It is hard to escape the impression that the U.S. is much more understanding of the exciting union between Fatah and Hamas than of our construction in Jerusalem. When did building in Jerusalem and the settlement blocs become a “controversial” issue? What does our apology for such a basic thing mean?
The U.S. clerks should be sent the Hamas charter — a political platform that mainly consists of killing Jews whenever and wherever and the negation of all agreements and compromise except wiping out Israel. The “moderate” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas found comfort in the embrace of this band of murderers. All over the world, hundreds of innocent people are killed every day by Islamist regimes and organizations, but 1,500 new housing units in Israel bother the Americans. This is what the superpower concerns itself with. Unbelievable!
Here is the clear significance of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority joining up: The conflict is not territorial but existential. The Palestinians have had many opportunities to end the conflict, including their talks with Tzipi Livni. Every time they were asked to sign off on the end of the conflict, they dodged. This time they have not only evaded peace, they have chosen to “unite” with an Islamofascist group. The bitter truth is that the political groups around us are not interested in territory, but in implementing the cause of the Palestinian movement since its inception — the absolute nullification of the Zionist entity. What more evidence does the West require?
But the Americans cannot be more righteous than our own leftist organizations, including some within the government coalition. Even if the geopolitical reality has been entirely changed, they hold fast to their mystic belief in peace, which like the Messiah remains a vision for the End of Days, not for our time.
The Left’s steadfast Pavlovian opposition to construction in the land of our life is sad evidence of the change in the DNA of those whose forebears set the borders of Israel by settling it and who are now laboring to dismantle the country, under the guise that they are concerned about peace. This activity by our own, along with the blindness of the U.S. State Department, feeds the Palestinian outrage at any Jewish root that is put down in the soil of Israel. Now they are threatening us — ooooh.
The arrogant Arab threats are not new. They have followed us for 100 years. As we returned home to Zion we learned a lesson from the Jews who returned to Zion in the time of the Second Temple: then, as now, various groups around threatened to attack construction in Jerusalem and informed the authorities, but our forefathers persisted to build their city and their Land. It is time to stop apologizing.
Judea and Samaria are not Palestinian land; at the very most there is debate about them. We also demand full ownership of them. Our historic, legal, and religious rights to them are greater than those of Saeb Erekat and Abbas.
The fight to legitimize our hold on the land of our life depends to a large degree on our determined activity and a righteous stance. The government in Australia changed, and along with it the definition of construction in east Jerusalem. It is no longer “occupied territory” but Israeli territory, the Jewish people’s only homeland.
@ Yidvocate: YES!
The Tanach tells us that they rebuilt the city with brick and mortar in one hand and sword in the other. The Jews of today are permitted neither. Yet, today they have one of the most powerful militaries in the world and are considered a nuclear power. How sad and pethetic.