J13: The Shot

Tierney Real News | July 26, 2024

This is the 4th part in my series on the attempted assassination of President Trump called J13: The Shot.

If you haven’t read the first three parts yet – you can find them on my website on Substack. If you’ve read them once, you might want to read them again since I am adding new information as it comes available. Each chapter builds on the previous one.

J13: Who ordered the hit?

J13: The Protection Team

J13: The Site

J13: The Shot

First of all, before we begin to examine the trajectory of the shots fired, the alleged shooter or shooters and the aftermath, let’s confirm the ONLY fact we know to be true. The fact that President Trump is alive is a miracle. There is NO other explanation.

President Trump turned his head to look at the jumbotron and the bullet, that was intended for his brain, nicked his ear instead. The bullet was caught on camera. Trump was 1/4 inch and .3 seconds from death. God intervened. He obviously isn’t done with him yet.

You can see how that simple head turn to the right saved his life. For now.

DR. RONNY JACKSON: “The bullet passed, coming less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head, and struck the top of his right ear. The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear. There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear.”



Now that Biden has dropped out of the race – and Obama has crowned Kamala as our Queen – the coverup begins.

The FBI is already trying to claim that Trump perhaps wasn’t shot at all. They’re giving the media talking points.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!) Wrong! No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a “bullet wound to the ear,” and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!”

PAUL SPERRY: “FBI Director Christopher Wray went out of his way more than once in his House testimony to question whether Trump was actually struck by a bullet. Remember who Wray tapped as his chief of staff – Clintonista Jon Lenzner.”

Dr. Ronny Jackson wrote a letter confirming it was a bullet and basically called Wray a liar.

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