Jeffrey Sachs on Ukraine & NATO

Peloni:  The US has a great deal for which to answer in Ukraine, and across Europe and the Middle East as well.  The ventures of such ill considered operations to enrich the American oligarchs as are described by Sachs, lack support of the American people.  In fact, the slaughters resulting from the unrestrained nature of the Neocons led in no small part to the burgeoning anti-Neocon coalition known as MAGA, which has become the dominant political faction in the US for over the past decade.  It is time to end the madness which has left Ukraine with a fraction of its territory and only a fraction of its population intact in that territory.  This war must end, and it would be quite an easy task to accomplish, as we will see when Trump hopefully becomes President elect in November.

July 1, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. The Maidan coup.
    This not the first nor last time that the CIA/Intel (personal interests) engages in this kind of activities.

  2. @Adam

    As for Jeffrey Sachs…

    You might care to explain why the facts shared by Sachs might be invalid rather than to claim he himself is invalid while ignoring the facts he shares. Such personal recriminations are irrelevant in any discussion which is honestly fact based. Notably, Sachs himself is not the issue which brought about war with Ukraine, but the facts which he describes leading upto and from the American involved overthrow of the legitimate govt of Ukraine, certainly was.

  3. @Adam

    There is no way any rational and decent human being could approve of a great power invading its smaller, weaker neighbor and seek to impose its will on it without its consent, or the consent of the overwhelming majority of its people.

    And yet, Kennedy threatened to do exactly this during the Cuban missile crisis. Existential threats form peer competitors situated inside bordered nations is what the US faced in ’62 as it is what Russia faces still to this day in Ukraine.

    Th2ere is no way any rational person could possibly think that Ukrain2e was an overwhelming threat to its security.

    Of course not, but then the threats from Ukraine always originated in the US. This was always quite clear, as was the looming economic war which the US had in place to leverage against the Russian people. Notably, this pending economic war was the intended path by which the US hope to gain its victory, that is until they foolishly activated that leverage without gaining the intended result of regime changing Russia.

    To diffuse this tempest would have taken very little interest in negotiating a settlement by the US, even as there was no interest in Washington negotiating anything at all.

    It is in fact distinctly different in the situation in Israel, where the US is daily trying to manipulate Israel to accept her own capitulation to an existential threat from Iran.

    Contrasting with this, if the US had demonstrated even the tiniest diplomatic effort with Russia, it would have had an enormously diffusing effect because, as you note, the existential threat for Russia was never from Ukraine, but from their American masters in Washington who were pulling Zel’s strings.

    It was from this vantage that Russia repeatedly called for negotiations prior to its military action in February 2022, and this is why they continued to do so after that military action took place, even offering to return to the pre-invasion boundaries as late as the Istanbul Conference which the West acted to derail.

    So while you might like to fashion this war as being between little old Ukraine and big bad Russia, it was always in fact between the great powers of the US and Russia, where it remains even to this day.

  4. As for Jeffrey Sachs, he is a lifelong Communist and apologist for the Soviet Union. And that is in itself, in my mind, good reason to take anything he writes with a whole shaker of salt. His claim that the US and his allies bare sole responsidbility ofor the Cold War is a lie. He is happy to overlook the Berlin Blockade in 1948, the ocupation of parts of Iran and Turkey in 1946 (Until Eleonor Roosevelt, at the time U.S. ambassador to the United Nations persuaded them to withdraw; the brutal repression of the Hungarian, Czech, Polish and East German revolutions; the demands made on all foreigncommunist parties, including CPUSA to accept direction from Moscow even when it was contrary to their own country’s national interest. All that is OK with Sachs. The real issue is or should be–why did New York University employ Sachs as a professor and “expert” on Russia for several decades? That was part of a Marxist takeover of American univsities that is still ongoing.

  5. 0000.

    There is no way any rational and decent human being could approve of a great power invading its smaller, weaker neighbor
    and seek to impose its will on it without its consent, or the consent of the overwhelming majority of its people. Least of all, after lying to its leaders with false assurances that it had no intention of attacking, and thereby lulling them into a false sense of security. Th2ere is no way any rational person could possibly think that Ukrain2e was an overwhelming threat to its security. Supposed fear of an immanent NATO invasion as the NATO countries, including the United Sta2tes, did not even have enough soldiers in place to resist a Russian attack, or much the less move large forces to Ukraine in order to attack Russia. Th2e very fact that we live in anera where seemingly rational, educated people can rationalize such an outrage is a sign that we live in an age of barabaris2m, not seen since the later Roman empire in the West.


  6. @Raphael

    I found him to be quite anti-Israe

    Thank you for your thoughts on this matter. Indeed, even when a parallel scenario is evident between Russia and Israel, he has a distinctly different appreciation for the rules of law, the right of national self defense and what legitimately constitutes genocide.

    Still, Sachs has been very articulate at describing the situation between Russia and Ukraine. He is brilliant at doing so. I only wish that he were so articulate and brilliant when discussing the facts surrounding Israel upon, for he is completely ill informed to the point of being malicious. Nonetheless, his accuracy in describing what has occurred and what needs to take place in Ukraine remains pitch perfect, and perhaps never more so than in this 5min detailed review of many details surrounding the American op in Maidan, details which are near uniformly never discussed anywhere outside of well researched academic texts on the subject. So I assessed it to be an important conversation to share, despite his easily biased perspective against Israel.

  7. I loved Jeffrey Sachs…for a while. As near as I can tell, he is right on the money regarding Ukraine, NATO, etc. Later, however, I found him to be quite anti-Israel, so now he’s on my sh_t list.