JPOST EDITORIAL: Exposing the charade

Jonathan Pollard is now in his 29th year in prison only because of
thinly camouflaged anti-Semitism.

The Jerusalem Post – Editorial – February 16, 2014

PollardOdds are that convicted spy Jonathan Pollard is now in his 29th year
in prison only because of thinly camouflaged anti-Semitism. That is the learned opinion of James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Woolsey has said so in interviews to Channel 10, as well as to The Jerusalem Post. He went on the record and without beating around the bush. He thus gave an authoritative voice to what many suspected and hinted at for years.

Woolsey may be the only higher-up in the US security establishment to head-on cite anti-Semitism, but he is not the only one to have called for Pollard’s release on the grounds that he had served an unreasonably and disproportionately long sentence in comparison to the time other spies for US allies spent behind bars.

In many cases the spies from friendly countries were sent up for less than four years, and they didn’t serve the full sentences either. Egyptian Abdelkader Helmy got a three-year-and-10-month sentence. Jean Baynes, who was caught spying on behalf of the Philippines, was sentenced to three-and-a-half years. Spies for Britain and South Africa were each given two years.

After the Woolsey statements, the specter of anti-Jewish prejudice, however denied, can no longer be covered up. The elephant in the room has materialized and come out in full view. Nobody – on either side of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic – can continue pretending the issue is not there.

To be sure, this is not the first time Woolsey has charged that Pollard is treated unfairly. In 2012, he wrote a critical letter to The Wall Street Journal where he supplied examples from many other cases in which the convicted spies were released after 10 years.

He emphasized several examples of people who had been convicted of spying for various regimes – Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Ecuador, Egypt, the Philippines and South Korea – all of whom had served or were serving sentences of less than 10 years. “One especially damaging Greek-American spy, Steven Lalas, received a 14-year sentence, just over half of what Pollard has already served,” Woolsey noted two yearsago.

He went further: “For those hung up for some reason on the fact that
[Pollard] is an American Jew, pretend he’s a Greek – or Korean – or
Filipino-American, and free him.”

There is no getting away from it – appreciably lighter punishment was
meted to assorted US spies for greater offenses than what Pollard was
accused of, including spying that involved tangible and severe
security hazards to America.

That Pollard was treated so ultra-harshly by any existing legal
yardsticks and the fact that his tribulation is ongoing, despite his
age and infirmity, is not just pointlessly cruel. The departure from
all precedents in his case smells foul. It is difficult to escape the
impression that the only reason Pollard was over-punished and is still
denied his freedom is because he is Jewish.

The punishment meted out to Pollard was from the outset scandalous. It
was disproportionate in the extreme, principally considering he never
put American agents or interests at risk, that he never divulged
anything involving America but clued in a fellow democracy about the
machinations of its enemies, which happened to have also been
America’s enemies.

Although Pollard’s life-term is unparalleled for transferring
classified material to an ally, no US administration in nearly three
decades countenanced pardoning him – regardless of the fact that
Pollard had publicly apologized and expressed remorse.

As the Anti-Defamation League charges, this may be an effort to
intimidate American Jewry whose loyalty is forever doubted owing to
one anti-Semitic stereotype or another.

Yet thanks to Woolsey, it is becoming more and more difficult to
maintain the charade that Pollard deserves excessive and continuing
punishment. George Orwell once defined freedom as “the right to tell
people what they do not want to hear.” Woolsey served the cause of
freedom fearlessly.

February 21, 2014 | 31 Comments »

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31 Comments / 31 Comments

  1. honeybee Said:

    @ the phoenix:
    At last you are learnin proper Texas. Yor just as sweet as sugar pie.

    Whaaae.. Aaah’m sawww glaaaad aaah gut maaaah dictionary raaaaht on thyme…..

    Glad you’re back, hb.
    I missed you.

  2. @ honeybee:
    I was complaining on another thread that I have finally received my honeybee-english dictionary, but you were not around….
    Re n’velah…. It’s a dead animal, a rotting corpse…. What Yosemite Sam might call “varmint”…..

  3. @ leonkushner:

    Pollard is still in prison because the Jews in America turned their collective backs on him and those in power in Israel wanted him kept silent.

    There is only one reason to release him and that is because his long incarceration is a miscarriage of justice. His long and difficult confinement is a blot on the Jews and America and while there is little hope for the Jews there might still be some for America. My posts only sought to put some context beyond the simplistic as to why he is still imprisoned since none of the posts on Pollard I have seen on this and other blogs added much to the pablum of cliche’s repeated from blog to blog. If you have a problem with them they are easily skipped.

  4. I thought I was reading a blog by Yamit! It’s obvious that the arrest of Pollard was complicated by various reasons, politics, secrets and people. But the bottom line is that there are 2 rules in our world. One for Jews and the other for everyone else. Sadly Pollard is a Jew. Need I say more?

  5. @ yamit82:
    This is unreal!!!’
    I would only assume that there must be a very long list of people that would not be terribly chagrined, were an ‘accident’ to happen to this n’velah..
    And yet… He just keeps on trotting the globe and portraying the quintessential despicable shtetl Jew … To the delight of the goyim that actually lament how ‘hawkish’ is bibi… And why couldn’t he be more like this loveable nonagenarian….. ( that was a conversation I had some two months ago….)

    Martin Sherman, has called this on another thread,

    testimony to the vindictive,[…] treasonous malevolence of the Left, which makes cynical use of it to further its political credo; and to the inept, borderline imbecilic, impotence of the Right, which has failed to totally discredit this practice.

  6. the phoenix Said:

    Any theories as to how come this 90 y.o. Sob is still very much alive and kicking (and still causing damage)?

    Peres like J Edgar Hoover survives on the knowledge of where all the Bodies are buried and who put them there. In politics more than any other field Knowledge is power.

    Peres built up a parallel government now run through his “Peres center For Peace..” He funnels hundreds of millions of dollars to his pet projects, He is a primary link if not agent of the Vatican and the EU. Up until the mid 70″s Peres was a Hawk and responsible for the establishment of the first settlements in Y&S. To this day the Labor party has not given up or destroyed any Jewish established settlement, that’s all Likud.

  7. Peres Blackmailed the US, over Bechtel’s oil pipeline and Nerve gas factor in Iraq by Dick McManus (Yahoo)

    when Pollard’s espionage activity came to light.

    Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, provided the judge in Pollard’s trial a secret 46-page memorandum that allegedly described Pollard’s spying, including the alleged accusation that Pollard had obtained and copied the NSA’s most recent updated version of Radio-Signal Notations (RASIN), a 10-volume manual comprehensively detailing America’s global electronic surveillance network.

    RASIN is available on a need-to-know basis inside the N.S.A. “It is a complete catalogue of what the United States was listening to, or could listen to — information referred to

    in the N.S.A. as ‘parametric data.’ It tells you everything you want to know about a particular signal — when it was first detected and where, whom it was first used by, what kind of entity, frequency, wavelength, or band length it has. When you’ve copied a signal and don’t know what it is, the RASIN manual gives you a description.”

    The data passed along by Pollard included detailed information on the various platforms — in the air, on land, and at sea — used by military components of the National Security Agency to intercept Israeli military, commercial, and diplomatic communications. At the time of Pollard’s spying, select groups of American sailors and soldiers trained in Hebrew were stationed at an N.S.A. listening post near Harrogate, England, and at a specially constructed facility inside the American Embassy in Tel Aviv, where they intercepted and translated Israeli signals. Other interceptions came from an unmanned N.S.A. listening post in Cyprus.

    Tatum states that the Pegasus unit has through the years spied on political leaders and financiers around the world. There is (was) a huge database on everyone. If, during our active time, a member of Pegasus was intimidated or placed before a Senate committee or something like that, they could simply pull out this file and intimidate that politician into backing off. And that “was” done.

    According to Tatum in 1981, who was assigned to the Operational Sub-group (OSG-3) (aka “alignment group” (translated: assassination team), of Operations Sub-Group (OSG), a division under the national Security Council (NSC). Authorized by President Reagan per National Security Decision Directive Number 3 (NSDD-30).

    Tatum stated he would be tasked by Bush Sr. from 1989 -1993 to “neutralizated” the following people; Honduras’s death squads leader, General Gustavo Alverez was killed in 1989, the President of a third world country in 1989, and Enrique Bermudez, the Contra leader and overseer of the cocaine kitchens, was killed in 1991. Amiram Nir represented Israeli interests until his assassination by an “Archer” team led by Tatum – at the request of high level Israeli individuals – in 1988. Mossad viewed Amiram Nir as a renegade agent, and they wanted him “taken out” as well.

    Other mysterious deaths that may be related to his US death squad:
    William J. Casey was CIA Director during the Reagan/Bush Administration. He died 2 days before he was to testify in May 1986 about his and others’ involvement in the Iran/Contra scandal.
    Cyrus Hashemi was an Iranian banker who worked with John Shaheen, a Republican businessman and best friend of William J. Casey, head of the Reagan/Bush campaign. According to Hashemi’s brother, Jamshid Hashemi, he arranged a meeting between William Casey and a radical Iranian mullah in July of 1980 that eventually derailed Carter’s hostage negotiations and delayed the release of the 52 American hostages until January of 1981. Hashemi died suddenly in July of 1986 of what was later diagnosed as leukemia.
    Olof Palme was the prime minister of Sweden, assassinated in 1986. He was shot twice in the stomach in a street ambush in central Stockholm. His wife was also wounded. Oliver North had met with Mr. Palme to discuss the possibility of obtaining false end-user certificates for the plethora of weapons that were being purchased, so that they would seem to have come from a country other than the U.S. Mr. Palme refused to participate, after the plan was presented to him. He was dead within weeks.

    Jose Isaias Vilorio, an intelligence officer and Honduran former death squad member, was shot dead on 1 January 1988. Isaias was to testify before Inter-American Court on Human Rights (New York Times, 20 January 1988).

    Human rights leader and legislator Miguel Pavon was killed on 14 January 1988 after testifying before Inter-American Court. Also killed was Moises Landaverde, a teacher who was riding in Pavon’s car at the time of attack. (Intelligence Parapolitics, 3/1988, p. 12)

  8. the phoenix Said:


    Peres Blackmailed the US, over Bechtel’s oil pipeline and Nerve gas factor in Iraq
    by Dick McManus (Yahoo)
    Covers some of Chamish’s article but adds a lot more: Worth a read!

    By 1985 Syria had closed down Iraq’s pipeline to the Mediterranean and Iran was blockading the Persian Gulf. Iraq wanted to build an alternative pipeline to Aqaba, Jordan’s Red Sea port, and the American corporation Bechtel agreed to construct this multi-billion dollar project, but only if it received assurances that Israel would never blow it up, not even in wartime. American Attorney-General Edwin Meeese approached Peres who agreed in return for $70 million a year to be transferred to the Israeli Labor Party. When word of the bribe leaked, Meese was forced out of office, but, as usual, scandal escaped Peres.” (Barry Chamish, The Fall Of Israel, Canongate, Edinburgh, 1992)

    McFarlane was also the major White House backer of the Iraqi pipeline deal. To be built by the Bechtel company it would feed 300,000 barrels of oil each day from Iraqi oilfields to a terminal at the Jordanian port of Aquaba. As part of the arrangement, then Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres’s Labor party would receive up to $1 billion over a ten year period in return for a pledge not to bomb the pipeline in the event of a war.

    Originally, it may have been intended to have this money come from the Pentagon’s budget. When John Poindexter took over from McFarlane as National Security Adviser in December l985 he killed a plan his predecessor had come up with to have secret payments made to Israel out of a heavily disguised National Security Counsel-controlled appropriation in the Pentagon’s budget. (Washington Post, March 5th, l988) “The idea was for it to come out of the defence budget on an installment basis,” one source was quoted as saying. “It was, to be a payment to the Israelis to be good.” (Washington Post, February 25th, l988) .

    “Bechtel and the State Department were having trouble getting the right degree of support from the Israeli Labor Party that the pipeline would be off limits to attack. Bechtel and Reagan administration officials were trying to get complete assurance from the Labor Party that the pipeline would absolutely not be attacked.” (, 9/4/03)

    So here’s what the Peres government did with Pollard’s intelligence: they put the squeeze on Bechtel and that meant on Caspar Weinberger. The threat was simple enough: if you guys at Bechtel don”t find a way to funnel me a lot of money, $700 million will do, we’ll expose the Iraqi gas plants and sabotage your pipeline deal.

    When a very peeved Weinberger discovered that it was Pollard who was passing Peres his blackmail weapons, he showed no mercy. He intervened with Pollard’s judge and made sure he got life for a five year crime knowing the Israeli government could put no stop to him or risk its own massive exposure.

    One of his contacts was William Northrup, who was held in a New York lockup for 10 months on suspicion of illegally selling military hardware to Iran. He insists that the Americans came down hard on Pollard because he exposed the Bechtel Corporation’s production of chemical weapons in Iraq.

    Shortly after Pollard’s arrest on November 22, 1985, Kimche, Schwimmer and Nimrodi all quit the Israeli part of Irangate operation. So in January 1986, he replaced the team with his anti-terrorism advisor Amiram Nir.

    Bank records in Switzerland could have become a nightmare for some Israeli government officials, namely Prime Minister Peres, even shedding light on why the Israeli government never allowed Nir (or Schwimmer and Nimrodi) to testify before Congressional investigations.

    Indeed Nir knew a great deal about U.S. and Israeli arms sales to Iran because he was the roundabout via everyone’s activities passed through. He must have known who set up the Swiss accounts, who controlled them, and how much went to the Contras and how much to middlemen like Ghorbanifar and Secord’s pockets? He sat in on crucial meetings in Teheran, Frankfurt, Washington, Tel Aviv and London. He knew of all covert operations and where the money originated from to fund them.

    After leaving office in March l987, Nir said that Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (1983?1984 and 1988?1992) went out of his way to protect his name and reputation, in Israel and in the U.S., while Peres simply “left him (Nir) to the dogs” adding that “the moment you need support from him (Peres),he vanishes.”‘ ( source: an interview with a daily newspaper published in Tel Aviv, Yediot Achronot)

    Amiram Nir (cover name Pat Weber) was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem with George Bush during Iran Contra. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee investigating Irangate. However was killed when his aircraft crashed in Mexico in 1988. According to Dois Gene “Chip” Tatum, (aka US Army Major Gene Duncan), Tatum shot down Nir’s airplane using missiles fired from the helicopter he was flying.

    Tatum stated he was recruited into National Security covert operations called Pegasus as a pilot during the years 1986-1992, which was tasked by US and other governments to do narcotic smuggling, assassinations and etc. More on next post

  9. @ yamit82:

    “The Israeli Officials most tarnished by the scandal were Rafi Eitan and Aviem Sella, but Eitan did not suffer financially. He was subsequently named to a high administrative position with Israel Chemicals, the largest state-owned enterprise in Israel. His surprising appointment was authorized by none other than Ariel Sharon, who had been named Minister of Trade and Industry in 1984.”

    And according to chamish (bye bye gaza pp44 and onward)


  10. Iraq Pipeline

    Barry Chamish, The Fall of Israel, Canongate, Edinburgh, 1992: “By 1985 Syria had closed down Iraq’s pipeline to the Mediterranean and Iran was blockading the Persian Gulf. Iraq wanted to build an alternative pipeline to Aqaba, Jordan’s Red Sea port, and the American corporation Bechtel agreed to construct this multi-billion dollar project, but only if it received assurances that Israel would never blow it up, not even in wartime. American Attorney-General Edwin Meeese approached Peres who agreed in return for $70 million a year to be transferred to the Israeli Labor Party. When word of the bribe leaked, Meese was forced out of office, but, as usual, scandal escaped Peres.”

    Joel Bainerman, Crimes Of A President, Notes And Final Text:
    McFarlane was also the major White House backer of the Iraqi pipeline deal. To be built by the Bechtel Company it would feed 300,000 barrels of oil each day from Iraqi oilfields to a terminal at the Jordanian port of Aquaba. As part of the arrangement, then Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres’s Labor party would receive up to $1 billion over a ten year period in return for a pledge not to bomb the pipeline in the event of a war.

    Originally, it may have been intended to have this money come from the Pentagon’s budget. When John Poindexter took over from McFarlane as National Security Adviser in December l985 he killed a plan his predecessor had come up with to have secret payments made to Israel out of a heavily disguised National Security Counsel-controlled appropriation in the Pentagon’s budget. (Washington Post, March 5th, l988) “The idea was for it to come out of the defense budget on an installment basis,” one source was quoted as saying. “It was, to be a payment to the Israelis to be good.” (Washington Post, February 25th, l988).
    It may be nothing but a mere coincidence, but Israel’s spy in Washington, Jonathan Pollard, was operating throughout McFarlane’s period as National Security Advisor. A month after Pollard was arrested, McFarlane resigned. Yet six months later he is leading a delegation on a secret mission to Teheran. Why didn’t National Security Adviser Poindexter go?

    McFarlane’s ties to Rafi Eitan, then the Prime Minister’s Anti-Terrorism Advisor and who would later be named as the Israeli intelligence agent behind the masterminding of the Pollard affair, also need to be investigated., 9/4/03: “Bechtel and the State Department were having trouble getting the right degree from the Israeli Labor Party that the pipeline would be off limits to attack. Bechtel and Reagan administration officials were trying to get complete assurance from the Labor Party that the pipeline would absolutely not be attacked.”

    ***So here’s what the Peres government did with Pollard’s intelligence: they put the squeeze on Bechtel and that meant on Caspar Weinberger. The threat was simple enough: if you guys at Bechtel don’t find a way to funnel me a lot of money, $700 million will do, we’ll expose the Iraqi gas plants and sabotage your pipeline deal. Hence, the insurance policy excuse was formulated under great duress.

    When a very peeved Weinberger discovered that it was Pollard who was passing Peres his blackmail weapons, he showed no mercy. He intervened with Pollard’s judge and made sure he got life for a five year crime knowing the Israeli government could put no stop to him or risk its own massive exposure.

    Weinberger is home free. In 1992, President Bush pardoned him for all Iran Contra-related crimes. Shimon Peres was just chosen as head of the Israeli Labor Party. And unless this little piece of the whole truth is thoroughly investigated, Jonathan Pollard will sit for good in his cold, cold cell.***

  11. Bechtel and Caspar Weinberger

    Codevilla, MENL 24/7/00: “This memo contained the lie that Pollard caused the deaths of countless US agents. It also reportedly said the Israelis sold part of that information to the Soviet Union. All of these things are not only untrue, they were known by Weinberger not to be true…The policy was building up Iraq, a policy to which Weinberger and much of the rest of the US government sacrificed true American interests in the 1980s. We supplied Saddam Hussein with not only arms but with intelligence and forbearance…The main thing is we permitted, licensed and financed large American corporations to build plants there. The infrastructure that is being bombed in Iraq right now is mostly American-built. Now we get to the deeply embarrassing part. One of the companies involved was Bechtel, with whom Caspar Weinberger and George Schultz, Secretaries of Defense and State, had close personal relations.”

    Federal Government Watch Discussion List, Yahoo, message 631: “”As Jonathan Pollard discovered to his horror, the German nerve gas factories constructed in Libya and Iraq are using the identical formulas used on Jews at Auschwitz… President Bush Sr. was good friends with Saddam’s Deputy Foreign Minister and made personal phone calls to one of his former Yale classmates to obtain American funding for Bechtel’s oil pipeline in Iraq…The Bechtel corporation was even building Saddam Hussein a chemical factory he could use for poison gas production.”, 9/4/03: “Schultz worked at Bechtel, so did Caspar Weinberger. Bechtel was listed by Iraq in its report to the UN weapons inspectors as one of the companies that helped supply Saddam with equipment and knowledge for making chemical weapons. Bechtel in the 1980s was prime contractor on PC1 and 2, two petrochemical plants constructed in Iraq which had dual use capacity. So I guess the bottom line is that the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfield squad are now holding Saddam Hussein accountable for chemical weapons of mass destruction – the same weapons which these same officials ignored in pursuit of the Aqaba pipeline project.

  12. Iran Contra

    Federal Government Watch Discussion List: “The back channel came alive under Vice-President Bush from 1984-91. The channel was used to direct the laundering of American money to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Although Pollard didn’t know it, when he warned the Israelis that a PLO arms shipment was going through Greece in 1984, he inadvertently blew the whistle of the White House’s first transaction of arms to Iran…In the summer of 1984, Pollard noticed a pattern of vessels going back and forth from Greece to Yemen, where the PLO had a major base. Pollard passed the tip to the Israelis. In the summer of 1984, the Israelis tipped off the Greek authorities who seized an entire shipload of arms believed destined for the PLO. Neither Pollard nor the government of Israel was aware that they had smashed George Bush’s first shipment of arms to Iran. Pollard never realized that he had busted the most secret White House operation of modern times. The summer of 1984 Greek shipment was a dagger over George Bush’s head.”

    Loftus, Aarons, The Secret War against the Jews: “Pollard notified the Israelis, who passed word to the Greeks, who raided the arms ship. None of the players knew that this shipment was directly connected to an event two months previous, in which US hostages had been kidnapped in Lebanon. The ship had not been commissioned by Arafat but by US Vice-President Bush and was ultimately destined for the patron of the Lebanese kidnappers: Iran. The shipment marks he true beginning of the infamous Iran Contra scandal.

    Winston Mideast Analysis And Commentary 8/13/99: “Pollard inadvertently exposed the first shipment of arms-for-hostages in what became the Iran Contra scandal. As he was in the Naval Intelligence Anti-Terrorism Unit, he saw this shipment, one year earlier than is generally known, and believing it to be arms for the PLO or Iraq, revealed it to the Israelis. This alone would make it imperative for the Iran/Contra planners to keep him locked up forever.”

    ***Enter Peres. Pollard provided the data that exposed Bush’s arms for hostages operation. Of course, a moral Prime Minister would have demanded that Bush put an end to this arming of Israel’s worst enemies. But Peres is not remotely moral, so he saw the bigger potential of this nascent crime. He wanted in and the crime expanded into what we know as Iran-gate.

    How do we know this? Because when Pollard discovered the arms ship, Israel had no role in paying America’s enemies off with arms for releasing hostages in Lebanon. But by September, Peres had sent a team to Washington consisting of Yaacov Nimrodi, the former Ambassador to Iran, Al Schwimmer, former head of Israel Aircraft Industries, and David Kimche, chairman of the Israeli branch of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

    After that, Israel was right in the middle of the operation. This is basic indisputable logic. Israel joined the operation only after Pollard’s intelligence exposed the existence of it. That means Peres wanted a piece of the pie and must have used Pollard’s data to get his cut of the action. Read More

  13. The Expose of the Iran-Contra Spymaster

    Pollard thought he was helping Israel protect itself and that his material would fall into honest, trusted hands. Sadly for him, it fell into the grimy paws of Shimon Peres and he used it to create a crime empire, broadly called Iran Contra. It is the fear of exposing Peres and his cronies that is the real reason why the Israeli government has made no sincere effort to free Jonathan Jay Pollard.

    It’s a fairly complicated story and I will lead you through it by way of other people’s research. When I comment you will see three stars: *** at the beginning and end of the commentary. For instance:

    *** In 1987, a government commission of inquiry headed by Abba Eban issued its report on the Pollard Affair. It concluded that the man most responsible for the fiasco was Shimon Peres, who became Prime Minister in late May, 1984. He was not only apprised of Pollard’s intelligence, he read it daily. Receiving smaller portions of blame were Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir.

    This long buried report is, naturally, long forgotten because Peres spent a good week denying every word in it and arranging the end of Eban’s political career. But let us not forget, the official investigation conducted by the Israeli government concluded that Peres was the chief culprit.***

    Leading the Coverup

    Amir Oren, Haaretz, 1998: “Shimon Peres was almost as concerned about domestic policies as he was about the American reaction. He was proud of the fact that he, Rabin and Shamir refrained from mutual recriminations and how that prevented the media from turning it into an Israeli Watergate. Peres worked hard to prevent public discussion…”

    Zeev Segal, Ha’aretz 24/10/95: “One body that studied the subject was a committee headed by then MK, Abba Eban. In a report published in May, 1987, the committee…totally rejected the claim of the government of Israel, which stated that the Pollard affair was a ‘rogue’ operation.”

    Washington Report on Middle East, Jan/Feb 2003: “Eban disappeared from political life after 1987 (for) a report criticizing Labor Party leaders Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for using American Joanthan Jay Pollard to spy on the United States. Both rebuked him and the next year his name was left off the candidates for parliament.”

    Seymour Hersch, The Samson Option, Random House, 1991: “The Israeli Officials most tarnished by the scandal were Rafi Eitan and Aviem Sella, but Eitan did not suffer financially. He was subsequently named to a high administrative position with Israel Chemicals, the largest state-owned enterprise in Israel. His surprising appointment was authorized by none other than Ariel Sharon, who had been named Minister of Trade and Industry in 1984.”

    ***And Sharon is not the only high present official involved in the cover-up. Supreme Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein was the legal attaché to the Washington Embassy Pollard was ejected from, and later tried out a cover-up tactic that Washington attorney Leonard Garment found odious. Such details must be presented in a wider-ranging future report. For now let us get to the heart of the matter at hand...Iran Contra.***

  14. Is Jonathan Pollard a Jewish American hero or an embarrassment to Jewish Americans who plays into the hands of antisemites who state that Jewish Americans have divided loyalties and care far more about Israel than their home country? Since the Pollard affair, U.S. intelligence agencies are loathe to hire Jews who profess any Zionist feelings and to recommend top security clearances and even to Sephardic Jews who speak perfect Arabic, even though they need desperately to hire more Arabic translators

    At the time of Pollard’s sentencing, there was a rule that mandated parole at thirty years for prisoners like him if they had maintained a clean record in prison. That parole date would be November 21, 2015.
    (Looks like he will serve out his full sentence) Yamit

    The American ‘treason’ libel against Pollard

    Shakespeare’s Macbeth, in which the witches introduce the drama with the warning that “fair is foul, and foul is fair.”

    United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. That’s the bench sometimes referred to as the mini-Supreme Court, in that it gets a lot of the disputes that directly involve the federal government. It was the court that spurned Pollard’s appeal for a new sentencing hearing and, in effect, doomed him to a life sentence on a plea bargain on a single count.

    The ruling against Pollard was from a three-judge panel. The two judges in the majority were – and still are – widely admired : Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who would eventually be elevated to the Supreme Court, and Laurence Silberman. They reckoned Pollard hadn’t made his case and, the key point, missed his chance to appeal his sentence. He waited too long. Their opinion struck me, given all that was involved, as pettifoggery.

    So it was these stinking( Kikes )Jewish judges who who are responsible ultimately for Pollard’s life sentence. One got her reward with a seat on the high court.
    The real traitors were the two Jewish Judges who turned down his appeal on a technicality.

  15. The Secret War Against the Jews; How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People

    Jonathan Pollard is being kept in prison because of what he knows about the Iran-Contra scandal. The father and grandfather of George Bush, financially supported Adolph Hitler. President Bush was blackmailed by Syria. Since 1944 American and British intelligence have sanctioned illegal wiretaps of Jewish leaders in both countries.

    John Loftus and Mark Aarons maintain that one-third of history is classified information and that in America that classification often has been made not by a representative government but by multinational corporations in league with intelligence services. In “The Secret War Against the Jews,” Loftus – a former lawyer with the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations and an Irish Catholic – and Aarons – an Australian investigative reporter, one of whose grandparents was Jewish – reveal the results of a decade’s worth of interviews with more than 100 “old spies.” Together with secret documents, the authors detail a puzzle of global intrigue that would be difficult to fabricate.

    The last third of the volume, titled “The Age of Stupidity,” contains seven chapters that could stand alone. This section challenges basic assumptions about American institutions and individuals.

    Chapter 15 begins with an expose of a CIA plot to provide President Jimmy Carter with disinformation that Russia was running out of oil and would consequently invade the Middle East. This notion was coupled with reports that Saudi Arabia was running out of oil.

    Presumably, the oil companies and the military were behind the phony intelligence because they wished to convince Carter to arm the Arabs (to defend themselves against the Soviets) and drive up oil prices. Although Carter did not act as predicted, the authors argue that successive presidents continued arming Arab countries until Israel lost its strategic military advantage.

    Carter is depicted as losing control of his country through an intelligence network gone wild. The authors claim Carter had no knowledge that his Camp David Accords were supplemented by intelligence given to Egypt that betrayed Israel.

    A former officer of U.S. Army intelligence is quoted: “We gave Sadat everything. Satellite photos, intercepts, the location of Israel’s nuclear force, everything he needed for a successful first strike.”

    Although Carter is cast as inept, Bush is the most sullied. Loftus and Aarons’ treatment of the Iran-Contra escapades traces an intelligence group Vice President Bush set up within the White House – outside the CIA and British intelligence -and counter terrorism plans involving preemptive kidnappings if not assassinations. Israel was scapegoated in a labyrinth of covert activities and mock actions used in the cover-up of the arms-for-hostages trades.

    Claiming that the American public knows more about former Austrian President Kurt Waldheim’s background than that of George Bush, the authors noted that when young George was in flight school in 1942, the US. Government charged his father with running Nazi front groups in the United States. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized, including those controlled by Prescott Bush as being held for enemy nationals.

    The authors say that Pollard was working for a group of right-wing Israeli politicians, rather than the Mossad (Israel’s external intelligence service), and that he accidentally monitored shipping patterns of arms deliveries that were part of the Iran-Contra scheme as early as 1984. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger’s involvement with the allegedly anti-Jewish Bechtel Corporation is also linked to Pollard’s harsh sentence. Conflict of interest charges against a host of Republican notables are meticulously traced.

    Loftus told the “Washington Jewish Week” that Knesset member Ariel Sharon and convert operative Rafael Eitan, through an alternative Israeli intelligence service called LAKAM, hired Pollard. Pollard also discovered plans for a dual-use chemical plant, to be built by Bechtel in Iraq, that could manufacture poison gas.

    That information would be embarrassing to Weinberger due to his involvement with Bechtel. [*See J4JP Comment below.] Pollard has no access to 90 percent of what he was accused of passing on to Israel, which Aldrich Ames – a Soviet spy in the CIA – actually did, said Loftus.

    “You can’t buy the American government, but you can rent a corner of the intelligence agency,” Loftus said.

  16. Perfidy – Pollard & The Secret War Against The Jews

    THE SECRET WAR AGAINST THE JEWS: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People (St. Martins Press, 1994).

    Pollard had included among the papers several book reviews of this monumental book (658 pages) which exposes many of the dark secrets of the CIA, British Intelligence (M16), and our own State Department. Here are just a few samples of the startling revelations:

    1. In order to entice Sadat to sign a treaty with Israel at Camp David, the CIA provided Egypt with satellite photos, intercepts, the location of Israel’s nuclear force, and virtually every Israeli military secret. Carter had no knowledge that his Camp David Accords were supplemented by intelligence given to Egypt that betrayed Israel.

    2. To evade the laws requiring proper authorization for wire taps, the CIA and M16 would bug each others targets and regularly exchange information. A favorite target of the CIA were politically active American supporters of Israel. Files were even kept on every Jewish child attending summer camp in Israel.

    3. In order to spy on Arab terrorists, M16 infiltrated many organization and even took a leading role in planning and training terrorists for attacks on Israel. Although they had advance notice of a planned attack on a Pan Am or El Al plane in Rome in 1973, they “forgot” to mention it to the Mossad, with whom they were supposed to share intelligence.

    4. The CIA set up a special “Jew room” in 1945-6 devoted to spying on Israel and Jewish Americans. No Jew was allowed to work there. The US Navy banned Jews from serving in their surveillance ships.

    5. In 1967 Israel notified America of its planned attack. The Americans promptly tried to warn the Egypt and Syria. As the battles progressed the Americans did everything possible to spy on Israel and provide that information to Israel’s enemies. The USS Liberty, a CIA surveillance ship, sailed close to the southern Israeli shore and close to northern Sinai, and began monitoring the battles there. The gathered information was sent to a British listening post in Cyprus, complete with precise electronic maps of the holes in Israeli lines. It was then relayed to the Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian military. Fortunately the short duration of the war prevented the Arabs from utilizing the intelligence. The fact of American perfidy remains.

    Pollard’s misfortune was to land right in the middle of this dark and dirty game of betraying Israel. As a naval intelligence officer, he began to notice a large flow of extremely important intelligence from the Middle East which was not being shared with Israel as agreed to in numerous American-Israeli agreements. During his trial Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger told the Judges that Pollard’s spying had greatly damaged American security. Aldrige Ames had yet to be uncovered but had already left a trail of dead US agents in Europe. Weinberger knew that Pollard could not have been responsible for compromising American agents, but took advantage of this information to successfully get Pollard a life sentence despite an earlier plea bargain. Later when Pollard was up for parole last year, the CIA leaked the story that Pollard was continuing to be a danger to American security. President Bill Clinton ignored a massive amount of high level appeals to commute Pollard’s sentence, despite the fact that he had promised during the election campaign to be lenient.

    Why is it so important to certain government agencies like State and the CIA to keep Pollard locked up? The answer is clearly a desire to protect those agencies from too much scrutiny concerning their anti-Israel bias and actions.

  17. Some years ago a former Assistant U.S. Attorney who practiced in the District Court for the District of Columbia described an incident that occurred in the courtroom of Aubrey Robinson, later the sentencing judge in the Pollard case. This incident persuaded this former AUSA that Robinson was an anti-semite. This incident predated the Pollard case, and had nothing to do with it. Later, when the late former Justice Arthur Goldberg met with Robinson to learn more about the very harsh sentence, he learned that Robinson sentenced Pollard so harshly because of alleged ties between Israel and South Africa, and the ties somehow involved Pollard. He was personally offended as a black man over this connection, so he sentenced Pollard to the harshest sentence he could.

    There has always been some antipathy toward Israel and Jews in various parts of the Department of Justice and intelligence agencies, as well as parts of the Department of Defense.

    Some of this came out in the Ciralsky case also in the D.C. Circuit. I believe that the Jewish judges, moreover, lean over backwards to be tougher on Jews. That is why Ruth Ginsburg and Larry Silberman ignored the greater injustice of what was done to Pollard, while the non-Jew on the appellate panel, Stephen Williams, at least addressed it. Jews get ahead in politics and the law (and they intersect in the Justice Department and the courts) if they make sure to not be too Jewish, make it clear you’re objective…keep a distance. That’s how you make it in D.C.