing of data, compared with the system the RNC has used (SQL). The problem he says is that the RNC does not want the help of their team.

    The Omega project offered to help Kari Lake in 2020 FOR FREE but for some reason she did not work with them. Perhaps she had to work with the RNC I do not know.

    But when Lara Trump says they are leaving nothing to chance, I wonder. I do not understand their lack of interest in cleaning up voter rolls and identifying fake ballots in real time during an election. The idea of using ballot harvesting is a very weak idea. No one is going to out-harvest democrats. They have been at this for decades. And actually it is not just democrats who cheat at elections.

    The problem is thousands of mail in ballots are kept until there are problems on election day, and then they know how many to use to overcome the Trump vote.

    In addition, in the swing states, they have thousands of fake ballots ready to go on election day when they find out how many they will need to flip the vote.

    Electronic voting machines are so easily hackable, a computer expert showed how all it takes is the use of a pen to hack them.

    In 2020 US election officials changed US electronic vote tallies from Serbia and we have emails showing that they did.

    As long as electronic voting machines are connected to the internet, which we now know they are, the tallies can be changed from anywhere at any time during the election.

    In addition in 2020 many electronic voting machines failed the pre-election audit but were used anyway.

    Then there was the fiasco in Maricopa County Arizona in which they used ballot paper that would not fit into the ballot readers, thus disqualifying thousands of Republican votes on election day itself.

    Despite this fact, Kari Lake’s case of fraud was dismissed.

    It is rather grim, but the problem is multilayered and complex with fraud at so many different levels that there is no single solution.

    I think we need to dispense with electronic voting. Paper ballots hand counted with voter ID, and counts need to be done on the same day as the election. Mail in ballots by request only, and for specific reasons, and accompanied by photo ID. Mail in ballots need to be in by voting day. No extra time given. Given the invasion at our southern border, we should require proof of citizenship for immigrants. All these things are needed in order to restore trust in our electoral system.

  2. @Edgar
    I think that having legal teams in place, along with a local govt which will collect and preserve evidence might make a differnce at the local level in particular, especially if the local govt is favorably bent toward election integrity. The problem which was encountered in 2020 was that Kushner was suppose to have setup legal teams in all 50 states, but this didn’t pan out quite as planned. In Dem states such as PA, the legal teams were pressured by the legal bar to abandon Trump, which they did, and in Rep states such as AZ and GA, the legal teams setup for Trump were also setup with the local Reps, and when the cases were separated, the legal teams all went with the local Reps leaving Trump with nothing. Kushner was warned that he was not nearly prepared enough by the fellow who handled the Bush v Gore situation, but Kushner insisted he had it all in hand. Well he putzed it up pretty good instead.

    Also, all of the “battleground states”, which should be called fraud centers, had local govts which were extremely hostile to Trump’s election. Even in Republican states like AZ, the fraud was secured by the Reps, not the Dems, providing a qualifying context to what favorable local govts actually portends.

    The sheriffs should have been brought into help secure the elections, but this too was not done. If they had been, some of the illegal action taking place in many of the fraud centers could have been caught red handed. Many sheriffs were badly informed of their duty and obligations, as were the people as well. On election night, when fraud was observed by onlookers, they called the police, thinking that the police would do something to help. Unfortunately, the police are under the control of the local govt, and even when the interest was present, their authority was blocked. This of course brings us back to the need to educate the sheriffs of their duties, and to inform the people that it is the sheriffs which should be relied upon in hostile local enviornments. Of course, not all of the sheriffs are on the right side of history, so to speak, and Soros has been focusing his billions in bankrolling Soros sheriffs recently, as he had previously focused on bankrolling DA’s and other local govt figures in strategic areas.

    But you are quite correct, if the ballot dumps are to be countered, and machines are to be left unsecured or highly vulnerable to hacking over the web, we are looking at a very bleak future.

  3. Law Suits and favourable local Govt won’t work if fake ballots are smuggled into the mix surreptitiously in the middle of the night. Or tampered machines.