Joseph DiGenova, a former US Attorney and Washington, DC superlawyer is no flake. He has plenty of contacts within the FBI and a reputation to protect. So I take his words on Sirius/XM’s David Webb show quite seriously, as reported by Kerry Picket of the Daily Caller:
Washington D.C. attorney Joe DiGenova said on The David Webb Show on SiriusXM Friday night that despite the FBI agreeing to destroy the laptops of Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson as part of immunity deals made during the initial investigation of Clinton’s email server, agents involved in the case refused to destroy the laptops.
“According to the agreement reached with the attorneys who handed over their laptops, the laptops were to be destroyed per the agreement after the testimony was given –the interviews were given – – by the attorneys. The bureau and the department agreed to that,” DiGenova said. “However the laptops contrary to published reports were not destroyed and the reason is the agents who are tasked with destroying them refused to do so. And by the way the laptops are at the FBI for inspection by Congress or federal courts.”
DiGenova said the laptops have already been subpoenaed and the FBI is waiting for Congress to ask for them.
If this is true, it indicates that a serious rebellion was underway in the FBI, with agents refusing a direct order. Although I am no lawyer, I suppose they might have regarded the order as illegitimate, part of a conspiracy to destroy evidence. It is possible that Comey knew of this rebellion, and that this knowledge shaped his decision to write to Congressional leaders on the resumption of the investigation.
Now that DiGenova has gone public, how long until the laptops are subpoenaed?
Update. Clarice Feldman has a theory as to how this information came to Joe DiGenova. She labels it speculation:
How would Joe know? The agents have a nondisclosure agreement BUT Joe’s a lawyer bound to preserve the confidences of his client so they could hire him, tell him, and no one could compel him to disclose his source.
Update: Lee Cary sends this video with former FBO ssistant Director Tom Fuentes reminding us that there are three FBI investigations underway related to Hillary: Weiner sexting to a minor, Hillary’s email security, and Cinton Foundation fraud. A trifecta!
Read more:
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Sebastien Zorn Said:
Yup !!!!
Have you ever wondered why a Saudi Jihadist Muslim woman from a highly placed Muslim Brotherhood Family, in whose Islamist magazine she was an editor, could marry a Jewish man and why she would not be disowned by her family or even murdered? Shariah law permits a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman but not the other way around. The penalty for leaving or apostasy is death. But Taquiya, is permitted lying in the interest of the Umma or Muslim community. I don’t see how he could have converted to Islam and have been able to hide it. And to what end? Love? I wonder how they met? Was anyone else involved? Could it have been some kind of honeytrap or other setup? Would she have picked him if she had known of his proclivities, shall we say? Or, kept under wraps was her knowledge of them a means of control (yes blackmail, but academics have to beat around the bush with big words, you know? It’s required.)
She hid the emails on his laptop. Why did she keep them? Were they copies? Did he know about it? Did he loan her his computer? If so, when and how often? How else did she use him for cover? Did she use him as an operative in any way, not just as cover? So many questions, not too many reports.
You know much was made by liberals when I was growing up of the alleged silliness of McCarthy harping on Alger Hiss as a Soviet Spy. Remember the film of them finding the pumpkin with the faded microfilm? I read Whitaker Chambers’ magnificent autobiography, “Witness”. The really dangerous thing about him was not the spying — though why dismiss that as nothing? (“…we’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling about price.” budum chi) That was early low-level stuff. NO, it’s that he was sitting right behind FDR at Potsdam as one of his advisers. Potsdam was where the fate of post-war Europe was negotiated. And Hiss was secretly Stalin’s man.
From the horse’s mouth: Watch Obama in 2008 denouncing Hillary’s corruption and voting inspectors talking about machine tampering against Sanders
Clip mentions the Clinton’s ruining Haiti. In my critique of his debate performance, I commended him on it but
wished he had used the opportunity to mention Israel (who got left out of every debate)
I made a typo looking for that and found this:
Reminds me of the time I was about to go onstage and a young violinist complained to me that she had a headache. With deep concern, I replied, “Can I offer you a Placebo?”
In fact, she laughed and I think the headache went away.
To be honest, I was just looking for a laugh. I’m awful, aren’t I? Imagine me in a foxhole? I’d probably be killed by my mates. They’d have to call “friendly fire” something else. Still it would help the economy, providing “infrastructure” work for linguists.
I can’t find it now, but I remember a funny film that came out after 9/11 but pre- Islamofauxbia (or between Iraq and a hard place) about a young guy in an Al Queida terrorist training camp in Afghanistan who really wants to sing and dance in Broadway shows and is trying to hide his practicing, He winds up stopping an assassination here, becoming a hero and fulfilling his dream. I’ve tried googling the description but nothing comes up. Anybody remember the title?
Trump is right. Hillary’s election would throw the country into a constitutional crisis.
stevenl Said:
De nada, amigo !!!!!!!
@ honeybee:
Muchas gracias! Buddy!
@ stevenl:
Y a Ud. Besos. Arriba Trump
@ honeybee:
Many bisoux (kisses in Fr.) to bee; with honey they must stick better.
Allez Trump!
@ stevenl:
Arn’t you the one who with the theory of the wading ape? I heard another theory. The loss due to the need to sweat allowing a hunter to travel greater distances.
Wikileaks may have provided the FBI with highly confidential info!
More to come perhaps 2morrow according to a recent Anonymous video.