J13: The Cover-up

Tierney’s Real News | August 1, 2024

This is the 5th part in my series on the attempted assassination of President Trump called J13: The Coverup.

If you haven’t read the first four parts yet – you can find them on my website on Substack or click on the links below. If you’ve read them once, you might want to read them again since I am adding new information to each part as it comes available or is disputed. Each chapter builds on the previous one.

J13: Who ordered the hit?

J13: The Protection Team

J13: The Site

J13: The Shot

J13: The Coverup

Since my last report, several things have happened. Two new videos have emerged – one from a bystander and another from a victim – revealing conflicting information from what we’ve been previously told. Text messages from law enforcement were leaked. The New York Times has created their own version of events and narrative.

The Acting Director of the Secret Service and the Deputy Director of the FBI both testified before the Senate.

Social media, Google and AI have all started to censor, manipulate and remove critical information about the shooting. And a Congressional committee has been formed to investigate the attempted assassination of President Trump – which looks like it might be another compromised operation like the Warren Commission. At the same time, it’s obvious that steps are being taken by Congress, the Secret Service, the FBI and the fake news to create a cover-up and official narrative for the history books about what happened on July 13, 2024.

A rally goer named Dave Stewart of Butler, Pennsylvania released a video from his phone that he took before and during the assassination attempt on J13. He was working across the street from the event all day so he was in close proximity at all times. The map below shows his approximate location.

That’s Dave, running by the tree line:

DAVE: “I was there. I was arrested for filming. I have about an hours worth of footage total. My camera was seized 10 minutes after the shots were fired.”

Dave’s video has been shared by Chris Martensen, John Cullen, Toria Brooks, Sundance & Benny Johnson (and countless others) so I believe it is legitimate.

Local law enforcement and the FBI confiscated Dave’s phone and gave it back to him several days later. He was arrested and handcuffed and held along with some 20 others. The video reveals that law enforcement surrounded the AGR building (with Crooks and possibly another allegedly on top) with weapons drawn. They were clearing people from the area but strangely kept President Trump on the stage. It looks like there was at least 2 minutes that went by where police knew about the security threat and the shots were fired.

Here’s a stabilized version of the bumpy 9 minute video.

There were also plain clothes agents present around the AGR building before the shooting and it appears that they also did nothing to stop the shooting. Twitter tried to censor Dave’s account for a while.

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August 3, 2024 | Comments »

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