Israel’s legal foundations | Lecture by Dr. Jacques Gauthier at the European Parliament 2022

Peloni:  This is truly a must watch video.  This video was recorded 18months ago, but in it, Gauthier presents what is perhaps the most elequent and well informed exploration of the foundation of the right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish State in the ancient Jewish lands known as Israel today.  A very rare treat.

Dr. Jacques Gauthier, European Coalition for Israel    November 25,2022

This year (2022) marks the 75th anniversary of the UN partition plan and the 100th anniversary of the Mandate for Palestine. Canadian international lawyer and scholar Dr. Jacques Gauthier will help connect the dots between these and other relevant events and treaties which today form the legal foundation of the State of Israel.

April 11, 2024 | Comments »

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