Khamenei orders direct strike on Israel

Tells Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to ready attack plans

By | August 1, 2024

“And we prescribed for them in it, Life for life, and eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth, and retaliation for injuries.” (Qur’an 5:45)

Khamenei, like all jihad leaders, treats a strike back after his aggression as a gratuitous attack that must be avenged. As if he hasn’t been waging proxy war against Israel for nine months, and Haniyeh was peacefully picking daisies in Tehran before the Israelis killed him. And people will fall for this.

Will this be a ground invasion? Unlikely. But it will be something. Will the Biden regime betray Israel again? Watch for it.

“Iran’s supreme leader orders strike on Israel to retaliate for Ismail Haniyeh assassination,” by David Propper, New York Post, July 31, 2024:

Iran’s supreme leader ordered a direct strike on Israel hours after top Hamas official Ismail Haniyeh was killed in an airstrike early Wednesday, according to a report Wednesday.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued the command during an emergency meeting of the country’s Supreme National Security Council, which convened shortly after the assassination, the New York Times reported, citing three Iranian officials briefed on the matter….

It was not immediately clear what options Iran forces would pursue, but military commanders are considering a combination of drones and missiles that would target military facilities near Tel Aviv and Haifa, according to the Times, citing the Iranian officials.

The strikes would attempt to avoid civilian casualties, the officials claimed….

Khameni [sic] also ordered commanders from the Revolutionary Guards and army to get ready an attack and defensive plans in case the conflict widens with either strikes from Israel or the United States hitting the country, the officials said.

August 2, 2024 | Comments »

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