Jordan Peterson: The Ideology of Hamas | John Spencer

Peloni:  This was a fascinating conversation in which Peterson presses Spencer for detailed answers to specific questions.  It covers the topics of the ideology of Hamas, how that ideology can be defeated, the capture of American universities, the desire to see mass casualties as a path to ultimate victory, how to determine when victory might be achieved, the war against the Gazan civilians by the Western world, the role which the UN plays in Hamas, the sustainability of the Abraham Accords, and much more.  Highly recommended.

June 13, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. John Spencer is a truly brillliant analyst of the Gaza war and urban warfare in general. He is one of the few people who really understands what is going on in Gaza. He is also one of the few peoplle who understands how American policy and the “international community” have prevented Israel from winning a clear military victory in this war and all its previous wars.

    I believe that it has always been U.S. policy to keep the war going indefiniely. The theory seems to be that when a war continues indefinitely, the coountry that provides the combatants with most of their weapons controls “the balance of power.’ This has always been the objective of American policy vis a vis the Islam-Israel conflict. It has now become clear that the U,S. is adopting in Ukraine. Providing the Ukrainians with just enough weapons to keep the war going indefinitely, but not enough to win. Placing restrictions on how and how much thie supposed “allies” can use the weapons that the U.S. supplies them with is also part of this balance-of power strategy. What is totally unclear is how the U.S. benefits from this “balance of power” policy. As far as I can see, not at all.

  2. Rubio I have read is being vetted to be VP candidate. I do not know if others are also being vetted.

    I like him a lot and first and foremost he is capable of being POTUS.

    He is pro Israel also!!

    His appeal to the Latino community with his native Spanish is also a plus and would help in getting some Latino’s who are on the fence voting for the Trump ticket if it is with Rubio.