DEBKAfile Special Report June 23, 2014, 10:44 PM (IDT)
The Jordanian air force hit ISIS contingents, Monday night, June 23, as they drove into into the kingdom through the Turaibil border crossing which they seized Saturday, DEBKAfile’s military sources report. The jets destroyed 4 Islamist State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS) armored personnel carriers, which were already on the move. Also Monday, ISIS completed its capture of the strategic Tal Afar and its environs in northern Iraq, capping its conquest in the last two weeks of Nineveh Province and Mosul, all but one town (Ramadi) of the western Anbar Province, and Iraq’s key border posts in the north, west and southwest.
Jordan called up military reserves Sunday, after discovering that its capital Amman was to be the Islamist organization’s next prey.
Instead of making straight for Baghdad, ISIS turned west and south for what it saw as softer targets, deploying two forces for shooting into Jordan – one from Syria, for which they also captured Al Walid, through which to head into the kingdom from the north; and one pointing from Turaibil (which the Jordanians call Karame) and aiming for the eastern Jordanian towns of Zarqa, Irbid and Amman.
By seizing Turaibil, the Islamists were able to cut off the main Iraqi-Jordanian artery for trade and travel between the two countries. They may have been stopped for now by the Jordanian air strike, espcially if there is a follow-up.
Their capture of the key town of Rutba Saturday is seen by Western military sources tracking the Iraqi conflict as marking out the Islamists’ next target. That force split in two – one heading southwest toward the Saudi Arabia border and the other heading west to Jordan.
Sunday, June 22, the Islamists put on the world web a new site called “ISIS in Saudi Arabia.”
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that the US and Israel have laid on a battery of advanced intelligence-gathering measures in the last few hours, including military satellites, drones and reconnaissance planes for keeping track of the Islamist fighters’ rapid advance.
A 500-km broad expanse of desert separates the Iraqi border from Amman which would be no picnic for the ISIS to navigate without discovery. However, they were counting on al Qaeda cells planted in most Jordanian towns to help them make their way across.
It is important to remember that the US and Israel are both bound by military pacts to defend the throne of the Hashemite King Abdullah II.
As for Iraq’s southwestern neighbor, Saudi Arabia, our sources report that the main topic of conversation between King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi Saturday, June 21 at Cairo airport, was the Iraq crisis and the threat the Islamist extremists threat present to the two kingdoms.
The Saudi king made it his business to stop over briefly at Cairo airport on the way to his summer palace in Morocco, and invite the Egyptian president aboard his plane for that conversation. He wanted to hear El-Sisi promise to reward the oil kingdom and Gulf emirates for the generous financial aid they bestowed on him with a pledge of Egyptian military commando units to the rescue in the event of an al Qaeda invasion.
Interestingly, the Saudi monarch’s companion on the royal flight – he also took part in the conversation with El-Sisi – was Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who five months ago was relieved of his posts as Director of General Intelligence and senior strategist of the Saudi campaigns in Syria and Iraq, the first of which failed in its goal to unseat Bashar Assad.
It looked very much as though the king had a change of heart and decided to restore Bandar to his inner circle of advisers under the looming threat of ISIS and its lightening advances in Iraq.
That threat also drove US Secretary of State John Kerry to pay an unannounced visit to Baghdad Monday, June 23, after discussing the Iraqi crisis in Cairo with the Egyptian president.
His arrival was accompanied by further rapid ISIS territorial gains in Iraq and actions to consolidate its grip. After talking to Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, Kerry said at the US embassy that US support will be “intense, sustained, and effective” – provided Iraq’s leaders came together to form a government representing the rival sects.
DEBKAfile adds: Kerry canvassed Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders for a consensual candidate to lead a government representing all of Iraq’s sects and communities. He had in mind a Shiite prime minister able to gain the endorsement of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani.
Secretary Kerry planned to visit Irbil Tuesday for talks on this and on Kurdish military aid against the ISIS offensive with the heads of the autonomous Kurdish region. However the Kurds wanted first to hear what they will get from Baghdad for sending their pershmerga militia to fight the Islamists in northern Iraq. Since Maliki is the object of Kerry’s maneuvers to replace him, he is not ready to offer the Kurds any concessions at this point. So Kerry’s Iraq mission has so far struck a high wall.
dweller Said:
Actually I was not referring to this performance but to the recording he originally made many years before. I dont think this performance compares to the recording, and I agree in this his voice has suffered plus the “occasion” has diminished the song and his prior recordings. However, this is one performance, many years later.
@ bernard ross:
The lyrics ARE quite modern — but I was referring specifically to the MUSIC (also by Drake), the “flavor” of it; it evoked memories of some lute pieces of the era, some (reputedly) composed by Henry VIII himself.
Not this item, however. It’s quite frilly.
But I didn’t object to the (over-)orchestration (actually, in this performance, the orchestration is the only redeeming element) so much as to his ‘singing.’
Ironically, I’ve always regarded Sinatra as a better actor than Olivier — who, as an actor, worked from the outside-in, and thus generally seemed too stagy for my taste.
A problem with this particular performance, however, is that — in addition to the poor vocalizing I’ve alluded to, Sinatra seemed to have (unusually for him) the same play-acting staginess that typically turned me off in Olivier.
Go figure.
@ yamit82:
Not when I choose — but occasionally, perhaps.
I discovered just the other day that there are a few places on campus w/ available terminals that don’t have the same time requirements as the library — and where I can be alone (at least when school isn’t in session).
And where I can thus use sound without disturbing anybody.
However, the computers are old & slow, most applications & programs obsolete. (Some of the “mice” appear not to even have “right-click” capability!
There are other complications as well, so I can’t rely on using them.
Anyway, that’s why I was able to listen to that Sinatra squib the other day. Wanted to be sure if it really WAS as God-awful as I had remembered it; sadly, my memory was right on target.
@ yamit82:
What was there not to comprehend? I saw where you were going and simply refused to let you get away with going there. You’re just upset that I don’t let you use language to control the tone or direction of discourse.
“First time”? — what are you talking about? I’ve made the observation on myriad occasions.
I’m neither irritated nor angry, Yamit. You assume that since YOU have to be rip-roaring mad to call somebody out, that this must necessarily be the ONLY way that can happen; but you are much mistaken, it is not so. I never yield to irritation, and I don’t cultivate anger.
Really? — How high is “high”? — How twangy is “twangy”?
Look, I give up a pint of blood every 8 weeks or so (been doing it for years). The last time I gave was just last Sunday.
BP was “99/61.” Is that your idea of “high”?
Resting pulse was “52.” (And this, within minutes of a 10-mile bicycle ride to get there.) Is THAT what you mean by “twangy”?
If I were irritated (I’m not, but IF I were), he’d say: whatever else you do, you have to learn to stay calm under fire; the stress of irritability does you no good; what’s more, it gives your adversaries power over you that they should not have.
That’s what he’d say.
If the brother had it coming? — “Yashar koach,” for sure.
But don’t take MY word for it. If you really don’t know what he’d say, whyncha ASK him yourself? — get it straight from the horse’s mouth.
(Don’t be scared; I won’t tell that you asked him, if you don’t.)
@ yamit82:
Well, that part is obvious, from “Yam” — which is just “sea.”
So, since “Yamit” doesn’t have a different secondary meaning, then I was right in concluding that “Yamit” (as you said) “isn’t [your] real name but a phony alias…”
But don’t you feel kinda dopy & droopy to be going to all that trouble to establish what we already knew?
Yeah, you could have — if you hadn’t, INSTEAD, been looking, at the time, for something to fight over.
I’d made a simple observation regarding the Fox News analysts’ intentions, IRRESPECTIVE of their wisdom or folly; but you just couldn’t leave it at that.
What you really need to ask yourself is WHY you were looking to pick a fight in the first place. . . .
That’s an evasion, not an answer. Still awaiting your answer: What had I said at that point that was ‘inacccurate’?
@ honeybee:
Horse pucky, Twinkie.
And you & I both know it.
The only difference between us in that regard
is that I can afford to call what you said horse pucky.
— while you have a balancing act to maintain.
So you have to offer these paper thin, thoroughly unwarranted defenses on behalf of a DEMONSTRABLY rude, irritable, pompous putz.
@ honeybee:
If he could SING, at that point, it would have provided pathos.
But he couldn’t.
So it didn’t.
Again, if you don’t have the wherewithal to deliver the goods
— then it doesn’t matter how good the goods ARE.
Because they won’t get delivered. That’s the inescapable reality.
@ yamit82:
Oh, please. He’d passed his prime (as a vocalist) in 1950! — when he hemorrhaged his larynx onstage at the Copa (probably from smoking & boozing). His voice never did recover its characteristic sweetness again after that; word has it he attempted to off himself. (Listen to the pre-Capitol stuff — viz., anything of his that was recorded pre-1950 — to see what I mean about the loss of his vocal timbre.) The voice was hard-edged from that point onward, and he subsequently relied almost entirely on phrasing.
That is to say, he became more of an ACTOR (eventually a very good one, I’d say) from that point onward, and a lot less of a singer; more suitable to swing-era material, I suppose, but the voice was truly an incalculable loss.
But the problem with his work on “It was a very good year” was less about being past his prime than his attitude. It’s not merely that he was cheating vocally on notes (which he was), and croaking (which he was) more than singing: But even his gestures were stagey — they were downright hokey. Moreover, you can hear ALSO his contempt for his audience. (“Yascha Bundchik, or one-a-those cats.”) He’d become a caricature of himself, and was openly sneering over it.
BS, squared.
To an artist, the performance is EVERYTHING that matters. To an artist, the performance ALWAYS matters; it’s the ONLY thing that matters.
A popular conceptual cop-out, but it’s purely conceptual and ignores the musical reality. Excuses aside, the simple reality is that the piece CANNOT be meaningful if you don’t have the wherewithal — physical OR emotional OR artistic — to deliver the goods. He didn’t; he just didn’t. And that’s the stone cold truth.
But Sinatra always gets a pass that would NEVER be extended to other fading performers who treated their audiences the way he did. I’m not talking about the adoring audiences themselves; THEY’d have swallowed his shiny toupée whole just for a chance to look at their idol up close. I’m talking about those evaluating a performer in retrospect. Look at Elvis’ later performances. Are you okay with THEM too?
So what? — a public blogsite isn’t the same thing as a private email exchange; it’s not a pen-pals operation. If it were, then your OWN constantly intruding with your own remarks on my exchanges with other people (including, inter alia, HB) would be equally out-of-place. Get over yourself.
My “critical injection” only serves to show that (unlike yourself, it seems) I understand what a blogsite is about. Your reaction to my “critical injection,” OTOH, serves to show that you think that Israpundit is your personal fiefdom. It isn’t.
Another thing that your reaction to my “critical injection” shows is that after DOZENS of uses of the adjective, “pathetic,” you haven’t YET grasped the meaning of the word it COMES from : pathos.
@ yamit82:
‘Queers,’ eh? — and how do you know this?
—Did one or the other of them giggle when you tried to kiss him, bubbeleh?
I venture to suggest, Yamit, that with all your talk of queers, YOU may be becoming queer yourself in your old age. I understand that this can ultimately happen to men who’ve never learned to put restraints on their sexual appetites; it seems the repeated sex contact w/ women CAN, with time, lead to an eventual exchange of identities.
— That’s apparently what happened to Ernest Hemingway (and whose bewilderment over it led to his suicide).
They were scarcely 20 yrs-of-age when they released those recordings (on a lark, while university students) — over half-a-century ago.
They both went on to other things.
They were nothing of the sort — as you would know if you knew anything at all about them.
As for YoursTruly, dunno where you get the idea that I was an “artistic failure.” But then, it’s quite clear that while you may have heard the expression before, you have no CLUE as to what it means.
You’re fine, as long as you remain within your depth, boychik. Move to the deep end of the pool, however, and you should always make sure you’ve got a life jacket on before you jump in. . . .
There’s quite a lot more than harmony in that recording if you’re listening. Al Dana had a magnificent voice. Garrett Brown was one helluvan acoustic musician.
I heartily disagree, as do the overwhelming majority of people who listened to the recording (or who got to see them in concert). Several cuts from the album got loads of play — on demand — on commercial radio all over the New England area (esp Greater Boston & vicinity) throughout the early 60’s.
And if you really can’t see the extraordinary facility they had with the lyrics, then all I can say (to repeat the old adage) is that there’s simply no accounting for taste.
yamit82 Said:
as you well know, I agree with this assertion. In looking back over the last couple years at the start of the syria spring and benghazi it now all seems obvious.
yamit82 Said:
I beleive the GCC is at least an equal partner and key player having played this same role for at least 50 years over many administrations.
yamit82 Said:
I agree with much in this article but I believe it is more than a western plan. I believe the “plan” followed the agenda of those who commissioned the “plan”
yamit82 Said:
Over a year ago, in relation to his articles on benghazi and the US/GCC/JOrdan training/turkey….Klein mentioned that the CIA had aided the Saudis to make a massive arms purchase from Croatia. This sound like it may have been that deal and it goes back possibly a couple of years.
yamit82 Said:
Klein wrote of this a couple of years ago: jordanian training, especially anti tank.
yamit82 Said:
Of course I have been saying this. I believe that the US had activated prior sunni baathist military and Jihadis from both their working with the sunni tribes a few years back plus they had to have many baathist contacts from prior years. I believe the US orchestrated the retreat of the Iraqi army by activating its sunni and shia contacts. I also believe the kurd taking of Kirkuk was coordinated.
yamit82 Said:
I have found the western alliance of US/Nato/EU/ GCC/Turkey/Jordan/Egypt to be the best model for explaining most of the events of the past couple of years. I have also found that the apparent conflicts with this viewpoint are quite reasonably explained with disinformation, smoke and mirrors, etc. All of the following I believe are disinformation meant to distance western alliance members from the Jihadis(etc): Saudi/qatar “spat”; US/ egypt “spat”/US “aid” to bagdhad/ lots of blah blah blah that obfuscates the simple original plan that was put off track by the benghazi disclosure(probably created by russian Iranian interests).
there is one speculation I consider that has no evidence except the behaviors of the principals are suspect: there is the possibility that the russian iranian and western interests have already come to agreements in principle regarding redrawing “spheres of influence” and that we are just witnessing a drama for the street and the cannon fodder. Lets face it: after the smoke clears too many uncontrolled jihadis are a liability; killing each other in syria and iraq would be an intelligent outcome for all the major national players(including the euros who pretend to worry about returning jihadis when they are probably helping to ship them out to be killed abroad). In the same way I believed that the Israel pal talks were a show it is also possible that the current “events” are an agreed and orchestrated show. I am not buying that one yet but I would not completely discount it.
As for the shia Iraq gov I believe the US is not interested in maintaining it within the western sphere if they get the rest of Iraq.
the destruction of nations and the resulting fragments are more amenable to a larger central authority. similar to the EU and its member nations. the one world concepts do better in extending hegemony and power when nations are destroyed and smaller entities result. the power of the global authorities are strengthened under such circumstances. Fragmented states also suit a polar world whereby the oppositions extend their hegemony over fragments. All sides benefit by extending their hegemony.
ideologies, religions, etc provide the “useful idiots” and cannon fodder”; they provide the vehicles and tools but are irrelevant to the goals.,
fruther to my last post here is the Irvin drake interview re frank sinatra
dweller Said:
I am interested in the original version with “a tudor/elizabethan quality”. I find this odd as the lyrics are quite modern and evoke no elizabethan quality at all. (city girls upstairs, limousines etc.) I found the version you posted to be too generic and folksy whereas the song portrayed an experienced elder man, solo, reminiscing in nostalgia whereas the duo sounded like 2 fok singers without any identification to the experiences described by the protagonist in the song.. The duo could have been singing any generic folk or elizabethan song,it had no depth.
Be that as it may I would have to disagree strongly with you, although everyone is entitled to an opinion.
I found sinatras ballad style to be unique. His renditions were without fanfare and elaborate frills, unlike blues ballads. I liked blues and similar but I became enormously respectful of sinatras simplicity and his ability to personalize, empathize and give a reality to a song. he was an earlier generation than I but when he released “september of my years Album” I believe I was in my early 20’s, I was quite struck with the simplicity of his voice and rendition. At 20 he allowed me to identify and empathize with the words of and experiences of an elder man. I never went for his bouncy pop music of the 50’s and later but his ballads were incredible and forced me to listen in detail. Because his renditions were so simple I had to investigate how he got my empathy without all the frills.
You might be interested in this chat from the author who likened sinatra to a lawrence olivier with a voice. (Sorry but there is noise in the background from people at an event.)
@ honeybee:
@ yamit82:
@ dweller:
“Here is what the crazy Neo-cons on Fox are advocating: BOMB BOMB BOMB Iraq and Syria!”
See if this makes sense?
“FOX NEWS and it’s ANALYSTS”want to keep the existing Iraqi govt afloat, whatever that may appearto require.
Don’t think so dweller.
Keep digging your hole as each time you try to cover up your
Textual tracks your hole like the wooden (dummy) boys nose only gets bigger.
dweller Said:
“Yamit” means sea shore or by the sea in Hebrew. That is the primary and secondary meaning of the term. “FOOL” “FOOL”
I could have just said you quoted stock FNC analysts shallow talking points presented by idiots for other idiots to Parrot. Bomb Bomb Bomb all those bad guys especially the one in Syria; yup they haven’t given up Syria.
dweller Said:
That’s what I said, dummy. Who do you think the “they” was that I was alluding to? (Do you ever bother to read BEFORE you write?)
What’s accurate is a much shorter list to complete like ZIP!!dweller Said:
Wasn’t really looking for you to comprehend that one. You are such a stupid literalist.
I certainly hope so!!!! First time you seem to be comprehending what is obviously true.
You should learn to control your irritation (anger) better dweller not good for your high blood pressure and twangy ticker. What would yeshu say of one of his disciples getting irritated and calling his brothers foul names????
dweller Said:
Pot calling the kettle black, Sweetie. xxoo
@ yamit82:
Really? — what a surprise.
Or “Yamit.”
(Unless, of course, “Yamit” has a secondary meaning of something on the lines of a thoroughly humorless, self-important boor.)
That’s what I said, dummy. Who do you think the “they” was that I was alluding to? (Do you ever bother to read BEFORE you write?)
What’s ‘inaccurate’ about what I said above?
What is truly irrelevant is the “considerable effort” you say you went to, to say something not affecting my remark about Fox’s intentions.
You are NOT excused. You are a rude, irritable, pompous putz.
yamit82 Said:
nihilist !!!!!!!!
yamit82 Said:
Boy is TX angry. He don’t habla French none !!!!! Them tetes are his ‘on.
@ dweller:
But Sinatra gives the song the pathos of an old man remembrances.
yamit82 Said:
Dick & Liz Chaney ?????????????
@ dweller:
For you dweller, since you apparently are able when you choose to hear sound on the computers you are now using:
dweller Said:
Piece of shit sung by two queers, who nobody but you ever heard of and like you were artistic falures who tried to showcase harmony but lost any sense of the Lyrics and their context.
It was a song made for Sinatra especially when he was not in his prime but nearing the end. It wasn’t his performance that mattered, the song only became more meaningful because he was past his prime. That said I posted it as part of my tête à tête with HB. Your critical injection only serves to show how pathetic a moron you really are.
dweller Said:
Meaning it isn’t his real name but a phony alias like: “dweller” Duh!!!
Sounds like mains stream Fox News analysts comments. You are really pathetic since I went to considerable effort in posting a lot, (above), giving background and context rendering your comment inaccurate and totally irrelevant.
Excuse me, but you are not only an idiot but an idiot who is either excessively naive (to a fault) but also a dogmatic ignoramus. Beyond the spoon fed simplistic, you apparently are incapable of comprehending more.
@ yamit82:
So, a “bag daddy” isn’t a supervisor of numbers runners?
@ yamit82:
They want to keep the existing Iraqi govt afloat, whatever that may appearto require. At this point, virtually anything ANYBODY does — or proposes — is going to have an absurd side to it.
@ honeybee:
It was a lot better song before HE got hold of it.
He phoned it in; terrible performance.
It wasn’t just his voice though — which was bad enough — shot to hell, after the abuse to which he’d been subjecting it for years.
— But it was also his presence and his attitude. He was play-acting, and contemptuously collecting top dollar at the gate — for a truly embarrassing piece of work.
Here’s another take on the song. Cut #7.
It was recorded a few yrs earlier than Francis Albert’s version, and as sung here, it retains its original Tudor/Elizabethan quality
— as does another track (even more so) on the same album, “The Ace of Sorrow” [cut #2].
honeybee Said:
Gladly but neither are real conservatives or even neo-cons.
yamit82 Said:
Drop O’Reilly and McCain on Isis !!!!!!!!!
NormanF Said:
Too late, 9/11
@ yamit82:
Love that song, love Sinatra too, blue eyes don’t you know.
honeybee Said:
I was never 14, skipped it completely. I remember 17 though, It was a very good year.
@ NormanF:
Note: The following map was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters.
It was published in the Armed Forces Journal in June 2006, Peters is a retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy. (Map Copyright Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters 2006).
Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO’s Defense College for senior military officers. This map, as well as other similar maps, has most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles.
This map of the “New Middle East” seems to be based on several other maps, including older maps of potential boundaries in the Middle East extending back to the era of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and World War I. This map is showcased and presented as the brainchild of retired Lieutenant-Colonel (U.S. Army) Ralph Peters, who believes the redesigned borders contained in the map will fundamentally solve the problems of the contemporary Middle East.
The map of the “New Middle East” was a key element in the retired Lieutenant-Colonel’s book, Never Quit the Fight, which was released to the public on July 10, 2006. This map of a redrawn Middle East was also published, under the title of Blood Borders: How a better Middle East would look, in the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal with commentary from Ralph Peters.
It should be noted that Lieutenant-Colonel Peters was last posted to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, within the U.S. Defence Department, and has been one of the Pentagon’s foremost authors with numerous essays on strategy for military journals and U.S. foreign policy.
It has been written that Ralph Peters’ “four previous books on strategy have been highly influential in government and military circles,” but one can be pardoned for asking if in fact quite the opposite could be taking place. Could it be Lieutenant-Colonel Peters is revealing and putting forward what Washington D.C. and its strategic planners have anticipated for the Middle East?
The concept of a redrawn Middle East has been presented as a “humanitarian” and “righteous” arrangement that would benefit the people(s) of the Middle East and its peripheral regions. According to Ralph Peter’s:
The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham: An instrument of the Western Military Alliance
Read More
yamit82 Said:
Not since you were 14 !!!!!!!
@ yamit82:
What agenda? The Americans are reacting to events in the Middle East and as we both know, American policy towards Israel amounts to feeding the Arab crocodile with Jewish victims first so it won’t come for New York.
Tell me I am wrong.
honeybee Said:
I could see that.
I’m cool.
@ NormanF:
According to some reports I read Israel is up to her neck in unison with the Anglo British agenda for the ME albeit based on what we perceive are our interests. True or false??
Don’t know yet.
yamit82 Said:
Oh, I though you would notice. Camille is a chanteuse, you’re hot, take a shower, Boy !!!!
@ honeybee:
Camille IS HOT!!!!!
@ yamit82:
My friend, the Arabs created and funded the Islamic terrorist monster for decades. Now its consuming them alive. Israel should not lift a finger for Jordan. If the King is incapable of preserving his throne, Israel should not shed blood for its enemies.
The Jews can take a lesson from the Kurds. Israel should stay out of the fight between the Arabs. Its none of Jerusalem’s business and if they want to be ruled by people who chop off heads and amputate limbs for a living, that’s their affair.
Israel’s only concern should be with protecting its people and its country.
@ yamit82:
Once again I have been placed in the position of edumacating you, an uncomfortable position indeed:
Republican Senator Rand Paul Accuses US of Arming Isis Terrorists
Rand Paul said the US government has been supporting Isis in Syria and funding its allies.
ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region
When a fire is raging, firefighters are called – not the arsonist who started it, especially if they return to the scene of the crime dragging a barrel of gasoline behind them. Yet, this is precisely what the US proposes – that they – the geopolitical arsonists – be allowed to return to Iraq to extinguish the threat of heavily armed sectarian militants streaming from NATO territory in Turkey and edging ever closer to Baghdad.
US and Europe in ‘major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb’
3,000 tons of weapons dating back to the former Yugoslavia have been sent in 75 planeloads from Zagreb airport to the rebels, largely via Jordan
The United States has coordinated a massive airlift of arms to Syrian rebels from Croatia with the help of Britain and other European states, despite the continuing European Union arms embargo, it was claimed yesterday.
yamit82 Said:
My reply Darlin, Dichas of Deborah, ” the humble men are the sweetest to love [and they train well]”, but they are extremely scarce:
honeybee Said:
If I were not so humble I would say to the first part… I am, and …I do, to the second part. But, I am modest and humble.
West training Syrian rebels in Jordan
Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved in US-led effort to strengthen secular elements in Syria’s opposition, say sources
Jordanian security sources say the training effort is led by the US, but involves British and French instructors.
Reductio ad absurdum
yamit82 Said:
Well Sir, you are the wisest man I know. And you have alluring blue eyes.
honeybee Said:
Who do you suppose is going to be your wise man?
Are you volunteering???
SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:
Americans are training Syria rebels in Jordan: Spiegel
Here is what the crazy Neo-cons on Fox are advocating: BOMB BOMB BOMB Iraq and Syria!!!
In Iraq strikes would be against ISIS, at least officially, whereas in Syria they would be against Assad (ie helping ISIS).
Credo quia absurdum (“I believe because it is absurd.”)
Syria accuses Jordan of hosting rebel training camps
BEIRUT — A Syrian government newspaper accused Jordan of hosting training camps for opposition fighters and warned its neighbor that it was risking getting entangled in Syria’s 2-year-old conflict.
The rebuke printed in an editorial on the front page of state-run al Thawra newspaper follows recent U.S. and British media reports that describe Jordan as providing a place for rebels to be trained with American support. Jordan has denied the existence of such training camps.
One aim of the alleged training is to create a buffer on Jordan’s border that could host fighters and help handle the flow of refugees. More than 1.2 million Syrians have fled their homeland since the start of the uprising against President Bashar Assad. More than 400,000 Syrian refugees are in Jordan.
Al Thawra said Jordan was playing a game of “double ambiguity” that was bringing it close to a state of “drowning in chaos that not even need a match to burn in all directions.”
It added Jordan was on the edge of a “volcanic crater.”
The conflict in Syria has aggravated tensions in the Middle East, pitting Sunni Muslim-led states against those with ties to Shiite Muslim-dominated Iran, which is Assad’s main backer.
Last month saw the Arab League seat the Syrian opposition in Assad’s place at the organization’s meeting in Doha.
Syria’s neighbors, including Jordan, worry that the Syrian conflict pitting largely Sunni Arab rebels against Assad’s Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, could lead to a larger regional war.
yamit82 Said:
The dichas of Deborah, ” When chickens come home to roost,, A wise man is waiting in the henhouse in order to catch the chickens and fry them”.
@ yamit82:
One may consider asking these questions.
Who is piloting the Apache Helicopters, AH-64’s, that ISIS owns now?
Furthermore, how come the ISIS Islamics took over and immediately put to use advanced tanks and APC’s as well?
Who trained them?
@ yamit82:
One may consider asking these questions.
Who is piloting the Apache Helicopters, AH-64’s, that ISIS owns now?
Furthermore, how come the ISIS Islamics took over and immediately put to use advanced tanks and APC’s as well?
Who trained them?
Saudis/cia Chickens coming home to roost???
ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq
The ISIS/ISIL offensive of June 2014 in Iraq and any political or military responses to it cannot be understood without first “unveiling ISIS”. ISIS/ISIL brigades seized Iraq’s northern city of Mosul and most of western Iraq within days. Iraqi military withdrew from Iraq’s second-largest city after no more than token resistance. Unveiling ISIS, all trails lead to the royal house of Saud, CIA headquarters, and their shared network for global mercenary and terrorist operations called Al-Qaeda.
Origin of ISIS/ISIL as Al-Qaeda in Iraq – Weaving the Veil of ISIS. ISIS / ISIL is a successor organization of the former Al-Qaeda in Iraq, allegedly established by Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi. Al Baghdadi, however, was a creation of Al-Qaeda, a publicity figure with the function to endow the Saudi-U.S. creation “Al-Qaeda” with an Iraqi face, whom radicalized Iraqi Sunni Muslims could identify with.
“The Islamic State of Iraq was established to try to put an Iraqi face on what is a foreign-driven network, Bergner said. The name Baghdadi means the person hails from the Iraqi capital.”
Why did America capture and detain little fish while the Big one was ignored????
This is the guy America should have gone after and taken out.
Former Guantanamo detainee implicated in Benghazi attack
Militiamen under the command of Abu Sufian bin Qumu, the leader of Ansar al-Sharia in the Libyan city of Darnah, participated in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, U.S. officials said.
ISIS LED BY Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
The Secret Life of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
The biggest threat to Middle East security is as much a mystery as a menace — a 42-year-old Iraqi who went from a U.S. detention camp to the top of the jihadist universe with a whisper of a backstory and a $10 million bounty on his head. His biometrics may have been cataloged by the soldiers who kept him locked up at Camp Bucca in Iraq — where he was recalled as “savvy” but not particularly dangerous
How ISIS War Chest May Be $2B and Growing
Will the Golem created by America and the GCC now come back to haunt them???
It looks like the Jordanian F-16’s hit actual targets, not like the pathetic Israel farcical pseudo military fly boys from kibbutzim, that hit boulders, empty sheds and junk machinery of do calibrated hits only.
The Jewish people MUST wake up and shred the pestilence in uniform and that includes the ghastly Aharonovich gangs of anti-Jewish goons.
The piece of trash yesterday menaced and hit the table with his fist while addressing a women MK who was demanding answers from the disgraceful, anti-Semitic if Jewish people are there, so called Temple Mount police.
That ghastly garbage must be let go and Netanyahu as well.