JORDAN: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: The Jordan Option Revisited
By Ted Belman
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JORDAN: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: The Jordan Option Revisited
By Ted Belman
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@Ted Of course, it’s a gamble that more would be motivated by economics than nationalism or religious fanaticism. Still, it’s the only game in town. Everything else is a dead end.
British Corruption: • “The original text of the Balfour Declaration had read “Palestine should be reconstituted as the National Home of the Jewish people.” The text was changed to read “the establishment in Palestine of a Home for the Jewish people.” The single word “in” was used subsequently to justify removing all of Transjordan from the British Mandate that resulted from the Balfour Declaration. – [President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error, 1949, p 257]
Oslo accounted a 3-state in Palestine as a 2-state, disregarding the British 2-State Mandate of 1948. The question of Rocket-Science Math arises:
How many 2-States in Palestine = A 2-State in Palestine?
There is no “Jordan option”
In halakha Jordan is a river
The land on the eastern bank is the Land of Yisrael just like on the right bank.
Churchill had no jurisdiction to create an Arab state, never mind a ‘kingdom’
Any discussion is a waste of breath
A typo of course…It’s 13% of 1%.of the Egyptian population.
A very interesting discussion of how the Jordan Option developed, the historic basis and fundamental developments involved in shaping the plan. It helps relate the many links and documents posted on the Conference page (
I wanted to correct a mis-statement of mine in this talk. ..I said if 130,000 refugees emigrated to Egypt every year for 10 years it would be 1% of the Egyptian population yearly.. The was in error. 1% of the Egyptian population is 1 million so 130,000 is 13% of 1% or or 0.13% of 100 million.