It’s the 30s again

It will not end well. It may have started with Jews, but it doesn’t stop there. Ever.

By Giulio Meotti, INN

There is an atmosphere resembling the ’30s.

Jews frightened to put their noses out of their homes in many European capitals. Jews who prepare their suitcases. Jews who remove their religious symbols to become ghosts.

Jews massacred in Israel, three only in the last 24 hours, including a child of just thirty weeks pregnancy. Is Israel losing its vital deterrence?

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Right and left in Europe united against Israel.

200 million Europeans who think that Israel is evil. Yes, anti-Zionism kills!

The very few Israel supporters who whistle and politicize the issue.

The Jewish communities in the Diaspora that are less and less incisive, some even anti-Israel, in the public debate.

The whole mainstream media – from the CNN to Le Monde – that ignores the news and manipulates it in an anti-Semitic key.

A European diplomacy sold to the highest bidder.

The Western governments which don’t even issue any more condemnations of the terror attacks against the Jewish people.

The United Nations that has hoisted an Islamic Swastika.

In 1942, the Nazis gathered in a villa outside Berlin to adopt “the final solution of the Jewish question”. Then, the anti-Semites wanted to make the world “Jüdenrein”, free of Jews. In 2018, the anti-Semites want to make the world “Jüdenstaatrein”, free of the Jewish State as well.

Shouts of “Allah Akbar” and three dead beside the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Iran that has brought everyone to its knees (excerpt the United States).

It’s the ’30s, again. And it will not end well. Anti-Semitism is the evil vomit of a dying world.

December 15, 2018 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Hi, Edgar

    Thank you for the update re Hollywood.

    As I said above, there were similarities and differences between now and the 1930s. To say definitely that we are now revisiting “the 30s”, is to say we are certain to have a world war within the next nine years, and a Hitler within the next three.

  2. @ Michael S:
    Hollywood was packed with Jews in the 1930s and for many years before that. Hollywood was “invented” and established by Jews. Every Major Studio was begun, owned and run by Jews…….. They began in New York and then went out to Bverly Hills and Hollywood for the weather and better light. Ranches, open range, cattle etc were also a plus. It was relatively empty then ..There were a couple of small, unsuccessful, independent film makers there. . The ” big boys” in the Head Offices, where all the decisions were made, were still in New York for quite a while before moving west.

    If you want to know the REAL story behind Hollywood and all the stars,–what they REALLY dd when there was no camera around– there’s an excellent book (paper back) called “The 50 Year Decline And Fall Of Hollywood”, by Ezra Goodman…..likely only pennies now.

  3. @ Michael S:

    It’s taken the writer long enough to see this self-evident fact. Already several years ago was writing to my friends that it was like the 30s but 10 times as bad, and would get even much worse. It was obvious, when nothing was being done to stop it. In those days there was mainly Germany openly Anti-Semitic as a country-France too- but all through the many years before there was “genteel” Anti-Semitism in England, Ireland more openly, America like England.

    I mentioned I had novels from the middle to late 1800s and right into the 30s where the villain was usually “of Semitic appearance..or beady black eyed” or Hebraic lisp” or “a name ending in “ski”, and much much more. Only once in a description of “a mature stately Jewish matron….” gazing down at her child with such love, sitting as a park bench”…This was by Thackeray. whose many volumes have never contained any of the above pejorative anti-Jewish comments.

    Today Jew-Hate is OPEN and global that’s the dfference.

  4. Let’s look at some objective indicators.

    I. Economic. We are approximately in the same place as the beginnings of the long run-ups in the DJIA during the FD Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan years:

    Admittedly, the FDR years were in the “30s”, a time of political unrest and antisemitism in Europe; but if we can be said to be entering a repeat of the FDR years, why aren’t we at the same time acknowledging that we might be in a repeat of the Reagan years?

    II. Unlike the 1930s, at the present time, Jews are in some of the most influential positions in the world, from political leaders and advisors, businessmen and important figures in Hollywood and the media. Jews do not “control the world”, but they have more clout today than they did in the 1930s.

    III. Israel is a free, strong and independent country today; it was not in the 1930s.

    IV. On the other hand, in-you-face, absolutely lunatic antisemites are also in places of authority and influence in record numbers.

    All in all, I’d say now is “the same as the 1930s, but different”. These are certainly the most dangerous times I have ever lived in, for what that’s worth; but I am not Jewish.