July 30 IDSF Daily Briefing: Shock and Awe in Lebanon

Peloni:  Maj. Gen. Res Gershon Hacohen describes Israel’s need to knock the train off its tracks as a means to dealing with its enemies, while also painting a rather dark picture overall.

July 31, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. A very brilliant and insightful analysis by General Hacohen. He is 100 per cent right. I am struck by his observation that we have often made use of our intellectual abilities and “wisdom” to rationalize doing nothing when we are under attack, But I wiuld add that this was also a result of a situation in thee “golos” when we were disarmed and could not easily defend ourselves.JBut many Israeli Jews, especially our intellectuals or “wise men,” have failed to adjust their thinking and assumptions to take into account that we now do have weapons and it is possible for us to defend ourselves. “You can take the Jew out of the Exile but you can’t take the Exile out of the Jew.”