Jonathan Pollard Calls for Million Man Protest for Victory

T. Belman.  Pollard: “Our elite leadership is grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory.

January 7, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The Israeli left keeps undermining the country!
    Even the Israeli President is in favor of a TSS.
    More 10/7 in the future!!!???

  2. I like Pollard’s call for victory. He should define it. To me, that means utterly smashing the enemy. Sorry if that sounds cruel, but it’s actually Biblical, as in the Lord’s commands in Deuteronomy and Joshua regarding Canaan, which includes Gaza. Letting a war of attrition drag on means more depression and more Israeli deaths, as well as increased moral confusion among the other nations as they place bets on the winner.

    It seems to be taking two men of faith, the rabbi and Pollard, to be talking about fighting on the Lord’s terms. And that is the great division now in Israel, as I see it, the right, some of whom believe in God, and the mostly secular left.

    The return is in two parts: physical return to the Land, and then moral return to the Lord. Ezekial 8:8. “I will bring them home again to live safely in Jerusalem, and they will be my people and I will be their God.”