Israel’s public diplomacy would be greatly served by the production of historical movies.

By Ted Belman

PM Netanyahu recently said:

We are in the midst of a great struggle being waged against the State of Israel, an international campaign to blacken its name. It is not connected to our actions; it is connected to our very existence,”  

He is referring, of course, to the propaganda war being waged against the existence of the State of Israel by the Palestinian Authority. It seeks to supplant the historical Jewish narrative with the fictitious Palestinian narrative. And it has succeeded to a significant extent.

With this in mind, the Netanyahus tried (in vain) 9 years ago, to push moguls to fund Israeli version of Fox News. The three moguls were Arnon Milchan, James Packer and Rupert Murdoch each of whom were asked to invest $25 million. The Netanyahus failed, and for their efforts, are now the subject of yet another police investigation.

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Would that they had succeeded.

Prior to their attempts, Tzafrir Ronen z’l, Mike Wise, Eli Hertz, and I, also tried to launch an English Fox News type channel that would broadcast throughout the world from Israel. We were concerned with the propaganda war being waged against Israel and wanted to counter it with “fair and balanced” reporting. Like the Netanyahus, we also didn’t succeed.

Martin Sherman, the foremost right-wing thinker in Israel, wrote in a 2012 article Comprehending the Incomprehensible”,

“One of the gravest strategic threats facing Israel is its accelerating international delegitimization. This is developing into a strategic constraint that is increasingly curtailing the nation’s ability to protect itself and its citizens. Even more troubling, it is undermining international recognition of Israel’s right to exercise self-defense, even in the most blatant cases of aggression against it.”

Recognizing the problem, he has long advocated for Israel to allocate 1% of its annual budget to public diplomacy. This would amount to $1 billion annually. That gives you an idea of the importance Sherman places on this fight. So far Israel has decided it has other priorities, like defense for instance, and spends an insignificant fraction of what Sherman advocates for, on public diplomacy.

The problem continues unabated.

Recently I was approached by Joseph Shellim, a writer with 25 years’ experience in the movie industry, with the suggestion that we partner to set up a movie studio in Israel to produce a series of historical movies centered on Israel or Jews that he has been getting ready for production.

He argues that “Israel and Jews, whatever else, constitute one of the biggest ‘news’ items in the world; and either Israel utilizes this fact for her benefit, or it will be exploited by anti-Israel sources to cause untold damage”. Exactly.

As we know, Hollywood, which was largely created by Jews, has enormous influence around the world in fashioning and molding culture and values. Unfortunately, as I see it, it is now committed to promoting a progressive culture.

Couldn’t Jews, or anyone for that matter, create a new “Hollywood” in Israel devoted to a right- wing culture, one that reflects reality, Zionism and Trumpism.

Specifically, he wants the first movie, Holy War, to be about the Roman war against the Jews extending from Caligula (37 AD) to Hadrian (137 A.D.). This 100-year period includes the destruction of the Temple and the Temple Mount, the first Holocaust in which the Romans slaughtered 2.5 million Jews [75 M in today’s terms], the life of Josephus who went from being a Jewish soldier fighting the Romans to being a Roman citizen, tasked with recording the war, the siege of Masada and the short reign of Bar Kochba. It ends with Hadrian’s terrible burning alive of the priests and Torah scrolls in the name-changing scene of the land from Judea to Philistina.

He describes it thus:

“Holy-War” is based on its historical veracity, when the Jews confronted history’s greatest super power, all seen via a ‘forbidden love’ between a Roman soldier and a Hebrew maiden. Here is a historical Wonder Woman, a latter-day Ben Hur type movie, starring a prominent actor like Gal Gadot or Mila Kunis.”

Such a movie would have a bigger influence on the world’s perceptions than an Israeli “Fox News” would ever have had and would cost nothing as it will be a huge money maker due to its mass appeal throughout the world.

You can imagine the impact it would have on reestablishing the Jewish narrative, as the historical one. All one needs to do is recall the huge impact on the world’s perceptions of the Jews and Israel that the movie “Exodus” had.

You may recall that the Palestine Mandate included this recital,

“Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”

People have forgotten that recognition. Jews have the right to “reconstitute” in modern Israel, what was in Judea, Thus, Jews are not “colonizers” or “interlopers” or strangers as our detractors would have you believe.  They are indigenous to the land. They have come home.

Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the US, when addressing U.S. Senators this week, said about the Palestinian rejection of  Pres. Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,

“Because to admit this connection is to admit that the Jewish people aren’t foreign colonialists in the Land of Israel; that Israel for the Jewish people is not India for the British, or Algeria for the French or the Congo for the Belgians – but that this is the land of our ancestors.” and “the Jewish people are in Israel “not merely by might, but by right.”

Good for Trump and for Dermer.

Daniel Pipes recently created a Victory Caucus in Congress and in Knesset to support the need for victory, rather than resorting to ceasefires, and said “Wars usually end when failure causes one side to despair when that side has…accepted defeat, and when that defeat has exhausted its will to fight.”

The Romans thought that they had exhausted “its (the Jews) will to fight”. Not only did they destroy the Temple and the Temple Mount, kill 2.5 million Jews and enslave many Jews to Rome, but they also changed the name of the land from Judea to Philistina for good measure.

Nevertheless, the Jews chose suicide over surrender throughout, from the Temple War to Masada, and in exile, chose hope over despair, embodied in their prayer “Next year in Jerusalem” and their promise, “If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my right hand whither, let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth”. Their will to fight lay dormant until such time as Theodore Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, galvanized them into action.  Today the Roman Empire is no more and Judea, reconstituted as Israel, is stronger than ever. Let no one doubt their will to fight.

The Holy War was an attempt by Rome to impose polytheism on the Jews in denial of their monotheism. Polytheism is no more and monotheism is embraced by Judaism and by its descendants, Christianity and Islam.  Surely it will be of interest to billions of people.

We intend to set up a movie studio in Israel to produce the movie and two sequels, firstly, about the Exile and secondly, the Return.

At the same time, it could produce a movie for a new generation that accurately portrays the origins of the “Palestinians” including the true story of the Grand Mufti Al Husseini, the attempt to destroy Israel immediately after its birth, the birth of the PLO under the tutelage of Russia and their construction of the Palestinian narrative out of thin air. Their ruthlessness in killing innocents in airports around the world and in killing Jews in the various intifadas.

The thrust of such a movie will focus on their debates on the path to follow so that the public learns of their duplicity, true motivation and goals.

If anyone doubts the power of this medium, look no further that Obama’s venture into Netflix.

Breitbart reports:

“Former President Barack Obama is negotiating a deal to produce a series of original shows for global streaming giant Netflix, according to a New York Times report.

“Netflix would pay Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, for exclusive content that would be available only on the streaming service, which has nearly 118 million subscribers around the world.” the outlet reported.

Such movies would do more for Israel’s public diplomacy than Sherman’s billion-dollar budget could have had and more than an English Fox News type channel broadcasting from Israel would have.

They would also add to Israel’s coffers rather than depleting them.


March 27, 2018 | 74 Comments »

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50 Comments / 74 Comments

  1. @ inna1kre:

    I think this suggestion has a lot of merit. Isn’t it strange (just an expression, not odd at all) that when a GOOD suggestion is proposed in a discussion near and dear to our hearts, how many wonderful ideas come tumbling out from everywhere and everyone. All the ideas I’ve read so far are eminently doable-even doable.. In fact, there are so many-all good- that it’ll be difficult to chose the right few.paths with which to pursue the goals we seek.

  2. @ Abu Maven:

    That is saying that the Jews believe that Jesus existed, when many have doubted this, and also it would be implied that Jesus was the Messiah. An incautious script, or acted interpretation of one, would boomerang especially if written by a historical ignoramus of which there are very many in the movie business. .

    All the Jews in our community, and indeed all the commentary about Jesus from Rabbinical sources referred to him as “Yoshke Pandera”. I later learned that this was a pejorative reference to Yoshke, son of a Roman soldier father and an unmarried Jewish girl. Pantera, who actually existed as one of the 10th Legion which was mainly stationed in Palestine for about 350 years..

    The story originated with the philosopher Celsus and was repeated by Origen, an early Church Father and historian when he wrote “Against Celsus”. This was taken up by the Talmudic Rabbonim who made good use of it.

    I recently mentioned David Berger’s translation and edition of The Nizzahon Vetus and the bravery of the medieval Jews who did not hold back from strongly tearing Christianity to pieces, often in the crudest terms some involving the “afterbirth”… . Yoshke Pandera was mentioned often there.

  3. @ Ted Belman:
    Historical movies are great, but stories about our young American Jews are not less important. We are losing our kids to propaganda and assimilation. The speed of this process is humongous. JStreet and similar orgs are working very well. It’s amazing that Israel and the wealthy American Jews are doing nothing. Yes, there are a lot of films and documentaries about Holocaust but it is not what we desperately need right now. We here in US are trying to find financing too, but not very successfully. I am happy that you are working on this, that something would probably change. Ted, I sent you a msg on your FB page. I would greatly appreciate if you read it. Thank you in advance.

  4. Ted,

    To build on this great idea, perhaps you’d want to consider including the story of Jesus in the narrative and situating him as a key character, among others, in the Jewish struggle against Roman occupation of Judea. Obviously, by making this both a Christian and Jewish story, the audience would be dramatically increased. It also helps to reinforce the shared roots of Judaism and Christianity.

  5. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    Anything with Gene Wilder has to be farcical. I don’t think that this sort of stuff would have the success that a more serious western would. After all who wants to portray Jews as clowns in this heated era. I don’t mean the crappy Smiley Burnette rubbish, the guy who spoiled every western he was in.

  6. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    I just looked it up, probably the same that you read. You’ll have noticed that she was granted by Suliman the Magnificent, (who happened to be a Great ruler) a long term lease of a large area around Tiberias and rebuilt it as well as the surrounding towns, actually getting the Sultan to help with it. which encouraged local Jews to come out of the woodwork (this was in her biography) and bring more refugees there. So she had a deeply instrumental in the continuation of Jewish life in Israel. Also many of those she’d saved earlier in her career, and sent to Turkish dominions, went further and ended in Israel (biography).

    When I read, even in the internet account, of her achievements, I am astonished that she could have been lost to Jewish history so quickly when far lesser individuals are memorialised and revered. I’m also wondering how it was that her fame was revived just lately, although it seems that she lived on to the present-day descendants of the Latin-American communities she instigated and likely funded. Just curious….!!

  7. @ Honeybee:
    There are Israeli Westerns dating from the 40s and 50s.

    I’m listening to this interview and it is relevant, actually, because they substituted the Zionist ethos for the American Western Ethos in these cowboy movies. It’s about making the earth bloom and building the Jewish nation through science. In a cowboy movie. Very interesting. “Mythologizes the pioneering experience.”

  8. @ honeybee:
    “The Frisco Kid” isn’t Israeli and it doesn’t have any camels but it is a Jewish Western starring Harrison Ford and Gene Wilder. 1979. Wonderful film. Incidentally, Ford is of Litvak descent on his father’s side, his mother is not Jewish.

    Last I checked, you will have to buy the DVD as it wasn’t available for rental online however there are clips on youtube.

  9. @ Edgar G.:
    I did. The Wikipedia article says that popular culture rediscovered her in 2010 and there was a movie about her made in Turkey recently. I wonder if it was antisemitic.

    I agree that her life would be a wonderful topic for a miniseries, however, this particular project needs to emphasize the unbroken Jewish connection to Israel. Nobody disputes that many Jews have done wonderful things through the ages. What they are trying to cut is our ties to our homeland.

    And thank you for the reference, I wasn’t familiar with her.

  10. @ honeybee:

    That might not work so well……just think of how many Westerns opened or had a vital, suspenseful part in which the water holes have dried up, or the canteen has a bullet hole in it…..the number of times we’ve seen the fainting hero staggering in a wavering line carrying his saddle, and the intense camera zoom tracking of the wandering record of dragging footprints across the Staked Plains, or other equivalent beauty spots.

    It would ruin many script writers’ careers, and there would be a frantic call for a new crop who can think “camels” and not horsie-worsies. Cowboy actors would need surgery to have their legs straightened, to suit the different way of camel-riding.

    The would also have to carry more than one kerchief to wipe the camel spittle away. Camels eject spittle as if they’d been brought up in saloons, smoking cigars or chewing tobacco. Never miss. Then….the smell…… Maybe the prospect will do away with Westerns altogether….or maybe they will continue with horses for nostalgia… Maybe……Maybe ….Maybe……….. I’m sure \I don’t know what I’m saying, I think I have a high fever….

  11. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    Query…what’s SO personal about being left-handed….?? I am myself, although I write (badly) with my right hand. As a kid in school (age3) they tied my LH behind my back and forced me to write RH. In those early days it was chalk and a little slate.. I kicked rugby ball, played cricket, tennis, table-tennis all LH. but used a knife and fork RH a spoon LH, when I use a cup I use L or R I boxed RH but my L was my most powerful punch. Had a straight left jab like a rapier thrust followed through. Threw a ball LH only.

    Played drums, and banjo LH . A great banjo master told me that anyone with practice can learn to play well RH. He made everyone play RH..There were no LH instruments made then except to special factory order which could take over a year. 99+% of all instruments were RH.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if I also think “left-handed”.

  12. @ Edgar G.:

    Sebastien- I didn’t really think that Graciawood or Mendezwood would be suitable names. They don’t flow; which is what is needed. But I entered those names to bring forward a forgotten heroine of the Jewish People, far far more than Hannah Senesh or indeed any other, who although also great, were on a different level. She was living in an absolutely Man’s world, where women were chattels to be sold for alliances and money. On top of the “converso” drek, and secretly living as a Jew at risk of burning; to rise above all that and be a heroine all her life was a once in an era achievement… In my opinion. I hadn’t even thought about her for years until this “naming” business began.

    You should look her up, i’m sure she’s on the internet . You’ll likely be surprised.

  13. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    That means you have never heard of Dona Gracia Mendez Nasi, one of the most famous Jewish women in all history. I have her biography over 40 years, and always have admired her character, intelligence determination and loyalty to her people.

    A most wonderful woman. A pearl of Israel.

  14. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    Or, more to the point, rather than parodying political correctness, I am wondering if observant left-handed Jews don’t silently change right to left in their heads in order to personalize it, as they pray. Ted, are you left-handed, by any chance? If that’s not too personal a question.

  15. Jack Engelhard might be someone to consult with. He is a famous novelist who has had at least one major motion picture made from his novels and he is in the national camp. He writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. Maybe he would even like to try his hand at a movie script, himself, if he hasn’t already done so. At any rate, he is someone who would, undoubtedly, be enthusiastic about such projects, and I’m sure he would do everything in his power to help.

  16. Very important that it not be campy and therefore easily mocked, like the last couple of biblical epics I saw.

    If done well, historical movie musicals could be very effective. Again, if poorly done, they would be a public relations disaster.

    Above all, with movies, the musical score has to be memorable. A good composer is as important as a good director, cinemetographer and actors. If there is music. It can be done without music sometimes.

  17. @ Bear Klein:
    Yes. Very important. That’s where the Left has outflanked us, first of all. I was launched as a Leftist primarily because of a Leftist High School History Professor and the texts he used.

    They are even going after small children. That’s why Bill Ayers Danny (the red) Cohn-Bendit went into Early Education in the 70s.

    Teachers have been caught bringing Palestinian terrorist propagandists into elementary school classes.

    But movies are the most effective. Movies can also be made for different audiences such as children. It’s all balkanized, now. Everybody has their own channel.

    Actually, one grade above movies now, in effectiveness, would be original Netflix and Amazon Dramas or Miniseries, they would have about 15 to 20 episodes, be advertised at every bus and subway stop and always be available and even recommended by the for people based on their tastes as shown by their selections. Probably most people look at these sites even if they watch tv, now. Many, such as myself, only watch on these sites. TV is expensive and boring.

  18. Films are a good idea. I believe this could be supplemented by children’s books of the history of Jews and Israel. Trying to get courses in middle east studies programs using texts written explaining the history Jews and Israel. Israel is losing the battle on campuses in most Western Countries.

  19. Without wanting to throw cold water on this project, the quote above:

    If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my left hand whither, let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth

    should mention the right hand rather than the left.
    I too look forward to viewing the films sometime soon.

  20. Adelson offered to fund the construction of the embassy, and was rumored to own Israel Hayom, at one point, though he and they denied it; moreover, he loves the limelight. Asking him if he would like to become the Howard Hughes of a new Zionist film industry would be a no-brainer.

    India has Bollywood. South Korea has Hallyu. So, what might we call it?

    Zollywood? Zollyu? Zionwood? Could historical comedies — is there any non-grim Jewish ancient history? — could be called, I know,

    wait for it…


  21. @ david melech:
    Maybe, but if they are liberals, as most would be, would they be interested in funding a nationalistic narrative that undermines the TSS? Are there any Christian Zionists out there? (Hi, pastor, how ‘ya enjoyin’ the show?) What about asking Sheldon Adelson? He is really kind of the anti-Soros and the funny thing is that liberals demonize him, with absurd paranoia, in just the way that we talk about Soros, albeit realistically.

  22. @ leonkushner:
    This has got to be the best idea I’ve heard in a while when it comes to the Battle of Public Relations. It would pay for Israel to double up with Netflix or Amazon and get out a few dozen movies in the next decade. Make the case for Israel one that the typcial consumer can sit down and enjoy!

  23. @ Ted Belman:

    I never said it was not a fact..there is here -they are everywhere, but are not “descendants”. They are “successors” which could be or not, descendants. I maintain they were not . That was the point I was making, not that they would never have arisen but for Judaism.

  24. @ Ted Belman:

    But in my post above I’ve amply shown that there were several periods when the will to fight of Jews showed itself. And even before the Sassanian period I mention.

    A reading of his Introduction to the Nizzahan Vetus, translated by Rabbi David Berger, would show that even right in the Middle Ages, when the Jews were really scattered in small communities across Europe that they were brave, defiant, accusatory, and never wavered from their denunciation of the falsities of Christianity sometimes in the crudest of terms. One comment I recall is how undaunted these Jews were, in the face of utmost peril to make such inflammatory statements for which so many had perished by the fiery stake.

    So I maintain that the fighting spirit, although temporarily dampened by overwhelming persecution, causing many Jews to keep their miserable heads down and shoulders bowed, was not universal, and did not last until Hertzl; that some of these persecuted communities would on occasion open up and speak the truth they all knew well.

  25. And even into historical fiction, such as mostly Christian Zionist novelists have done about 1948.

    Imagine pro-Israel films of the likes of “For Whom The Bell Tolls.”

    For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) – IMDb
    Rating: 7/10 – ?7,095 votes
    Adventure · During the Spanish Civil War, an American allied with the Republicans finds romance during a desperate mission to blow up a strategically important bridge. produced and directed by Sam Wood. Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman. 1943.

    Also you should bring back and arrange to re-master and re-distribute the great “Sword In the Desert”

    “Sword in the Desert (1949) – IMDb
    Rating: 6.7/10 – ?137 votes
    Action · In 1947, with only months remaining until the partition of British-administered Palestine, an American freighter captain smuggles European Jewish refugees ashore under the nose of the British authorities.”

    The film was suppressed by the Britain. Possibly the only film that deals with the British betrayal. See clip.

    A poster here spoke of Operation Embarass. I was shocked. There needs to be a film.

  26. Edgar G. Said:

    Spielberg comes to mind.

    I don’t think Stephen would do it. He got Israel-basher Tony Kushner to write the travesty, “Munich,” if you recall. He is great when it comes to the Shoah but he isn’t a Zionist. His sister Nancy is, however. Do you recall how in many posts I’ve made suggestions along these lines and finished with, “are you listening, Nancy Spielberg?” Watch her film, “Above and Beyond,” at the above link It’s really inspiring. I don’t know of anybody else, Israeli or American, today, who has made such a wonderful film about Israel. No false moral equivalence. It tells all about how they braved the American arms embargo, and there were even people who went to prison for violating the neutrality act! Great documentary. Also important, because I knew an Arab guy who actually said America sent in troops to fight for Israel in 1948, pointing to all the different nationalities of people who fought. Yes, this film points out, but they were individuals who came from all over, mostly but not only Jews, like the LIncoln brigade and the Durruti column in Spain in the 30s.

  27. @ Ted Belman:
    What about contacting Nancy Spielberg? As a producer as well as possibly an inside contact.

    Above and Beyond is a 2014 documentary film about Mahal (Israel), produced by Nancy Spielberg, the youngest sister of Steven Spielberg, (known for Nazi Hunt: Elusive Justice (2011)), written by Sophie Sartain (known for Blessed Is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh (2011)) and directed by Roberta Grossman (who also worked on Blessed Is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh).

    Above and Beyond documents the story of the American, foreign and Israeli pilots who flew warplanes to help defend the new state of Israel during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War against Arab Armies that sought to destroy the new country. The film was notable with the cinematography of Harris Done (The Last Days (1998)), special effects by Industrial Light and Magic and an original score from Hans Zimmer’s Studio.

    Watch here (free with Prime membership):

  28. Edgar G. Said:

    So I believe it’s wrong to say that they are descendants of Judaism. Successors perhaps but not more. Their only connection is the great wisdoms, concepts and dictums stolen from Torah, and repackaged as “original”……

    Islam and Christianity would never have been founded but for Judaism and its Torah. Call them successors or descendants, but that is still a fact.

  29. @ Ted Belman:

    This is one of the most brilliant thoughts I think Ted has given us so far. Generally a pessimist re Jews/Arabs monkey-business, I’m optimistic over this. Of course it all has to be carefully crafted and executed. I’m sure that there could even be a select few Hollywood producers/directors involved also who know the public mind-usually… Spielberg comes to mind.

    As soon as I read this article, in fact whilst I was reading it, ideas remarkably like that elucidated by Sebastien popped up. I mean his comment about a tombstone on the Mount of Olives when there were supposedly NO Jews in Israel. A great concept.

    My original though came when reacting to Ted’s ” their will to fight lay dormant until Theodor Hertzl”, because it is not historically accurate When the Persians captured Israel and gave permission to the Jews to re-build their Temple, they were repaid by having the aid of a large Jewish Army of about 25,000 to fight the Byzantines in early 7th cent. . And in succeeding years and centuries, numerous localised revolts involving thousands of Jews, all unfortunately unsuccessful. I believe I read this in a Solomon Zeitlin annex, although so long ago, it could have been maybe Graetz.
    And, only my opinion, neither Christianity nor Islam are descendants from Judaism. True, Christianity began as a small Jewish cult, but I believe that this cult known as the Ebyonim, died out (or maybe some remnants are around somewhere as is the John Baptizer cult known as Mandeans) ) and was replaced by the epileptic emissions of a mysterious Paul, whose success was with “G-D Fearers. (This Paul, may be a composite of several individuals, some from the Torah and perhaps thin air) His antecedents, as told by himself, are replete with lies and impossibilities (Roman Citizen, Gamaliel’s student, Sanhedrin agent in foreign Damascus etc.) Gospel errors in Israel’s topography, geography are too many for veracity. It was a new religion with it’s best attributes taken from Torah.

    Islam had no connection at all with Judaism, being the “brain-child” of a reputed Mohammed, who cannot be identified, except for the fairy tales abut him and his flying donkey in the Quran, 9th century compilation of the dreams, stories, and inventions, of very old men sitting around campfires in the deserts smoking hashish.

    He sat in a cave for 40 days/nights and Allah descended on him.(sound familiar) He met Jews in Mecca, kicked out, then in Medina, (in the Quran) rejected, fought and lost the battle, made a ten year Peace, broke it after 2 years, decoyed them to a meeting. He slaughtered them all -except women and children, first choice for himself, etc… all this regarded as brilliant by the Arab bandits. He gave his nightly urine to favourites to drink every morning, as recorded in the Quran….(maybe he got the idea from Christian “Holy Water”) As with Christianity, Islam took it’s best attributes from the Torah.

    So I believe it’s wrong to say that they are descendants of Judaism. Successors perhaps but not more. Their only connection is the great wisdoms, concepts and dictums stolen from Torah, and repackaged as “original”……

  30. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    How about stories from the Mount of Olives as a tv mini-series? The camera pans over the whole cemetery and then zeros in on a particular tombstone and seemingly goes through it as through a door to the life of a famous Jew living in the Israel during the centuries when supposedly we had gone. Or even somebody not famous and how they might have lived given what we know about Jewish life there at the time. If you ever visit the Cloisters, there are some amazing paintings of daily life of ordinary people in the Middle Ages.*

    Good idea.

  31. Thanks for your encouragement. We are trying to reach Gal Godot for the lead role which could earn her an Academy Award. A second choice is MIla Kunis. We have lots of ideas to move this along. At the moment we are knocking on a lot of doors.

    But it is impossible to speak to anyone in Hollywood without a referral.

    Any suggestions.

  32. How about stories from the Mount of Olives as a tv mini-series? The camera pans over the whole cemetery and then zeros in on a particular tombstone and seemingly goes through it as through a door to the life of a famous Jew living in the Israel during the centuries when supposedly we had gone. Or even somebody not famous and how they might have lived given what we know about Jewish life there at the time. If you ever visit the Cloisters, there are some amazing paintings of daily life of ordinary people in the Middle Ages.*

    It’s just as important to counter the Leftist narrative as the PA’s ridiculous current one. The Leftist narrative acknowledges the Jewish connection but says you can’t go back 2,000 years.

    It’s important to bring out the fact that Jews lived in Israel continuously.
    We never left.

    The devil is in the details.
    “Who built Thebes of the 7 gates ?
    In the books you will read the names of kings.
    Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock ?

    And Babylon, many times demolished,
    Who raised it up so many times ?

    In what houses of gold glittering Lima did its builders live ?
    Where, the evening that the Great Wall of China was finished, did the masons go?

    Great Rome is full of triumphal arches.
    Who erected them ?

    Over whom did the Caesars triumph ?
    Had Byzantium, much praised in song, only palaces for its inhabitants ?

    Even in fabled Atlantis, the night that the ocean engulfed it,
    The drowning still cried out for their slaves.

    The young Alexander conquered India.
    Was he alone ?

    Caesar defeated the Gauls.
    Did he not even have a cook with him ?

    Philip of Spain wept when his armada went down.
    Was he the only one to weep ?

    Frederick the 2nd won the 7 Years War.
    Who else won it ?

    Every page a victory.
    Who cooked the feast for the victors ?

    Every 10 years a great man.
    Who paid the bill ?

    So many reports.

    So many questions.”

    “Questions From a Worker Who Reads” Bertolt Brecht. 1935.

  33. Especially Gal Gadot, because her movies were banned in Arab countries because she is actually Israeli and served in the IDF. In a rebuff to BDS everywhere, she became a huge superstar just as they were trying to demonize her, and as Wonderwoman which aura would carry over. She will always be remembered as Wonderwoman, Charlton Heston will always be remembered as Moses and Ben Hur and Julie Andrews will always be remembered for the Sound of Music – despite her attempts to un-stereotype herself with all kinds of roles like Victor, Victoria.

    I don’t believe it is coincidence that the heyday of Music in Public Education in the U.S. coincided with Hollywood’s glamorization of Classical Music and was largely discarded as a frill when, after the demise of the studio system, movies were mostly looking to discover the clay feet of great musicians and sell tickets through prurient shock value. In fact, education, generally. In 1914, most people had a fourth grade education. Now, it’s substantively that.

  34. Bingo! What I’ve been saying all along. We are a glamour-driven culture. Maybe to some extent, every society has been, though not necessarily defined in the same way or to the same extent. How about a biopic of Deborah starring Gal Gadot?

    And stories about Jews in Israel in every century

  35. Love it! This has win win written all over it. Thanks to the internet, people stopped reading. To clarify, they read short articles at best. Mostly they watch videos and look at pictures. If you want to get your message to the masses, nothing beats a well done movie.
    I wish you much success and can’t wait to watch them all in movie theatres throughout the world! Mazel Tov!