Jordan is Palestine – A Legal Analysis

By Ted Belman (May 15/22)

San Remo Conference 1920

Yes, Jordan is Palestine.

The Arab propaganda machine aided and abetted by the UN, EU, US and the main stream media, which is just about everybody, would have you believe otherwise.

They demand that the Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria and Gaza be granted statehood on all lands not controlled by Israel when the cease fire lines were agreed upon in 1949. This is referred to as the Two-State Solution. This solution is at the heart of the Arab Peace Initiative which was agreed to in 2002 at the Beirut Summit which provided

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“(a) Complete withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan Heights, to the 4 June 1967 line and the territories still occupied in southern Lebanon; (b) Attain a just solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees to be agreed upon in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution No 194. (c) Accept the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the Palestinian territories occupied since 4 June 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Like most peace plans since, it was based on a deliberate misreading of 1967.UN Security Council Resolution 242.  This resolution did not require Israel to withdraw from all lands “occupied in the ’67 War and it allowed Israel to remain in possession of said lands until she had “secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force”.

This resolution also included this preamble, Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security..“..

None of those principles were mentioned in 1949 when Jordan acquired Judea and Samaria by war and Egypt acquired Gaza by war. No one asked them to give it back and the boundary established was not intended to be permanent. It was merely the agreed upon ceasefire lines. The ’67 War was a continuation of Israel’s War of Independence. But this too was ignored by the Security Council.

Obviously, not requiring Israel to withdraw from all territories and requiring secure and recognized boundaries flies in the face of this preamble.

Not only that, while the UN Charter provides for the “inadmissibility of the acquisition of land by war”, international law allowed for the retention of land acquired in a defensive war, which the ’67 War undoubtedly was.

Nowhere in this resolution is a Palestinian state mentioned.

But that is not the whole story.

The lands in question were not somebody else’s land but Israel’s own land. This fact was totally ignored by the Security Council in passing it.

Professor Eugene Kontorovich is the head of the international law department of the Kohelet Policy Forum.. He answers the question, “how can the legal position of Judea and Samaria [West Bank] be defined?”, in Israeli rule in the West Bank is legal under International Law .

“The question that should be asked is: What were the borders of Israel when it was first established? What defines this is the borders at the moment of independence. Israel was created, like most countries, after a successful war where no one came to its aid. In international law, there is a clear rule regarding the establishment of new countries: the country’s borders are determined in accordance with the borders of the previous political entity in that area. So, what was here before? The British Mandate. And what were the borders of the British Mandate? From the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.”

Thus, he argued, Israel liberated its own territory in 1967.

But even that doesn’t complete the story.

The San Remo Resolution passed in 1920 provided;

The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22 (of the league of Nations Charter), the administration of Palestine ….The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

The San Remo Resolution is the subject of research of international law scholar and lawyer, Jacques Gauthier, Ph.D.  Gauthier, who is Christian, spent a quarter-century researching and writing a 1,300-page thesis to investigate legal ownership rights of the ancient-modern capital city.

Through San Remo, a legal document,  Gauthier explained. “The Jewish people have been given the right to establish a home, based on the recognition of their historical connection and the grounds for reconstituting this national home,”

The Palestine Mandate included both sides of the Jordan River and was passed in 1922 by the League of Nations. It should be noted that the Mandate as passed violated the rights given to the Jews at San Remo in that  it restricted their homeland to the lands west of the river. But all of the land was managed under the same Mandate..

The Mandate included this recital.  Whereas recognition has thereby [i.e. by the Treaty of Sèvres] been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine, and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country

Upon the signing of the Mandate, the Jews were entitled to a state on all the lands of the Palestine Mandate lying west of the Jordan River..

ARTICLE 5 of the Mandate read,.

“The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.”

Nevertheless Britain tried to partition the lands between Arabs and Jews as set out in the Peel Commission Report in 1937 in violation of the rights of the Jews under the Mandate.

The United Nations came into being in 1945 in place and stead of the League of Nations. Article 80 provided :

“…  nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties”.

Thus the rights of the Jews were preserved. The Jordan Option seeks to uphold those rights.

Nevertheless Britain got the General Assembly to pass the Partition Plan in 1947, again, violating those rights.

Jordan declared independence in 1946 and Israel did in 1948.

The War for Independence (1948-1949) ended with a ceasefire agreement and the ceasefires lines became the de facto borders of Israel. Jordan thus acquired Judea and Samaria and the eastern part of Jerusalem including the Old City..

Jordan annexed these lands in 1950 calling them the West Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan..

In the article How Arab Rulers Undermined a Palestinian State, recently published by Middle East Quarterly, the authors wrote:

“Jordan has ruled over more Palestinians than any other Arab state, especially during its occupation of the West Bank between 1948 and 1967. In these years, the kingdom became home to some 368,000 Palestinians who fled the 1948 Arab-Israeli war,[2] and the government systematically erased all traces of a distinct Palestinian identity in an attempt to create a wider Jordanian national identity.

“A decade later, Abdullah’s grandson and successor King Hussein declared his firm opposition to the idea of a separate “Palestinian entity,” convening a conference in January 1960 of Hashemite loyalists to denounce the “despicable innovation” of the establishment of a Palestinian entity.

Thus it may be said that during this period, 1948 to 1967, Jordan was Palestine, no ifs, ands or buts.

Jordan is still Palestine only with the Jordan River as the western boundary and most people living in Jordan are Palestinians.

In order to make this a reality the King Abdullah II must abdicate and the Palestinians must take control of their country.

August 1, 2024 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. Stop it! Palestine is Judea, the name Rome applied to the land of the Jews, usurped by Arafat in 1964. Even the Nazis knew who Palestine belongs to, they posted signs “Jews go to Palestine” & “Jews belong in Palestine”. Calling Muslims as ‘Palestinians’ is a covert extermination doctrine of a Jewish nation, a lie created by Egyptian-born Arafat. Palestine is Judea. Why not use the term “Pretend Pals”?

  2. @ – You are correct the Israeli government must clearly state that since the Palestinians violated all the principles of Oslo including the main one that all differences will be settled by negotiating, the Oslo Accords are null and void. Israel should say it preserves its historical and legal rights to all the land west of the Jordan River and declares immediate application of Israeli Civilian Law to all Jewish Towns, military bases, farms and nature preserves west of the Jordan River. Arab Cities such as Jenin, Ramallah, Jericho….. (Area A) shall be under Israeli military Jurisdiction.

    Jordan is made up of hostile elements which the vast majority is Palestinian hostile to Israel. Israel can never completely trust any Arab Islamic element to secure its future, nor any foreign state. These states have their own interests and states made of hostile elements can never be trusted.

  3. a) peloni. Thanks for pointing this out, Peloni. I think this principle was specifically upheld in a ruling by the World Court, or possibly more than one ruling. One such ruling was in the case of Southwest Africa, now Namibia, which had been administered by South Afrrica under a League of Nations mandate, having been “sublet: to South Africa by Britain, which at the time the Mandate was issued was still the sovereign power in South Africa as well as South Africa. More recently the Court issued a similar ruling upholding the partition of the former Yugoslavia into its constituent republics, citing the same principle of international law.

  4. @Adam

    When the British abandoned the mandate, this secondary trustee proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel and immediately became its government, in accordance with the intent of the mandate document.

    A significant corollary to this is the well established customary principle of international law called uti possidetis juris which asserts that the new country should maintain the borders of the preceding Colonial holding, ie the British Mandate, which Kontorovich describes in Ted’s article above.

  5. The UN Charter “grandfathered” the League of Nations mandates into international law by stating in several articles as well as the Charter preamble that all previous “internationalinstruments,” a phrase that refers to the instructional documents issued to the mandatory powers by the League (Britain, France, Australia, South Africa, Japan), remained part of international law. The Charter did give the power to its Trusteeship Council, dominated by the Western powers, to replace the mandates with trusteeships that transferred these governing powers to a different state, and altered the terms of the original League mandates. However, this transfer was done only by the Council for the mandate to Japan for several island chains in the Pacific that were entrusted to the in 1922-23. The Council transferred the power to administer these islands to the United States, which maintains its trusteeship over some of them even now.

    However, the Council never repealed any of the other mandates. The Palestine mandate document was not repealed., Britain abandoned its mandate for Palestine without fulfilling its terms, which obligated it to prepare conditions for a Jewish National Home in Palestine. This was a development not forseen by the issuers of the mandate document. However, the mandate document also authorized a secondary trustee, the “Zionist Organizarion,” to assist the mandatory power in administering the mandate. The name of this secondary trustee was later changed to the :Jewish Agency” in 1929. When the British abandoned the mandate, this secondary trustee proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel and immediately became its government, in accordance with the intent of the mandate document.

  6. @Per I just verified that. Shocking. So, why the hell did Israeli officialdom even consider it? Is there, or should have there been an Ephraim Kishon – co-author of cartoon compendium, “So Sorry we won” (1967) bureaucracy (what we now call, the Deep State) satire in the making here, such as “Blaumilch Canal” aka”The Big Dig.” (1969) no pun intended, I’m sure.? A must see if you haven’t.

    Blaumilch Canal (international release title: The Big Dig) is a 1969 Israeli comedy satire written and directed by Ephraim Kishon, depicting the madness of bureaucracy through a municipality’s reaction to the actions of a lunatic.”

    “Plot summary (warning, spoiler alert)

    “Blaumilch is a lunatic with a digging compulsion who escapes from an insane asylum by hiding in the back of a truck that delivers milk to the institution. Stealing a jackhammer and compressor, he proceeds to dig up one of Tel Aviv’s busiest traffic arteries, at the junctions of Allenby, Ben Yehuda and Pinsker Streets, in front of the iconic Mugrabi Cinema.[3]
    Rather than question his actions, the police and city officials assume he is operating under the municipality’s orders, and aid him as much as they can. Complaints from local residents, whose lives become a living hell due to the noise and traffic jams, lead to infighting amongst city departments. To speed up the work, so that it can be completed before the upcoming municipal elections, the city sends armies of construction workers and heavy equipment to help the lone jackhammer operator, turning a mere annoyance into a full-blown disaster.
    Hauled before a police commissioner to explain why they attempted to sabotage municipal construction equipment, the residents give a vocal rendition of the noises they are subjected to daily until the commissioner himself yells for quiet.
    When city officials realize they are destroying a street without any plans or goals in sight, it is too late: Allenby Street is connected with the Mediterranean Sea and a canal is created. In a flamboyant opening ceremony, the mayor then declares that Tel Aviv has been turned into the Venice of the Middle East.
    In an ironic twist Ziegler, a low-level municipal administrator, is the only one to realize that the ‘project’ was the work of a lunatic; he is laughed at and himself branded a lunatic. In the final scene, Blaumilch is seen digging up Kings of Israel Square (today Rabin Square), which fronts the Tel Aviv Municipality building.”

  7. The Oslo agreements delivered a heavy blow to the international legal frame of San Remo + inheritance of the British mandate borders. Since 1992 not one Israeli government has declared that Oslo is repealed . A lot of political capital for legal building must be invested in that sense .

  8. Jordan is the ARAB Palestine.(never mentioned in any valid agreement) …………..!! Israel is (the former) JEWISH Palestine..

    But still a violation of the San Remo Conference irrevocable decisions.