Lori Lowenthal Marcus of Z Street writes in The Jewish Press of plans by the North American Jewish Federation to drop the term “Zionism” from its Global Planning Table, “Jewish Federations to Drop “Zionism” from their Global Plans”.
And we all thought that Jewish Federations were the focus of the American Jewish Community’s coimmitment of the Jewish State of Israel. However, we have seen over the past few years evidence of distancing of Federations’ from commitment to Israel.
That was reflected in underwriting Olive Tree Initiative trips for college students at UC Irvine in California to mistakenly meet Hamas Representatives on the West Bank in Israel by an affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Orange County California.
Or inclusion of left extremist Jewish fellow travelers of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions cause on Federation Israel Action Committees.
Or showing Palestinian propaganda films at Federation sponsored Film Festivals. When we launched a pledge to oppose such activities, we got only one response from the Saratoga Manatee Federation in Florida.
Marcus’ column in The Jewish Press comes on the eve of the Tish B’Av – the ninth of the month of Av in the Jewish calendar. It is a fast day that commemorates many of the calamities that have befallen the Jewish people ranging across the millenia from the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and 70 CE to the fall of the Jewish Republic in 135 CE to the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492 to the Holocaust. We read from the Book of Lamentations. In Psalm 137.5 we read: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” Apparently, Federations have forgotten that Zionism was the underlying cause of their existence. Pity!
‘“Jews don’t need a George Bush, they need a Burning Bush.” or something quite similar.’
What I meant here is that I don’t know the quote exactly word for word.
I only will miss their “fact finding missions”. Provided no end of fun to all of us watching blue haired matrons and “grobbe machers” strutting self importantly telling us that “we got the governments we deserve” and that our economy was low ranked.
Apparently they were wrong but what do I know!!!
As to the “2 billon” in yearly grants… Those were forced by the US to under the table make “sales” from US companies to which that money was routed.
BTW. I held a Senior -Fellow Staff rank in the US DoD Military Avionics Programs. I know the US.
I think that this may turn to the benefit of Israel. The JF has been cheating the American Jews for too long. The mask of the leadership of the Fed is down. They will loose a lot of members. The leaders of the JF are guilty for submitting to the left, far left and the Muslims whose goal is to keep the Jews divided and weak.
“No Jew in Israel can count on any Jew whose primary loyalty is to another nation. I too am American born and still a citizen but I chose my primary loyalty to be with the Jewish people. As you may surmise I don’t give a damn about being accused of having dual loyalties. I care about America but I care about Israel more. I don’t have to invent a promised Land or any New Jerusalem. I don’t have to walk on eggs in avoiding gentile backlashes if I say something they don’t like or approve.. I don’t need an Obama to convince me of anything either.” -Yamit
Well said, Yamit. Reminds me of Rabbi Kahane’s son (OBM) who once said, “Jews don’t need a George Bush, they need a Burning Bush.” or something quite similar.
John Morely wrote, “Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat.” As Marlene Langert says above, “…I have never found any reason to split my being American from my being jewish.” Isn’t this true for everyone as individuals obedient to the laws of the state? If we find a reason to resist obeying laws of the state, that would be when we will be accused of “dual loyality”. It amuses me to hear anti-semites accuse Jews of “dual loyalty” when, as we all know, they are the biggest complainers about “the current government this, and the current government that”: This is their expression of “dual loyalty” even if they’re too obtuse to see it as that. So soon as the state commands the individual to obey laws (like sharia law) antithetical to the principles of Judaism, it is at that precist moment that we as individuals must reconsider our loyalties to the state that obtrudes such contrary laws. I’ve read how the Nazis treated German Jews (especially former soldiers of the First World War) who considered themselves “good Germans”. I think Jews must now, especially since the Holocaust (my humble opinion here), be very wary of what may become the “laws of the state” in which they live. Forgive my pessimissim, but it looks to me at present, even in the West, much the way it did in pre-Nazi Europe: when the entire world is excoriating Zionism and the Jews, even labelling Zionism as racism (and Zionism is part of Judaism), then you know that things are not looking good for the future of the Jewish people abroad. And when we are excoriated for examining the injudiciousness of laws of such a state (like the laws in Europe condemning Kosher slaughter), how is anyone with an informed intellect able to plead loyalty to such a state? For the German non-Jews to plead loyalty to the Nazi state, it meant condemning German Jews and accusing them of “dual loyalty”. Shortly afterward they were betraying the same Jews to the authorities who sent them to the extermination camps.
@ Marlene Langert:
As you can probably tell, I do not walk on eggshells for anyone!
In my almost 77 yrs on earth, I have never found any reason to split my being American from my being jewish. I am both and before that a mother and grandmother as I said. I have always been the first two, been a mother for over 51 yrs and and grandmother for over 22 yrs. Being a woman I can handle it all andstill find time to be serious, to be silly and to enjoy life! As you can probably tell, I do not walk on eggshells for anyone!
@ yamit82:
As an American Jew; I have never viewed Israel or Israelis as any kind of threat; and I’m
sure there are many American Jews who agree with me. You also need to understand that Sheldon
Adelson supports a number of institutions in Israel. Further, don’t compare America today with
the country that existed before the election of Bill Clinton. This is because Bill Clinton played
a big role in introducing political correctness into America.
Before Bill Clinton’s 1992 election, the majority of immigrants to America wanted to assimilate; that is,
to become Americans–to speak the language, and learn American law, traditions, and customs. This was
particularly true of my parents’ and grandparents’ generation; and of course, those that came before them.
But in time, group rights replaced individual rights; and instead of the common good, represented by
American institutions and ideals, the achievement of group rights became the highest aspiration. You can
substitute “political correctness” for “group rights.” Actually, Jewish identity in America was STRONGER
before PC was introduced into our culture; and as you have admitted, Jewish identity in America, among the
non-Orthodox, is now weaker. The idea of a “common good”, is still there, but has been badly eroded. However,
America is DEFINITELY worth saving; and I, for one, am not ready to abandon my country.
@ Marlene Langert:
Von Starkerman claims to be the progeny of real Nazis but is married to a Jewess.
That said, much of his opinions re: Jews is spot on.
I never questioned your Jewish pedigree or beliefs only your Jewish loyalty.
You were honest enough to confirm my point.
No Jew in Israel can count on any Jew whose primary loyalty is to another nation. I too am American born and still a citizen but I chose my primary loyalty to be with the Jewish people. As you may surmise I don’t give a damn about being accused of having dual loyalties. I care about America but I care about Israel more. I don’t have to invent a promised Land or any New Jerusalem. I don’t have to walk on eggs in avoiding gentile backlashes if I say something they don’t like or approve.. I don’t need an Obama to convince me of anything either.
Rosa even if it were possible, the thought of scarring you or bossing you around never entered my head. (You got spunk)
@ yamit82:
You know what yamit- – I am not on a sinking ship, nor any place you place me. I do remember the line from “A Ship of Fools” when the little guy says to the jew”What are they going to do? Kill us all?” All very prophetic. ANd could happen again.
Here is what I am- I am an American woman, extremely proud of being AMerican, esp since my grandparents and parents escaped Russia when the Bolshevics came in. THerefore, I am a first generation American unbelievably grateful for what this country has done for us before Obama. I am a jew with a very close relationship on a daily basis with god. My heart and soul are AMerica and jewish. If, god forbid, Obama won the election, I would consider going to Israel, but only if my children and grandchildren would go. FOr you see, first I am a mother and a grandmother. My first allegience is to my family. Then to the United States as it has been before Obama, then to Judaism. All three are extremely important to me, in that order. By the way, my judaism comes from my direct relationbship with god, which is very close. I do not believe in the 613 laws. I do not believe in the seperation of women and men. I do believe that every one of us, jew and non-jew can have our own relationship with god. I do not believe that reciting brochas by rote every day brings us to god. I do believe that talking with him every day and listening for his answers does bring us closer. I do not believe growing long beards and wearing black brings us closer(yes, I am old eanough to pluck some beard hairs once in a while!) Many jewish services have no spirituality in them at all. My parents did not know why we do certain things. My sons say the same thing about being bar mitzvahed with out learning what their torah portions meant. At least my grandchildren will learn that much. THe only jewish services that ever inspired me and were spiritual were Jewish Renewal.I had to leave there when the rabbi of our congregation started siding with the left and the arabs after 9/11.
Von Starkerman used the phrase “AMerican jews” with no differeniation. So don’t tell me what to pick on.
I also have a feeling he is not jewish as in yiddish it should be “shtarkerman” with an “sh”. meaning , of course, a man who is tough and could take it. It’s fine that he is not jewish , just pointing out something I noticed.
By the way, my real name is Rosa Parksburg, so don’t think you can scare me or boss me around!
@ Marlene Langert:
Don’t understand your beef with von Stakermann. He did not say all American Jews and I’m sure there are some even many who may not fit his descriptions but certainly even you must admit that most do.
From my personal POV, that you still call yourself an American Jew/ess is descriptive enough. It puts you at best on a sinking ship and at worst placing non-Jews and non-Jewish identity and concerns above Jewish ones. There is a names for such behavior that I won’t use here.
@ Georg von Starkermann:
Don’t you dare use athe label “the jews of America” as you did in your comment. I am an AMerican Jew and I feel the opposite of what you describe. Using all inclusive labels is never a good idea. Actually using the word never is not a good idea either!
@ Mark:
Star in the Ring
Trying to Understand Jewish History…Documentary – Full Film
@ Georg von Starkermann:
There are many similarities and in America as with Germany Hitler didn’t have to murder the Jews, they would have mostly disappeared within 3-4 generations as with American Jewry today through total assimilation.
History may repeat in generic terms, but the details will be different. There was only one Napoleon or Alexander; there have been similar historical events.
Americans have one thing German Jews never had and that is constitutional institutional protection. Assimilation is moving at a rapid irreversible pace. In 2 more generations there won’t be many Jews left to put in concentration camps.
One can make a good case that antisemitism has been a positive even saving feature of Jewish survival. It kept many Jews, Jews by eliminating any other choices.
@ Bert:
Not so sure about this.
“Ephraim, he mixes himself with the peoples; Ephraim is become a cake not turned. Strangers have devoured his strength and he knoweth it not.” (Hosea 7)
Instead of proudly calling themselves Zionists, they distance themselves because they claim the term is “controversial”. Meaning the idea of Zionism, which is Jewish self-determination, enrages muslims, leftists and other assorted antisemites. The Jewish Federation does not wish to offend antisemites. Pamella Geller appropriately refers to such “Jews” as Jewicidals.
Those bastards claim to represent Jewish people of America. In actuality they represent only fat, bloated, morally bankrupt Hollywood type of former Jewish population. Their only goal is not to be associated with Hebrew people, but rather to be assimilated and to become “nobody”. Nobody they are.
Vile creatures. No wonder that 76% of those American Jews were voting for the worst enemy of Israel and Jews – hussein obama. To illustrate what American Hollywood Jews are it is worth to watch this video:
Their “Rabbis” don’t even wearing kippahs.
What a shame.
The American Jewish community needs to shun these organizations and form truly Zionist groups. At a time when we need leaders with steel in their spines, we are stuck with the likes of the feeble Jewish Federation which repeatedly betrays the Jewish people to ingratiate itself with our enemies. These organizations exist to line the pockets of those that run them and have completely strayed from their original mission to protect the interests of the Jewish people. Outside of Lori’s Z Street and the Zionist Organization of America, I cannot think of any worthy American Jewish organization.
@ yamit82:
Exactly right! Under the Obama dictatorship the future for America and for U.S. Jews grows dimmer. While Israeli Jews increase in numbers and commitment the U.S. Jews are the opposite. Orthodox Jews in the U.S., however, are bucking the majority trend and increasing in numbers. When conditions become bad enough they are the potential for aliyah. The rest will remain on the sinking ship in the U.S.
Jews have traditionally been their own worst and most effective enemy. When examining why does anti-semitism currently exist, grovelling and internal division are very material factors.
The Jews of America are making the same mistake that the Jews of Germany made just prior to WW2. The Jews in Germany thought they were the equal to and or one cut above the ordinary German on the Street. The Jews were the smartest minority in Germany as they won so many Nobel Prizes in everything imaginable. German Jews created the Reform Movement which as the end of true Judaism by mimicking the Christian Churches in their every manner. The German Jews even had their own Prime Minister in Walter Rathenau, and even though he was assassinated, he still was the Leader of Germany. The Jews accumulated vast wealth and spent it wisely. The Jews were allowed to join the Army and advanced to the highest positions available, yet with all of these achievements, what was the end result? Concentration Camps and certain death.
Can you see certain similarities between Germany’s Jews and the Jews of America. Short of having a Jewish President, the Jews of America have excelled in almost every endeavor. Yet as they forget their Jewishness as did Germany’s Jews, they commit themselves to the same fate as Germany’s Jews found themselves. Concentration Camps and death. It’s only a matter of time.
“Each generation in which the Beit Hamikdash is not rebuilt, say the Talmudic Sages, is considered as if it was guilty of its destruction.”
Today we have the opportunity to build our Temple and there is no longer a reason to mourn. I heard a rabbi twisting himself into pretzel tying to explain why we don’t need or merit the Temple. Orthodox rabbis are generally opposed. I don’t think they want to share their authority with Temple rituals and a reconstituted Priesthood.
“Thus declared HaShem, Master of Legions, saying, ‘This [Jewish] people has said: “The time has not yet come!” [But I say:] “It is time for the Temple of HaShem to be rebuilt!”‘” (Haggai 1:2)
The reaction of American Jews to the Ads Israel aired last year in the USA, directed at Israeli ex pats says it all. We in Israel are viewed as a threat to American Jewry and their worthless leaders. For decades American Jewry connected to Israel through their wallets and here only a minority give to Israel or any Jewish cause or charity. Think of the revolution that would be created if Sheldon Adelson instead of giving $100 million to Romney, gave half as much to finance free Jewish education and day schools?
Problem for American Jewry is that along with them becoming less Jewish, Israel is becoming more Jewish and we can do fine without their money. They won’t make aliyah so what’s left for them to connect with other Jews and the Jewish homeland. They think America is their real homeland and NYC or Miami Beach is their Jerusalem.
Israel and American Jewry are like two ships passing each other in the black of night.