JONATHAN POLLARD: Should America Cut Aid to Israel?

Peloni:  Pollard is completely correct.  US “aid” limits Israel as a client status rather than as a full ally.  For a robust and complete analysis on this topic, please read “End US Aid To Israel” by Jacob Siegel & Liel Leibovitz.  The “aid” must be ended.


Janet Levy: We need to tell the truth about “aid” to Israel.

When U.S. officials talk about so-called “aid” to Israel, Americans need to understand that it is an investment with an unmatched ROI. Israelis build, test, modify and improve American weapons systems and supply some of the best intel in the world. Israel is NOT a drain on the U.S. budget as the value-added is nonpareil. There is NO comparison between the situation vis a vis Israel and the corruption and drain on American resources in Ukraine. THAT situation is NOT a win-win.


March 20, 2025 | 1 Comment »

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  1. In the perfect world, it would be nice to see Israel go it alone, but in the real world, Israel still needs all the help it can get. If it’s from the US, so be it…with one caveat…If an American administration were to hold a gun to Israel’s head and say, “You will do this or that… or else…”, then Israel should cut the cord as quickly as possible, particularly if the threat would help the enemy, (like saving Hamas when it’s on the ropes). Right now, the US is interfering in Gaza. It’s a delicate game to prevent them from getting too deeply involved, while still staying on good terms. Netanyahu is doing a good job of that, which few others are skilled enough to do.