J.D. Vance on fire over the plea deal for 9/11 dirty-tshirt terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohamma

Monica Showalter | August 1, 2024

Who the heck came up with the vile idea of letting Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, architect of 9/11, off with a plea deal?

J.D. Vance, a combat veteran of the George Bush-led wars set off as a result of that act, said what a lot of us would like to hear said, according to Fox News:

During a campaign speech Wednesday in Glendale, Arizona, Trump campaign vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance slammed the plea deal taken by three of the terrorists behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks awaiting trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

“Just today, I heard that the Biden-Harris Department of Justice cut a deal with al-Qaeda terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to avoid the death penalty. It was reported today,” Vance said. “Now, as someone who enlisted in the Marines to serve after 9/11, that is ridiculous. But it’s not surprising.”

On Wednesday, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced the Convening Authority for Military Commissions, Susan Escallier, entered into pretrial agreements with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.

The smelly, sweaty, beast, who was apprehended at great risk to our fighting men in his dirty t-shirt in Pakistan, set off a plot that killed nearly 3,000 American nationals. Thousands of men and women took up arms to rid the world of his like, fighting terrorists. Thousands came back maimed, or didn’t come back at all. The cost in blood and treasure was enormous.

Yet how soon they forget, whoever it is running this legal system, giving this terrorist a “deal.” Prosecutors normally give deals in order to reach someone higher up. There was no one higher up than he was, and yet he got a deal.

That deal is problematic for a second reason in that he gets to live. And where terrorists live, there is always the prospect of a swap for the lives of innocents. We can expect his fellow terrorists to conduct some kind of new spectacular, at a cost of new lives, and use a weak U.S. leader to exchange the remainders for his miserable hide.

That’s if the late Lynne Stewart, his former leftist attorney, and all the little Lynne Stewarts she left behind, don’t figure out a legal way to get him out and about.

It’s outrageous, a punishment that doesn’t fit the crime. There are stray killers out there who get worse. Real justice is served as it was to Saddam Hussein, the Nazi concentration camp killers, and other war criminals, with executions.

But this beast gets a plea deal.

It’s good to hear Vance speak the truth Americans know about the importance of killing off terrorists, not putting them in extended detention until the West loses its will to even punish them. That’s why we need people like Vance in the executive office.

August 2, 2024 | Comments »

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