“Just not Bibi” or “The worse the better”

How has the “liberal” media managed to turn successful leaders into unscrupulous monsters in the eyes of millions of people? Op-ed.

By Alexander Maistrovoy, INN  23/09/20

Balfour St. demonstrations

Balfour St. demonstrations

The creators of the progressive Agitprop had good mentors. We know who said ‘if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth’.

My youth in the Soviet Union was haunted by one question: how and why the masses of educated people were ready to follow madmen like Lenin and Hitler?

By that time Soviet propaganda (like the Soviet leaders) was a self-parody and could not address this question. I was able to find the answer later in Israel, while witnessing what is happening nowadays here and in the United States.

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What is the secret of success of the progressive Agitprop apparatus created by the “liberal democracies”? How did the American and Israeli media manage to establish an atmosphere of pathological hatred towards Trump and Netanyahu in a huge section of society, yet again, among people who seem to be intelligent, educated and successful?

There is no doubt that both leaders are not the ideal statesmen. They are not King Solomon or Marcus Aurelius. They do have an abundancy of personal flaws; they are pompous, not selective in their entourage, prone to narcissism and political manipulation.

At the same time, objectively, they are successful managers who ensured the economic well-being of their countries: Netanyahu is the only prime minister in recent decades who, after an era of mass terror, endless conflicts and internal strife (remember Oslo and the eviction from Gush Katif), has restored a sense of security, tranquility and civil peace to his fellow citizens.

In Israel’s creeping coup d’etat, I mentioned that the fanatical hatred of the radical left elite towards Netanyahu has origins in his unwillingness to “end the occupation” and his reluctance to turn the “Jewish State” into a non-Jewish “State for all its citizens” (the Israeli left’s euphemism for non-Jewish) Had he agreed to proceed with the disengagement in Judea and Samaria, like the former “Likudniks” – Ariel Sharon, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Olmert, his “sins” would have been forgotten immediately.

As for Trump, he is hated by the globalist elite for his desire to preserve the uniqueness of American democracy and the power of the USA and his decisive desire to prevent the destruction of that great country by globalist, postmodern culture with its neo-Marxist perversions.

So how has the “liberal” media managed to turn successful leaders into unscrupulous monsters in the eyes of millions of people?

Mein Kampf provides practical advice on how to make propaganda as effective as possible: “…its (the great majority’s) thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.”

We find a similar postulate in Lenin’s prescriptions: its essence is extreme simplicity. There are nations striving for happiness, brotherhood, equality and freedom, on the one hand, and there are “dark forces”, on the other. This is a clear Manichean world: black and white, good and evil, treacherous Jews and noble Aryans, working proletarians and vampire capitalists. The very fact that a handful of sectarians – Nazis and Communists – was able to literally zombify Russia and Germany in an extremely short time confirms the success of this approach.

How was the brainwashing executed in practice? I would highlight a few key points, although I assume there are more.

– Purposefulness.

The charge is directed towards one class, group or (in our case) a specific person. All his actions, by definition, are presumably bad. If, for example, Netanyahu imposes a coronavirus lockdown, it is terrible, because it leads to an inevitable economic disaster. If he lifts the quarantine, then it is even worse, because it leads to an outbreak of a pandemic and, again, as a result, an economic disaster.

If he does not provide economic aid to the victims of the temporal lockdown, it is monstrous. If he does provide it, it is doubly monstrous since the amount is ridiculously insignificant and looks like a public slap in the face of those in need.

If he establishes diplomatic relations with the UAE, it hurts Israel’s security and undermines the balance of power in the Middle East, since this tiny Arabic country receives last generation American aircrafts.

The fact that the police don’t fine quarantine violators is bad. But it is even worse if it uses force against those who are fined.

Well, the agreements with the Arab princedoms are good. But… Bibi is not a legitimate premier-minister. And how dare he go to Washington to drink champagne after having quarantined all country?!

The situation with Trump is identical. If he refrains from using force against the rioters, this is the evidence of the ineffectiveness of his management. If he insists on using force, then he is perceived as a dictator and racist, deaf to the cry of the suffering and discriminated people.

Moreover, both Bibi and Trump are to blame for all the problems in their countries: for racism, anti-Semitism and sexism, social injustices and teenage crime, assaults of psychopaths, the crisis of culture, the rise in traffic accidents, etc.

“Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must, of course, be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula” (Mein Kampf).

– Demonization.

Both leaders are not just losers or selfish proud men. They are merciless and unprincipled Demiurges, leading a swarm of archons. Together they are plotting insidious plans, such as the “Deal of the Century”, to finally enslave and bring the humiliated Palestinian Arabs to their knees.

They conspire with other demons as Trump did with Putin; like Trump they contribute to global warming and sexism; and most importantly, they are eager to destroy democracy! They are corrupt to the bone; they are the embodiment of Bolshevik and Nazi cartoons of capitalists and Jews, weaving a web of conspiracies against virtuous but unfortunate peoples.


The emotional aspect is crucial, because, as we know, “thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning”.

Every day TV screens show us sobbing fathers deprived of their income (even though they will receive the benefits for a year in advance) and desperate businessmen who are left “without a business” because of “Bibi’s dirty intrigues”, he who is only interested in litigation.

We see hysterical beauticians; artists claiming that “Bibi is destroying the culture”; musicians who are on the verge of committing suicide because they cannot perform at weddings, and weeping couples who are not allowed to wed in front of 500 people.

We see people in deep depression because they cannot travel abroad and shop in “duty free”; demobilized soldiers who cannot earn extra money as waiters in hotels; teenagers who are deprived of the opportunity to go to bars and dance parties; Hasidim who are not allowed to go to Uman.

All of them, as one, are pointing fingers and blaming one person – the prime minister, who plunged them into hell under the pretext of an invented pandemic. The whole country is sobbing.

And the highbrow specialist at the same TV studios repeatedly claims that there is no pandemic, there has not been and will not be one. All these atrocities, these crimes are committed by him with one purpose only – to assert absolute power of rulers and destroy democracy.

The media and the leftist opposition support anti-government demonstrations (“Democracy is in deadly danger!”, isn’t it?).

Mass demonstrations inevitably lead to mass infection.

Mass infection leads to economic crisis.

Crisis in its turn leads to chaos and anarchy that undermines the government.

“The worse the better” as taught by Vladimir Lenin.

Alexander Maistrovoy is the author of “Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger)”, Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

September 24, 2020 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. @ Reader:
    Reader I was only kidding; I sometimes have a very impulsive sense of humour. There needs to be no apologies between us at any time, unless we are in a heated argument when one of us might stray over ridicule into epithets. And that’s not likely to happen. I can use very strong language, but not of the lewd, abusive kind…never have. Nor you either.

    BUT…..I accept your apology, intend to suitably frame it and hang it in my living room….. .

  2. @ Reader:

    You’re like the guy of whom the Wordsworth may have ben thinking of when he wrote, ..”I shot an arrow in the air, it fell to earth, I know not where…”.

    Forgive my levity, in these cruel times we must keep a sense of proportion, and, above all, a sense of humour…

    What names did I call you THIS TIME……”??? I called you NO names. But you are correct, I did not understand what you wrote because I didn’t see it…SEE…? I saw only your complaint that it had been gobbled up by the computer. And I remarked on THAT. calling you NO names. So please apologise…..!!.

    This is, to me, a fault of yours ;you “throw too wide a loop”, and use too much hyperbole…along with incorrect accusations. But that’s you. Not my business.

  3. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    You certainly have a talent for digging up all kinds of stuff. I see that you found it through “The Elder of Ziyon” page. Haven’t looked at them for a long time. I’m more than surprised that the Jewish Chronicle would print this drek. It was always a must, a fixture in every Jewish household, all through it’s honest existence. But publishing this stuff ……. It’s become like the “Forward”….following what pays best.

    The line up is a hardened to it’s core, list of Jew and Israel haters. So, rational and even half intelligent people can dismiss it right away. Assuming that we can find such people in the present Jew-Hating world. I’ve said before, that this irrational hatred is far far worse today than in pre War times. Because it’s Global, whereas before, mostly Europe and the US were the culprits. The Islamic states can be dismissed from this, as they are always present -before and after the War.

    And your comments of the “Professor and others are totally correct, I know.

  4. This is from the British Jewish Chronicle via Elderof Zion:

    “SOAS professor calls Israel a “Western virus”
    EXCLUSIVE: Prof Haim Bresheeth also says Holocaust is used as a “clincher argument” for Israel’s “presumed right over Palestinians”

    Prof Haim Bresheeth,
    Prof Haim Bresheeth, Twitter
    An academic from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) has labelled Israel a “Western virus”.

    Dr Haim Bresheeth, Professorial Research Associate at SOAS’s Centre of Global Media and Communication, also claimed the Holocaust was the “clincher argument” in Israel’s “presumed right over Palestine”.

    During a debate held earlier this month on the “normalisation” of Israel, Dr Marwa Osma, a Lebanese commentator who has appeared on Iranian-backed Press TV, also called for support for “armed resistance” coupled with “international pressure” against what she said was “Zionist aggression.”

    The two-hour long discussion was organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) and included a contribution from the controversial charity’s chair Massoud Shadjareh.

    He said there was “huge concern the way that there has been a policy of the Zionists to normalise themselves in all different arenas” – focusing particularly on inter-faith initiatives between the Jewish and Muslim community.

    Condemning attempts to “normalise” Israel, Mr Shadareh said “the institution of interfaith was used as one of the tools for this and you know, you could ask yourself, you could look into it, why is it that all the Jewish organisations who are involved in interfaith are actually Zionists while we know there is a huge number of anti-Zionists, non-Zionists in the Jewish community and none of them are represented. “

    Meanwhile Mick Napier, the former leader of the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, claimed Israel was the world’s number one pariah state – and the mass media, including the BBC, were involved in a cover-up of its crimes.

    Dr Bresheeth, an associate member of the SOAS Centre for Palestinian Studies, suggested Zionism was “riding on the latent Islamophobia inherent in Christian society since the Crusades”.

    He argued: “This form of Islamophobia has never disappeared from the West and explains the great centrality of Zionism to Western regimes”.

    “Israeli presumed rights over Palestine are seen as, within Zionism, as exclusive and religious-based with the Holocaust deals at the clincher argument. This is very useful because no one seems to be able to say anything about this combination of, you know, Judeo-Christian and Holocaust arguments.”

    Arguing that Zionism was the creation of Western Christians at the end of the nineteenth century, who used it to exert control over the Middle East, Dr Bresheeth said: “The West had conceived of Zionism as the bulwark of Western capitalism against Islam and the Arab world and used it to open the Middle East for western interests, and this is continuing.

    “Exactly along the lines developed by Herzl over a century ago.

    “In this way Israel became the Western virus in the region during the Cold War, developing its political outlook as a Western/US outpost in the near east – an agenda gradually adopted by the US, UK, Canada, Australia, apartheid South Africa, and most importantly the EU.”

    A typical example of an Israeli expatriate traitor in England who has parleyed his defamation of Israel and “Zionism” into a professorship at an English university. There are a lot of these with anti-Israel, antisemitic Israeli-Jewish professors at English universities.

    Notice that he describes the Holocaust as “the Holocaust deals,” as if it were some sort of Jewish business deal, not a genocide of Jews. The reference, I think, is to a conspiracy by antisemitic authors who claim that the Nazis murdered six million Jews as a favor to the Zionists, in return for Jewish money. Supposedly, the Zionists wanted to eliminate anti-Zionist Jews and those that were not considered suitable “human material” for building the Jewish state, and also to gain the sympathy of the international community for creating the state. That a Jew should describe the Holocaust as a Jewish business deal and Israel as a “virus” in disgusting beyond words.

  5. “This sentiment… …has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.” Right/Left, Republicans/Democrats, conservatives/liberals, capitalists/communists, free market/socialism, Bibi/not Bibi, Trump/not Trump.
    (Together with the author of this deliriously misguided article).

  6. The author (Alexander Maistrovoy) is very perceptive in the following comments:

    At the same time, objectively, they are successful managers who ensured the economic well-being of their countries: Netanyahu is the only prime minister in recent decades who, after an era of mass terror, endless conflicts and internal strife (remember Oslo and the eviction from Gush Katif), has restored a sense of security, tranquility and civil peace to his fellow citizens.

    In Israel’s creeping coup d’etat, I mentioned that the fanatical hatred of the radical left elite towards Netanyahu has origins in his unwillingness to “end the occupation” and his reluctance to turn the “Jewish State” into a non-Jewish “State for all its citizens” (the Israeli left’s euphemism for non-Jewish) Had he agreed to proceed with the disengagement in Judea and Samaria, like the former “Likudniks” – Ariel Sharon, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Olmert, his “sins” would have been forgotten immediately.

    As for Trump, he is hated by the globalist elite for his desire to preserve the uniqueness of American democracy and the power of the USA and his decisive desire to prevent the destruction of that great country by globalist, postmodern culture with its neo-Marxist perversions.

    So how has the “liberal” media managed to turn successful leaders into unscrupulous monsters in the eyes of millions of people?

  7. “My youth in the Soviet Union was haunted by one question: how and why the masses of educated people were ready to follow madmen like Lenin and Hitler?”

    My youth in McCarthyist America, on the heels of WWII, led me to ask the same questions, turning much of my life into a quest for answers.. In Maistrovoy’s quest, he ultimately invokes Lenin and Hitler as mentors, using terminology from Gnosticism. His advice from Hitler, for instance, was:

    “…its (the great majority’s) thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.”
    — Mein Kampf

    Hitler’s maxims come from a Gnostic worldview of life in dualistic terms, a struggle between “LIght” and “Darkness”.

    Christianity, deriving in part from Jewish philosophy, likewise speaks along these lines:

    John 1:
    [4] In [the word of God] was life; and the life was the light of men.
    [5] And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

    The difference between Jewish philosophy, orthodox Christianity and Gnosticism in this regard, is that in the first system, “the word of God” is taken (as it should) to mean “Torah”, orthodox Christianity personifies it as a chimeric “God-man” and Gnosticism portrays it as an evil “archon”, the creation of a malevolent “demiurge” (YHVH, or “Jehovah”).

    The same philosophy can thus be twisted into diametrically opposed worldviews. Hitler understood it in the basest of terms, which could be summarized as:

    “People are naturally disposed to be bundles of emotional squirts and juices, all the while imagining themselves to be vessels of reason; therefore they are easily manipulated by a cunning propagandist.”

    To Hitler, this was the end of his personal “quest”, because he faithfully followed his personal inclination, namely, the acquisition and wielding of power. This “end of the quest” should not, however, be our own “end”; because we need not be faithful followers of our passions as was Hitler — even though Hitler’s generalization probably applies to 90-99.99% of humanity.

    In the end, The Truth will prevail, whether it be practiced by 10% or .01%; because it is The Truth, which is eternal and immutable.

  8. A briliant analysis. I disagree with Maistrovsky only that I agree with those in Israel (who are far less numerous and influential than he claims) that there is no “pandemic” in Israel, only a new flu-like virus to which everyone will eventually acquire herd immunity if the government allows them to move around, breath freely and touch other humans.