Landscape After the Battle

[This long article is an attempt to explain what is taking place. Though roughly translated from Russian, I thought it would be of interest as it was written by a Russian- Israeli.]

By Ella Graifer

Yes, I’ve surrendered to this thought’s insistence,

The last word Wisdom ever has to say:

He only earns his Freedom and Existence,                                                

Who’s forced to win them freshly every day.

Childhood, manhood, age’s vigorous years,

Surrounded by dangers, they’ll spend here.

I wish to gaze again on such a land,

Free earth: where a free race, in freedom, stand.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Faust, Part II, Act V (Translation by A. S. Kline © 2003)

Please, I beg you, do not try to console me. Do not tell me that Hamas, they say, has suffered more, or that it is like a victory by points … Because it is clear as noonday that his losses will be quickly restored by compassionate sponsors – from France to Iran inclusive – and we will pay for all these expensive toys out of our pocket. And the number of their corpses, again, is useful for their propaganda, and their women will bring new offsprings and will cheerfully raise them using UN rations. And what is more, the play, as it turned out, is not yet over and threatens to become a new “war of attrition”.

But don’t delude me also that Bibi the coward could win, but did not want to … Because this war, or a police operation, was lost not yesterday and not Bibi lost it, but the roots of defeat were grounded in Oslo, Norway 20 years ago. It was there and then that our country landed in that uh-uh … situation, which still remains intact. A situation in which it is difficult to defend ourselves, and you could not win, a situation which powerfully stimulates the mocking anti-Semitic claims under the guise of an appeal to the “international law”. It is no longer a secret what role played in the “peace process” the frantic attempts of left elite to retain power at all costs and destroy a successful competitor – the religious Zionists, whose stronghold is, in particular, the settlement movement.

But now I want to talk about something else, no less important, something that was somehow systematically overlooked – although not to notice it, like something not existent, is a kind of impossible.

With whom, we are actually fighting? With the Palestinians? With the same success it could be argued that on 22 June 1941 the USSR was attacked by the Second Panzer Group, commanded by Colonel-General Heinz Guderian. Although it certainly was done, the description is not quite adequate, if we keep pass over in silence, that except for the guys of Guderian, there still was, for a moment, a Wehrmacht with their staffs, camp stoves, tank repair workshops. From the outset, Israel fought Arab coalition, the composition of which varied, but the threat always remained. But today, we are faced with a new enemy, far more dangerous than ever before.

This enemy does not shoot, does not run, does not launch missiles and dig tunnels, he just makes senseless any military victory, carefully restoring and enhancing the potential of the enemy, rises to his defense in OON and other talking-shops, ardently explaining that killing Jews is a natural human right. Even if you believe that Euro-American supplies do contain only the necessities of life for civilian population, even then they let Hamas of this headache, giving him the opportunity to focus all resources and efforts on destroying us. All anti-Semitic textbooks for school, all camouflage uniforms for games in kindergarten – do not cost a penny to Hamas. The much-touted control over the use of allocated funds, if any exists, come to ensure that money are not stolen, but all spent on the pogrom, to which end they were allocated.

Let’s determine already: we do not deal with some misunderstandings or disagreements, we deal with military actions, for which Hamas delivers only the fighters and corpses, but everything else – including diplomacy, logistics, media coverage (quite the opposite to the facts), and so on provides the West. And do not let anybody to fool you by the freedom of speech, with which our few friends have a chance to speak out – unfortunately, they have no opportunity to influence the process. The entire state machinery of Europe, as 70 years ago, became actively involved in our destruction.

There are more than enough reasons for this state of affairs –  from the structural crisis, which caused that anti-Semitism once again took a leap, to the extinction of the traditional culture and the Muslim invasion, under which the same anti-Semitism will greatly facilitate the transition of residual Europeans to dhimmi status. Let’s not forget also that at the end of the 20th century Europeans turned into fashion the atonement of their sins by other people’s lives: We are very sorry that we were the colonizers, and so we willingly surrender to the slaughter the South African Boers, the Middle Eastern Christians and even the Egyptian generals, who, though were not colonizers. But their elimination would greatly increase our self-esteem. And not to ceremony with the Jews is the Lord’s will.

West has become an enemy to us not because of our behavior, whether it is right or wrong – all the same. We can shoot or not to shoot, hit or not to hit, roast Arabs with horseradish or change their diapers – no one is interested. Any image could be cooked on the TV – provided the  order exists, and the useful idiots that will immediately wring their hands and spill their tears are in abundance.

You can certainly discern some inconsistency in the European position, to remind them of all economic, scientific and cultural ties, but it is important to grasp which way the situation is developing, and the direction of this development, believe me, does not make somebody happy. Europe has become our enemy, because it has lost its internal stability and traditional culture, lost world domination and became a tributary of the emerging caliphate. Whether it is worth to be proud of the title of “the only democracy in the Middle East”, even when much more powerful countries with a long democratic tradition are steadily losing to wild gangs inside and to authoritarian regimes in the international arena?

America still has not gone so far along the path of decay, although the prospects are not too radiant, but it is their problem. At the end of the Cold War, Israel turned in a kind of suitcase without a handle for US: it is impossible to throw Israel out – not only because of unspent popularity among the people, but also because of the close co-operation – the same sacramental “he knew too much”, and not only (and not so much!) military secrets, but how it is all arranged in the American corridors of power. The other day, Obama went ballistic finding that some channels to bypass his presidential Majesty are available to Israel: financing was advanced through Congress, the supply of arms directly from the Pentagon … So you just couldn’t scratch up Israel easily, but you also have no interest to support her; it spoils the whole picture of friendship with the oil sheiks. The only way out: to make their life miserable to such degree that they had gone away. This is the option that has been developing for the last 20 years.

Imagine how happy were our leftists with a strong support of the “big brother” in their fight against a dangerous religious competition! It’s been a great invention: “Settlements – are the main obstacle to peace” – whereas in fact the settlements had been and remain a major obstacle to the perpetuation of Israeli Left’s power. But at the same time, many of them (this is something that Left has not taken into account) are the main obstacle to the destruction of the State of Israel. As tactically – many settlements occupy the most convenient positions for the bombardment of our cities, and strategically – in them grow up good soldiers, and ideologically – their motto is to cling to the land, and not to make even one step back.

The Left has not considered this, but the “big brother” took it into account with a long-term view. Left, I suppose, did not expect that their patron will play such dirty trick. I remember that immediately after leaving Lebanon Barack slipped accidentally: “I was betrayed.” But there was no return. The only option remaining was only to cling frantically to those who betrayed him, hoping that they will not give up on the only reliable bulwark at the troubled Middle East.

But everything passes and everything changes. After Americans got September 11 and lost a couple of other wars they began to ask themselves: is it worth at all to be involved with this troubled region. After all they have enough their own hydrocarbons and they could also use shale… Europe, no doubt, is in worse position, but … yeah, who at all needs that useless Europe. Let us give these very Middle-easterners to find out the relationship between them, and we will try to come to terms with the potential winners of these fights.

The most likely winners are the Islamists. They have different guises and their names vary, but it is easy to distinguish them. This is why Obama invited them to a dialogue that turned into the famous “Arab Spring” and during this turmoil he threw “under the bus” not only Israel, but also other local allies, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt. But they are not a problem: he sent them – and alone they went to the wilderness to find other patrons for themselves or to fall a prey to the caliphate – as the will of Allah decrees. Israel could not be dealt similarly because of above mentioned reason: “he knows too much”. So the single remaining option is the gradual dismantlement.

They took Rabin by deception (in which was enough self-deception), Barak was confused, leftist intrigues broke Sharon, Olmert was simply bought… But with Bibi they got stuck.

This agreement was the thing that Obama desperately needed. Because his slow-witted compatriots considered the events of the “Arab Spring” as his defeat, or in more harmful way, as the deeds of a “secret Muslim”, although in fact everything was strictly in line with his campaign promises: to stop the war and lay down the non-honorable title of US as a “world cop”. It is clear that sending a policeman to retirement automatically entails increased fighting on the ground, but the current voter is not used to think so far, and Obama did not expect it. But he also knew that a quick victory should be demonstrated to the voter… And here suddenly diamond cut diamond.

Neither threats nor promises do not work – no and no again! Not surprisingly that after these negotiations Obama considers Netanyahu his personal enemy, and the “New York Times” – his faithful paladin – openly reproaches: “Why wouldn’t you, Bibi, sacrifice a bit of the national interest for the sake of your dear ally?”. Netanyahu responded to this offer not by words, but by quiet deeds.

I do not know whether Abu Mazen himself took the risk because of frustration or Hamas wanted to show once again that he is a weakling… some elusive hint from the Americans could not be also excluded… Anyway, there was an attempt to repeat the successful operation with Gilad Shalit. The main success of that operation was not a release of a certain number of militants… What are these militants counted for – they are all so expendable. The main thing was the fact that Israel had to dance to their tune??, and not just the heads of the state, but nationwide: rallies, demonstrations, collecting of signatures, concerts in favor of… Take what you want, just give us our beloved kiddie… It seems that the Jews had already began to realize that they are in our hands, that they will be allowed to live just as we currently permit… and then Bibi debased it all.

That is, strictly describing – not only Bibi. It all started, as the world community has long ago rightly suspected, with the damned settlers: three snotty schoolboys instead of behaving in a strict accordance with the rules for Western hostages (such as Stockholm syndrome) have got into a fight, so they had just to finish them off, but it wouldn’t be so bad: the Arabs were adept at trading with dead corpses. Quite unexpectedly Netanyahu, contrary to all high civilized expectations, played a little piece “The Wolf in the kennels” – the hunters became the prey of the wave of raids and searches that went on in Hebron … They already have understood that the affair did not succeed, the corpses have been put where they could have been easily found – go on, choke! But it is not enough for Bibi. He destroys tunnels, impounds weapons depots, continues arrests and interrogations, gets to the organizers of the kidnapping…

Not that Obama was sorry for these thugs – damn them – but you can’t afford Israelis to slip out of the loop that has thrown over their neck! In addition, if Hamas has (material and financial) reasons to heat the conflict, it is a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity! The Noose is tightening. Slowly, gradually: weapons supply continues, but it was reduced … Boycott is not total yet, but it was enhanced. Criminal prosecution for self-defense has not yet been introduced, but the papers are already prepared. It is not forbidden, in general, to clean Gaza,  but on condition of the immediate transfer to Fatah, which, of course, will surrender it to Hamas immediately.

Israel must get used to a situation in which to bomb it and tear it by raids is a natural human right, which nobody can deny. And then, when Israelis will learn it firmly, they will realize that it is necessary to eliminate themselves as a nation. There is nowhere to go, however: Europe is captured by Islamists, in Russia you see the outburst of patriotism, the American Consulate in Jerusalem have ceased to issue entry visas, but … 70 years ago some believed that there was nowhere to go too, but then at the Wannsee conference, they thought it over a little and the other opportunities were found.

And Hamas … well, Hamas … one could place it on one palm and to bang with another. The real enemy we confront today is the same one as was 70 years ago. And our prime minister tries first of all to neutralize just him. He sees no sense to attack Gaza and to bury the Gazans under the asphalt, because he also do not see any possibility to hold Gaza and push aside these very humane Europeans that will restore the entire infrastructure of terror in record time – so for what our soldiers should die? For Abu Mazen who will spread white kasha on a clean table, while Hamas is building up the second front behind him in Judea and Samaria, in order to strike the airport without single miss? By the way, the cleanup in Judea and Samaria continues, and even buses for the settlers are allowed … In general, what is possible to do – is being performed, but at the tactical level and in a real time. However it would not hurt anybody to think for the future …

I totally agree that today’s “agreement” will hold until the next time, which will be worse and will come faster. I strongly disagree that destroying Hamas will change the situation, since the Western “humanists” continually spill the shower of gold on this hydra so that instead of each severed head the new ones will grow as quickly as possible. If there will not be Hamas around – they will immediately invent another villain to support.

Just do not, do not tell me how hard, how impossible is for us to manage without support of the West in technology and the economy, in politics and military affairs… Don’t, because it’s not me calling for that, it is the West who confronts us with the necessity of doing that sooner than later. Could we – we will survive, and if not … well, I’m sorry, it is business – nothing personal.

I will not pretend to know the ways and means, but to tell the truth in today’s rapidly changing world, the persons that are smarter than me unlikely can calculate the three moves ahead. But I’m sure that we will not be able to survive if we do not stop to perceive ourselves as a part of the West, to hold on to their values??, their way of life. Of course, there could (and should) be a mutually beneficial cooperation as far as it is possible to retain it, but cooperation – not identification. Even the most active co-operation with China does not assume obligation to eat with chopsticks. The problem is not collaboration – but assimilation. For the past century, we tried hard to be like the Europeans, diligently convincing ourselves and others that we are “one blood” with them, and as a result, we did not persuade anyone but ourselves, but certainly with a strongest possible belief. Our confidence was not shaken nor by the Holocaust, nor by clear signs of Western culture and lifestyle decline. Contrary to reason, in spite of the elements the Jewish soul continues to thirst for Europe.

There is warm and cozy on the “Titanic” desk, the cabin provides all the comfort, the music plays and delicatessen are served. And it is bad, wet and too tight in the lifeboat, the seat is not guaranteed, there is just barely enough food, it is unknown which way to sail, and God knows, will we arrive somewhere or not. Yet the boat is a chance for escape, and “Titanic” is a certain death. So, maybe, in a situation where not everyone decides to jump overboard himself it is good luck that we are pushed aside by the rifle butt? Maybe we should finally stop frantically cling to the anchor chain and wail: “Take me, I’m good!”?

Assimilated Jews truly internalized the modern Western system of values. ??They make decisions and evaluate their actions in compliance with said system and even cherish ambitious dreams to “outwest” the West so that, consequently, we will have the most equitable equality for the Arabs, and the most humane army in the world. I remember Marek Halter wrote somewhere that some of his relatives or, may be, associates (could not remember) in the Warsaw ghetto decided to establish a dialogue with the SS … and, he recalled this with pride, with a joyful willingness again to step on the same rake.

They still truly believe in the possibility of an agreement with the Arabs, that if we behave well, the West will certainly come to our aid … Just like their grandfathers believed 70 years ago that if they behave well, then nothing wrong will happen to them, and shortly thereafter they readily believed that Nazism – it’s like a Martian landing, a terrible accident, and in fact, Western civilization is white and fluffy, and it can always be relied upon.

Thus go figure, how Netanyahu resists superior forces, even when being attacked from the rear. The very brave kibbutznicks near the borders of Gaza, that in their time joyfully welcomed the “disengagement”, today angrily demand to protect them from Hamas rockets – what will they say when the beloved Europe unanimously condemns such protection? When their passport to the “decent” country will stop to act, when they will not be invited to the prestigious universities, when the standard of living starts to fall, putting an end to the greasy sweet dreams of “social justice” – that is to say the additional freebies.

In order to accept the sacrifices and join the fight, one must realize that he is confronted by the enemy and his life is in danger. There is no hope for those who still believe in improving advocacy, overcoming temporary misunderstandings and favor dialogue with the SS. We can assume that at some point, many of them will try to flee the country, but definitely few will be successful. I am particularly sorry for those who recently acquired European passports in the blessed confidence that they for sure will be safer there than in our hot spot …

In general the flight is unreliable strategy: they will catch up with you. Especially, under the current globalization, when for half a day you could fly and circle the globe, and refugees are in abundance wherever you spit, so that no one anywhere is particularly welcomed. Attempts to establish a “dialogue with the SS”, such as anti-Israel demonstrations, participation in sailing on the “freedom flotilla” or in a session of the UN Commission of Inquiry about our “war crimes”, as evidenced by the experience do not pay off too. Not in terms of morality, but in purely pragmatic ones: as mentioned above, our words or deeds play no role in their decisions.

Equally baseless are hopes for a speedy end to the war – whether they are based on the model of reconciliation (the “New Middle East”), whether on a final victory with the raising of a blue and white flag over the Kaaba. We still should not expect a quite good life, the only chance is to save our life as it is by asking, but also by paying for it a considerable price. So, if, as it now seems to me (and not me alone), many in Israel, and to some extent even in the Diaspora, have realized this over the past month, then, this “strange war” in the end is not a defeat but a victory.

But do not forget – a significant number of Jews has not yet learned to understand simple things. And so I beg you, do not attack Bibi. Do not shoot the pianist, he plays the makeshift instrument and not him shall we blame that there is no better one in our saloon.
The source:

Landscape After the Battle

Ella Graifer

Yes, I’ve surrendered to this thought’s insistence,

The last word Wisdom ever has to say:

He only earns his Freedom and Existence,

Who’s forced to win them freshly every day.

Childhood, manhood, age’s vigorous years,

Surrounded by dangers, they’ll spend here.

I wish to gaze again on such a land,

Free earth: where a free race, in freedom, stand.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Faust, Part II, Act V (Translation by A. S. Kline © 2003)

Please, I beg you, do not try to console me. Do not tell me that Hamas, they say, has suffered more, or that it is like a victory by points … Because it is clear as noonday that his losses will be quickly restored by compassionate sponsors – from France to Iran inclusive – and we will pay for all these expensive toys out of our pocket. And the number of their corpses, again, is useful for their propaganda, and their women will bring new offsprings and will cheerfully raise them using UN rations. And what is more, the play, as it turned out, is not yet over and threatens to become a new “war of attrition”.

But don’t delude me also that Bibi the coward could win, but did not want to … Because this war, or a police operation, was lost not yesterday and not Bibi lost it, but the roots of defeat were grounded in Oslo, Norway 20 years ago. It was there and then that our country landed in that uh-uh … situation, which still remains intact. A situation in which it is difficult to defend ourselves, and you could not win, a situation which powerfully stimulates the mocking anti-Semitic claims under the guise of an appeal to the “international law”. It is no longer a secret what role played in the “peace process” the frantic attempts of left elite to retain power at all costs and destroy a successful competitor – the religious Zionists, whose stronghold is, in particular, the settlement movement.

But now I want to talk about something else, no less important, something that was somehow systematically overlooked – although not to notice it, like something not existent, is a kind of impossible.

With whom, we are actually fighting? With the Palestinians? With the same success it could be argued that on 22 June 1941 the USSR was attacked by the Second Panzer Group, commanded by Colonel-General Heinz Guderian. Although it certainly was done, the description is not quite adequate, if we keep pass over in silence, that except for the guys of Guderian, there still was, for a moment, a Wehrmacht with their staffs, camp stoves, tank repair workshops. From the outset, Israel fought Arab coalition, the composition of which varied, but the threat always remained. But today, we are faced with a new enemy, far more dangerous than ever before.

This enemy does not shoot, does not run, does not launch missiles and dig tunnels, he just makes senseless any military victory, carefully restoring and enhancing the potential of the enemy, rises to his defense in OON and other talking-shops, ardently explaining that killing Jews is a natural human right. Even if you believe that Euro-American supplies do contain only the necessities of life for civilian population, even then they let Hamas of this headache, giving him the opportunity to focus all resources and efforts on destroying us. All anti-Semitic textbooks for school, all camouflage uniforms for games in kindergarten – do not cost a penny to Hamas. The much-touted control over the use of allocated funds, if any exists, come to ensure that money are not stolen, but all spent on the pogrom, to which end they were allocated.

Let’s determine already: we do not deal with some misunderstandings or disagreements, we deal with military actions, for which Hamas delivers only the fighters and corpses, but everything else – including diplomacy, logistics, media coverage (quite the opposite to the facts), and so on provides the West. And do not let anybody to fool you by the freedom of speech, with which our few friends have a chance to speak out – unfortunately, they have no opportunity to influence the process. The entire state machinery of Europe, as 70 years ago, became actively involved in our destruction.

There are more than enough reasons for this state of affairs –  from the structural crisis, which caused that anti-Semitism once again took a leap, to the extinction of the traditional culture and the Muslim invasion, under which the same anti-Semitism will greatly facilitate the transition of residual Europeans to dhimmi status. Let’s not forget also that at the end of the 20th century Europeans turned into fashion the atonement of their sins by other people’s lives: We are very sorry that we were the colonizers, and so we willingly surrender to the slaughter the South African Boers, the Middle Eastern Christians and even the Egyptian generals, who, though were not colonizers. But their elimination would greatly increase our self-esteem. And not to ceremony with the Jews is the Lord’s will.

West has become an enemy to us not because of our behavior, whether it is right or wrong – all the same. We can shoot or not to shoot, hit or not to hit, roast Arabs with horseradish or change their diapers – no one is interested. Any image could be cooked on the TV – provided the  order exists, and the useful idiots that will immediately wring their hands and spill their tears are in abundance.

You can certainly discern some inconsistency in the European position, to remind them of all economic, scientific and cultural ties, but it is important to grasp which way the situation is developing, and the direction of this development, believe me, does not make somebody happy. Europe has become our enemy, because it has lost its internal stability and traditional culture, lost world domination and became a tributary of the emerging caliphate. Whether it is worth to be proud of the title of “the only democracy in the Middle East”, even when much more powerful countries with a long democratic tradition are steadily losing to wild gangs inside and to authoritarian regimes in the international arena?

America still has not gone so far along the path of decay, although the prospects are not too radiant, but it is their problem. At the end of the Cold War, Israel turned in a kind of suitcase without a handle for US: it is impossible to throw Israel out – not only because of unspent popularity among the people, but also because of the close co-operation – the same sacramental “he knew too much”, and not only (and not so much!) military secrets, but how it is all arranged in the American corridors of power. The other day, Obama went ballistic finding that some channels to bypass his presidential Majesty are available to Israel: financing was advanced through Congress, the supply of arms directly from the Pentagon … So you just couldn’t scratch up Israel easily, but you also have no interest to support her; it spoils the whole picture of friendship with the oil sheiks. The only way out: to make their life miserable to such degree that they had gone away. This is the option that has been developing for the last 20 years.

Imagine how happy were our leftists with a strong support of the “big brother” in their fight against a dangerous religious competition! It’s been a great invention: “Settlements – are the main obstacle to peace” – whereas in fact the settlements had been and remain a major obstacle to the perpetuation of Israeli Left’s power. But at the same time, many of them (this is something that Left has not taken into account) are the main obstacle to the destruction of the State of Israel. As tactically – many settlements occupy the most convenient positions for the bombardment of our cities, and strategically – in them grow up good soldiers, and ideologically – their motto is to cling to the land, and not to make even one step back.

The Left has not considered this, but the “big brother” took it into account with a long-term view. Left, I suppose, did not expect that their patron will play such dirty trick. I remember that immediately after leaving Lebanon Barack slipped accidentally: “I was betrayed.” But there was no return. The only option remaining was only to cling frantically to those who betrayed him, hoping that they will not give up on the only reliable bulwark at the troubled Middle East.

But everything passes and everything changes. After Americans got September 11 and lost a couple of other wars they began to ask themselves: is it worth at all to be involved with this troubled region. After all they have enough their own hydrocarbons and they could also use shale… Europe, no doubt, is in worse position, but … yeah, who at all needs that useless Europe. Let us give these very Middle-easterners to find out the relationship between them, and we will try to come to terms with the potential winners of these fights.

The most likely winners are the Islamists. They have different guises and their names vary, but it is easy to distinguish them. This is why Obama invited them to a dialogue that turned into the famous “Arab Spring” and during this turmoil he threw “under the bus” not only Israel, but also other local allies, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt. But they are not a problem: he sent them – and alone they went to the wilderness to find other patrons for themselves or to fall a prey to the caliphate – as the will of Allah decrees. Israel could not be dealt similarly because of above mentioned reason: “he knows too much”. So the single remaining option is the gradual dismantlement.

They took Rabin by deception (in which was enough self-deception), Barak was confused, leftist intrigues broke Sharon, Olmert was simply bought… But with Bibi they got stuck.

This agreement was the thing that Obama desperately needed. Because his slow-witted compatriots considered the events of the “Arab Spring” as his defeat, or in more harmful way, as the deeds of a “secret Muslim”, although in fact everything was strictly in line with his campaign promises: to stop the war and lay down the non-honorable title of US as a “world cop”. It is clear that sending a policeman to retirement automatically entails increased fighting on the ground, but the current voter is not used to think so far, and Obama did not expect it. But he also knew that a quick victory should be demonstrated to the voter… And here suddenly diamond cut diamond.

Neither threats nor promises do not work – no and no again! Not surprisingly that after these negotiations Obama considers Netanyahu his personal enemy, and the “New York Times” – his faithful paladin – openly reproaches: “Why wouldn’t you, Bibi, sacrifice a bit of the national interest for the sake of your dear ally?”. Netanyahu responded to this offer not by words, but by quiet deeds.

I do not know whether Abu Mazen himself took the risk because of frustration or Hamas wanted to show once again that he is a weakling… some elusive hint from the Americans could not be also excluded… Anyway, there was an attempt to repeat the successful operation with Gilad Shalit. The main success of that operation was not a release of a certain number of militants… What are these militants counted for – they are all so expendable. The main thing was the fact that Israel had to dance to their tune??, and not just the heads of the state, but nationwide: rallies, demonstrations, collecting of signatures, concerts in favor of… Take what you want, just give us our beloved kiddie… It seems that the Jews had already began to realize that they are in our hands, that they will be allowed to live just as we currently permit… and then Bibi debased it all.

That is, strictly describing – not only Bibi. It all started, as the world community has long ago rightly suspected, with the damned settlers: three snotty schoolboys instead of behaving in a strict accordance with the rules for Western hostages (such as Stockholm syndrome) have got into a fight, so they had just to finish them off, but it wouldn’t be so bad: the Arabs were adept at trading with dead corpses. Quite unexpectedly Netanyahu, contrary to all high civilized expectations, played a little piece “The Wolf in the kennels” – the hunters became the prey of the wave of raids and searches that went on in Hebron … They already have understood that the affair did not succeed, the corpses have been put where they could have been easily found – go on, choke! But it is not enough for Bibi. He destroys tunnels, impounds weapons depots, continues arrests and interrogations, gets to the organizers of the kidnapping…

Not that Obama was sorry for these thugs – damn them – but you can’t afford Israelis to slip out of the loop that has thrown over their neck! In addition, if Hamas has (material and financial) reasons to heat the conflict, it is a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity! The Noose is tightening. Slowly, gradually: weapons supply continues, but it was reduced … Boycott is not total yet, but it was enhanced. Criminal prosecution for self-defense has not yet been introduced, but the papers are already prepared. It is not forbidden, in general, to clean Gaza,  but on condition of the immediate transfer to Fatah, which, of course, will surrender it to Hamas immediately.

Israel must get used to a situation in which to bomb it and tear it by raids is a natural human right, which nobody can deny. And then, when Israelis will learn it firmly, they will realize that it is necessary to eliminate themselves as a nation. There is nowhere to go, however: Europe is captured by Islamists, in Russia you see the outburst of patriotism, the American Consulate in Jerusalem have ceased to issue entry visas, but … 70 years ago some believed that there was nowhere to go too, but then at the Wannsee conference, they thought it over a little and the other opportunities were found.

And Hamas … well, Hamas … one could place it on one palm and to bang with another. The real enemy we confront today is the same one as was 70 years ago. And our prime minister tries first of all to neutralize just him. He sees no sense to attack Gaza and to bury the Gazans under the asphalt, because he also do not see any possibility to hold Gaza and push aside these very humane Europeans that will restore the entire infrastructure of terror in record time – so for what our soldiers should die? For Abu Mazen who will spread white kasha on a clean table, while Hamas is building up the second front behind him in Judea and Samaria, in order to strike the airport without single miss? By the way, the cleanup in Judea and Samaria continues, and even buses for the settlers are allowed … In general, what is possible to do – is being performed, but at the tactical level and in a real time. However it would not hurt anybody to think for the future …

I totally agree that today’s “agreement” will hold until the next time, which will be worse and will come faster. I strongly disagree that destroying Hamas will change the situation, since the Western “humanists” continually spill the shower of gold on this hydra so that instead of each severed head the new ones will grow as quickly as possible. If there will not be Hamas around – they will immediately invent another villain to support.

Just do not, do not tell me how hard, how impossible is for us to manage without support of the West in technology and the economy, in politics and military affairs… Don’t, because it’s not me calling for that, it is the West who confronts us with the necessity of doing that sooner than later. Could we – we will survive, and if not … well, I’m sorry, it is business – nothing personal.

I will not pretend to know the ways and means, but to tell the truth in today’s rapidly changing world, the persons that are smarter than me unlikely can calculate the three moves ahead. But I’m sure that we will not be able to survive if we do not stop to perceive ourselves as a part of the West, to hold on to their values??, their way of life. Of course, there could (and should) be a mutually beneficial cooperation as far as it is possible to retain it, but cooperation – not identification. Even the most active co-operation with China does not assume obligation to eat with chopsticks. The problem is not collaboration – but assimilation. For the past century, we tried hard to be like the Europeans, diligently convincing ourselves and others that we are “one blood” with them, and as a result, we did not persuade anyone but ourselves, but certainly with a strongest possible belief. Our confidence was not shaken nor by the Holocaust, nor by clear signs of Western culture and lifestyle decline. Contrary to reason, in spite of the elements the Jewish soul continues to thirst for Europe.

There is warm and cozy on the “Titanic” desk, the cabin provides all the comfort, the music plays and delicatessen are served. And it is bad, wet and too tight in the lifeboat, the seat is not guaranteed, there is just barely enough food, it is unknown which way to sail, and God knows, will we arrive somewhere or not. Yet the boat is a chance for escape, and “Titanic” is a certain death. So, maybe, in a situation where not everyone decides to jump overboard himself it is good luck that we are pushed aside by the rifle butt? Maybe we should finally stop frantically cling to the anchor chain and wail: “Take me, I’m good!”?

Assimilated Jews truly internalized the modern Western system of values. ??They make decisions and evaluate their actions in compliance with said system and even cherish ambitious dreams to “outwest” the West so that, consequently, we will have the most equitable equality for the Arabs, and the most humane army in the world. I remember Marek Halter wrote somewhere that some of his relatives or, may be, associates (could not remember) in the Warsaw ghetto decided to establish a dialogue with the SS … and, he recalled this with pride, with a joyful willingness again to step on the same rake.

They still truly believe in the possibility of an agreement with the Arabs, that if we behave well, the West will certainly come to our aid … Just like their grandfathers believed 70 years ago that if they behave well, then nothing wrong will happen to them, and shortly thereafter they readily believed that Nazism – it’s like a Martian landing, a terrible accident, and in fact, Western civilization is white and fluffy, and it can always be relied upon.

Thus go figure, how Netanyahu resists superior forces, even when being attacked from the rear. The very brave kibbutznicks near the borders of Gaza, that in their time joyfully welcomed the “disengagement”, today angrily demand to protect them from Hamas rockets – what will they say when the beloved Europe unanimously condemns such protection? When their passport to the “decent” country will stop to act, when they will not be invited to the prestigious universities, when the standard of living starts to fall, putting an end to the greasy sweet dreams of “social justice” – that is to say the additional freebies.

In order to accept the sacrifices and join the fight, one must realize that he is confronted by the enemy and his life is in danger. There is no hope for those who still believe in improving advocacy, overcoming temporary misunderstandings and favor dialogue with the SS. We can assume that at some point, many of them will try to flee the country, but definitely few will be successful. I am particularly sorry for those who recently acquired European passports in the blessed confidence that they for sure will be safer there than in our hot spot …

In general the flight is unreliable strategy: they will catch up with you. Especially, under the current globalization, when for half a day you could fly and circle the globe, and refugees are in abundance wherever you spit, so that no one anywhere is particularly welcomed. Attempts to establish a “dialogue with the SS”, such as anti-Israel demonstrations, participation in sailing on the “freedom flotilla” or in a session of the UN Commission of Inquiry about our “war crimes”, as evidenced by the experience do not pay off too. Not in terms of morality, but in purely pragmatic ones: as mentioned above, our words or deeds play no role in their decisions.

Equally baseless are hopes for a speedy end to the war – whether they are based on the model of reconciliation (the “New Middle East”), whether on a final victory with the raising of a blue and white flag over the Kaaba. We still should not expect a quite good life, the only chance is to save our life as it is by asking, but also by paying for it a considerable price. So, if, as it now seems to me (and not me alone), many in Israel, and to some extent even in the Diaspora, have realized this over the past month, then, this “strange war” in the end is not a defeat but a victory.

But do not forget – a significant number of Jews has not yet learned to understand simple things. And so I beg you, do not attack Bibi. Do not shoot the pianist, he plays the makeshift instrument and not him shall we blame that there is no better one in our saloon.
The source:


August 25, 2014 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Ted, you must truly be so short of good material that you felt compelled to reach deep into the bottomless barrel of the conspiracy theorists.

    Right winger I am; nut cake I am not. And some of this stuff reminds of much of the crap that made its way into the American consciousness after John F Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas in November 1963, or “who sold out China to the Reds” after 1949.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI