Kamala is a Neoliberal with a Neoconservative Backbone

Peloni: Mike Benz makes the case against Harris being a Communist.  I wonder what others think?

September 9, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. She is a totalitarian.
    Whether she is Fascist, Communist, Neo this or that is pretty irrelevant.
    Her father was a Marxist professor at Stanford.
    The Democrat party today is totalitarian and wanting to destroy our liberties.
    The importation of 12 million illegal men of military age should be punishable by life sentences for all their leaders and those responsible.
    The illegals should be deported and the expense charged to the Democrat Party.
    They do so by using the government to crush us.
    They hate us.

  2. Neoliberalism, also neo-liberalism, is both a political philosophy and a term used to signify the late-20th-century political reappearance of 19th-century ideas associated with free-market capitalism.

    1. A political philosophy developed in the 1970s and 1980s, advocating the active use of government power in pursuit of conservative domestic and foreign policies.
    2. A right wing political movement that opposes liberalism in political, economic and social fields.
    3. An approach to politics or theology that represents a return to a traditional point of view (in contrast to more liberal or radical schools of thought of the 1960s).

    I do not know the basis for Mike Benz’s characterization of Harris’s policies as neoliberal and neoconservative.

    Her policy prescriptions (other than those she steals from Donald Trump) have damaged free market capitalism. For instance her allowing over 20 million illegal immigrants into the US and wanting to provide them with free entitlements would break the US economy. This alone, and there are many more examples, disqualifies her as a neoliberal.

    As for neoconservatism, she does advocate the use of government power, but it is not in the pursuit of conservative goals. It is in the pursuit of the destruction of the US as a Constitutional Republic.

    She represents the opposite of someone who wants a return to traditional views, but instead seeks extremely radical changes and would make the US a communist totalitarian nation complete with its own police state to harass and persecute dissenters.

    I hope Mike Benz can defend his statement with evidence, because I cannot find any facts that support his thesis.