The End Run Around Our Corrupt Federal System They Never Saw Coming!

By Brent D. Cates, THUNDERDOME!!    18 May 2024

Panicked propagandists posing as Journalists are now going to the House Judiciary Committee’s Hearing on the Weaponization of the **FEDERAL** Government to try and pry details out of the Committee’s witnesses and attendees present as it appears SOMETHING may have slipped and word has gone out that the Committee is preparing to drop some SERIOUS INTEL into the public domain.

Not refer charges or deliver this evidence to the DoJ.

Not provide referrals for charges to BIDEN’S Attorney General Merrick Garland’s office.


So these Media Vultures have arrived to scout out the people participating in these hearings to see if they can somehow figure out what it is before IT hits.

Hoping to discover some loose lips, as it were. To fill their Masters in on what may be going down in June.

Well, one of their chosen targets they THINK might know something is a close ally of General Mike Flynn, a retied Army Lieutenant Colonel and former Green Beret named Ivan Raiklin who is currently with General Flynn on his multi city, multi state movie tour for the new documentary film FLYNN, which depicts the mind numbing journey the Flynn family has had to endure ever since a Global Criminal Syndicate framed, smeared, and then tried to destroy their lives.

Raiklin began recording on his phone and so began a 19 minute conversation that might well go down in history as the moment a Global Crime Cabal was put on notice what is about to happen TO IT on US soil.

This is now standard procedure during impromptu interviews thanks to the unrestricted propagandistic warfare now being waged on the American people by our own hostile Legacy Media.

Recording yourself provides someone being confronted by political operatives hiding behind journalist credentials from being slandered or smeared as easily in an age where you can negate their ability to CLAIM they spoke to or questioned you to then write whatever narrative they wish to present regardless of what was actually said.

Some reporters even go so far as to conduct agreed upon interviews, make assurances in person, and then ignore everything discussed to publish their prewritten smear pieces anyway.

It’s only the APPEARANCE of due diligence that concerns them.

Raiklin then establishes DOMINANCE in the conversation by questioning Chase closely on WHY she’s choosing to cover the Weaponization Hearing rather than the Trump Trial Circus in New York City. Chase mumbles about it being her decision completely whereupon Raiklin, smiling, says she’s been TASKED to question him.

Chase, subdued, then asks Raiklin “I just wanted to ask, uh….what brought you here…”

Appearing to blow Chase off Ivan says he’ll respond to her question online from his social media accounts and lists them off, X App, Rumble, Truth Social, Telegram & GETTR.

Oddly enough, Ivan doesn’t end the conversation at that point.

Instead he goes into a diatribe about how certain FBI Agents based in San Francisco are still suppressing/suspending his @Raiklin account on the X App.

And he proceeds to NAME NAMES.

“So my Raiklin account is still being censored by Brian AutenLaura DehmlowJoe Pientka and Elvis Chan.”

Every name just mentioned is linked. Click those links to see who those people are and how they are involved in the greatest treasonous scandal in American History UNDER THE COLOR OF AUTHORITY.

Auten seems to have bodily hurled himself into the Durham investigation of an FBI CHS (Confidential Human Source) named Igor Danchenko in a vain attempt to prevent Danchenko’s ties to a man named Charles “Chuck” Dolan becoming known.

Chuck Dolan is a Billionaire and a MASSIVE BOOSTER for the Clintons.

Dehmlow was instrumental in casting Hunter’s laptop as RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION and it’s later been learned that she, OF COURSE, knew it wasn’t.

Pientka was one of two FBI Agents sent by Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to entrap General Mike Flynn. McCabe Quote: “First we FUCK Flynn, then we FUCK TRUMP!”

The other agent was Peter Strzok, remember him?And Elvis Chan is at the very heart of the TWITTER FILES releases proving the FBI was being the CIA’s good little lapdog while leveraging Jack Dorsey and his Twitter staff to be their INTELLIGENCE CUT OUT censors thereby legally avoiding a direct violation of American’s first amendment rights.

At this point, you might be muttering to yourself, this is old ground, WE know it, THEY know we know it. BIG DEAL!

Ivan then says all of the named individuals are linked to the illegal Crossfire Hurricane spying operation on General Flynn, Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

Carter Page’s FISA warrant, if you recall, was used to justify their spying on the Trump Campaign and then later his transition team all the way to his administration once he was inaugurated.

What happened next is NOT old ground.


May 19, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. All the names Raiklin drops are enough to make your head spin. How he knows all this is beyond me. Anyway, In the 19-minute interview, Raiklin says “they are afraid of me, not vice-versa”. He’s a smart guy. I just hope that he isn’t over-confident, and I also hope that he has good “insurance” because the Deep State forces are a powerful foe, with many, far-reaching tentacles. I would advise Raiklin to watch his back. Pray for people like him, who are actively working to frustrate the Deep State’s agenda.