Kellyanne Conway Tells Story About Hillary’s Concession Call On Election Night


Many of us will likely always remember where we were and what we were doing when we realized then-candidate Donald Trump had beaten Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, but one Trump staffer, in particular, has the memory etched in forever.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager and current White House counselor, was the one who answered the 2:30 a.m. concession phone call from the Clinton campaign.

At the National Review Institute’s recent Ideas Summit in Washington, Conway reminisced about the special moment and how it played out, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.

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The night before the election, Conway had spoken with Clinton’s team via email about when the concession call would happen if necessary.

Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, agreed the night before that within 15 minutes of the Associated Press calling the race, Clinton would “wait 15 minutes to give her victory speech.”

“So he was basically saying that you have 15 minutes for Mr. Trump to get out there [and give a concession speech] or she’s going to declare victory either way,” Conway explained.

“And then he said in the event that Mr. Trump wins, Secretary Clinton will call him within 15 minutes of the AP,” Conway said with a wink, implying that Clinton staffers were confident their boss would win.

But, when the time came and Clinton was declared  and the loser, she actually held up her campaign’s end of the deal and called Conway’s phone.

“I look down — literally it was like a movie — my phone is ringing and it said ‘Huma Abedin’ [Clinton’s longtime aide]. And I said, ‘Hey, Huma. What’s up?’”

Abedin told Conway that Clinton “would like to speak to Mr. Trump” and asked if he was available.

“We’re very available!” Conway said she responded before handing the phone over to her boss, the newly elected president.

“I handed him the phone and he and Vice President Pence and their wives were there and the rest is history,” she said.

Conway remembered the moment as “remarkable.”

“I think it was a remarkable moment for anybody, any David fighting a Goliath, frankly,” she recalled.

For the millions of conservatives across the country who voted for Trump, it was certainly a remarkable moment, as well. And definitely one to remember.

March 19, 2017 | 1 Comment »

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  1. David fighting Goliath! From Jewish history should give Trump a lot many more ideas from the books of the Jews!